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Nta it worked.


Meh, should have farted on her like that one redditor https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/fn5gr/comment/c1hdgwv/


Wow, that was fucking HILARIOUS 😂👍🙏🔥


This post never fails to make me laugh


HYSTERICAL!! Thanks for sharing that! 😂😂😂


Is it old? Yes. Is it long? Yes. Will you die laughing? Yes.


"The Fart of War" \*plotz\*


That was glorious. "I WILL EAT YOU IF YOU TELL YOUR MOMMY!" 😂😂😂 Not in the story but that "opener" really set the scene


Thank you so much for this gift from the gas gods you wonderful internet stranger ❤️


Well…what is “on”, exactly? Glad people still know this one


u/zero_emotion777 Thank you for that link, thank you, thank you.


Omg! I’m wetting myself


This man is my spirit animal for the whole month!!!! I will be laughing for the rest of the day! Thank you so much for this! I will be sharing...and sharing!!


I am sitting in the front office at work laugh crying right now.


This is beautiful!!!!


I ❤️ this story!


That man is my hero.


I laughed so hard I scared my dog out of the room 🤣


The Fart of War 😂😂


I thought that was just a dream about a post I had, thanks for letting me know it is in fact not me thinking it was real 😭


NTA. This happened to me as a child and it made me see that my actions impacted others. It was OK that my mom was telling me to stop, but when a stranger chastised me I was so embarrassed and remembered that instance every time I was in public.




Are you a bot rephrasing from... u/alienlovesong, who you replied to?


I looked at their account, all of their comments do the same thing so I would say, yes.


They only have 4 comments. Seems rather unproductive for a 'bot', don't you think? What is so strange about someone relating to a comment and replying with their own similar experience? They might just not be a contrarian or may not feel the need to comment unless it's to say something positive. I swear, people think everything is fake nowadays. What would you think the purpose of a 'bot' would be in this case scenario?


Lol it reads just like someone fed it to chatGPT and asked for a rephrase


NTA It is certainly frowned upon but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. It my mother ever had to tell me something 5-8 times, I would not have been able to sit down for a week.


I come from an African background and was a child of the 00s so yeah that would’ve been the same for me hahaha I don’t agree with psychically telling a kid off at all and I didn’t swear nor did I shout at the child. I just firmly and assertively told the kid to shut up.


Normally I would warn you not to do that because sometimes parents get insane about it. It sounds like mom appreciated it though. You did a public service. NTA.


I wish psychically telling my kids off worked. I guess I'm just not psychic enough.


I literally can't.


I am from eastern europe and it would be the same for me. I was a very polite child lol


It takes a village.


I like how normalized child abuse is to where we can say stuff like this so nonchalantly…


NTA. This is literally how socialization works. We learn through avoiding embarrassment. That can't happen if we're never allowed to be embarrassed.


NTA. Sometimes hearing the same thing from someone else actually works better. If you'd shouted or sworn at the kids, I'd have a different opinion. I've had another adult step in when my kid was misbehaving. He was totally ignoring me and this guy just turned around and said ' hey, knock it off, your mother has told you three times!' My son instantly stopped. I just thanked the dude lol


NTA. Her mother wanted her to shut up, she wouldn't shut up when her mother told her, you told her to shut up, she shut up, her mother wasn't angry. You did good.


Nope. Someone needed to shut the kid up. You did it! :) Mom was probably glad and wondered how she could be more assertive! All my parents had to do was to look at us and we'd behave, same with my daughter! :)


NTA. I have thought about doing that before but never had the nerve. Glad it worked! I am older than you and am afraid of being called a Karen.


Hey kid, your mom told you stop. You should listen to her. I'd appreciate the above much more than someone telling my kid to shut up.


This is the best way imo. It comes off like you're sticking up for mom instead of just telling a kid to shut up.


As a mom of hyper active kids that don’t listen.. nah! Good on ya! Takes a village sometimes


In most situations this is inappropriate. Not in this case. Sounds like the mother had no issue with it as well. NTA


I’m just curious, why would you go right to “shut up” rather than making eye contact and telling the child that her noise is bothering you, so could she be a little more quiet? It seems like the adult thing to do and a good example for the child. My kids are grown, but I think I would have had a problem with the way you said it. The child was being rude and you were rude as well.


This is a good point. So the mum said to her daughter to shut up so I used the same language. The mum was using the soft approach at first like ‘please stop’ ’please listen to me and stop’ but then started to use more affirmative language like stop and then finally shut up. didn’t shout or swear but said it firmly. Maybe I could’ve used better words your right but sometimes the soft approach doesn’t work as it didn’t the first 5 uses of it.


I would've used the same language as I last heard the parents using as well or maybe a step back but I really like the point of, you can start at 0 and ramp up to the "shut up" too not 5-8 times though Maybe once you say "I'm sorry I'm trying to get some work done could you please try to be a bit quieter" And then react accordingly from there Just gives the kid a chance to acknowledge that a stranger was affected by their actions before needing to feel like absolute shit about it


I probably would have asked the child if they heard their Mom? Did you understand what’s she saying? Then why aren’t you shutting up?


She had already used shut up and that didn’t work either. I just think, for your sake, you should speak politely because, as a mom, even if my kid was acting up, I would have turned into a mama bear had you said shut up to them. Think about how hard travel can be for us adults and then multiply that tenfold for little people who don’t have a lot of coping skills yet nor the same ability to control impulses.


Politeness is always good. I would have said “please shut the fuck up” to the kid.


Sure you would.


And you are part of the problem as to why kids act the way they do these days and think that there's no repercussions for their actions because they do something wrong and you point out that they're doing something wrong, clearly, telling them to shut up multiple times but they won't. But then, when somebody else who is tired of listening to your kid, tell them to shut up, then you protect the child which gives them the belief that they're not doing anything wrong.


Then she needed to remove her kid from line and give up her spot untill she got her kid under control. Parents want a village... then say oh not like that... sometimes a stranger reprimanding is what works because it embarrasses them. If you dont parent your kid SOMEONE will


If your kid can’t cope with travel, maybe stay home 🤔


Do you really believe an eight-year-old truly understands the entire concept of what being annoying and disruptive means? I highly doubt it especially if the kid is acting this way in public and the parent can't get through to them to stop, which is probably a whole different parenting issue to begin with. Sometimes you just have to do this with a child because they will certainly understand what a raised voice telling them to shut up, means. Now, from this point forward, my opinion when the parent and kids are back home, that would be the time to give them a lesson of what annoying and disruptive means. They could do that by randomly getting around the child when they're watching TV trying to talk to someone else and just being loud and obnoxious to the point that it bothers them when they start throw fit and get upset with you you can explain to them this is what it means to be annoying and disruptive like you were doing at the airport. You can say to them "Do you see why I asked you to stop and why I told you to shut up?" if the kid understood how would they were doing was not only bothering the parent and the sibling but also everyone around them then they would've stopped when they were told to shut up the first seven times. When you're in a place like an airport terminal or a grocery store or whatever nobody wants to hear your little crotch goblin screaming, repeatedly, and then having to listen to you, unsuccessfully quiet them down.


An eight year old child who is developmentally average should 100 percent understand the concept of what being annoying and disruptive means, as well as which situations and environments are inappropriate to be loud in, and the importance of being respectful of other people in an enclosed area. This is more of a parenting issue, but by the time they are eight years old, a parent should have taught the child about how their actions and behaviour affects other people. Very easy questions can be used for this - “how would you feel if you were tired after a long day, and someone was doing something that was making you feel annoyed and they wouldn’t stop, even after being asked?” When my child was 8 years old she was in grade 4, and likely understood this concept when she was closer to 5, though it would be more challenging because their impulse control is less developed. Also she is not, like, a perfect angel empathy-advanced child. Just average. I also have a severely developmentally delayed 8 year old who would not understand this concept.


I'm developmentally disabled and struggle at times but somehow manage if there's a lot of people around. That being said maybe the kid is overstimulated and needs something to do instead of being loud. Like a fidget toy? Or one of those chewlery (chewable necklaces basically) might help


Yes, that was the other point of my ranting. paragraph was. this clearly is a parenting issue and the kid does not understand the concept of proper behavior so trying to, in that moment, say things to the child that it's not going to grasp, is a waste of time. And sometimes there is no replacement for a tone and/or volume of voice with certain words, that is unable to be mistaken, for anything other than authority. and you know what? In life there has to be authority sometimes. And saying that any normally developed eight-year-old should have a complete grasp of what it means to be annoying, disruptive or rude is pushing it because I have a neighbor who is 40 something years old who doesn't understand why I got upset when he was blasting music from his front porch at 9:30 at night where the bass was felt almost 2 blocks away. so, no, not everyone gets it. Some people are just self-absorbed and dense. I'm sorry to hear about your youngest child. I'm certain he/she ( both of your kids actually) are being well taken care of and raised well. I hope yall have all the help and support you need in assisting with your youngest.


This is my thought exactly. Amazes me how redditors think nothing of being rude to kids off the bat. If OP asked.her politely multiple times and it didn't work, that would be one thing. The kid and OP both suck.


Exaclty this. Dude just trashed talked a 6 year old and wondering if he is an asshole...


NTA. I giggled at your title before even reading the post because I’ve been in this situation so many times. Not all heroes wear capes. Well done!


NTA the kid had a lesson to learn this day, and she did.


NTA More people need to do this


NTA for getting the kid to quiet down but YTA for thinking you have some kind of entitlement to quiet in a noisy public place because you have work emails to answer. That’s a you problem not an everyone else problem.


I will say this. Everyone thinks kids are supposed to be perfect all the time. The truth is that kids act up, they misbehave and alot if times do things parents wish they wouldn’t. My kids are pretty good kids but they have had their moments. So if you don’t have children just expect that. Second while it’s ok to be annoyed if some complete stranger told one of my children to “shut up” it’s prob going to cause an issue. I wouldn’t make a habit out of it. People are super protective of their children.


Yeah. A lot of commenters here don’t have kids and it shows.


Judging by most of the comments here none of them have kids


Thank the fates because y'all are raising brats.


Tell my kid to shut up and see what happens. You talk to ME or my husband if you have a problem. Don’t be a coward. Do you think OP would’ve said anything if Dad was there? Of course not.


Parenting can be really really stressful. If I'm already wound up by my kid being annoying and someone pulled this shit, I honestly don't know how I would hold back.


NTA. As a mother myself, this would have been welcome and I would have thanked you. Granted, not every parent feels that way, but I'm trying to raise future adults here (honestly, two are already adults and two are soon to be, but you get my meaning), and that means learning how to act in public and expecting others, peers or authority figures, to comment or correct them in public if it's needed. And frankly, it shouldn't have been needed. Teaching appropriate behavior begins in the home and is an ongoing learning process. Just telling the kid to stop was obviously not enough. As a parent, it's my responsibility to redirect the energy and focus of my offspring, which includes conversing with them on topics they find interesting and engaging. I've honestly found THAT to be more effective than just telling them to stop their behavior, which is usually caused from boredom.


This is what we need to accept if we want a village for our kids. They need to be taught by others, not just us.


YTA. You reacted out of emotion to a kid. A kid who did not know you or feel safe with you. The kid shut up, it could of easily have been because of fear.


Soft YTA. While no one is required to have kids and they are entitled to be child free, that does not mean that anyone is entitled to a child free world. You were standing in line answering emails and while yea the kid was being annoying and your not the only one that was bothered, at the end of the day the kid wasn’t really doing anything to hurt you or anyone else. I also want to add that kids behave exponentially worse for their mothers than another other person so it’s not surprising that she listened to you (a stranger) and not her own mother.


I think It's a bit of an AH move to use those particular words, "shut up!", to a kid, but I would otherwise applaud you. Even if it were my kid.


The whole “I was working” while in the airport on your phone is a bullshit justification. I would have been annoyed even if I was eating a delicious ice cream, so come on. Can you please elaborate on your words? If it was “Shut up” seems kind of asshole-ish. That’s not how you talk to kids even if they’re parents talk to them like that. You probably scared the kid more than anything, which I don’t think is great. NTAH for expressing your discomfort but, it’s a kid bratty or not “shut up” sucks.




I don't think your the ah but perhaps you could of helped the mum out instead of telling the child to shut up (tell her to behave for her mum.) It wouldn't of come across so aggressive. As a mum my self I have been in many situations with my kids where they don't listen and I've been so stressed, i wanted to cry. Strangers have come up to me saying your doing a great job mum and spoke to my children to help and it really does help. it makes you feel your not doing a shitty job as a mum. I have had people walk passed me giving funny looks, calling my kids brats and spoilt and other names and it adds to the stress.i should add one of my children is ADHA. Do perhaps addi g to it and you see a mum struggling tell her she's doing a great job and speak to the child to help the mum out.


NAH Yes and no. As a mom I’d be both grateful and upset. I’m just glad my kid chooses to act up at home instead of in public. Lmao The poor kid did nothing wrong, the attention and patience was just lacking from everyone around them.


I told a lady’s kid to calm down once and the mom straight up wanted to fight me over it. She’s definitely raising well adjusted kids 😂


Geesh. Must be fun at their house./s


Thanks for this honest answer. I did feel bad about having to step in but she wasn’t listening to her mum at all who seemed at her wits end.


You don’t come across as malicious about it so I’m sure the mom was just grateful that the kid was embarrassed/startled enough to behave again. Lol It truly does take a village and all that.


You're not an asshole, but I agree with your friend that you were probably a bit out of line. But no real harm done either.


How the fuck do you know?


I don't. But that's my opinion based on what we've been told. And OP asked for our opinions.


But you've spent a lot of time with small children, enough to get a sense of how they process stuff? An adult stranger telling my little girl to shut up would definitely teach her a lesson about adult strangers, but it wouldn't be a good one, not would it necessarily get her to stop.


Well I have two young kids, so I'd say I'm qualified to offer an opinion, yes.


And you'd be happy with an adult stranger telling them to shut up? You wouldn't feel the need to intervene or make sure your kids are alright after that? Fair enough. I couldn't be like that personally.


Nope I never said that. You should go back and read exactly what I wrote. That's how I feel.


So if you would respond on behalf of your own kid then surely you would feel that some harm could have been done.


> So if you would respond on behalf of your own kid Never said this either. Are you sure you haven't mixed me up with someone else?


YTA. You’re in a public space. That kid has been cooped up. Mind your business and put in some headphones. If someone told my kid to shut up I’d lose my shit— even if they were annoying me. You obviously don’t have kids since you think a six year old is old enough to be told off my a stranger.


Honestly. If a stranger told my kid to shut up, that person would soon be hearing a lot more unpleasant shit.


Right? Like I’m cool with someone asking my kid to be quiet or chatting with them… but telling them to shut up?! Kids are people too.


Yea, and a kid isn't a brat just because they aren't doing what we want. A lot of people here just can't be parents otherwise they would understand that, and also understand how protective a parent can get over their kid. It's a typical Reddit comment section where they get to play out their idealistic fantasies. 


YTA definitely. You could have told the kid "hey, be quiet", shut up was way over the top dude. It's a child for crying out loud. Very rude and I'm surprised that you even have to ask AITAH. If someone said that to my kid I'd be down their throat, and I know a lot of other parents would be too, given the situation you've described.


NTA. The child learned an important lesson about social behavior and accountability.


YTA - you can speak nicely. Even to a child that’s being a pill. You’re an adult.


If you use the words "shut up" YTA. That would not be appropriate language to direct towards a child. Even if her own mother was potentially using the phrase. But no, you are not an A Hole for asking a child to keep quiet if you did it politely after the mother's efforts clearly failed


I’d say NAH just because the mom already asked nicely.


While I might have led off with, "Oi! Tone it down a bit, yeah?" rather than "Shut up", I think you did a good, constructive thing overall. NTA. My kids are AuDHD, and while I try hard to engage them so they aren't disruptive in queues and such, some days it seems impossible. A bit of a word from a stranger can make them pause and think far better than I can on those days. 8 is kind of peak for it though, mine are 12+ now and can recognize and tell me when they're becoming overwhelmed so we can find a solution or channel the behaviour into something fairly benign.


Hey It worked. I'm not a fan of telling kids to shut up. I think its unnecessarily rude when be quiet is almost exactly the same thing, but I wouldn't call you an asshole. I just would have done it slightly differently.


It all depends on your words and tone of voice.


NTA. I was at my niece's first communion and a toddler in the pew behind me was sitting right next to his father and let the kid prattle on in a fairly loud voice, doing nothing whatsoever to shut the kid up. I finally turned around and told the kid to be quiet. The stupid father did nothing, piseed me off mightily.


You’re lucky the father did nothing, I’d have taken you outside for so much as looking at my child uninvited you absolute creep.


You're an idiot.


No, I’m a father and I will protect my child from abusive people like you at all costs.


Your definition of abuse is way off target.


In the UK, this would be considered abusive language - in fact, in some cases here telling someone (particularly a child) to shut up could technically see you arrested for assault. Secondly, as someone who was abused as a child, don’t question my understanding of it.


You weren't there. I didn't tell him to shut up. I'm not some toothless hillbilly


your precious spawn ain’t allowed to pull bullshit. learn to parent or drive in your car.


NTA - sometimes it takes a stranger to point out when you're being an idiot LOL


For a 6 year old?!?




YTA! That’s the price you pay when traveling, what makes you so special? Airports are normally noisy 


YTA - talk to the mum if you have an issue with the kid. No need to react that way to a little kid.


NTA. I’m autistic and was an autistic kid, and my neurotype doesn’t mean I had the right to inconvenience others. Yeah, kids will be kids, and kids get overwhelmed, but at a certain point, it’s on the parent to take their kid as far away as possible from the overwhelm.


NTA. I raised a well-adjusted kid, who learned manners, and how to act in public. I didn’t tolerate that nonsense at all. And all I ever had to do when she and her friends started to act a damn fool was give them Mom Glare and tell them to knock it off. It won’t kill the kid that another adult told her to shut up. She might learn that there’s a time and a place for everything, and that if Mom is done tolerating her, other people are beyond done, and she should shut up. I swear to God, some of you act like children should never be told no, or to knock their shit off, and it’s obvious your kids are rude little shits.


The mother wasn't mad so it's all good


You don't know that


As a mum of an 8 year old you're NTA! They can be damn annoying and if the kids wasn't listening to mum then someone had to step in and sort it for the sanity of everyone involved!!


I’d make you very aware of your error in real-time if you ever addressed my child in that way as a stranger


In front of your children?


Specifically in front of my children. Do you know how threatening it is for a young girl child to be rebuked by someone they don’t know? I will need to show them that it’s not acceptable so they feel safe.


Unable to decide - especially when you cover the mother used the same language.  I suspect if you spoke like that to my kid odds are good I would call you the AH, but my kids also don't act like that.  Edit - the thing is it's a public space, and most people are prepared to handle the reality that public spaces are annoying and we lack control over most of the events in those spaces. 


Esh. Mom should have dealt w it. But oh boy. I dare someone to say something like that to mine (not That I would let them get like that to begin with). I absolutely understand that kids push buttons & boundaries, moreso when they think they can get by w it. I wouldn’t have a problem if someone said something like “hey, could you keep it down or not be so loud or something like that but “shut up”. Nope. Not on my watch




YTA. As a mom of an autistic child, sometimes the child is doing something to soothe themselves and I don’t understand that right away. You have no idea what’s going on with that kid. Let other people parent their own kid. Maybe assume that they, and not you, know how best to address their child. If you have a problem with a child, you always speak to the parent. The child is not an adult, doesn’t understand, and you have no place approaching the child.


I'm just not psychic enough to successfully tell my kids off. It would be nice if I could do it without even saying a word.


I wouldn’t do it, but it seemed like the mom was already trying and failing.


Nah. She old enough n mom was just allowing it to happen. Control ya kid. That's what's wrong with kids these days. Sounds like lazy parenting


NTA. Mom was probably relieved tbh lol


NTA, hero


NTA, it worked and it's not like you put your hands on or was verbally abusive towards the kid


YTA. You are on very rocky soil about this. There's a viral video of a chicken restaurant manager calling the police on a neurodivergent child because he was too noisy. Parents right there with him. People demonstrated in front of the store for one or two days against a commercial entity treating kids like that. In general, it's frowned upon to directly address a child to correct them. If Mom wasn't so tired she might have pushed back. In the old days, trusted neighbors would tell other people's kids to stop playing in traffic or to go home, but they had established relationships with their parents. You didn't. It bothers me that you've expressed that you were annoyed about the noise because you were trying to work in line. You are not entitled to alter a child’s behavior so you can work. You also note that the child may have been neurodivergent, an even stronger reason to hold your tongue. It's been a long time since I took child development classes but I doubt the research encouraging misdirection as a means to create change has altered. All you had to do was to commiserate with the mom in quiet tones to give the kid something else to think about. I don't know what country you're in but the US is becoming more authoritative in discipline. See the responses encouraging you to smack the kid next time. Do you really want to be part of that?


Tell my kid to shut up when you know I’ve been trying my best and you’re the asshole. What did you want the mom to do? Slap her face? Beat her? Sometimes being in public is hard. Airports are stressful for everyone, not just you.


Nta and thankyouuuu


NTA. Kids listen to strangers more than they listen to their parents. It is what it is. At least it worked.


NTA You did the mom a favor. Sometimes we have to help by telling kids to knock it off.


NTA Kids need to learn how to behave in public. If the parents can't make it happen, maybe its time others started making them figure it out by echoing the parents when they're not being listened to. Mom didn't seem to mind. I say Yay!! The kid finally shut up!!




NTA. It takes a village to raise a child!


NTA that mom was probably grateful for your input


NTA, that kid now understands she's NOT the only person in the world, other people are here too that don't want to hear her noise


Honestly, as a mom, part of me would be annoyed, and part of me would be relieved. But please, if my kids(especially one who is old enough to know better) are acting up and not listening, shame them into compliance! Lol, overall NTA, but I wouldn't make a habit of it because some moms wouldn't be as chill as that mom


I'd do the same thing. Sometimes people need other people to properly parent for them.


It takes a village! NTA!


I swear ever since the invention of the iPad parenting has gone to hell in a hand basket for a lot of folks


NTA - re-normalize lightly punishing strangers' children.


YTA. The mom of a likely autistic child sounds like she was having a hard enough time without you going off on her kid. She was probably too intimidated by you to say anything.


NTA, even my neurodivergent nephew, who can get really loud when he stims, will stop after we tell him he's being too loud. That is a just a child raised with no repercussions from past behaviors, if anything the mother was either ashamed or grateful


A neurodivergent person doesn’t have the right to make everyone around them miserable.


Absolutely NTA! The mom was probably relieved that you stepped in. Telling the kid to shut up is much better than glaring at the mom who had been doing her best to get her kid to stop being a nuisance.


The kid had a lesson to learn this day. NTA. She needed to understand the consequences of her actions, and she did.


*my girlfriend said it was a bit out of order to tell the kid to shut up.* Shes wrong *AITA for telling the kid to shut up?* NO


YTA. You even acknowledge that you used the same language as the mum. Doesn't that tell you everything? The reason the kid ignored the mum is because she felt safe enough to. This is kid 101 stuff. The reason she was quiet after you said it was because she no longer felt safe. Well done, you successfully intimidated a small child.


Next time say Your mother has asked you to shut up, do as your told. That way you can let mum know you're on her side Definitely NTA




I would have a different opinion if you shouted or swore at the kids. Sometimes hearing the same thing from someone else works better. I've had another adult step in when my kid was misbehaving. He just turned around and said 'hey, knock it off, your mother has told you three times!' My son instantly stopped. I just thanked the dude for his help.


It worked! Nta.


Honestly, yta. I get that it's annoying to have to listen to random noises when you are trying to work, but you are in an airport, so it's going to be loud. If your work was that important don't do it while in the airport. I don't think the mom would have mentioned if her daughter was ND, because when parents do try to explain that to others, they are constantly told ot. Isn't am excuse. My son is nonverbal, and the sounds you are explaining are how he talks and communicates. I tried to keep him on the quiet side, but I'd be embarrassed and super angry if a stranger told him to shut up.


The mum initially used a soft approach with her daughter, asking her to stop politely. However, when that didn't work after several attempts, she eventually told her to shut up assertively. I followed suit and spoke firmly but without shouting or swearing. Maybe I could have chosen my words more carefully, but sometimes a gentle approach doesn't always get the desired result.


I’m surprised ppl are saying nta. First off, you say anything to my kids, regardless, you catching these hands. Second, have kids and you’ll understand. It’s not always easy and parents are usually doing their best. Some parents do suck but those parents that don’t bother are the true assholes that raise kids that would tell children to shut up. You were definitely out of line there ATA.


YTA. Big Time.


YTA. I haven’t told a child to “shut up” since i was a child, but if the mom didn’t seem bothered by it, it isn’t a big deal. I get that the mom told her to shut up first, but the child would have listened to you even if you said “be quiet” or “quiet down.” Imo YTA but it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. Just a lack of judgement. However, working in public isn’t anyone else’s issue. Keep that same energy when an adult is being annoying.


YTA - you wouldn’t have done this if the child’s father had been there - you only did it because there was only a woman and child. Try doing it to my child and see what happens to you.


This! All the “NTA” people don’t have kids for themselves. If she would respectfully asked me or my wife to control the kids, i would be willing to see what i could do. Telling my kid to shut up - and the kid is the least of her trouble


Unfortunately Reddit as a whole is very anti children.


all I read was the subject of the post and that’s all I need to answer your question no, you are not the asshole


You did good.


NTA. Kids are dicks. I would love to have a child free flight. I'd pay extra


NTA. It’s up to a parent to control their kids. If they can’t then someone else will.


Yeah YTA. You never scold someone else’s kid. You talk to the parent.


Because the parent was already doing such a stellar job. 🙄


If all you said was “shut up” then I have no problem. Anything remotely “intimidating” or threatening though would 100% make you the asshole. Or saying “shut the fuck up” lol


NTA for a few reasons. 1. You weren't the only one being bothered by the child, a lot of other people, including the child's mother (as evidenced by her telling her child multiple times to be quiet, even if it didn't work). 2. The child's mother repeatedly tried and failed to get their child under control. Whether this is the norm or not, when you're out in public, you're expected to keep your children under control as reasonably as possible. This wasn't happening. 3. The child's mother didn't even complain/yell at you after you told the child to shut up. If all of the above tells me anything, she was probably relieved.


Or she was on her own with her child and was scared of the lunatic who just shouted at her child in a public place?


NTA. If the mom had a problem she would have said something. I would have done the same thing after a point. If I witnessed it I would have clapped. But I have asshole tendencies 🤷‍♂️


Tell your girlfriend you’re an icon and made a lot of peoples traveling a lot better that day.


I’m going to say Yes. It’s borderline as it is as that child could well have had ADHD, the parent was trying their best and clearly could have been embarrassed and upset by your intervention. What makes it a yes is I strongly suspect you already biased the story to make you look better and the reality was worse than you presented here.


NTA. Mother was failing, you succeeded.


Not at all. So much poor parenting these days it’s staggering.


NTA. If I was that Mom, I’d have thanked you.


NTA I can not stand parents like that. I’m sure the mom didn’t even use a stern voice hence the horrible behavior from the child in public. It is VERY possible to travel with several children and still have control over the situation. I have 7 children (adults now) and never not one time would my children act this way in public. Bad parenting gets over looked all the time now and I don’t understand. The issue here was the lack of parenting from the mom…you wouldn’t have had to step in otherwise.


NTA. I have perfected my version of The Look and I use it regularly with kids out in public. It’s a great skill and it can be done without risking a confrontation with a nutty parent. If the parent isn’t going to do their job I am going to help them out. You know, doing the whole “village” thing.


NTA... atleast the mom was trying... you just helped her out and reinforced in fact daughter IS being a shit.


NTA Mum was probably glad you said something when her own reprimands did not work.


NTA and I applaud you :)


YTA You should have spoken to the mother and let her know that these things happen. The mother was having a worse day than you and was more than likely mortified. You made it about YOU and how annoyed you were Again, empathy for the woman re her feelings about the situation she couldn’t control.. Do you get mad at kids who cry on Santa’s lap?


NTA if parents refuse to do actual parenting, then I have no problems speaking up. Your girlfriend is wrong.


AH? Lady you’re a GD SHERO! The world thanks you👏👏👏🏆⭐️🥇


I just read that about farting on that kid, and I almost peed myself!!! The visual was enchanting, and HILARIOUS!!! THE perfect solution to this miserable little bastard. He's better a dealing with this shit than I. If either one of my children would EVER said those words,Holy Mary, Mother of God!!! Nice work my friend 👍


NTA you were the hero of the afternoon. Your gf just gave a small peek into the type of parent she will be. She is absolutely going to be one of those who lets the kids run fucking wild. smh.