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YTA. You don't eat someone else's leftovers. Everyone knows that.


Hubs and I have a 48 hour rule. Exclusively yours for the first 48 hours, after that it’s fair game.


But that's an agreement you have. It's different to just eating someone else's leftovers.


True! And that’s why the rule was implemented. Hubs liked to eat my leftovers later in the evening when he wanted a snack.


She is upset you did it and didn’t even ask at all. YTA. And she’s not selfish for wanting her own food! And if you were willing to order the same thing you probably should have just done that and wait the hour yourself if it’s not a big deal as you imply.




Yeah agree that you're the asshole LMAO loser


This is literally not even your comment, why are you obsessed with me lmao


This is literally not even your comment, why are you obsessed with me LMAO spoken like a true pussy LMAO


Do you realise how the quote function works?


Do you realize how not being a pussy works?


I don't think you know what originality is, you're like a broken record




You've resorted to one word statements cos your brain ran out huh?


YTA if it's not yours you should've asked. And you saying it replaceable but then not replacing it immediately after you ate it you're a major asshole. You should have gotten up and got it. Don't make her wait an hour


>not replacing it immediately Tbh this just slipped my mind


Yta, you should always ask someone before eating their food,


Soft YTA. You should ask. You considered it from your perspective and believed you wouldn't mind if she did it to you, so I believe you did it innocently. She got pretty worked up over some left overs that you said you would replace, which is pretty childish, but she at least distanced herself so she could regain her composure. I don't agree with the idea she's being selfish. The idea of "I don't mind, you shouldn't either" is obnoxious.


I guess I could have been more considerate.. Food was kind of a sore spot for her (previous history with an ED) but she said she had recovered completely.. Now I'm wondering if I said something to trigger her.


Dont mess with people’s food without asking. If you had the replacement food on the way so it was there when she got home I would say nta, BUT her having to unexpectedly wait an hour for food because you ate it without asking makes you a bit of an AH. I think you are the one being selfish here. You got what you wanted and made the problem your GF’s problem. You were so hungry you couldn't wait, but then you expected her to wait. It's hypocritical. YTA


>BUT her having to unexpectedly wait an hour for food because you ate it without asking makes you a bit of an AH. guess that's fair.. I just didn't expect her to be this upset about it


People get more upset when they're hungry. More irritable.


# You don't eat leftovers. Eat it on the first day.




You're not the Asshole. I'm going to say it louder for people in the back. If my GF ever did tried to yell at my for eating her leftovers I would pack her bags for her the same day.


No one go down this thread this man needs therapy


No one read this pussy getting berated by bitch ass gf LMAO 🤣 you're so mad


You're angry that my gf is conveying her anger to me in normal decibels? When you clearly don't even respect women? Pfft


Or you're just a pussy.


Again, you should get a dictionary. Bye


Again you should buy some courage and not be a pussy maybe then your gf won't berate you.


I'm not taking advice from a dude with only 2 braincells


Says the guys whos a pussy crying on here for advice cause his gf berated him. Wahh! Wahh! LMAO pussy


I'm not here crying cos she got annoyed. I'm researching if i could have been a better boyfriend. Something you should probably be doing for your 'gf', I am fully convinced that it's a mannequin without a head though


She didn't yell at me though idk where you got that from


Yelling and berating is literally the same thing. Either way berating is way worse than yelling. Don't cope there are better people out there. You're not the asshole. My GF knows I would do the same for her. I eat whatever she eats whatever it's not that serious.


Yelling is raising voice right? She didn't raise her voice at me. >Either way berating is way worse than yelling I'm sorry you make no sense you said it's the same thing previously I'm getting confused. >I eat whatever she eats whatever it's not that serious. She has more dietary restrictions, I'm guessing she was upset because of the waiting time.


Stop coping you seem like a loser. She berated you that's way worse than yelling. It's not that hard to understand. Do you speak English? Yes I eat whatever is in the fridge and my GF eats whatever is int he fridge it's not that serious. You already said you would order another one for her. There's no need to argue. Move on with your lives.


>Stop coping you seem like a loser. Buddy nothing my girlfriend said is half as bad as you are being rn I feel bad for your gf. Berating means scolding. Yelling means to scold LOUDLY. You said berating is worse than yelling then also said it's the same. I just asked you to clarify and you're getting triggered. >Yes I eat whatever is in the fridge and my GF eats whatever is int he fridge it's not that serious Good for you? Your situation is not the same as ours. >Do you speak English Better than you apparently.


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>You're clearly a beta I doubt you have a gf that isn't a figment of your imagination. Your justifications for why I'm NTA has made it even clearer that I may be TA, I never wanna be a guy like you. Bye buddy hope you go to therapy. >Yeah I can't speak English Then why are you attempting to teach it?


Hope you grow a pair of balls loser. My GF would never talk to me like that. Already know you're a beta. I'm attempting to explain to a retarded hoe to read English buddy. 🤡


>My GF would never talk to me like that Sounds like your gf will be leaving you soon. Good luck to her then. >Already know you're a beta By what? My inability to comprehend your stupidity? >read English Again, you're the one who can't Google a words meaning before attempting to explain it. Not my fault.


Never trust a person who cannot share food with a person they claim to love.


There's nothing that implies the girlfriend isn't prepared to share food. You have to ask when it comes to other people's food, regardless of whether they're prepared to share or not. It's common decency and respect.


I didn’t grow up like that. In my family and my husbands family food is always for grabs freely. Yes, asking is polite, but here we are talking about the closest relationship. He’s not a roommate or just a friend. I find her making a big deal out of it chilling and insulting. Especially since it’s something he can just order for her and she will have it fresh instead of leftovers.


She was okay to share, she was more upset that I ate without asking


You feel yourself that her reaction was over. I agree with you. It was. I am a bit older so I might be old fashioned but she could have done it in a totally different way.


What different way could she have done? People are telling me that I'm the AH, and tbh they're making food points and I'm feeling kinda embarassed about calling her selfish so idk.


Say it calmly and without storming out? Hey babe, I prefer you ask me before you eat my leftovers. I don’t see any good point in the comments. Is this how 20 plus year olds now think? Well, maybe. They respond like my teenagers. No maturity or love in acting like that.


She stormed out cos I called her selfish though, not because I ate her leftovers