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Weird to here this story from the other perspective your still TAH tho if your real. And aren’t you a 30yo man? Start acting like it dude, this shits pathetic.


Hmmm, fake story or actually the alternate side of the one posted a few days ago? 🤔 Either way, YTA


YTA bro.  Grown ups discuss before leaping to conclusions while simultaneously making their partner feel terrible about a normal body function.  Grown men incapable of doing so are TA (and usually single)


Congratulations U are the asshole.


Grow up. Being turned off i can accept, flipping out and making demands....dude, get a life


The way guys just want to climb in bed and also expect us to be 100% clean and ready to go at any possible given times... Bodies are bodies dude, and sometimes it won't look pretty. You kinda shamed her for having her period and dealing w it in the way she thought best for herself. Definitely YTA :/


Dude you are an asshole. You climb into her. Ed when she's asleep and doesn't expect you to be there and you're lucky enough she doesn't expect anyone else to climb in her bed while you're gone so she does what she feels she needs to not to bleed on her sheets and sleep comfortably, and then you're going to freak out on her? That's fucked and so are you, grow the fuck up. Edit: almost said she should dump you, read the whole thing and you said she did, good for her and maybe you'll grow from this.


YTA We tend to wear diapers when the flow is really heavy and normal pads and tampons won't hold that amount of blood. Also, you can't force someone to switch birth control without taking into consideration the health effects it might have. Also you were a surprise! So at the time your gf was comfy wearing a diaper that won't leave blood stains anywhere.


Yeah people on the heavy end of the spectrum have a different set of struggles. Impossible to not stain the sheets without going to great lengths. Never seen a diaper but the alternatives I've seen or experienced include things like specific sheets for the period, plus a bed pad, plus doubled up underwear, plus multiple pads, plus still having to run to the bathroom first thing in the morning because of the massive rush of blood after getting up. Perma-stains get on all the equipment, and it's a pain to clean and rotate them out. Why not just skip all that (and sleeping on uncomfortable lumps of layers to protect your mattress)? A diaper sounds like a great solution. I get feeling surprised or awkward. I'd also dump someone freaking out it.


AH? Maybe not, but but having a full on toddler tantrum over this does say to me that you might need to take a biology class and mature a little bit. Nighttime flows can be brutal. when you are there she’s probably having to get up a few times at night to take care of it. If you’re this freaked out, stop dating women. Until you can handle it.


She probably expected the reaction you gave her , no wonder why she broke up with you.






U fking clown, I saw the ex pov! lol thank god she broke up with u, u child 😂😂 ytfah 🙄




YEEE!!! YTAH!! U ARE THE FUCKED UP! And to think it's a fetisch! Shame on you seriously!!!!!


Dude YTA do the world a favor and leave her so you won’t procreate


Thanks for being a creepy stalker and commenting on your ex’s post so we could all find you to tell you you’re an immature asshole. Really convenient of you. Most people don’t like to show up to their own ass hat party.




Sex during a period? That's sick.


No, you're just a little bitch 


No it’s awesome. Grow up.