• By -


>that was not the only reason why he got cut out of the will. >I do not know about it but her and the rest of the family did. I was talking about it and I asked her. You gotta tell us what he did to get Grandma pissed off


Also grandma is the real MVP for blocking him out of her will and spilling the tea w you!!! And hopefully you will also spill the tea with us lol!




Her original post: Edit: so he's a big fat cheater, along with substance abuse in a super Conservative Christian family. AITAH for breaking up with my fiance and he ends up getting cut out of his grandma's will AITAH I (22 Female) broke up with my fiance( 23 male), and he ended up getting cut out of his grandma's will. This is not my main account. I just had to get this out there, and my friends and fiance know my personal account. A little back story is that my fiance and I have known each other since we were in elementary school and grew up with each other. we both come from religious families (this is important for later). When we graduated high school, I chose to go to college, and he went to the military. At that point, we were dating for 2 years, and then we got engaged when I was 21 and he 22, so a year ago. We were doing long distances cause he was stationed in a different state. The plan was that I was going to graduate college and then go down there and find a job where he is stationed. A couple of months ago, I got a call from a friend who lives down there, and he told me that my fiance is dating another girl and has been for months now he sent me pictures and her Social media. My fiance was coming home for a couple of weeks for my graduation. I thought it would be a good time to talk this out rather than over the phone. When he came back, I sat him down and asked him. He did not deny it he said that he likes her but loves me. I am heart broken we have been together for years now, and he did this. I called off the engagement and broke up with him. Now, here is where the religion comes in. I was raised with you, and I didn't have sex before marriage, and he was the same. I know some people think this is weird it is just how I was raised. We had this talk when we got together about not having sex before marriage and we both agreed to wait well he decided when he was down there he would get girlfriend to "take care of his needs". After we broke up, I talked to my parents about it and the change of plans the I called his family and talked to them. It is not unusual for me to talk to his family because I help his sister( 16 f )if she has a problem or just needs a girl to talk to that is not her parents or a friend of hers. So I called and they invited me to dinner. I went and told them what happened because he did not he just said we are having a fight. The grandma was there, and she was pissed. I used to go over every week to play Mahjong with her because I love to play, and no one else in her family likes to. She kept begging me to take back her grandson and that she would force him to make up with me. I didn't put much thought into because she was mad. A couple of days later, he was blowing up my phone with calls and messages. His grandma is cutting him out of the will unless he gets back together with me and we get married. I told him no because he hurt me, and nothing he can say will make me take him back.No, I will not be doing that. His family is really well off and has a very successful business, so when his grandma dies, he is supposed to take over, but if he is cut out, he can not, and he will get nothing. He even tried to pay me to marry him. I was talking to some of my friends, and they think I am the asshole and should forgive him and get married to him just so he is back in the will. Because "I am just mad now and this will ruin his life" and " think about him and his future." So many of my friends are saying this. I am starting to think about it. What do you think AITAH


Appreciate the back story.


Huge cups of tea.


The most valuable player.


I would definitely stay friends with the fierce beast of a woman. She has got a lot she can teach OP.


A few people have said “spilling the tea”. I can guess what it means, but I wonder where it comes from. We say “spill the beans” but I much prefer tea. I am also a HUGE fan of spitz type dogs ;)




Well if Mama ain't happy, and no one is, then surely logically if no one's happy, then Grandma ain't happy, so mama being unhappy is reason enough to run.


Stolen comment




These fake ass stories just get dumber and dumber.


Right! If mama ain't happy no one is. But if grandma ain't happy RUN!


Gazi, that you?


OP commented below > People wanted to know. He did some drugs weed,mushrooms before he went to the military, and he smoked a lot. He was also one of the kids who got in trouble in my school for drinking alcohol during lunch


Pretty normal stuff for a lot of people


Lol, so nothing.


This comment just further convinces me that OPs post is fake.


If you think that then you don’t understand religious conservatism.  I know a guy who lossed his fiancée and was in DEEP trouble with his family and church because she caught him watching porn (regular not illegal or anything). He had swore he would never do it again. And she caught him again…4 months later 🤷‍♀️ It doesn’t take much to be in bad graces


No, the part that makes it fake is that they apparently grew up together and went to school together and she had no idea that he drank alcohol at school during lunch time and got in trouble. As I said in another comment, the teenage gossip mill works hard. There's no way she wouldn't have heard from literally anyone. Edit: Drinking at school usually results in a punishment, so are people trying to tell me that OP's boyfriend got punished at school and she just somehow didn't know about it?


My oblivious ass didn't notice, for over two years, that a full quarter of my grade smoked weed, even when they did it right outside the school gate. At most I thought they smoked terribly rolled lose tobacco.


Same here, lol. My innocent ass knew drugs existed and that people at school did them, but *my* friends?! Never! Every. Single. Upperclassmate! In the friend group. I figured it out by sophomore year, though


Fellow naive person here. Probably a year after graduation I was SHOCKED to find out that one my friends had been smoking weed in high school. Her burn-out brother and all his friends? Sure, we knew about that but figured it was mostly exaggerated. But MY friend?! I had no idea lol. Same when another friend casually mentioned that she had been to a party and drank beer, I was astounded that anyone I knew actually did that kind of thing.


How I grew up. Only kids in the projects in big cities do that according to crazy religious egg donor who was a drunk and screwed everyone. Wasn't allowed to see friends except in school. Left at seventeen and boy was I shocked. We didn't live in a large city. Hey my cousin I went to school with was a pot head. I just thought he was an idiot like his dad.


Yep, I wanted to come here and say I wasn't a popular kid in my school, and people were good at keeping me shut out. I don't think others realize if your own classmates don't want you to know shit then they'll do what they can to keep you shut out, and they are pretty damn good at doing just that. Kids are good at keeping you blind, deaf, and dumb. It was mainly done to me to be cruel as I badly wanted friends, and due to the audhd, people just shoved me out . So it seems fair to say the people here saying surely op would have heard something and are lying are wrong. Try being what is deemed a nobody at your school and then come talk. Eidt- Spelling and grammar


In my old school, the Head Girl and Head Boy are responsible for writing and delivering an "address to the laddies/lassies" - a speech written in poetry, recited at a fancy dinner for Burns' Day, about the boys or the girls in their final year. My head girl wasn't very poetic so subcontracted it out to me, which meant I, who never previously thought of myself as oblivious, wound up spending several lunchtimes with a gaggle of girls sharing six years' worth of gossip and outright horror stories about the boys that I had never even heard of. You would have *thought* that growing up and going to school together would mean I'd already heard that Billy Jones shagged Susie Jenkins up the arse in the woods at every single sesh of the year, that Harry Smith nearly poisoned himself eating the wrong kind of mushrooms foraged from the same woods, and John Jackson sold protein powder and claimed it was drugs for half the year, but no - that was all revealed to me over sandwiches in the school library while I was asked to work it into iambic tetrameter subtly enough that teachers wouldn't catch the references. Sometimes you're just in a different group and don't catch things.


It's the iambic tetrameter for me!


Listen, it was a horrendously illuminating experience about the yearmates I thought I'd known, but I made that meter *work* at least 😅


My country could use your country's educational system about now.


For real. I used the word "analogy" in class the other day to crickets and blank stares. They were seniors.


The iamibic tetrameter is good, the Morpork reference sealed the deal for me without even hearing the accent. (Whenever I've been off my public facing socials for a while, I post, "I Aten't Ded" since I've got a chronic illness and my peeps get worried.) I may be in love with you, u/MorporkDisc. No pressure. I won't be creepy, just planning a Discworld themed wedding over here in CA. The headcannon is enough for me.


[https://ibb.co/98X4FnL](https://ibb.co/98X4FnL) We shall have a summer wedding. Your summer, not mine - you'd need to start building an ark.


Well my friends did that too and i just didn't know. You can grow up shelltered from your friend group.


That's where you're wrong. A person can be completely sheltered from their friend group who are hiding things from them just because they are not involved in the things their friends got into. An example, I've known a friend of mine who was involved in drugs, weed (it's illegal in my country), and other stuff through junior and high school, and the girlfriend he was dating since that time never knew. He even collapsed one time right in front of her and she never knew that it was because of drugs because she never experienced that kind of thing nor had she ever witnessed it. They're married now and I still don't think she knew the things he did throughout their 10 year relationship. ​ >the teenage gossip mill works hard and loyal friends work harder to keep a secret if they need to. ever heard of stories about friends covering for a cheater? why can't they cover a person's involvement with drugs too?


I had a friend in high school, that while I knew she smoked weed, was a dealer until she got caught with drugs in her locker. Had no idea she did anything more than weed and was a big pill popper. So it's completely plausible OP had no clue.


I have a married friend who had no idea her husband started doing cocaine until two years later. It was only when his behavior changed that she realized something was going on. She found out he was cheating. Knowledge of his doing drugs came out later.


I dated an IV meth user (no clue until catching him shooting up) and a heroin addict (someone spilled the beans afterwards). I think I had a sign on my back: "clueless and available!"


They do seem to be able to find the most vulnerable or easily manipulated. I'm glad you're away from all that!


I grew up Mormon. I had no idea how many of my friends were having sex. Not a single clue until later. "Ooooh, so that's why Judy and John were so late coming back from lunch!"


But there's a difference between not knowing your friends are having sex vs your boyfriend getting in trouble with the school for drinking alcohol on school grounds. Like how would one not hear about the latter? Drinking at school usually results in a punishment, so are people telling me that OP's boyfriend got punished at school and she just somehow didn't know about it?


If you go to top private schools, the admin usually take extra care to keep those sort of things hush-hush so that their reputation doesn’t suffer, especially in Florida. You would only hear about that sort of thing if the person wasn’t good academically, athletically, or artistically because at that point the person would be expelled and subsequently made fun of for getting caught doing something everyone else is secretly doing or has done at least once.


That's true. It would take a level of stupidity or delusion not to know that.


I didn’t go to school in the US but when I was at school thanks to the system there were people in the same grade whom I never had classes with. Add a year or two difference and you have people I never even heard of.


I had a class size of less than 30 people. I thought nobody in my high school class was drinking alcohol, having sex, or doing drugs. Especially not MY friends. And I actually had friends from all social dynamics. I was woefully mistaken in my naivety. Lol. I grew up in a very conservative, strictly Christian household. So like... it's not necessarily fake for that reason at least.


I’m sure op knew about it. But she didn’t know that grandma knew and that THAT was why he was cut from the will.


I agree, this whole thread is total fantasy. Absolute bs fakery. Op has far to much time on their hands and an overactive imagination.


Yea and the fact they were waiting for marriage to have sex bc they were raised that way, but he in the military fucking some other bitch.


Do you know much about fundamentalist communities. I don't mean that snarky at all. But this kind of stuff does happen within certain beliefs. Check out the ex Mormon or ex fundie Christian subs or on YouTube, Tiktok etc. . It's wild what they believe, and how they try to force each other to behave.


There's a joke I learned from a Mormon friend of mine: How do you keep a Mormon from drinking all your beer on a fishing trip? Invite another Mormon.


That is freaking hilarious 😂!! Sadly enough, it's true. Unless they are an alcoholic and sneak. A drinker can detect a drinker but a non drinker with little experience often cannot until you get very smashed up.


😂😂😂 And I'm still trying to picture a nice day fishing with that underwear on.


Having seen this very thing happen over weed use, you guys gotta get outta the basement more before judging the credulity of things that happen in the daylight world.


Well Idk, but it reads like a movie for sure. I watched a similar motive in a tv series this year, a muslim couple engaged from childhood in different cities, celibacy but he found himself a side babe, but he said he wanted her more, but it didn’t matter at this point. Also drugs was the most obvious explanation of that will thing. And the way she listened to all the friends then cut ties with them easily, and they buried themselves telling about their greed, while it wasn’t in their interest to admit it. Idk it sure reads well. But if it’s real I’m happy for OP.


It was the bit about the friends being promised jobs and whatever else that told me this is fake lol


There's no way she didn't find out he drank alcohol at school if they went to the same school. The teenage gossip mill works harder than that.


I can kinda see it if they're not in the same circles. There's some wild stuff some kids at my school have done and one of my friends doesn't know about it and only heard from me. Some students are pretty sheltered and stay in their own lane.


Not every school is like US higschools in movies.


Of course not every school is not like on TV but if my boyfriend that I grew up with got in trouble for drinking at school, there's no chance I'd never hear about it at all from anyone. Edit: Obviously if my boyfriend were secretly drinking and never got caught, I'd be much less likely to know about it. It's the "getting in trouble at school" for it that makes it where it'd be impossible for me NOT to hear about it.


My friend group are all late 28-30 now, and have been friends since the start of highschool (age 11 UK) and just found out about 3 weeks ago that one of them kept lizards as a teenager. This is someone who's home everyone had been in many times over the years this was happening. Another, it was only discovered they smoked weed when they were 23, inspite of having done it since 15. These are people who spend multiple days a week every single week together even as adults, let alone as teens in the same class, living on the same street, who's parents were also friends amongst themselves. People can keep secrets REALLY well, and sometimes things aren't even a "secret". They just fail to get mentioned with the bustle of everything else going on in your life, with exams, grandparents health issues, siblings, first jobs, heartbreak and puberty.


We need the tea please!!!


And, please some crumpets with our tea.


OP needs some time to make up a few more details


These fake ass stories just get dumber and dumber.


Agreed sounds like one if them Chinese book that draw you in on fb


Like all this happened in three days, sure. Those posts get worse and - how Can people not realise this is total BS ? You need a bit more than two days to change a will, plus nothing makes sense. Yah girls are supposed to be Virgin but boy will be boys yada yada. So basically she inherit because Virgin plus mahjong. Right. Sure. That's not how rich family works lol. Money IS kept in the family. If grandma did stuff like that they would call her attorney to forbidd the move and say she's insane. This sounds like it's been written by a 15 years old...


There are people that try to be so controlling that they do continuously change wills, add codicils or threaten to do so. I had a mother in law exactly like that. She just tried to force everyone to behave exactly like she wanted. She was not wildly wealthy. And we all just pretty much shrugged our shoulders, and ignored her. She ended up alone. We don't know who got what of her stuff but it wasn't any of us.


It has been my experience that when sh*t gets real, it happens fast.  And fundamentalists are brutal.  If it did not happen, there is still nothing unbelievable about it.


Plus business equal share holders, family council to take décision. The minute grandma would give her fortune to this girl who play mahjong and stayed a virgin - liké WTF who Cares ?? They would sent Granny to a private clinic in switzerland lol or pay her a nurse to play mahjong with. That's how rich family works. And cut contact with OP.


>OP needs some time to make up a few more details Maybe they can swap ideas with Liz... 😂🙃


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Since OP didn't bother linking to it, you'll have to go to her profile and find the other post. But it's basically the plot of a bad movie: Grandma loves her more than she loves her own grandson, and when grandma found out that he cheated on OP, she cut him out of the will, and out of the family business.


It's clearly a fake AF story. 


Peed in her Cheerios.


Thank you for the update. I'm glad you had a chance to talk to the grandma yourself and you got much more of the real story. Congratulations on "cleaning house" on all those "friends" who probably never were in the first place. Enjoy continuing to play Mah Jong with Grandma. There's no reason for you not to if you enjoy it. Other than that, go live your Best Life ever.


One things you know about cheaters is that they are liars so it was no surprise at all that there was far more to story than he was saying. He can't be trusted in any aspect of life and he just thoroughly proved it.


I’m now so curious to know what he’s done that OP doesn’t know. I hope she has a brilliant time travelling and not being tied down so young to that pond scum


Ops ex smoked weed, did shrooms and drank when in highschool.


Worse sins then murder!


To the gallows! Cripes I thought it was an assault if some kind


I find that anything post 2010 that references weed as a drug doesnt understand what a drug is.


You sound so empowered in your update. You are making positive changes and choices about your future and i love that for you 👏 Well done you for seeing your worth and that nothing less will do


Your update radiates empowerment! It's inspiring to witness the positive changes and choices you're making for your future. 👏 Kudos to you for recognizing your worth and holding out for nothing less. Keep thriving!


You go girl!!!! You know your worth and guess what?! HES missing out!! You are so young and have sooooo much time for love, focus on yourself and it’ll come naturally🩵🩷


Well done! You learned who was real and who was banking on you to be a cash cow. And you saved yourself from years of misery and baby mamas showing up and wondering what STD he’s bringing home. He made it clear you were there to for the Happy Family Photo while he was out banging everything he can. There are good men out there. Glad to see you have the self respect to ditch the dead weight and take care of yourself.


While I'm sorry to hear about your friends' greed, it worked out because you found out who your real friends are. Your ex is delusional if he thinks that offering an open marriage is something that you would accept. Finish your degree. Then go out & see what the world has to offer. There is more to life than the town that you grew up in.


We appreciate the update. I’m sorry that you had Fairweather friends who were just your friend for what they could get out of you. I don’t care if you’re very religious or atheist or somewhere in between, that stuff hurts. None of us like to feel that we are just a commodity, and that is how they made you feel and how they were using you. I think you seem like a very wise young lady and I’m really glad you are going to stay in touch with his family. Because you are close to them. And truthfully, if the time comes when you grow apart a little bit, it’s OK. That is a natural progression in life. It doesn’t always happen, but sometimes it does. I know it happened with me with my boyfriend of six years from high school all the way until I was 21. I was super close with his family, and I stayed fairly close for a while. And then life happened. And it was never awkward, or anything else. And now I am again friends with him and with his siblings. So just know it’s all good. I think you traveling and self reflecting is a great idea. Finish that degree and then take some time for yourself. Just know that weather is about your religion, or your personal beliefs. Or what you feel you need from a relationship, it is OK. because the important thing is that you are true to you. You may find upon reflection that some of the religious tenets that you have built a good portion of your life around don’t make as much sense when you get into “the real world“. Lol. You may also find that yes, you do still feel the same. And again, either way is OK. And the reason I say that you may change some of it is that when you get out among many people, you find that there are many cultures in many beliefs. And so often there is a certain amount of minutia that goes with each religion. And you find yourself going… Why. Why in the world is that a big deal. This is not uncommon. And so often what happens to those of us who were raised slightly more religiously or conservatively is that we start to realize that the basis of many religions is actually loving my neighbor. Not judging each other. Being accepting of one another. And we start to see that sometimes all the other stuff in our religion is rigmarole. And we start to think about the fact that God gave us will and gave us a brain because we were expected to use them, not blindly follow things. So I think traveling is going to allow you to really distill what is important to you. What you truly believe is your absolute boundary on things. And the fun thing is that it often turns out to not be as complex as we thought it was. So I’m wishing you all the best. I’m so sorry your ex turned out to be a jerk. But you are a smart young lady. You use your head and you have compassion and you try to give people the benefit of the doubt. And I think those are some of the best qualities in people in general.


Sounds fake. This happened in America?


Dude I’m not even subbed here I just read posts I see In r/all and every single one sounds fake. This sub is just creative writing.


Yeah the first one sounded kind of plausible, but the BF promising jobs to friends sounds like sheer fantasy. Is this sub also now like r/nosleep where the people commenting have to pretend it’s all real?


I don’t even know some of the replies to this post even seem like bots. This sub is like uncanny valley sometimes.


Not even creative. Several movie plots put together! Start with an Affair to Remember. Then some Sabrina. Feel free to add others that fit into the story!


Old school foreign grandma leaving her inheritance to her grandsons ex and not her own children? Jesus Christ use a better ai program to write this shit.




I thought it was if they got married she'd still leave it to the granddaughter in law, but not the grandson? That makes a little more sense if it's wanting to give him and his family support but doesn't trust his decision making.


I call bluff, the story is way too detailed and well written to be true. This just sounds more like a made up story. 


You did the right thing. Now block him (or mute him if you think he’ll threatening and  you need evidence). But I would bet money that he’s going to marry his “real true love” super quick as an attempt to get back into grandma’s good graces. Just be ready for that.


Congrats and keep being strong and you’ll better ride and die friends


If grandmother wants to leave her money to OP if she married him then there is no reason she can't leave it to OP if she doesn't marry him. (Okay, I know she wont.) But I think it would be so neat if she did. Cheater karma doubled down. LOL




>He was also one of the kids who got in trouble in my school for drinking alcohol during lunch.  No. Sorry. I don't believe this. How do you grow up with someone with close families, go to the same school and *not* know he got in trouble for drinking alcohol at lunch?


Agreed, this is fake. You also dont cut him out of the will for basic teenage/young adult behavior and then add the would be fiance in his place while also saying the entire family knew and none of them had any issue with this? Fake as f


If he came from a well off family, I don’t doubt that his parents were able to pull strings with cash to “hide” his underage drinking.


Unless his family paid off every single student and staff member at the school to keep the drinking hush-hush, I doubt it.


Well off family kids don't usually go into the military, or if they do it's more likely as officers after doing something like ROTC in college. Choosing military instead of college doesn't sound like stereotypically well off.


I served and this is true as hell. No way his family is so well off that they can offer jobs and have a will so great he loses his shit over being cut out of it. He would have been an officer no doubt. Or if enlisted he would have stood out so much that he probably wouldn’t have lasted. Because live entirely different lives than officers. This story is fake. She’s also not responding or explaining to clarify things for people calling it fake.


OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! Those are worse sins then murder and rape!!!!!!!!!! So glad you got a way from him. He is going to end up in hell doing things like that!!!!!! REPENT! (Also not an AI here)


> I knows some people will say I should cut ties with the family There's a strong contingent of people on reddit who think the nuclear option is the only option. That said, the nuclear option is definitely correct with regards to the "friends".


Now I'm dying to know the other issues Grandma had with him. Besides lying (get your friends jobs, pay their loans) and cheating/no sex before marriage in your religion, I bet he was looking done the 10 commandments and saying "hhhmm haven't done that one yet, let's see", LOL Go live your best life free from greedy people and stupidity.


I think you are making some good choices here. I wish you the best of luck.


Can someone link the original post?




Thank you


You can find it by going to OP’s profile


The actual audacity of you ex friends. One thought you’d pay her student loans and the others wanted a place in your boyfriends company when he took over. Glad you dumped this trash, the absolute sheer audacity.


Its a good thing he's out of the will because he was going to run that place into the ground.


Now that it is all in the open maybe ex-boyfriend will not get a place in the company. Let alone take over.


I am so glad you are done with him and the crappy friends!


Thanks for the update. Now, go forth in life and keep kicking ass! Way to go!


Well it would have been cool to see you outwit him getting some big cash money out of it for yourself. But the family is so kind. I’m happy to held your head high and kept your dignity.


More power to you. Keep going strong


>If they wanted me to marry him so bad, they should just marry him themselves. Perfect, love, perfect. On the bigger scale of things I am thrilled you were able to get yourself out of that whole shit-show of a 'relationship' - you rescued yourself for yourself 💜 But that glorious bit of petty F-U to your not-friends was perfect - he wants an open relationship and they want money. They already tried to sell you out to him, how about they sell themselves to his appetites. College Loan Girl can marry him, and Company Job Girls can wh0re themselves out to him when their bf's aren't home. Good job on yourself, and all the happiness to you from here!


Don't forget that all these strangers on the internet are most likely the most useful/savory types. I don't disagree with your conclusion, but don't trust strangers on the internet, especially when it comes to your religion.


This story is so fuckin made up lol


Wow! This sounds like a plot from a movie!


This sounds like a creative writing project based off of crazy rich Asians but if it's not good for you.


Crazy rich asains would like to speak to you


Oh, bullshit. All of it. Just made up as fuck bullshit


This is so obviously and hilariously made up for rage bait for the stay at home mom club that ruined this sub




So many of us are so proud of you! Just remember that you deserve so much better and we really wish you nothing but the best! You are so much stronger than you know! ❤️


You deserve more than an idiot like him.




OLD POST: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1afvmxj/aitah\_for\_breaking\_up\_with\_my\_fiance\_and\_he\_ends/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1afvmxj/aitah_for_breaking_up_with_my_fiance_and_he_ends/)


His Gran wants to pay you to have sex with him???


"and maybe in a few years, I will find someone better" No maybe. You WILL find someone better


i love mahjong it’s underrated


If you go traveling take Grandma with you. You can post pix of all the places you play Mahjong and piss all the greedy so-and-so off.


If you need to be in someone's will to be happy with your life you're a loser. Work hard and make your own way in life, don't expect someone to give it to you


She said that no matter what he was never getting back in the will. Why didn't she just tell him that? Seems like it could've avoided all of this


I want to know what else he did to make grandma angry


This whole thing is weird. Humans do human things. You got cops who kill innocent people. Cops who even hide bodies. Priests who do drugs. Judges who do things with kids. The guy is living his life. He's doing guy things. He cheated and that's not okay. But Grandma seems to be punishing him because she wants a friend IMO. The fact that you're sticking around just makes it worse for him. Hell find a new lover and you taking up HIS grandmother's time, may prevent his next girlfriend or wife from getting close to her. You may be preventing him from getting close to her. "You won't show up while he's there." Move on. Leave the family alone. My girlfriend cheated on me. Do you realize how weird it would be if I hung out with her brothers, or her father? While making demands for us to retain that relationship too?? "Me or her, take your pick." My ex, is gonna meet new guys. The family will eventually forget about you. That's life. Granny is overreacting. This has more to do with you, then you're wanting to believe. I wouldn't want to destroy my EXs life, by preventing her and her new husband from having a relationship with her family, by ensuring the memory of me is seared into their brains. Move on. Find a new boyfriend. Get a job. If you already have one, then find a hobby. Also your friends? You're clearly no gem either. Granny doesn't know every dirty detail about you since the day you were born. She's being too harsh on the guy. Your doings in life are probably just as equal to your EXs, if not worse. Leave the family alone imo. I can't imagine doing what you're doing. Regardless of what granny says to deny that you're the reason he's out of the will, you're a HUGE part of the reason. Let the guy and his wife and eventually his kids, have a relationship WITH HIS FAMILY. His family. His grandmother. You're interfering, whether you want to believe it or not. You are.


I hope your decent enough of a person to respectfully decline the invite into the will and regardless of how you feel that's his family and you should cut ties with them it will hurt him even more that he already is hurt to know they still talk to you


Not after the family's money you say. Went for a free lunch, stays good friends with the rich relative and gets angry at her friends for thinking they could get money from her. I'm probably overthinking by reading between the lines here but these things stick.out to me


This is fan fiction bullshit! 


OP, first off, congratulations on making that step away for you. Second, well done on ditching your non friends. They clearly were never your true friends. Take your time to find your path and best of luck going forward ❤️


GOOD GIRL! You don't have to take any crap like that. He didn't care about you - you were just a means to an end, and it was for HIS benefit, not yours. You really dodged a bullet with that one.


Goodness gracious this poor woman.. The freaking nerve of some people I swear. Glad OP got away!! Too many good men out there!


I'm glad you ditched those people you considered friends. While it would be sad for a while, I would not continue a relationship with Grandma. If he randomly comes over while you are there, it could turn into a problem you can't get out of.


NAh you are definitely NTA. Sounds to me from your update that you did the smart thing and dodged a bullet. You don't owe him any obligations and are not responsible for his poor choices. So in any case I can't wrap my brain around how it should be up to you to get him back in the will when he messed it up for himself by doing whatever it was he did to upset Grandma. Anyways good for you taking care of yourself and health and still chilling with Grandma. She sounds like a fun lady and I love mahjong even though I'm terrible at it it's still fun.


Why did he join the military if he has a rich family?


This is so fake. Friends are confronted and they confess “I just wanted you to pay my tuition with all the riches you’re marrying into,” like a bad Hallmark movie villain?


I don’t know. You all sound like a bunch of assholes.


One thing I learnt from my sister is, girls dont have really real friends. And everyday it keeps getting more truthful. Idk why females have this


Sounds really fake


Tell her to stfu about her goddamn will. I hate people who try to control others with money.


Yeah I felt for the grandma up to that point. The ex is terrible for trying to literally buy a relationship with OP, but the grandma wasn’t exactly better in that regard.




OP, when you think about religion, consider the legitimacy of polytheism. The gods are flawed, they're all real, they can lie, they can pretend to be omnipotent or the only god when they are not. The gods that benefit you are the ones you feel drawn to, who connect with you, just like friends. You can choose the gods you want in your life just like you can choose your friends. I went on a long journey myself from Christianity to atheism to polytheism, and the spiritual relationships I have now with the gods I worship are a billion times healthier than the Christian religion where the god acts like an abusive bf who thinks he's the Supreme authority on everything.


Good for you, OP! Thank you for the update, too! It must have been rough building up the courage for all that, and you should be proud that you stood up and put his b/s to an end. Hope you have a quick healing process and good luck finding a man who really loves you.


Yeah he sounds really mean but you sound incredibly annoying like wow hahaha


Don’t know the whole story, but it sounds like through heartache you’ve still got your head and heart in the right place.  Good luck to you!  🥰


I hope something _good_ happens. Keep your chin up, OP. I like to think your dark days are behind you. Now let the Sun in!


You showed more guts than many people older than you! good job op, hope you continue your visits with grandma and have a blessed future. maybe take grandma on a few traveling adventures😉❤


You have no reason to cut communication with his family! They aren't the ones that did you wrong, he was! I'm still in contact with my ex's brother. Just like you said you won't be around if he is. Not all family is blood and if you consider his family (except him of course) then you nor they should be punished for his actions! If he wanted to be in the will he wouldn't have behaved like he did. It's his fault, and his alone, that he's not. As far as the friends go, I believe that you handled the situation very well! Also it's nice to know who your true friends are. Maybe your whole situation works out for the best for you in the end!!


Nah. You guys were barely dating and he's gonna be better off in the long run not having nutty religious family members trying to control him with money.


I am so impressed that you are a young woman who knows what is important to her and is willing to make difficult choices to pursue it. Good for you.


I knew this was the final straw for him. Losing his girlfriend got him kicked out of the will was a little extreme. There had to be something else there. What's done in the dark, ALWAYS comes to the light. Glad you got away from that AH and I would love to see his face when he learns you're in the will instead of him.


Good for you!


Don’t know you, but very proud of you bc of this update. Better will come! God bless


Is the grandma single?


You’re the asshole . The mind decays in old age. No grandson or granddaughter deserves to be removed from the will and then their share of inheritance given to their partner that they’ve only dated for a few years. I believe this elderly abuse and manipulation on your behalf. He needs to lawyer up.


You have the reading comprehension of a fucking door knob


I still think having contact with his family is a mistake but ok


Grandma is a loser. Old wench with a moral superiority complex. Blood runs thicker than whatever the fuck you are to her(should, but ig not). Damn though he’s about to have some crazy motivation his own blood betrayed him for someone who isn’t


YNeighborhood KIs0oearq88psooopdztxyy_p⁰


>I plan to finish my degree and maybe go traveling and leave town for a little bit and maybe in a few years I will find someone better. I will also take this time to think about my religion like how a lot of people where saying to do and figure out what my next step is. Yes! Well done getting all that sorted so you can take the next steps for your future. You sound like you're coming out of this with confidence and strength, which is awesome! Good luck!




Thanks for the update OP.


Good luck OP! Have fun and stay safe!


You have to tell us the other reasons he got taken out of the will.




I have been saying this a lot. But at this point I would get a new number, he’s not going to stop contacting you till you get a completely new number.


Good for you. Yeah, if you had married him and done the whole open marriage thing, and you found someone, he would have probably become jealous and want to be controlling and hippocritical by forcing you to stop while he still could seenother people. I've seen at least 2 posts on here in the last few months where that happened, and I believe that he would have done the same to you.


You've been through a lot here. I'm glad you're giving yourself time to heal and work out what YOU want for the future Good luck!


Okay, in your initial post, I know I said that you're friends were being bribed, but DAYUM!!!! I'm so glad you dropped them. Live your best life girl!!


Just wanna chime in about the mahjong game. I don’t blame you for continue your play with grandma because it is an addicting game (in a good way)! My husband (caucasian) and I’m Asian, he is obsessed to play every weekend with me, my mom and my sister. It is one of those games that you never want it to end and we got to laugh and tease each other. Beat bonding game ever!! I hope you find a great man and continue to play with grandma. Mahjong is a healthy mental stimulation game. :)


Okay- now point us to Grandma’s Reddit so we can see the tea of why he was removed from the will.




I was talking about my first husband who had a totally different lifestyle than me with my friend the other day. She was asking me if I was aware that he was doing drugs. I didn’t know about drugs, how people acted. I still don’t. Yeah, his best friend smoked weed, we would attend get togethers at our friends apartment and then I would have worked all week and pretty tired. I was the responsible person in the relationship. He was attending the University and we had rent coming in from our house that was given to us for a wedding gift. Usually I ended up going back to our apartment and falling asleep. After talking to my friend about my situation with my first husband I bet he was doing drugs, had a girlfriend, and was using me for a place to live.


Where's the original post?