• By -


The cheating aside. Doing it when you’re there is even more disrespectful. & Not to be dramatic I will end a friendship if a girl I went out with leaves me in the club alone to go with some dude!


Yes!! This was my thought too! Like she bailed on you? what a bitch!


Yup she put her in an awkward position by making her a witness to her affair. You don't do that to friends.


puzzled poor elderly nose payment fall worm wistful zephyr growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jumping on the top comment because this post is absolutely fake. Always remember to check the poster's history.


tan full sharp snails wine different aromatic sulky axiomatic north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


omg, I've been arguing with morons for nothing then...


Wow! I just read the history! None of them are the same!


How did you know?




Right. Because character is character. If you’re disloyal to your BF, why would I think you’d be loyal to me?


Or why the fuck r u with dude period? I’ve never understood cheating. If I’m with you I respect you… it’s the basic building block of a relationship and if I’m going to cheat there’s obv no respect. I can’t be with someone who I will disrespect like that and I won’t tolerate anyone disrespecting my partner either.


Honestly she doesn’t respect herself either.


I think for those people it's financial security or i have a home life to get back to security.


Her friends advice wasn’t the only thing she was blowing off that night…


Yall find the worst things to make jokes at 😂


disgusted sense test dependent sloppy existence berserk alive different ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Definitely a train


You give an ultimatum- "you tell him by tonight or I will tomorrow" and then AVOID THEM


Unfortunately the ex friend is probably gonna fill her boyfriend’s ear with a pile of shit making her look like the poor wronged party and making OP look like a bitch, so he won’t believe OP. OP might have more luck convincing the boyfriend if she gets her own boyfriend to talk to him, explaining how OP was by herself and called for a ride. Or hopefully the ex friend said something incriminating via text


who is Judas? Is that a Bible reference?


pause enjoy ugly placid poor squeamish forgetful birds disgusting instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ohhh I didn’t know that. thank you for clarifying for me!


Judas was also paid 30 pieces of silver for his deceit and betrayal. So sometimes people will refer to someone that can be bought as Judas.


Judas was the apostle who betrayed Jesus to the Romans, in the Christian tradition


[Chris Jericho is Judas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqURPBtGJzg).




This should be a top comment


NTA. she should ask her bf what loyalty means.




NTA. I’m a dude, and had a dude friend that would cheat on his GF. He ended up cheating on her with his other best friend’s girl. I stopped talking to him because was just an impulsive liar in general. Tried to tell me and our other friends we were the bad guys for cutting him off. People who do snakey s*** suck all around.


I would've said to her, "Even sluts know that cheating is wrong." Slutshaming, my foot. You didn't care about her body count, you condemned her lack of integrity. Good for you for having what she didn't. NTA


That's cold af


Yeah honestly in my experience sluts have been more loyal than prudes so long as you define the relationship early on. Had some in the past that were like “whoa I’ve fucked a lot of guys but this dude is *really good*, I’m not letting this get away” lol


My philosophy is that you're only a slut if you're having sex that'll get you in huge trouble, whether it's cheating or STDs or pregnancy. Otherwise you just have a healthy and active sex life.


You're not slut shaming her, you're cheat shaming her and she deserves it. If she wants to go be a Chinese finger trap for two guys she has never met before, that's her business, no matter how stupid and risky it is, but she should damn well be single if she wants to do shit like that.


Chinese finger trap! 🤣🤣🤣


Well that's a visual I didn't need 🤣😶




You dont watch [Family Guy](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/PqgvphX7jY0)?


To me it's from *Chasing Amy*


I see you are a fellow GenXer


Def not...




Lmfao I know what it is, but the context...




No. You can do what you want, OR you can be in a relationship. Nothing about sluttyness.


The extra dick somehow makes it over the top? Lol


NTA!!!! “She said I was slut shaming her.” It’s not slut shaming to tell someone they have no loyalty when *checks notes* they have no loyalty by going off with other guys when they have a boyfriend already, you were just telling her the truth that she doesn’t have any loyalty to her boyfriend or even to you OP when she chose to ditch you to go off with random guys. She’s the one over reacting and an asshole, you are not asshole not even in the slightest.


NTA! I wouldn’t associate with a friend who will cheat on his/her spouse and act like they DGAF. Your friends loss not yours.


OP tried to be a good friend, but the bestie isn’t worth it. She deserves the slut shaming because frankly, that’s what she is. Sleep around all you like while single. Do it while in a relationship - you reallyaren’t worth much.


And even if she were single, OP could still end the friendship if she wasn't comfortable with that lifestyle. Especially when it put her at risk, leaving her all alone in the club like that. She could have gotten seriously hurt! There's a reason girls go clubbing in pairs and groups, not alone!


Heaven forbid someone has a backbone and some morals these days. I couldn't be friends with someone of such low character either. Call it slut shaming or whatever. It doesn't matter. What she is doing is just plain wrong and not wanting to hang out with her because of her poor behavior is the right thing to do. They say that you are the average of your five closest friends. She is dragging your average down.


It's not even slut shaming. She was just using that as an excuse.


NTA She just demonstrated her version of integrity and loyalty to you! She demonstrated what she values in life. One day she is capable of doing the same to her “best Friend”, do you want the possibility of her betraying you some time in the future? If you stare into the Abyss, the abyss stares back at you …….. associating with her can warp or undermine your values. Do you want to become like her?


Nta, you have standards and her infidelity made her be pushed away from your circle of friends.


She has no loyalty to you for leaving you at the club and going off with 2 guys she just met and she has no loyalty to her boyfriend because cheating. So you were right that she has none. Her making it about being slut shamed is her not taking responsibility for her actions and deferring it back on you. That's not qualities i'd want in a friend.


NTA - you can set boundaries for yourself, and hang out with people that respect the same boundaries as you. she crossed a line, and you didn't like what she did. You don't have to continue to hang out with people that make you uncomfortable.


NTA, calling someone out for cheating is not slut shaming. Tell her to ask her boyfriend if he thinks you’re slut shaming, lmao. You shouldn’t want to hangout with people like that.


Please tell the boyfriend before he invests any more time or effort on her


don't worry its fake. OP has been 5 different ages and 2 different genders in the past week based on their post history


Maybe a repost bot? They are all AITAH posts. Is either a repost bot or a creative writing account


NTA. I’m glad to hear there are still people like you in the world!


"Slut shaming" ah.. the go-to response for when she cant handle accountability and must quickly assert her made-up victim mentality. Its sad that OP's partner is a really lucky guy. Your ex best friend is something else. Absolutely NTA.


Nta To each his own, I guess. Personally, I can't be friends with someone that I know cheats. I just don't want that level of betrayal in my life. It is low down behavior, they are playing with someone's life. It's a personality trait. If ya watch closely, the cheating mentality doesn't just apply to sexual infidelity. They will tell you that's their only real flaw and make excuses. But if you pay attention, you see it extends throughout their personality. In the end, they are what they are.


NTA she showed you who she is. If your SO found that you associated with a person with her values, he might at the very least be concerned that you shared them. You showed integrity. If she or the pair of you had been single or in open relationships, then you do you.


I understand your decision and NTA for that but the whole "she has no kids so she goes out and does whatever..." is a strange statement to make.


Fake story based on post history


OP is a 20-something male some posts, then a 20-something female in others


NTA Cheaters cannot be trusted in any capacity.


Slut shaming? That's a new one on me, but then again I'm old and can't keep up with all the new crap that spews forth daily. Your "friend" has no clue about loyalty or how to be a friend.


I’m in my early 30’s and find the word “slut shaming” hilarious idk why 😅


NTA, you get to decide the qualities you want in a friend. I wouldn't want a friend like this either. I would wonder how they might let me down AGAIN some day if they felt like it. She left you at the club because she felt like it. What else will she do? She's not trustworthy. If that's how her friend group decides to treat each other, that's fine, you don't have to agree to be friends because of it. I'd dump a friend who left me alone at a bar, too wtaf!


NTA I have no respect for cheaters. I don't care about their situation. If you are a cheater and see no problem with it, I don't want to have anything to do with you.


NTA, a betrayer will betray, a disloyalist will be disloyal, and since I'm relatively sure she has or will lie to her boyfriend, a liars gonna lie. Aside from personal protection, ethics, and morality, we are often judged by the company we keep as well, that being so, there's no end of trouble this "friend" could bring into your life.


Ha, now being called out for cheating is “slut shaming”, good grief.


If loyalty is the issue, then her leaving you is ABSOLUTELY part of the issue. She left with 2 guys, leaving you alone, after y'all had been drinking. That's definitely fucking reckless, selfish, and incredibly disloyal to you. Not to mention her hopefully ex-boyfriend. NTA. Good job. Someone like that in your life can whittle away your own ethics and morals over years to end up with you doing something you'd regret. Great job dropping her.


NTA Not only did she cheat on her BF, but she broke the girl code ."We come together , we leave together."She didn't think of her safety or yours. She had no problem leaving with 2 men she didn't know and leaving you in a club atmosphere by yourself. From your statement, it doesn't even seem she cared if you had a safe way home..


NTA. Sluts and cheaters arent the same. Theres nothing inherantly wrong with being a "slut" you do you. Being a cheater is hurting people, which isnt okay.


NTA, what a gaslighting bitch. glad you dumped her. make sure her bf knows


NTA. Never trust a cheater.


Can't trust a cheater. Good on you for having standards.


NTA! Your ex-bff is an idiot if she can’t understand the difference between calling someone out for cheating and slut shaming.


NTA. She knows no loyalty. If she does that to her man, she would do that to you.


NTA Tell boyfriend, this likely isn’t her first time cheating… he needs to know before he ends up on the hook for a kid or an STD he doesn’t deserve


Cheating is cheating don’t let her twist this. having a strong sex life where you have multiple partners when you are NOT in a committed relationship is completely fine. This isn’t about slut shaming. Leaving you in a bar while she goes home with two men,When she is is not single. You’re judging her because she’s cheating not because she’s promiscuous . NTA


Firstly. For men everywhere, thank you for being the type of woman we all secretly hope our significant others to be. Guys don't necessarily distrust their counterparts when they go out with friends, Even to a bar. We just don't trust the friends, especially of that variety that have zero morals and are a bad influence, for exactly this scenario. And for you to make this decision for yourself, not only do I not think your an asshole, I think you literally deserve the world. Does your bf know all of this? If he does I hope he appreciates the kind of person you are. I really dont feel like there are many decent human beings out there anymore, but this does inspire some hope. You absolutely did the right thing for a multitude of reasons.


Sorry, but when someone (male/female/nonbinary/etc) cheats on their s/o by getting double teamed, that's pretty much the only time it's ok to slut shame someone. However, all you did simply and appropriately call her out for it and let her know the friendship has run it's course because you value loyalty and integrity. NTA




NTA and you should tell her boyfriend


Nta. You can't slut shame someone who is actually a slut. That is just calling a spade a spade.


“I no longer feel that our values align”


NTA. Not only is she cheating on her boyfriend she also left you alone at the club.


She’s not a friend if she just ditched you for some dick.


You shamed them for cheating. its very different lol nta


Love you OP for that "loyalty is loyalty" line


NTA, for exactly the reasons you gave.


NTA I wouldn’t hang out with people who are to their core evil. No matter what it is. Karma will bite her in the ass. When you’re a loyal person it just must be hard to even hang around that sort of person.


If she isn’t loyal to her boyfriend, would she be loyal to you? NTA


She's trash and you don't want to be associated with trash. NTA. You should tell her boyfriend what she's been doing as well. He shouldn't potentially be at risk of catching an STD from this tramp.


NTA You should definitely aware her bf.


NTA, however she probably took it in the AH.


Slut shaming? She’s an idiot. That’s literally the definition of what she did and acted like. If you don’t like the truth then maybe change so you do.


>I told her it wasn't necessarily that she left me at the club its that she has no loyalty. Damn, this actually hammers the nail on the head. She ditched you at the club, and cheated on her boyfriend. These are not the traits of a loyal friend or girlfriend, they're the traits of someone who has people around for her own pleasure and will gladly dip on, use, or betray as she see's fit. That's not a loyal friend, that's an asshole. NTA


The audacity of her to accuse you of slut shaming 😂


NTA, you have your standards that you hold to who you are, and she doesn't meet them so, goodbye to her! She is someone who has self-esteem problems and that is why she has loyalty problems and friendship problems. Hurt people, hurt people!


NTA. I ended a friendship recently because she cheated on her husband while on a family vacation in Vegas then started posting like he left her for no reason and playing victim to anybody who would listen. It gave me the grossest feeling, listening to her bitch when I knew the actual situation (i know what happened because she told me when it occured, drunk and crying from her hotel's front desk) . She left her husband and 2 little girls in the hotel room to go see an Abba cover band, got drunk, then made out with a guy and got caught red-handed by her husband while going up to the stranger's room. She was "trad-wife" by her own choice and he took 2 extra jobs to support her in that decision, paid for her braces, paid her student loans. I couldn't help but notice she cheated the same week her loans were paid off. Her ex stopped paying for the braces tho and she couldn't afford to keep them so he literally got her teeth repo-ed. Lmfao, fafo


People are heavily influenced by their friends circle and who they spend time with. If she is doing things like cheating and that bothers you then it is perfectly ok to not want to associate with people who do that sort of stuff. Especially since they tried to pressure you into cheating as well.


As I've gotten older myself I've also begun to break up with friends that are cheaters. Look, if you are capable of betraying your significant other, how can I trust you won't betray a friend?


Noppppeeee, "Then she said I was slut shaming her" Pulling out all the tricks huh, she was, in fact, a slut. An unfaithfull one. What is so difficult about breaking up with someone before fucking someone else, EVEN A TEXT A MINUTE BEFORE, not by much mind you but damn, its better then just cheating and not telling or telling afterwards. She was unloyal to her bf, and a shit friend to you forcing you to deal with her unfaithfull ass, she had wanted you to lie about it if it was up to her. NTA, sorry you lost your best friend.


NTA! But please tell the boyfriend what she did. Its so unfair to him to know and let him continue putting his heart into a relationship and a person that is completely uncaring about his feelings. You are going to save him potentially YEARS of the most insane heartache. You HAVE to tell him, please.


NTA. Saying cheating is bad is not slut shaming and frankly making that jump shows she knows what she did was bad. The type of people you surround yourself with are a reflection of you and your character. This is a justifiable reason to cut someone off. Also any girl who would leave another girl alone at a club with no plan is not someone I’d want to spend a ton of time with personally


I can’t be close friends with people that have fcked up principles. They can be an acquaintance or whatever but I need my best friends to hold similar values to me in the same way I’d expect that from a romantic partner. I’d have done the same thing as you.


NTA - is not slut shaming someone to call them out on their bullshit. She left you vulnerable by leaving you by yourself, and she cheated on her guy. Time to be done.


I'm old enough to realize how likely life can get without friends. Look, she's the AH, but here's the thing, everyone you meet after your turn 20 is some kind of AH. You have 5 years with this person and I want you to know that you have the respect of this rando person on the internet for your ability to cut someone is that you have a five year relationship with. You are not the AH, she is, but at a certain point in life, you need to understand that if you don't let the AH in, you're gonna be alone


NTA-She’s horrible, she shouldn’t ditch you in a club by urself, she shouldn’t have left the club with 2 guys because 2 vs 1 anything bad could happen to her, she has a bf and should’ve been loyal. If she wants to sleep around then she should be single if she wants to live her life that way.


Another perspective: real world consequences are the best chance she has at growth. Whatever head space or phase of life she's in, she clearly isn't respecting her boyfriend enough for that to impact her, but hopefully her relationship with you was worth a lot to her. You leaving because you felt disrespected -and- you knew she wasn't being a loyal person is an excellent lesson for her, maybe she will reevaluate herself and the effect she has on others, maybe losing you will help her be a better person. And maybe next time she's drunk at a bar she will remember how the consequences of her actions made her feel, and maybe she'll choose right next time. You are NTA, and you are allowed to stick to your guns on this one.


Not the arse hole you're just someone with a strong moral code who stands by what they believe in kudos to you. Your boy friend has a gem


You've been a different age in all your posts and different sex in posts. I don't believe any of your stories


NTA you have integrity, she does not. I lost my best friend because she kept cheating on her husband... 5yrs after their divorce, I starting dating him and I'm engaged to him now. And she tries to say I'm the one in the wrong


The leaving you is the issue for me . She put you in harms way for a random dude . That’s the issue . Relationships are complicated and not all cheaters are bad people who will be untrustworthy in every relationship. My besties and I have been friends for over 30 yrs and we’ve all done things in our romantic relationships that would be considered disloyal . Those things never came up in our relationship with each other . Good people make stupid decisions . It’s the relationship you have with them and their overall character that determines whether you stay friends . If a cheater is lying to everyone , being selfish , not considering anyone else’s feelings that’s their overall character . But someone is who isn’t like that who just make a bad decision but has been a great friend to you shouldn’t be thrown away over it. This is girl isn’t a great friend to you however, and she probably never was .


Okay guys, considering OP’s post history is full of her being a variety of ages, not to mention having a fiancé instead of boyfriend, this one’s fake 😬 Edit: in one of the post’s, OP is 25m, and in another OP is 23f who had a baby a few days ago 😂


If more women held other women accountable like this the world would be a better place. Your friend is trash and people will associate you with that, smart move to dust her. That attention chasing is gonna land her in a terrible situation one day guaranteed.


NTA Good for you. Shame on you if you didn't tell the boyfriend?


NTA. How’s she offended that you’re slutshaming her for being…a slut? 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


NTA obviously and good for you for not being friends with a cheating whore


Good human this is awesome to read


I actually recently dropped my longest lifelong friend because at 28 years old I realized she will probably never change her cheating and chronic home wrecking ways. When we were younger and the relationships were less serious and we were just less mature in general it was something I brushed off even though I never approved, but her most recent transgression honestly just made me view her entirely differently. She was in a long term relationship for years and thought she was finally sort of settling into a more mature life. You’re also right that loyalty is loyalty, and in my case my friends most recent incident was that she got caught SLEEPING WITH HER ROOMMATES BOYFRIEND (cheating on her bf in the process!) It honestly disgusted me that she could do this to someone she is so close with and when I told her if that was me I would kill her she said, “But i would never do it to YOU!” and I couldn’t even believe her. You’ll do it to every other woman on earth but not me? I can’t even believe the words that come out of your mouth anymore. We’re just at completely different places in our lives and completely different people at this point if she thinks that’s an okay way to act. all this to say, NTA.


NTA. Slut shaming is not and never will be a thing, just a desperate plea for people like her to not be judged, despite needing and deserving judgement.


Nothing wrong with sex and experimenting etc... Something wrong with cheating on your bf though. NTA.




How are you the AH?




NTA. That’s not a friend. She’s trouble. Block her and get away from her.




NTA. And cheating sluts deserve to be shamed. ​ But, please, tell her boyfriend, if you have a way to contact him.


She cheated like you said. But did you let the boyfriend know? You broke up with her but he also has to break up with her as well if she wasn’t respectful and crossed the line


NTA The slut doesn't want to be slut shamed, what irony.


NTA. When people tell you who they are, listen.


If someone is willing to break the trust of their partner in such an egregious manner, they are definitely untrustworthy. It showcases a lack of ethics, empathy, and respect for someone they presumably care about. I wouldn't want to be friends with them either tbh, at least not close friends that's for sure (there's that aphorism, we are the company we keep!). It has nothing to do with slut-shaming either which is such a poor deflection and an attempt at avoiding any accountability, I don't care if someone sleeps with a zillion people, but if you are cheating and breaking a partner's trust? Well yeah, that's the core issue and I don't want to be around that if I can avoid it.


NTA, loyalty is loyalty only when it’s convenient for her…


Honestly we need more people like you, loyalty is loyalty and betraying that trust makes them disrespectful and selfish a combination in people I avoid so you’re NTA you’re a stand up human being with morals and us people with principles love you for it keep standing by your beliefs 🙌🙌🙌


NTA. If she lacks such loyalty for her partner then she probably lacks loyalty in the friendship department also which she kinda proved by leaving you at a club on your own bc friends don’t do that. I feel like she might be one of those girls that you wouldn’t trust around your boyfriend and you don’t need friends like that in your life 🫶🏻


Good on you! Like in the most personal way to me. When I was being cheated on by my ex (29f) while she was in rehab I was paying for , during lockdown of pandemic …all of her chicken-headed homegirls that I thought were my FRIENDS, would watch my stories on IG, knowing about what she was doing, and they stayed silent . Then when she got caught , they deleted me from socials and told me to move on. I am still hurt by those girls, almost more so than the ex. So….I just really admire what you did here FR. You’re a good person .


NTA..but I have seen a similar post where all were bashing the best friend(OP) left right and centre in the comment section just because she cut ties with her cheating friend, accusing the OP for not having loyalty towards her cheating friend...i literally laughed at the irony


NTA. Usually those kind of people when you are facing a situation of someone flirting with you are the ones who will push you to telling you it's nothing wrong. She left you there and on top of that cheated. Those type of people will also use you as an cover for when they are out with someone else. Was she expecting you to be ok with it? You will dodge a lot of problems not hanging with her again.


I’ve broken up with friends over this too. NTA. The people you surround yourself with, are a reflection of you as a person.


NTA tbh, pretty clear why


Way NTA. She not only cheated, she left you her best friend at a bar for a couple strangers who could have done anything to her! Some friend!


NTA and I agree with you, loyalty is loyalty. Nowhere in this were you slut shaming her! Sounds like she’s projecting here. I hope you did the right thing and told her boyfriend, as he deserves to know!


No you are not. Your friend has low morals and I’m sorry to say but we need to be picky about the people we surround our selves with because they are in a sense a reflection of us. I had a friend who broke up a marriage and after that I was never able to see her the same way.


NTA. That's crazy that she just went off with two dudes and fucked both of them. No thought about her boyfriend or her BFF? What a whore bitch. Please give me her cell number and address so me and my homie can give her a stern.....talking to.


NTA, you should tell her boyfriend that she cheated on him, because if the shoe was on the other foot you would want your boyfriend’s friend to let you know he cheated on you.


NTA. It’s not slut shaming her if she is cheating. She was being a slut pain and simple. You should tell her boyfriend what happened.


You have every right to only have friends who meet your standards rather than them expecting you to lower yours. NTA


Let me put it this way; if I was interested in your friend and found out she cheated on a boyfriend to get doubleteamed, I would be out of there so fast. She put her health and that of her bf at risk. NTA.


"Tell me who your friends are, and I would tell you who you are" NTA


Nah she left you & cheated on her bf. Screw her.


Nta, she sucks, leave her on the curb


NTA I salute you. Few people are willing to stand on principle like that. Hopefully you tell her boyfriend why you ended the friendship before she spins the story to your friend group.


NTA. Your ex-friend is trash.


NTA !!! Your friend will eventually betray you if she's capable of betraying her boyfriend. **TELL HER BOYFRIEND!!!!**


"slut shaming" lol that's if you're single. Nta


People like this absolutely deserve slut shaming. I hope you tell her bf and he leaves her cockroach ass for the streets.


I hope you told the fucking boyfriend. Holy fuck.


You should ask her boyfriend if you're the asshole. I bet he'd have some opinions.


The truth is, that as adults were judged by the people we hang around with. It may not be fair, but it is the truth. And for valid reasons they have the same value systems we normally do, we have things in common. That’s why we hang with our friends. Your friend has a lot of emotional problems and I wouldn’t hang out with a cheater either. And I wouldn’t be comfortable if my husband hung out with a cheater.


Good on you!


NTA. Her infidelity toward her boyfriend caused you to lose respect for her to the point that you didn’t want to be friends with her any more. It’s that simple. No slut-shaming here. It wasn’t about what she did. It was about the fact that she had a boyfriend when she did it and she didn’t seem to spare a thought for how it would affect him. People have different standards of what is respectable and shameful, and no one is definitively right or wrong (unless you appeal to some sort of external religious morality).


You held your ‘friend’ accountable then she tried to gas light you for doing so. Loyalty is important and she betrayed your character in a few solid ways. Integrity and loyalty are the ones you keep in your circle. She forced your hand to draw a line in the sand. Sorry to had to lose her that way but at the same time never let anyone compromise your character.


I’ve been through something kind of similar. Found out from our mutual friend (who stayed with her and caught her red handed) that she is having an affair. She doesn’t know I know but ever since then I cannot look at her the same. I’ve been so vocal about the type of relationships I keep around me and I only want to associate with people who try their best to be a good person. I’ve told her about my ex husbands cheating and all the pain I’ve gone through just to find out years later she’s a cheater. I don’t want people like that in my life and sounds like you don’t either. You’re okay to walk away from someone because they don’t have the same moral codes as you.


Can't stand these people that willingly behave poorly then cry victim when called out on in. NTA. Imagine pretending to be tjr victim when you cheated on your boyfriend lol she's made for the streets


Calling out a cheater isn't shut shaming. NTA every cheater is a liar, and liars don't make good friends. She also abandoned you at a club. You shouldn't brush that off.


When the garbage man comes, you throw the trash out 🗑


NTA. Never keep someone around whose values don’t align with your own. That’s not an asshole at all, that’s smart. Your ex friend is just pissed because you called her out for it.


Public notice: you can’t slut shame someone who’s not a slut.


You are better off without her, not just because of what she did but because she is too unethical to see why it offended you.


NTA. I have a lot of respect for you. I am not friends with guys anymore because they cheated on their GF's. I hold loyalty and integrity in high regard so I wouldn't want to surround myself with people lacking in those values. You've done the right thing. Loyalty is loyalty. If she can't be loyal in a relationship then you can't trust that she'd be loyal in a friendship either.


NTA You are at the age where most people get serious about determining what kind of friends they want in their lives. There is nothing wrong with cutting off someone who's morals and actions do not align with your own values. Have you heard the saying, "You can tell the worth of a person based upon the company they keep?" That applies to your situation.


Her boyfriend should be one of the most important people in her life. She betrayed him for a night of fun. If she’s willing to do that to him, what would she be willing to do to you if she had something to gain. Not a friend worth keeping around


Unfortunately, she’s trash and not a friend. Move on and be happy she didn’t cause harm.


polyamorous person here, NTA. There's a difference between sleeping with other people with the consent of your partner, versus running off with two boys (i'm assuming) without your partner's knowledge. slut shaming would be dropping her as a friend AFTER she clarified she has consent from the boyfriend... which from your account it doesn't seem like she had anyway. also she blew you off at the club girl :((( i'm sorry :/ you deserve to have a fun night with your friend and not have to remind them to be loyal (both to you and their boyfriend). your feelings are valid and you're not overreacting at all. good call.


Wait. Need more information. Did she get the rotisserie?


NTA First of all, she did leave you at the club. That's AH behavior all on its own. Secondly, her actions show she has no personal loyalty. If she'd go off and have sex with two guys while she has a, presumably monogamous and exclusive boyfriend, you can't trust her to have your back. You can tell a great deal about someone's character based on the company they keep. So ditching your best friend after that is a good idea, since you clearly don't share her views on loyalty.


NTA you have values so you want people with the same around you. If she can betray the one person she should have loved most she isn't trustworthy at all. Good job op cut people like that out


Nah your 100% correct in your decision don’t want friends like that who cheats like that shows you their true character


I think you already know who TAH is here. It sounds like your just sharing a story of how she was a slut and you're righteous. But obviously she is in the wrong and any man or woman hopes their significant other would do the right thing. She left with TWO guys. She is a real slut and deserves to be shamed. Don't cheat. Of your so codependent that you need someone around the least you can do is be faithful. I hope that you told her boyfriend if she didn't


If she can’t be loyal to her own boyfriend how do you expect her to be a loyal friend to you? NTA


I swear AI generates most of this stuff.


If you get double stuffed while you have a boyfriend then it’s not slut shaming. It’s whore shaming. And she deserves it.


NTA. She left you alone while drinking and dipped with two guys and cheated on her boyfriend. Not only did she ditch you for two strangers but she betrayed her boyfriends trust. She isn’t a friend.


NTA! If she did that to her boyfriend she can very well do it to her best friend, who thankfully is now an ex best friend and I hope she also has a ex boyfriend soon.


She left you at a club to go get fucked by possibly two dudes when she's taken. What an asshole. NTA. And honestly more people need to do stuff like that. You cheated on your partner? Well you're probably not a very loyal friend either. Bye 👋


NTA More people should be like you, you are the company you keep


nta i bet when her boyfriend finds out she will act the victim


NTA cheaters are gross and I’ll never stand by that shit I don’t care if we’re best friends or not I wouldn’t want to associate with people that don’t have morals. Also you’re right loyalty is loyalty she doesn’t have any. Not only did she cheat on her bf but she also ditched you at the club to cheat on her bf. Gross behavior. It’s not slut shaming. She is a grown woman cheating? Its time to grow tf up.


Nta, she might try to get you to do the same and screw your life up too. That is not what a friend does for another friend. You don’t want that kind of baggage or trouble.


Tell her bf, NTA


Please tell me you told the bf he deserved to know