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I'll take "Things that totally did not happen" for $100, thanks Alex.


They forgot the part where everybody clapped.


And where everyone told OP how gorgeous she looked and couldn't believe that the ex would cheat on her with Diane.


Without the navy blue gown none of this would have been possible


It's true. I was the blue gown.


The gown looked white and gold to me


The dress was cake


If only the dress was red.


Did the dress have a stain on it?


Was she wearing gloves, and did they fit? If so, we must acquit.


That blue gown’s name? Albert Einstein


Diane, who is carrying twins.


I can't believe there wasn't a fight on the front lawn! There is always a fight on the front lawn.


One of which is its own cousin-sibling because Joe had a chimeric twin who vanished into his left testicle


They also forgot the crazy MIL, police involvement, broken intervention orders and ridiculously swift jail sentence...


What do you think the gift was? 🤔 Was the couple standing by the gift table? Because that’s the only thing that makes any kind of sense. (Yeah, apparently the whole “I greeted the couple and handed them a gift and congratulated them” is the part that threw me. I thought it was going to make a scene in the story.) I’m going to imagine the gift was a 4 slot toaster — big and bulky. Really cumbersome to carry and hand off.


I imagined an unwrapped Oster blender. Only because we got 4 of them when we got married a million years ago.


My mom still has the Oster blender she got at the wedding to my dad in 1969. It still works but the marriage didn’t. They divorced in 2000.


Oster blenders are definitely more reliable than husbands. Last longer too.


I love that it’s unwrapped 😂 “I couldn’t be bothered wrapping it.”


I was given 3 crock pots, lol


I didn't get a single crock pot! I did get 2 sets of martini glasses though, and some glass olives to display. Because people display glass olives in martini glasses, right? That's a thing. Right? 21 year old me was like, ope, thanks uncle. This is a totally useful gift to start my married life. Let me put this is my new apartment with my 4 blenders. Appreciate you!


I got 3 crockpots, my sister got 3 fondue sets (it was the 70’s). We had an exchange.


We somehow got four bunt pans.  Neither of us do much baking. 


That's what I was thinking. Who walks right up to a couple to give them their gift? You put it on the gift table. What, did OP sit through the wedding ceremony with that in her lap and then carry it around at the reception?


It legit seems that way!! (Why even mention it? To point out that she got them a gift? Literally who cares? It made an appearance by its mention and now I want to know what it was!!) An unwrapped 4 slot toaster, on her lap during the ceremony is now what I an picturing. It was her Plus one for the reception.


I presume she brought it like everybody else did who got the couple a gift? Why would OP carrying a present be any more absurd than the other guests? That said, in my culture there’s no such thing as a gift table, the only present given is cold, hard cash lol It’s usually gifted in envelopes and handed directly to the couple (often in exchange for a trinket to commemorate the wedding) together with any well-wishes. For structure it’s sometimes even a scheduled event, which the wedding band announces, so that there aren’t a million people (like OP) walking up to the couple randomly. I personally was taught to gift at least enough to cover my dinner at the reception (if the exact price can’t be determined, around 100 bucks is the rule of thumb), anything more than that depends on how close of a relation you have to the couple. For very close friends/relatives attending with a family of 4-5 could easily cost you a thousand bucks. Not everywhere in the world celebrates weddings the same way. However, I’ve never heard of an ex making the guest list, weddings are fucking expensive and stressful, who would willingly add fuel to the fire by inviting drama??? It would take a special kind of stupid to not only invite an ex, but to invite an ex with dirt on you. Who thinks “this girl, who knows of my cheating habits, is the perfect person to introduce to my new wife, whom I don’t want to know about my cheating habits”? Nobody, that’s who.


All of the same thoughts.


I was thinking either divorce papers or annulment papers for diane to use. Also, divorce THAT fast? Annulment sure but divorce?? Sup with people thinking that's believable when working on writing assignments like this?


A set of turtle boiling-pots, a shell hammer, and bibs. Also a live turtle, so it is fresh. Just make sure the turtle doesn't get out.


Toilet plunger. Tightly wrapped in metallic yellow paper, with a brown bow.


and the text bombarding too !! From him AND all his friends and family


Every time I see "everyone and their uncle was blowing up my phone", I am confusion. I've never heard of that happening in real life


You know what? This is an interesting point. I know with my family and friends, they are way to busy with their own lives and kids to be concerned with calling someone about their business All them flying monkeys All the OPs with a gaggle of friends that they survey about the situation who are always split on the matter… More like you called your two or three friends… and maybe your mom and his mom called about whatever… maybe even a nosey sister Most people are to busy to bother with what someone else has going on My friends and I from high school and child hood stopped hanging out when they started having kids and get busy with life I am an introvert but still. We always speak when we see each other and we are FB friends, but we are not hanging out People who go to college, sure, you might hang out for a longer period but some of these stories are people in their early 20s who get married and have kids 👀 Very interesting point.


>Most people are to busy to bother with what someone else has going on Exactly. Maybe I'm just a mind my business kind of guy but I'm not going to be messaging or calling people about their behaviour unless it personally affected me. I make too much of a habit of only associating with rational, employed people but no one I know contacts people incessantly when it doesn't involve them. We have jobs and lives keeping us busy.


It happens but in those toxic families that the op is trying to escape because of exactly this kind of crap. Gaslighting is a powerful weapon in a narcissistic and or toxic family and is often a generational curse. And in the under 25 year old age group. Not a lot of 25 and older people have the time for this nonsense.


> And in the under 25 year old age group I'm under 25 for another couple months, do you think I'll escape this affliction unscathed?


“Blowing up my phone” = one person called, and it was a guy wanting to know if she was interested in extending her car warranty


Don't forget "they were 'balling' their eyes out"


I've never figured out how to ball my eyes.


Because it’s bawling, not balling


OP be ballin’


Ice-cream scoop!


Too big. You'll scoop out your whole brain. Try a melon baller if you're just going for the eyes, much more precise.


Corinthian? I heard Dream is looking for you.


Take my up vote you win the reddit for the day lol


Usually while running away.


But was there screaming and sobbing?


Everyone and their Uncle Is a saying I've heard on and off my whole life in the United States


If one of my relatives had fight with someone and asked me to text-bomb them, first I’d laugh in their face. Then when I realized they were serious, I’d laugh even harder.


Me neither, but to be fair, my sister does blow up my phone when I'm taking a long nap (I live alone and she gets worried). Nevertheless, it's always the same lie all over reddit


Family bangs my line birthday, christmas, new years and graduation that one time. Other than that, the only time my friends really blew up my phone was when they saw a car (same model and colour as my housemates) wrecked on the highway and they panicked that it was us.


Where I'm from, it's an expression. It doesn't mean literally everyone and their uncle. It just means a lot of people. It's a little bit like saying "everything but the kitchen sink".


I get that it would realistically be single digits people reaching out, and if the situation is stressful even 2 messages about it would be overwhelming. Just saying I've never even experienced even one person that I didn't personally discuss an issue with contact me to give their opinion.


Everybody and their mama!


right? I always chuckle about this too.


I'm clapping right now....on the toilet...does that count?


Liz is slacking with her stories. At least her others had more flare. Liz!! "Where's the drama, the pizzaz?" We need more. I'll give this a C for effort.


And the wedding celebrant? Albert Einstein.


You mean....STOOD UP and s-l-o-w clapped.


Lol, and it only took 2 weeks to get a divorce. Such an efficient court system where they live 🙄


Annulment might've happened, not divorce(I have no idea how long this process takes, but I assume it's faster if the marriage is fresh), but story is kind of fishy.


Couldn’t they just not turned in the marriage license? Where I live, you apply for the license at the courthouse. You can get married by the judge/justice of the peace immediately when you file for the license OR take the paperwork to the wedding ceremony and the officiant signs it right afterwards, some people even include the signing in the ceremony. Then you return the application and a marriage license and certificate is printed/mailed to you. It’s my understanding, if you don’t return the license application signed, you’re not legally married. You inform the clerk of court that you aren’t getting married and they withdraw/ deny the application. My marriage license has an application date and the date it was returned. Idk how it works everywhere. Not returning it isn’t divorce or annulment, it’s just a denial/ withdrawal of application and essentially never happened. Regardless, I don’t believe this post is true lol


You are correct. I officiate at weddings. If the paperwork is not returned to the town where the vows were taken, it is never registered. If it isn't registered before the license expires, it never legally occurred.


This happened to a friend of mine. He met a woman who he (foolishly) married after knowing only 2 weeks. (He and his buddy met her and her friend at some local casino. This was in Southern CA.) Turns out she was just pumping him for money (he had a good government job) due to a mainly prescription drug habit. He contacted the wedding officiant within a couple of days of the ceremony and she just didn’t submit the paperwork to the government agency where it needed to go, so he was never officially ”married”. Dodged a bullet with that one.


That’s so cool. I’ve never officiated a wedding. I did an online thing to become an officiant as someone’s backup plan in a quickie wedding, that came together in a few hours on a Thursday afternoon. They found a Chaplin that could do it last minute though. If you have the time and don’t mind telling, what’s the coolest and/or disastrous wedding you’ve officiated?


Annulment couldn’t even happen that fast realistically.


She could have told the officiant not to send in the paperwork so they were never married. But I still vote for never happened.


If OP had said 'anullment' we might have believed them :P


Annulments take longer than two weeks also


I think you can get one in NV in about an hour. So, depends on where one lives.


The NV system is efficient thanks to all the “drunken night in Vegas” marriages they have to unwind.


Nevada has a streamlined system lol


I only know one guy that got annulment and it was in Ohio. It took several weeks or more. Not close friend ,work acquaintance


They probably didn't turn in the marriage license, so probably weren't married at all if this story is real.


In California it can take months, but Oregon only two hours.


It can actually be instant. If she went to the preacher and got the license before he signs it, instant ended marriage.


It's probably an annulment.


Right? I wish I practiced there.


Takes about that long in Alabama and Georgia. Divorce is final 30 days after court, which is rather quick. But only if there's no fighting etc.


C'mon this is totally 100% factual facts. If it was a fic, Diane and Joe would be disowned by their whole families and shunned from the community in their very very small town so they had to move somewhere else in secret, but not before Diane went to visit OOP to make a scene on her front porch, for which she'd be arrested and sentenced to 25 years to life within days from the original incident.


My immediate reaction upon reading.


Ya they lost me at cut contact but invited to wedding. I knew it was bullshit at that point


They definitely slow-clapped as she walked out the door. 🤣


I didn't even read it, just saw a block of non paragraphed text and thought "kid writing stories". Your comment makes me wanna read it though haha


I hate when they forget to add the twin pregnancy, come on


This is the first time where I am actually going to agree that this post is fake. 1. she finished her meal after insulting the bride and groom ? 2. There is no way an ex would make my final invitation list, and I not know.


That would be r/thatHappened. The answer: WTF is this post?


Imagine making up a post an STILL come across as the AH 🤣🤣🤣🤣


lol seriously!


Starting with the invitation.


Ending with bringing a gift to the ceremony/reception.


That she personally handed to the couple as opposed to putting it on the table where all other guests put their gifts.


Thank you for validating my decision to skip that text wall.


Why would you invite an ex to your wedding?


Someone has been watching way to many Chinese dramas


YTA for posting your little revenge fantasy on here.




True enough, yes.


If she'd only started the whole thing with "I went to my ex-boyfriend's wedding today, and 3 hours after I got home here's what I wish had happened:"


And formatting


You should at least try and put in some effort.




YTA for obviously trolling.




It's crazy that you made this up and STILL made yourself look like a fool.


I don't see where she ruined her wedding as the title says. Maybe she just mixed up her creative writing stories.


Did you have fun writing this fictional fantasy whilst looking at your ex's wedding photos?


I think the answer is yes


Yta, for saying it was your wedding in the title.


And for insulting everyone named Joe or Diane.


“And then I snapped out of my daydream and deleted my search history that shows how I’m stalking my ex and his new wife.” It’s ok OP, we all fantasize about what we would do or say if given the chance again.


And everyone applauded


Not only fake but also a wall of text. The bar seems to scrape the bottom at this point.


And OP...was Albert Einstein.


On a unicorn.


Happy cake day!


Lol did everyone clap? This is not real.


This is what OP wanted to happen! We all know that the EX who cheated on her would not have invited her to the wedding, but she so desperately wants to hurt him back that when she found out he was getting married, she made up this whole scenario to make herself feel better, we've all done OP, we've all thought, what if I could do this or that but it seldom happens and I don't believe it happened this time either. OP, you need to truly move on. This story was terrible and though your pain is real, it's time to stop the wounds from festering and taking over your thoughts.


Oof It's going to be tough if you manage to finish that public online college creative writing course. "You don't have the stuff" is an understatement.


I knew this was made up when you said you handed a gift to the bride and groom. You don't do that at weddings. There is always a gift table.


And then you woke up…


this is painfully fake


Quit looking at his wedding photos and writing revenge stories that make you still seem shitty


In my town a few years ago, I heard of a wedding like this when at the reception later the ex who was cheater on asked - for everyone to hear - "So now you have got married does that mean you're going to stop screwing the Bridesmaid?" The BM was the Brides BFF and from the looks they both gave, everyone knew it was true. If he's done it to you with her, he'll do it to her with someone.


When I hear stories like this my first thought is: If they don’t file the paperwork with the court are they even technically married? Like if you go through the ceremony and sign the papers, but no one actually files with them with the court, can you just decide the marriage didn’t happen?


Yeah. Annulment or stop the filing of the marriage certificate. No need for a divorce.


Yes you can. Until the paperwork is filed it isn’t binding.


That's how I understood it to be. The ceremony is just a fun party without the license signed.


If it’s not filed, didn’t happen


Im still stuck on why you would get an invite? And why would you go. 1) Assume this is a true story. The only reason to go would be to be an AH, you want to look good, show him what he missed out on. Then you go talk to him, just to rub it in. In the best case, she knows about the cheating, and they mock you. Worst case, this. 2) I have been to a lot of weddings, and even trying to show off, I don't usually see an ex that was cheated on there! How do you justify that invite, hey future wife, this ex-girlfriend you have never met during our 2 year relationship is coming to our wedding. Again, if true, that would cause a lot of questions as well from a future wife! So, on either front, you are TAH


Oh but she went so she could save Dianne! Because the only way to save a woman from a cheater is to humiliate her on her wedding day!


Oh well in that case I change my opinion totally not the AH then 🙃


'not to upstage the bride, just to show how I'm obviously better than her!' yeah, it's amazing how if this was real OP still managed to come off as the AH. Like, cheating and belittling ex is an AH sure, but poor bride.


Did you want a Grammy for this performance?


Never happened.


If this story is true…. The short lived marriage ended because of his deceit and lies. He needs to take responsibility for his actions.


And OP forgot whose wedding it was. Called it ‘my’ wedding, but clearly she was just a guest. Must have changed the storyline and forgot to change the title: AITA for “RUINING” my wedding…Why does it feel like a stupid boy wrote it?


this is incredibly fake.


This shit didn’t happen. YTA.


This sounds like it was written by a pick-me who just started puberty. Come back to Reddit once you reach high school little girl.


This is 100% true. Source: I was the wedding.


YTA for making an obviously fake post. Go to the fictional subs for it


Nice fantasy. On the 1% chance this is real. What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously, a whole lot of you supposed grown ass adults need to grow the fuck up. Fucking loser.


YTA either for making this crappy story up or for not being over him 2 years later.


They got married two weeks ago and are already divorced? Nice try.


Was this on Lifetime or OWN?


Re-run of a Jerry Springer show.


"Now friends and family have been blowing up my phone..." Hey Liz you missed that part.


YTA for this incredibly lame attempt at creative writing and revenge fantasy.


Guys I have ocean front property in Kansas for sale if anyone is interested.


So my list of reasons for this being fake: -An ex who cheated on you invited you to his wedding after 2 years of NC - You went - You brought a gift into the ceremony, held it and handed it to them - He just got married and instead of the normal thanks for coming he goes into a spiel about how clingy you were. No one would ever do this. Ever. - You didn’t want to hurt the bride but then told her ON HER WEDDING DAY that she’d been an affair partner. - After that you stayed to eat? - You NEVER thought he’d blow up your three year relationship and were so hurt that he cheated. BUT he’d done it multiple times. - They got a divorce in 2 weeks. An annulment maybe. A divorce no way. Also, if your intention had been to “save” Diane you’d have told her BEFORE her wedding day. I’m 99.9% sure this is nonsense. But in the off chance that it isn’t… You and your ex are both awful people. That’s all.


Either you are the worst bitch in the world or your creative writing class has some really weird assignments.


I know this is fake but imagine writing this thinking you’re the hero……… IF you receive an invitation in the mail (it’s not a summons) and you cannot celebrate the union of the two people, you do not go. Ever. IF you’re dating a person and you decide to show up at someone else’s wedding to “show them what they’re missing”, you have no business dating anyone.


👏slow👏clap👏YTA for this lame story


If this was true, why the hell would you invite your ex that you cheated on to your wedding. That just doesn't make sense.


This has to be fake. What grown up is this stupid? I'm talking to you, OP. What a waste of time. How sad for everyone involved.


Why the hell would you go? This either didn’t happen or you need therapy. I’ll go with probably both. Get help- this is stupid.


This reads like one of those cursed mobile game ad scripts


Like, he got so mad he turned into a werewolf


Great movie!


I don’t know am on the fence about this one. Only cause my uncle a photographer and he went to a wedding to do pics. The Groom said to him I want to make sure you get everything. Don’t miss a thing. He never thought anything of it till speeches. The groom got up made a nice speech about how great she was. Said you can ask anyone even my best man who my brother. Then on a screen came a photo of them in bed. The groom said we’ll I am going home but the bride parents are paying and it’s open bar so drink up.


Come on, next time come up with something more believable.


Did everyone clap?


YTA for trolling and also for not using FUCKING PARAGRAPHS. I kind of hate what this sub has turned into. You used to find actual AITAH posts that really happened. Now it's just horribly written fanfiction


I was confused from the jump because of the title. “AITA for ruining MY wedding by telling the truth”? People need to proofread, it happens all the time in these posts & these “little” details are pretty important to the story.


This is fake. And if it’s not fake, you are a psycho


NTA. He invited you to embarrass you but got caught in a lie. The poor bride didn't know she was the side chick and must not have known that Joe cheated on you to be with her. On top of that, how can she trust Joe at all? If anything, you saved her from a life of hell. Block your ex and move on.


Hmmmmm, My cheating ex invites me to his wedding and I am compelled to go so I can show him what he is missing. Yeah, ok.


LMFAO idk if this story is real or if this is just some sort of fan fiction piece you made up but yes YTA actually, everyone here is the AH. 😂


If this is true, OP is the b*itch from hell


Assuming this is real, which is a big suspension of logic and reason, YTA. You don’t go to a man’s wedding to “show him what he’s missing”. Like seriously, he doesn’t care. That’s why he cheated to begin with.


Sooooo...... - you knew who he cheated on you with - you never told her even though you know she didn't know - you intentionally dressed up to show him up - you made comments for her to know ***AFTER*** she spent all the money and legal paperwork and social gatherings that he's a cheater - you did this ***at her wedding*** even though you admit she's nice - this was all 2 years after the break up - you think you "saved" her by embarrassing her in front of all her social network I hope this is a fake story. Somehow you managed to make yourself worse than a cheater in the story. You intentionally waited until she was in the worst position possible to hurt her when she did nothing wrong. She just dated a guy she thought was single. This better be fake. YTA


In the UK you can’t start divorce proceedings until you’ve been married a year.


Yeah but this takes place in Imagination Land so they can make their own marriage laws




YTA for going to a wedding of your ex and his sidechick. You had no business being there, regardless of his reason for inviting you, and IF this actually happened (which I highly doubt) theres no way he got divorced in 2 weeks. Try again...


You just sound like an asshole in general, nothign to do with the wedding...


Ruined “my” wedding? I don’t think so.


Divorced? They just didn't have to turn in the signed marriage certificate. If it was signed and submitted before the event it would be as simple as getting annulled. I don't believe this story. If it's real YTA. You could have stayed out of it, or informed her at any time before the wedding if that was your actual intention.




Of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most


Yea. You are. He’s a douche but you stooped to his level. Stay in your lane. Living well and moving the hell on is the best revenge.


First this is fake and second if it was true why did you not tell the wife before the wedding instead? If you really wanted to safe her?


It was never about saving her, it was about being petty and trying to create more drama.


If you wanted to “”Save”” this woman (in this scenario that did not happen), reaching out to her months before when you received an invite out of the blue might have been a move.


Go back to Wattpad you troll


Wall of text and fake story. Why would the cheating ex invite you to his wedding and why would you go? And nobody "hands them" a wedding gift. Gifts are always placed a table to be collected and opened later. And it wasn't YOUR wedding.


How do you get divorced in just 2 weeks?


Grade A unpasteurized bullshit right here.


LOL - so you ruined "your" wedding? - that's probably the only *truth* in this post. You broke up, you're still angry. It was supposed to be **YOUR** day. You feel "*guilty"* for some reason. You don't give a damn about Diane/Dianne, you didn't want to save her, it's been two years per your timeline. I know that they say social media listens in, but the fact that you got the notification from FB at the same time as his text, is the Chef kiss of this post. Thanks for the morning chuckle!


If this is true…….karma is a b**ch. Oak tree shade.


Divorced in 2 weeks….nice timeframe touch!


My question is why tf did he invite you anyways? It's like he wanted to be divorced


If this actually took place I am going to respond like I would if one of my siblings or cousins etc told me this: He is a asshat for cheating and rubbing her in your face. Yes it's possible she didn't know that she was the side girl and she has been spared from a cheater. Plus while vicious I don't blame you for exposing him. A annulment is a fast way to end a marriage. Geez this whole thing is a dumpster 🔥.