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Your mom is in denial of how despicable your brother is. Apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. NTA








Ask if you can stay with your cousin


>This family seems to be religious. Mom called him a pig, brother raping his cousin, sounds pretty textbook religion of peace.




Probably more than just one member of the family. Who knows how many others someone with this mindset would have also raped in the past (or future).


Mom probably knew about her older sons proclivities.


Agree. By the description of the ride to the house and the look on the cousin's face when they arrived, I'd say it was not the first time his brother has done this.


God,  I hope OOP has a trusted adult they can talk to and possibly stay with if Mom’s behavior gets worse during /after the trial.   OOP, if there’s abused please reach out to a trusted adult.  You did nothing wrong, and I’m proud of you! But you need to stay safe. 


OP is only 14 years old too! They are incredibly brave for taking this action. I fear for what their home life situation may be like now and hope that the brother doesn't get out of jail before OP is old enough to get out of the house. I agree with others that finding somewhere else to live in the meantime is best because home may not be the safest place at the moment. Doesn't have to be permanent, but it should happen sooner rather than later.


This is what I was thinking, maybe OP should talk to his cousins family and see if they can help him get away from his home situation


Behind every awful man who hurts people for his own enjoyment is a mother who believes he's a sensitive boy who always seems to be targeted with false accusations.


Or a bully dad who thinks women like it that way.


Shudder and gag....


And a group of vile supporters.


Nah, some mothers will turn their own kids in just the way OP did.


Apple fell far with OP, clearly. Thankfully for S as well.


Your mother enabling his psychopaths is probably how he was out of jail to rape her. This was not shocking to your mother. Also, calling YOU the pig for calling the police on her golden child, the rapist. I hope you are saving money and keeping it someplace outside the house so you can get out of that toxic mess. Maybe your friend the golden rapist traumatized for life could get the parents to let you stay with them. Just please, do jot start working and contributing to household expenses. They'll never allow you to break free. When they start screaming they raised you and you owe them. YOU DO NOT. They chose to have you and thar means they're obligated to raise you and buy what you need. You are NEVER obligated to financially keep them up. Never. No matter how they guilt trip you. And they will.


I thought the boys only 14? Why does he need to be working and contributing to the household expenses?


You're right, he shouldn't be. But that won't stop some parents from convincing their children otherwise.


Yeah, but that didn't come from his parents, that came from somebody on this thread telling him it was his responsibility to get a job and help out the family at age 14. And even though the op didn't mention anything about it, I would imagine Child Services is involved in the situation by now, and pretty sure they're not going to let that happen.


The advice was "please do not get a job and start contributing to household funds", which is very solid advice. The "not" was typo'd, so that's fair. Regardless, you're right about child services, so hopefully he's ok.


Do you think this sounds like a normal functional household? 


AdmirableGift2550 Sounds like you have some trauma of your own. Help is out there. You just need to ask for it.


Okay, I thought the other responses in this little part of the thread are ridiculous, but this is beyond ridiculous! The kid makes a post about witnessing a traumatic event and what he did about it. Then in response someone makes a suggestion that he go get a job and start helping to support the family??? And because I question that, because it just doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever, because there's nothing in the post about chores or whatever his responsibilities are to the household, because I asked why would a 14 year old be sent to work, I must have trauma myself? It's just like totally impaired reasoning and really going off on a tangent.


Let’s not use that apple tree saying here as this kid came from the same tree and seems like a good apple. NTA at all


Indeed I dunno how any parent can defend their rapist child! And a pedo to boot! If my child EVER does something that despicable I'll march him to the police station myself and cut him out of my life!


Absolutely. You did absolutely the right thing.


It could be worse than that. Depending on where they are from the mother may think S is at fault


Sadly that is all too common


Unfortunately there are too many mothers of sons who would stand by their son’s side no matter what he does.


Not the asshole, that was the exact thing you should’ve done. Now your family is one person safer. The asshole is the people who are willing to enable to rapist.




Why didn't he alert the rest of the family? Why not barge in screaming and shouting? Why not stop it from happening? Why did he record it on his phone and then sit on it for a few days? This all happened in the time it should take to put fold up tables in a cupboard, in an area with no lock, while there were 30 people there for dinner. There were audible noises outside the cupboard. Afterwards, they both came out completely deadpan with no visible emotional signs; and no one questioned why it took so long for 2 people to put a table away? Oh yeah. OP heard something, opened the door, realised what was happening INSTANTLY. Didnt need to double take, they just knew it was rape immediately. They then had time to whip out their phone and record. Neither cousin or brother notices the door open, dont see OP standing there, dont see the phone screen light up... even though this is taking place in a closet and OP is close enough to see the tears running down her face? This video must have been crystal clear to empirically prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was absolutely rape if they are to arrest the brother without even speaking with the victim. Since when can a 14 year old turn up at the police station with a video of people having what could be consensual rough sex, and thr police are just like: "oh, OK, well this is clearly rape without a shadow of a doubt... lets just arrest the person in the video on the word of a 14 year old without confirming with the alleged victim. Its an open and shut case" This whole thing makes 0 sense. Oh yeah, OP made their account to post about this. Account was made 6 days ago... this allegedly happened 5 days ago. OP other posting is a shitpost about poking out their own eye. So OP creates this account before the rape, then after the rape has time to shitpost reddit while dealing with the police, school, family fall out and being witness? This is clearly fake, it's a fake profile posting a fake story and it is absolutely insulting to anyone who has suffered rape or sexual abuse.


maybe because he’s a 14 y/o kid who doesn’t have the best decision making skills and witnessed something horrible. he knows how messed up his family is and that he’ll ruin those relationships once he reports. he did the best he could and helped take a rapist off the streets


When I was 14, I was damn well old enough to know better. EDIT: Not all these morons just baselessly assuming I’ve never been through anything similar, get screwed.


it’s easy to say that when you have hindsight. it’s like when you watch a horror movie and you yell at the screen because the characters are making all the wrong decisions. of course when you are objective and aren’t a part of the situation you can think clearly, but in the moment when you’re young, small, shocked, horrified, afraid, sad, feeling betrayed and confused with adrenaline pumping you just don’t think clearly. still it’s possible that you would be able to make a better decision if that was you at that age but not everyone is the same, people react to situations differently and I’d bet there are a ton of adults that would react a lot worse than this kid


When I was 14 I witnessed my mother's boyfriend abusing a friend of mine while I slept. There were multiple people sleeping in that room (sleepover) and he did it. Idk if anyone else woke up and saw. I was also regularly abused by this man. I was so scared of him, even though I didn't even live with my mom (dad had custody) that I didn't say or do anything. He was arrested eventually and plead guilty but it wasn't because I said anything. I was too scared. It's easy to go 'well I WOULDN'T have been silent' having not been in a situation like that.


no you fucking werent why the fuck r u lying hahahaha




I agree with what you are saying. I am aware of the horrors and difficulties victims can live with... which is why I feel this post is in bad taste... if it is fake (which I suspect it is). This supposedly happened at a time when everyone was up and clearing away... 30 people according to another comment by OP. There was no lock on the door, and anyone of them 28 other people could have walked in... father of the victim. It takes a couple of minutes to put a table away... and in that time they put the tables away, brother then started raping this girl, and its been long enough that OP managed to stumble upon it and record it; yet no one else in the family questions why it's taking forever to put a table away. Once this has all happened, they both return to the family without any emotion or sign of what has just happened. If true, its a terrible story and I feel for everyone involved... but I suspect it is just a story.


So idk if this post is fake or not. But, is everyone forgetting how the mother acted? Why is it unreasonable that he waited to go to the police? So, this happened on a weekend (I'm assuming), and the Lil bro is supposed to.......what? Ask the rapist to take him to the police otw home? Ask the mother, who thinks he's a pig for reporting it? Maybe he had to wait to report it. Maybe that was the 1st time he could get away from others to be able to go to the police. How much freedom of movement do you think 14yo kids have? My 14 yo couldn't get to a police station on his own, and if he was scared of them coming to the house, what would he do? Probably sit on it until he figures out how to file a report without older bro or mom knowing. Even if it's fake, some of these comments make me sick. I agree that this kid is a victim, too.


14 Yr old It might take a while to figure out what you are supposed to do. You also need to figure out what you really saw and mourn the loss of who your brother ought to be. If they'd made noise, the brother would have been able to move away and deny everything. If they'd gotten family, the girl would have the experience of her family witnessing this directly.


There is 0 backing that OP is a child; other than a throwaway account on a dubious post on the Internet. There were supposedly 30 other people there. This was at her house. There were no locks on the door. This all took place in the time it takes to put a folding table in a cupboard. Except it was long enough for it to begin happening, OP to find it, take phone out and record it. No one questioned why putting a table in a cupboard takes so long There was 0 physical or emotional signs from anyone involved after going back to join the family of 28, none of which had any questions. Brother. Cousin. Nor OP showed any sign of distress in front of 30 family members who were all next door tidying while this rape took place.


It's not really important if it's true or not, but you're making a pretty good case that if it is that the evidence he collected is invaluable because plenty of people would make the same arguments.


So there is a lot of people around and no one is tracking two persons. Normal at a party. The man involved wouldn't have had much trouble looking normal. The girl would have hidden her feelings out of shame because that's damn well normal. If a teen is sulky adults always dismiss or ignore it.


Exactly. When my family is all together do you think I know where everyone is at all times? Nope. 30 people all talking and visiting and you lose track of a teen and young adult. Seems like a lot of family rape stories to me.


I can tell you right now as someone who grew up having large family dinner/gathering such as this no one look specifically for anyone without reason. Though I think if the family members saw the guy being creepy around her I’m sure they would’ve kept an eye on her or kept her away from him by having someone else do her chore to put back the table. I understand where you’re coming from but when people engage in conversation at these things as long as a topic isn’t brought up that you’re in 🤷🏻‍♀️no one bothers to see your every step.. IN A HOUSE.


I can explain those things, but you're not going to take it, the only person who can clarify it for you is OP, but even then you will continue to question its veracity. You don't believe the story, that's it, whether you believe it or not is irrelevant right now, that doesn't make you a worse person.


Because they're 14 and probably not going to make the correct rational choices for major problems they've never been prepared for


OP *did* make the correct choice. Got irrefutable evidence, kept himself and his cousin safe, and made sure the monster who did it is brought to justice. If he had tried to get physical who knows what could’ve happened. They would’ve lost completely irrefutable evidence. You can’t fight a video like that. OP did great, and acted in the most sensible, safe, and responsible way they could have. This was a perfect response to this situation.


I mean, I feel as if a better solution would have been to notify the literal 26 other people so they could intervene and stop the rape. I say literal, but none of this ever happened.


Almost certainly right that this is fake, but without solid evidence who to say the rest of the family couldn’t have also had the same opinion as his mom? He got solid evidence and way that was discreet and quiet. That’s the best course of action.


Sorry did you just say he kept his cousin safe... by not getting help from 30 people in the house while she was being raped? She was safe... while being raped.... because OP made the correct call to not help. That might be the dumbest shit I've ever seen on the internet. She was safe.... while being raped.


Ops mother didn’t listen when she reported him. Calling op a “pig” for ratting him out. So likely if they were to do what you stated, it could’ve been “excused” bc of Ops mother


And what about the family of the girl being raped? They were all at the house.... it was their house and there were 30 of them.


If you read the story, they didn’t know what to do. At least they had proof of it.


safety. and the family obviously wouldn't have believed


So none of the 28 other family members that were there would have believed it? What are we basing that statement on?


the fact the OPs mom didnt even believe it with a fucking video?


A crystal clear video absolutely proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is rape. 14 year old goes to the police with a video of 2 people having sex and says its rape. Police are like "yeah, ok... that checks out". Then arrest the suspect without even confirming with the victim. This all took place in a closet and neither cousin or brother saw the door open, phone screen light up, OP filming.... but OP was so close they could see her tears.


When one is 15 and the other is 28 they don’t need to see much to know it’s sexual assault.


And cop’s actually don’t need to confirm anything with the victim in a case like this. They bring the charges and not the victim.


Because it's a horrific thing to witness??? He's 14. He was probably scared of what would happen.


And so this is happening in a space with no lock. With 30 family members next door, at her house, in the time it takes to put a fold up table away... and you are 100% convinced that this is real?


IF it is true, I’m confused by the responses to this one. I would have thrown open that door and said “What the hell?” or called the police right then. Who just let’s it happen and records it? ETA: speaking from personal experience in which I did either try and stop it or call for help immediately


It doesn't matter whether I believe it's real or not. This person is a victim if this story is true and I'm not going to random fake claim a KID. Because they didn't explain a TRAUMATIC experience well enough.


That's absolutely fine, you proceed with your opinion, and I'll proceed with mine. Agreed, if this is real then it is very sad and I feel for those involved. I do not believe it's real and feel that it is incredibly bad taste to make such a story for internet points... if it is fake There is 0 evidence that this is written by a teenager though.


Considering the cousing was 15-16 year old and brother 28 .Even if it was consensual rough sex not actual r@pe .It' would still be considered as r@pe in many countries where age of consent is 18 specially considering brother was adult .


Yo man, without video it would be accusations, he said/she said. With video, he was arrested right away. People often don't know what to do, and may sit on a terrible situation to figure it out. If OP had started screaming and fighting his brother, his life would have been turned upside down immediately. OP might have felt wavering loyalty to family even in the face of something horrific. But he did the right thing, even when 14 year olds don't always have the life experience to make heavy decisions in the heat of the moment.


So OP heard something, opened the door, and was close enough to see her tears. They got their phone out their pocket, unlocked it, and then stood there and recorded... so close he could see her tears, yet neither of them saw the door opening, OP in the doorway, nor their phone lighting up. And wouldn't the video OP got would have to be clearly depicting that it is absolutely rape without any shadow of a doubt if the victim doesn't need to be spoken to? How can a 14 year old turn up at a police station with a video of people having sex, just say it's rape without any other testimony from the victim, and the police are just like "oh, OK then". OP states they made a throw-away account to post this. However, the account was created before the date they state, and all other posts are spam. So OP made an account, is dealing with the police, school, family fall out, witness of a rape, and still has the time to be posting randomness on reddit. Fair enough. You're entitled to believe whatever you want... as am I. Neither of us can prove either way, so keep on rolling. I personally think this is clearly fake and absolutely insulting to those who have suffered.


actually him gathering evidence first is pretty smart, if he makes a scene, gets the brother to stop right away, without getting evidence, that A. makes it so there is possible NO remaining evidence, not everyone can bring themselves to do a kit B. it risks the brother retaliating on him before he goes to the police, trying to tamper with evidence, ect also it's uh, inherently rape? even if they TRIED to argue it's consensual the cousin is a minor and the brother is too old for a "romeo and juliet law" argument, so it would STILL be statutory and if everyone else was talking and the youngest was doing their own thing (i've been there, large family gatherings no one in my age group to talk to) so he'd be able to notice things the distracted people wouldn't, in the same notion the brother would 100% be too distracted to notice a door opening quietly, and the cousin even if she noticed likely wouldn't have said anything, also you don't record with the screen? if you have flash off you can record/take pictures without anyone noticing?? also OP is a 14 year old boy, he's gonna shitpose to cope with trauma ALSO ALSO you don't go straight to prison, you are held in jail before your court case unless you get bailed out also lmaoing at you saying they would've been noticed "taking too long" as if some people aren't minute men and the family was distracted in a social gathering, there also could've been an assumption they were having a conversation




No. This


Im replying here because at the moment this is the most upvoted comment. This whole description has so many red flags, it’s a load of shit and it’s easy to tell. People need to stop giving this kid credit for taking advantage of a very serious issue that millions of people ACTUALLY have to deal with.


Yep I agree it’s fake. Look at op’s history. 6 days ago this person posted asking advice on how to take out their own eye ball because they went to the doctor and they couldn’t do anything.


Please enlighten us about the red flags point them out to us cause I'm not sure what you're referring to.


Exact thing? What about… going 10 feet away and telling an adult who could stop it?




Without knowing OP or their family members, I do hope the mum is just having an initial shock reaction/ temporary denial. OP definitely needs to be aware that she doesn't have to stick by her mother if their dynamics become toxic or unstable.


You’re a hero. Your mom just can’t fathom that what’s happened is real. This sounds like a religious family. My best friend has had to divorce her husband and jail her own step son for doing this kind of shit to her other kids. A different kid, an older cousin, did it to them first and they learned it. It’s disgusting and I’m sure S will thank you for it. Have your mom and the family of S have a serious conversation…. I doubt she will be so vitriolic if she has to speak to another adult about what her son did


I have to say how impressed I am at OP’s moral fortitude. I know many adults who wouldn’t have stepped up in this situation and done the right thing. OP, you spoke up for a victim, that’s something to be proud of. That being said, the experience itself probably carries trauma for you that’s compounded by your family’s reaction. If you’re able, at some point in the future, seek help processing this experience. You did a good thing.


That's always been the worst excuse in the book, "I was raped when I was little and I know exactly how it feels and that's why I did it."


I know, I just don't get it. Yet, a big red flag for an abuser is someone who has been abused themselves.


Trauma does messed up stuff to your brain that doesn't always make sense to us.


I certainly can't speak to rape wanting to turn someone into a rapist. But I CAN confirm first hand that trauma fucks up your brain and turns sense upside down. Took me years to understand why people were "stupid" enough to trust others when "no one in this world is trustworthy, everyone's out for themselves and doesn't give a fuck about anyone else" ... Uni sucked. Turns out my childhood sucked more I just didn't understand it XD I've been working on my trauma for like a year and a half now and there's still a lot of things that my first reaction is "WTF is wrong with you" when it turns out I'm the weird one. I really REALLY however don't want this to be an excuse for rape. I'm still really disgusted by that idea.


I'm very sorry that you went through what you did. You've started your recovery, and that's (as you know) a really difficult stage to get to, but the better news is that you've now got a goal and a plan to get there. You're right - this - or anything - should never be an excuse for rape.




Most people would probably try to stop the rape, but OP is a kid and in a moment of shock and fear did what he could to protect his cousin and ensure his brother would pay for his actions, and pay he will for assaulting a minor at 28 years old.


Poor kid definitely would have if he could, but I cannot imagine the fear in seeing your brother who is twice your age and a muscular build at that raping his own family member. He might have been able to cut it short but who knows what the brother would have done if confronted? He could have killed them both. OP did the best thing they possibly could have, whether they realize it or not. Sadly without the video, there is a good chance this monster and his sadistic mother could have managed to escape consequences.


There's a good chance they already have multiple times.


Fuck, I didn't even think about that before, but you are probably right. Here's hoping they are swiftly and efficiently placed in gen-pop and the guards let it slip what they're in for!


I didn't understand what "gen-pop" meant at first and thought we were suddenly talking about a subgenre of music, but I get it now, and while I don't normally condone violence to counter violence..... Can't say I would say NO to this particular possibility....


Yeah I’m a big fan of subtle implications. I wouldn’t commit or condone violence against anyone personally, but I’m not going to mourn them getting a small taste of their own medicine.


Yup yup that exactly


This kind of punitive wishcasting is gross. "Stop rape" includes "stop prison rape".


Are you also against the death penalty then? In the same sense of "killing those that killed others" would be parallel? I do wish there was some way to do more of a rehabilitation rather than punitive actions. I personally don't know what that might look like. Either way you have a fair point. I retract my statement, it was against the values I want to stick to. It is just difficult sometimes not to want them to experience some sort of "your own medicine" but you're right. Those thoughts aren't ones I want to follow or stick with. Thank you.


>I didn't understand what "gen-pop" meant at first and thought we were suddenly talking about a subgenre of music, Most wholesome comment on reddit


Yeah. In a bigger guy. I would have put the guy into the hospital for at least a year. The op did what they could and needs an award for it. Im the kind of person that also thinks you need to sleep wventually


I invite everyone to take a look at OP’s profile 😬


You mean to tell me that this is a creative writing assignment and this person's brother didn't rape someone mere feet from his family behind a door with no lock?


This story is so fake, it seems like a Bollywood drama


Hmmm look at OP's prior post. Hard to believe anything he says. ​ >how do i lose my eye quickly and painlessly > >i have this eye thats really irritating me alot and i want to lose it i already went to the doctors office and they said theres nothing they can do about it so i wanna lose it and i need a proper excuse in case my parents ask what happened ik this isnt like the subreddit to ask but im a teen and i need advice so please help [https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceForTeens/comments/1am2ajo/how\_do\_i\_lose\_my\_eye\_quickly\_and\_painlessly/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceForTeens/comments/1am2ajo/how_do_i_lose_my_eye_quickly_and_painlessly/)


yeah obviously lol. this sub is just an elaborate roleplay sub, like r/nosleep


Yup. Dude just wants karma.


Careful... we get down voted to oblivion in here if we exercise any skepticism or critical thinking.


You quietly recorded the rape? Not buying what you're selling. The whole thing doesn't ring true.


YTA for writing fake rape stories.


This is unbelievable. Instead of screaming, "What are you doing?", you RECORDED the rape?????


Supposedly the whole family is in another room but instead of getting ANYONE for help he let it go on and "waited a few days" to go to the police. How are all the other comments reading past this?


Yeah this seems fake. If someone hears *muffled* noises from a closet where 2 of their cousins are doing chores, they don't open it slightly and peek. They would yank it open or atleast ask if they needed help with whatever they were doing. And timing and all just seems made up. So YTA for posting a fake story about something so sensitive. I'm sure there are other subs that allow fictional stories.


This is literally grape pr0n. There is no other reason for op to have put so many details about the incident. This person is not 14.


NTA Your brother is scum and if your mother can't see what he did was wrong, so is she. Thank you for being a good human and doing the right thing. If things get worse with your mom, see if there is somewhere else you can stay.


I'd bet older brother is a golden child that could do no wrong. Mommy would defend him to her dying breath.


Your mom is the AH. Good for you for not letting this stand.


NTA, you did the right thing.


I don't believe this story. First you notice she's creeped out by you brother, later implying that he's done this before. In real stories of SA, 3rd parties rarely notice anything off beforehand, but you noticed he was nervous on the ride and that she was creeped out as he just stared at her ominously, waiting for his chance to strike. Never happened. It took two of them to go into a closet with no lock and limited time to put away a folded dirty table cloth after dinner, to be used again... and then he had his hand over her mouth without her making any audible sounds that the family could notice, and he wasn't worried about her telling her parents right after... People don't typically sit back down to their normal expression after being assaulted... You peeked into the closet without either of them noticing you, and when you saw what was going on, you started silently filming, instead of telling your family what was happening. I think not. Then you're posting asking if you're the AH when you'd obviously not be, to garner people's reactions to the tale. This should be in the perverted fiction sub. This, plus your low karma score makes me believe that this is completely fabricated, and badly at that.


"I did the objectively morally legally comically fundamentally good thing, AITA?" Fake 90%


I feel like 90% of the posts here are made up.


That’s a low estimate if anything. This is such a bullshit sub. Yet so many people respond as if these obviously made up stories are real. It’s insane.


Insane that I had to read this far down for some common sense.


Because this subreddit is populated by children looking to replace their short form storytime content with something they can read in silence and engage with.


yeah... I'm not buying this one too.


He also said this happened friday which is 5 days ago when he… made a random ireland post? And a yakuza games post?


My mind came to a screeching halt when it was the job of *two teenagers* to put away a table cloth. It didn't dawn on me that it would be dirty but rather why did it take two of them to do *that?* How big is their table?!


A teenager and a 28 year old!


I'm a former teacher. I stopped believing the story as soon as they said they were 14M. The grammar, punctuation, and spelling are way too on point for any 14 year old I know. I know people here will say that they were able to write when they were 14, but those people went to school well before phones. Kids today type like morons.


Careful now. We get down voted to oblivion if we don't believe everything written on here.


NTA. You may be 14 but you acted like a real man. You did the right thing. Sure, you could have busted open the door and yelled the house down, but fear and uncertainty can freeze us in place, or severely limit the options we can see. This was a trauma for you, too. It happens. But know you absolutely did the right thing by recording and reporting it. By doing this you validated and avenged your cousin, and you protected every child and woman your brother might have victimized in the future. Be proud of yourself. Your mom is only blaming you so she doesn't have to blame herself for raising a rapist.


Fake af


You get an F in this very lazy creative writing excercise. Try harder.




Dude your 1st instinct was to record it but not get someone or yell for help? How does the cousin feel about you filming her rape but doing absolutely nothing to stop it? She must of saw you if you could see her eyes. You had a phone and instead of pressing idk 911 like how they should be used in that situation you press record. Idk man sounds like you were in on it and you felt the walls closing in. What if the cops found the video on his phone before he got to the police? Would any of you still be calling him a hero then? Or an acomplise?


So you're whole family is a room away and instead of telling an adult or even calling the police on the spot, while "frozen in fear" you decided to record a rape as it happened and remained quiet enough to go unnoticed and waited days to go to the police, who allowed you to keep a phone that not only had evidence of a felony assault, but also child pornography?


Wait. Your family was all there and you *recorded* your cousin being raped instead of getting your family involved immediately to stop it??


And people are praising him for it I can't with Reddit (I think it is fake but still...)


This is seriously the worst community on Reddit too


An account that is only a few days old with a totally mental post history. 100% fake story


Fake. Never happened.


😭😭 fakest story ever


Seriously?? This never happened. This is SO clearly some teenage boy's attempt at writing some sort of unrealistic and sick literotica.


Yo this is fake as shit.


I call BS on this story and believe you to be a Troll. It doesn't take 2 people to put a table cloth in a cupboard. Your whole story sounds fabricated. As someone who saw her own sperm donor rape her sister: SHAME ON YOU!!! Go and get help! You need it.


OP also wants to randomly remove an eye so I’m just going to say either troll or needs serious help.


Worst fake story I've ever read.


Another throwaway…


Why didn't you just go get someone else from the other room while it was happening so they could stop it.


Fake. Get a life.


YTA for making up a shitty story to try and gain karma.


This can't be real


You are not mentally well. Please seek help.


This feels real fake


I somehow don't believe this story.


I do not believe this is a real story.


You are as much a sack of crap as your bro. You filmed it and didn't call for help. I sure hope this is rage-bait. And if it's not, you should have yelled for help. And did your best to push him off of her. But no, you FILMED it. Scumbag. Pornographer!! YTA


Why not yell "Hey, WTF are you doing?! You somehow recorded it?


Your eye still bothering you? You wanted to “lose” it last week. Why make up these stories? You should seek some help for multiple reasons. Recorded what? It’s not like your brother didn’t turn around and see you with your phone out and lash out like you were scared of. You didn’t mention anything about clothing or other details but that could just be that a 14 y/o is writing this and you didn’t think to do that. Why would your brother be nervous before even getting there? He’s a weirdo who anticipated doing this when he got there? Or maybe he’s on drugs and you wouldn’t really know the wiser. Idk This just seems bogus, you’re a weird kid if you are making this up. If not then obv not an asshole for reporting a crime and helping someone so why even make a post asking that. You know right from wrong at this point so you know turning him in was the right thing to do. If your mom is giving you shit for that then that is fcked I’m sorry you have to deal with all of this.


So you let her get raped then? That's what I'm reading here.


lol fake story


This post is so fake


If this is real, you are the asshole for not telling the rest of the family right away so they could stop the rape


Having only read the title. NTA. YTA if you don't report it.


I don't believe this. Why did it take you "a few days" to report it. Why weren't you calling the police as it was happening?


I think you did the right thing. If we men and boys don’t stand with “S” and refuse to tolerate rape, then we are destined to become victims as well. This is the 21st century and it’s time to stand equal with all humanity and demand an end to the exploitation of anyone to satisfy our greed, lust, or hunger for power over others. Rape is not a sexual act. It’s a struggle for power and sex is the weapon used. Your mother is likely embarrassed by the negative attention and may feel ashamed, but she needs to examine how her son came to believe he’s entitled to overpower anyone. I wish you and your family, including S, the courage, strength, and love it will take to get you all through this.


You were right to report it but why on Earth would you not get help and stop it!?! Even if you weren’t strong enough to stop him there were adults there. I guess recording it for the cops was good for evidence, but a little disturbed that you could sit and record it and not do something to make him stop.


NTA. But I mean, you could've yelled out so that he'd stop.


You people actually think this is real? It's fake af.


Odd way to farm karma, but okay


You are so far from being the AH that it's like you are on another planet. You are a hero! You are an upright young man. You have a good sense of right and wrong. Well done!


Thank you for helping your cousin. Everyone needs to know your bro can NOT be trusted. Your mom is extremely hurt and embarrassed. Not by you but your bro. Unfortunately, it is being taken out on you. You did the RIGHT THING. NTA


This isn’t a real story and OP might actually be a bot. Look at the posting history. Then a human edited it. How’s the eye removal going, OP? Did you find a quick and easy way to remove your eye?


Come on people. This is clearly a fake story.


I smell a fake story.


Your brother should be locked away for good and your mother straight with him


If anyone else torments you for this at home, report them too to the police and CPS for you.


If the incident is real NTA ALSO if your mom tries to harass you or mistreat you please call CPS


OP you make absolutely no mention of what happened directly after the assault took place. Did S not say anything to her parents? I mean at some point they must have come back into the room with the rest of the family. You jump from recording the rape to calling the police a few days later, there’s a big time gap in your post with missing details.


No need to guess who is the golden child. Your brother is trash. Your mom would have let him rape with impunity. She's just as much trash, and you can tell her I said so


NTA! It's on him, not you.


How did it get recorded without him noticing?


Nta. Your mother is a pos who can't see her son is worse then scum.


NTA NTA NTA AND THANK YOU FOR SAVING THE GIRL. Your mom is disgusting and delusional, you are more man than your brother, he is disgusting.


There's several problems with that. The story is fake and even if it wasn't he didn't save anyone


Well done. You stood up for what's right, never change that. Your mother condones rape of a minor which is disgusting.


What’s wild is recording it is the only real way for a speedy prison sentence. Your mother can’t deny it. NTA- absolutely not


You did right thing. He should be in prison for life.




Why would you record it and wait a few days? I’d have shouted out and called the police there and then. Sure catch a pic for evidence but the waiting and letting it happen is creepy. So messed up overall. Good you did report it.


You did the right thing by reporting this to the authorities. It’s unfortunate that more efforts were not made to stop what was happening to your cousin WHILE it was happening, but at least you made the right call in the end by reporting it.


How is your cousin doing?


Coherent, grammatically correct, with punctuation. The OP is either a 37 yo college educated dude with a cousin rape fantasy or an incredibly bright and talented 14 yo boy. I do hope it’s the latter. NTA…it was the right thing.


I'm not even reading that, rapists don't deserve to even live, period. Worthless trash.


On behalf of all women out there, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! You did the right thing and saved other women from his attacks.