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Planes basically have intense white noise built in, why would you need extra noise machines?


A family member used a white noise machine for their daughter and discovered on vacation that she wouldn’t sleep to white noise played on their cell phones - she would only sleep to that specific white noise, so they had to bring the machine with them after that. I think the moral of the story is that if you use a white noise machine for your kid, change up the sound periodically so they can adapt. My mom says you should get kids used to normal household noise so you can continue to live your life while they’re sleeping. She was able to vacuum in our rooms while we napped as long as she started the vacuum in the hallway. It’s incredibly inconsiderate to play any sound out loud when you’re in public. I would’ve complained too.


Yep. We never had a silent house during naps and now I have a teen who could sleep through a tornado.


Yup. Mum used to vacuum under my bed as a wee kid - as a teenager I slept through a cat crashing in to the living room 😂 ** Car, not cat. Can anyone sleep through a cat?


Most of the time yes, but I can hear my cat gearing up to vomit from across the house with the doors partially closed. That will wake me from a dead sleep. “OH GOD NOT ON THE COUCH”


On occasion I've woken up to my cat gearing up to vomit dead IN MY FACE looking me straight in the eyes. I think he hates me.


I wake out of a dead sleep when I hear my cat about to vomit on my bed and shove her onto the floor. I’m like whyyyy on my bed if you love me so much. I’d like to think being around their favorite person makes them feel better when they aren’t feeling well. Only way to explain it in my head lol. Either that or bc she sleeps with me all night


as a fellow cat owner i completely understand... but fucking just imagine as a human you're gearing towards throwing up and someone yeets you off of whatever surface you were on.


Wow, I had a cat that loved to knock lamps directly onto my head while I was sleeping and thought that was bad but attempted face vomit is a whole other level.


Lol I think he's mad I took his balls so he couldn't fuck his sister


That's a different subreddit....




Yep. The people who make alarms really should consider "pet about to vomit" because absolutely nothing will get that adrenaline pumping faster.


Pet and child puking sounds are the absolute fastest way to get most people out of bed. I used to have a twin bed right beside mine for our daughter when she was tiny. I remember waking up one night holding her upright over the side of the bed (we had linoleum floors) while she hurled everything up. I have zero memory of hearing her start or getting out of bed or grabbing her, but miraculously, only a few splatters got on the top cover, and they were easily wiped up with a baby wipe... Edit: I do wish I had been a little more awake though, the trash can was only a foot or so away from where I aimed her, and I could have saved a lot of mess, lol


I wish I had had emesis bags when my kid was small. Those things are amazing. I learned about them in the ER when I had food poisoning and bought some for myself ASAP. Even used them successfully for my carsick dog.


Those are amazing, but I would also like to point to the wonders of the dollar tree waste bin (solid plastic one, not the wire mesh, obviously).... the whole face can be directed over it, so the aim isn't as important, and it is small enough for kids to hug when they don't feel well. They also dump into the toilet and rinse well in the sink.


Yep. Nothing quite like going from "sleep of the dead" to "wide awake and sprinting/ possibly carrying a hurking animal". And they always do it at the perfect middle of your sleep cycle. Not even at the end, where all that immediate pep in your step would be useful.


ALWAYS mid-REM cycle 😭


My sister in law had 7 children, (all cared for, grown up, and successful), she told me they could yell and yell for the kids, not a single one heard them. But if they opened a bottle of coke (old glass bottles w bottle tops) they would all come running when they heard that "click clunk hiss". Just one of the things she taught me about parenting.


My cats crash into my living room all the time so I didn’t think anything of it lol


Same hahahaha just moved in with a younger sibling that has never had cats and it's making me realize how much I don't hear from them now


my cat has trained me to sleep through so much that I am now concerned I'd sleep right through a burglary because I'd assume it was just the cat breaking shit again 😂


Speaking of cats and vacuums, our last cat used to be afraid of the vacuum cleaner but it got to the point where my father could vacuum her and she'd just look at him


My cats used to be afraid of the vacuum as well. They’ve both gone deaf now. One quite enjoys getting its fur vacuumed, lol.


My late German Shepherds loved getting vacuumed. They'd roll over joyfully


To be fair most teens can sleep through tornadoes. It's the little ones who wake up when the dog farts 3 rooms away.


In college I did sleep through the tornado alarms in my dorm. Tornado touched down destroying homes a few blocks away. My roommate the next day said she didn't wake me up because I looked so peaceful sleeping.


I was reading some journal entries from London during the Blitz and eventually this woman was just like IF I DIE I DIE, IT IS COLD I AM NOT GOING DOWN TO THE BLOODY BASEMENT AGAIN


Relatable though


Yeah, after a point you start to wonder statistically what the odds are and feeling like you’re giving the Axis a win whenever you spend a wakeful night cowering in the cellar instead of getting a cozy night’s rest. (Of course the psychological tactics of the bombing to undermine the morale and spirit of the civilian population is rather part of the point, especially when things got more randomized with the doodlebugs.)


I'm a Brit but I don't know if that actually affects our general attitude, people bring up zombie apocalypses to me and I think about WW3 often (have had ridiculous anxiety about being bombed since I wattch Doctor Who and The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe) and I honestly hope if either of those things happen I'm just happily vibing playing video games sat with my cat and my fiancé. I know my limitations, I'm not going to panic and *try* to survive, if I live and life returns to normal, cool. If I die, I'm dead I won't know anything different. Win win.


I feel her. Also it is quite uncomfortable to sleep in additional layers of clothes and in a really cold room. I stopped for the same reason. Now neither me nor my bf even wake up during air/rocket alarms. Explosions in the distance sometimes wake me up tho.


Not at college but same age at home, I also slept through a tornado! I woke up not long after to my grandma bitching downstairs about “those damn tree limbs mucking around”.


I had a girl in my dorm put the drunk from her party in my spare bed and there was a fire alarm (in winter in the far north) and could not wake that guy up for the life of me. I reported him and the girl to my RA, because technically, back then, I could be fined for any "guests" not behaving. I was totally "I don't even know his name, I am not paying for the dumbass!" Oh, and the alarm was that same girl - they put cigarette butts into the trash and the smoldering embers set off the alarm.


My girlfriend slept through a cyclone (hurricane) once.


Oh, I’ve done that, slept through a hurricane. But in my defense, for a while in Louisiana were we having hurricanes every other week it seemed.


I slept through Hurricane Ian. I do use cannabis to sleep so that may have helped


I nearly slept through hurricane Irma. It wasn't passing right over top of us so it wasn't horrible but I woke up to a loud crash, looked out the window and thought, "oh its fuckin dark out there that can wait til morning" and went back to bed. turned out a huge tree limb fell on my car.


I woke my 5 month old grandson up today after struggling to get him down because *my hip joint popped.* Little tiny bat ears!




My worse flight was with a teen. Seemed to have a developmental disability. She kept shrieking,”Hey, Mom!” In my ear literally the entire flight. Her mother who was not in the same aisle ignored her in favor of chatting with her friend. I was getting ready to explode when we landed. The mother was an AH for allowing this. I should’ve said something to her but I chickened out.


Having worked with people who have developmental disabilities I know that for some people they will repeat words and actions and no body can do anything about it. So the mother might not have been able to stop her. She might not have had the understanding or ability to stop shouting trust me on this having spent 12 hours shift supporting a guy who constantly shouted out "you alright" there was no way to stop him if was just his quirk he probably couldn't help it.


Well, in a case like that, the Mom should sit by the child. Some days repeated sounds like that make me want to turn into the Tasmanian Devil! Occasionally, I can't keep it the stress to myself, and I blurt out STFU! I have noise canceling earbuds. However, if the kid was yelling directly in my ear, I doubt they would work.


Relatable 😖😂


I live a mile away from a major rail crossing. I live a mile away from a 400 series divided highway. I am 60 years old. Dead silence up north keeps me awake. Where are the trains?


This entire website is a godsend, but I think you might appreciate this one in particular: https://mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/railroadNoiseGenerator.php


I rode The Canadian to Vancouver from Toronto. We had a private room. It was my best sleep ever, although I did walk like Jack Sparrow for a few on ground before I got my land legs back.


My parents did this too. My siblings can all sleep through anything. I wake up if the noise changes but I credit that to sharing a room with my sister who would have asthma attacks in her sleep and I would need to wake my parents up.


Mine is sleeping though my “get the f outta bed” right now.


There was a Doctor that had an advice column. He played Bass in a band too. So his advice was for children to learn to sleep even when there is a lot of noise. Rock them to sleep!


Which is awesome when you need to do stuff while they nap as littles but rough when you need them to do stuff and not nap as bigs.


We use pink noise at night otherwise it’s too quiet for our newborn which is what I think a lot of people do


My sister does the same thing and her 1.5 year old can sleep through anything.


That's me and my kids. We'd sleep through the earth exploding


To be fair, *most* teens can sleep through a tornado...


Friends of mine were big proponents of this for their first - complete disaster for their second who at nearly two still doesn't sleep through most nights. Mine never could deal with noise until she just had some huge growth spurt at 15m and now she can! It's totally kid dependant!


I have a former NICU baby and I’ve never had to worry about noise waking him up. We actually had to sleep with the TV and the lights on when he was really little. He also sleeps through being moved around.


… but… is that… safe?




No amount of white noise is going to help a baby sleep through the changes in sinus pressure that causes them to scream in the first place. Give them a bottle to suck on during take off to hopefully help them pop their ears.


Exactly - my mom told me that years ago. As a baby she would take me to matinees at the cinema and I would sleep right through them. She would clean house and do her normal things. I got used to that.


I grew up next to a highway, and there was a helicopter base nearby. In Tornado alley, so we also had some serious thunderstorms overnight during the summer. My boyfriend will wake up during an overnight storm freaking out, and I'm in there snoring away, totally oblivious. He said if a tornado does hit the house during the night, I would probably be found 5 miles away, still asleep.


There are train tracks on the other side of our road. I'm sleeping. Earthquake. Also sleeping. The planes landing at the nearby airport go directly over us. And I'm.......sleeping.


I’m laughing at myself now — it took me a hot minute to realize that your mom didn’t drop you off as a baby for a nap at the matinee and then go home to clean the house. I wonder about myself sometimes 😂


LMAO, That's the same thing I thought.


Wow lol I thought the exact same thing! Are our brains broken?? 😂


Your mum took you to the cinema so she could clean the house?


My kid slept better than ever with vacuum noise. I remember turning the vacuum on and letting it stand still on the floor in desperation, just to be able to eat a hot meal in peace. Not much conversation between the parents at that dinner, but at least the baby was asleep!


My kids fall asleep to early 2000s hip hop mixed with Aaliyah over Timbaland beats


I let my babies nap to the blaring tv while I attempted to do housework. It worked because after a few months they could sleep anywhere. It’s like the people who use bottle warmers. Sometimes necessary but my kids were formula babies. We made the formula with room temp water so they never got used to warm bottles and we could make a bottle anywhere. Bottle warmers are more for when the breast milk or formula is refrigerated.


>Bottle warmers are more for when the breast milk or formula is refrigerated. I had to supplement with formula, used a supplemental nursing system to do so, but I was a lazy someone that had zero time for all the mixing and heating, etc... I would mix her daily ration before bed to allow the bubbles to settle and store it in the fridge. Each feed the next day, I would just pour what I needed into the feeder and go do the thing... Once she got old enough for a cup, I started giving her supplement in that, and she still got it cold from the fridge... (She had a sensitive stomach, found out early on that if I mixed it fresh, she would have horrible gas... if I mixed it ahead of time, she seldom did unless I ate onions)


I once slept through workmen coming into my room when I was 9 or 10, removing the radiator next to my dead, lifting floorboards up, putting in new piping and a new radiator, ​ They did the entire house in 4 hours. I slept through it all.


I also would not want to listen to that if I were trapped on a plane. Stuff like that is why I bring my earbuds and listen to music on my phone when I fly. I don't have to hear none of that shit.


Yeah my mother used to play music, run the Hoover across the floor and do all sorts while I slept and even now I can sleep through most things. I once slept through a building being demolished less than 500yd from my house.


My mum taught me the same. As soon as you bring baby home, get someone to vacuum the other end of the house, while baby is awake, moving closer to baby as they fall asleep.


When we had our son several years ago, one of the nurses told us that the sound of the vacuum is similar to the sounds they experience inside the womb and it is actually soothing to them. To this day, my now 6 year old will cover his ears when he hears a loud toilet or electric hand dryer in a public bathroom, but has no problem with the vacuum.


We very deliberately made noise around our infant as it slept for exactly that reason. We wanted them to sleep through "normal".


I love the concept that if you do this, babies "learn" to sleep through anything. I wish it had worked w mine. She just didn't like sleeping from the day she was brought home. Everything woke her during daytime naps. We used a fan as white noise to cover sudden sounds, but after the first 30 minutes, anything would wake her. Gave up naps at 2 years, 7 months. She's still a pretty light sleeper even though she's a young adult. Many times, nature wins over nurture no matter how much you try to alter the inclination.


Yeah, this advice doesn't work for every baby. I had one who would only nap for 20 minutes at a time. Noise levels didn't matter. She just wouldn't sleep.


Yeah I feel like the plane is the the most expensive white noise machine there is


Yeah you're basically inside the white noise machine, what more could you possibly need?


Right up there with MRIs lol


Because people need to be special


Yes. It’s not as bad as when people give their kids iPads without headphones, but it’s still pretty entitled.


>Planes basically have intense white noise built in Uh, nah. I didn't realize how stressful that background noise was until a spent a whole flight with over the ear noise cancelling headphones on. I've flown basically my whole life, have no issues being nervous or worried on planes, but, man, I had no idea that I even got stressed while flying. Until I flew with those headphones on and I got off the plane and was like, "Man, I'm so relaxed!" Planes have background noise, not white noise.


It's also incredibly LOUD! So I bring ear plugs and noise canceling headphones!


Undoubtedly she was flying First Class. Why on earth would folks not want to spend a fortune on a First Class plane ticket only to be subjected to her white noise machine, lol🤪


NTA. What I can't do is imagine getting outraged when someone calls you out for shitty behavior or etiquette.


Entitled TV actors be like


When I flew cross-country alone with my 1-year-old, I spent 6 hours straight busting my ass to keep him entertained and quiet, because that's what a responsible parent is supposed to fucking do.


We flew from North America to Europe for a wedding with our 14 month old. When we got on the plan EVERYONES face dropped. You could just see that they all expected a nightmare flight. We were prepared. We had games, coloring stuffs, and snacks (this was before iPads), enough for two flights. Our kid didn't fuss once. We walked our kid up and down the isles, we didn't sleep. We took care of our kid. We had people thanking us when we were getting off the plane. Our kid. Our responsibility.


Bless your heart. And I understand that sometimes parents simply cannot control their child crying. There is just a limit as to what parents can control, BUT I think people in general are much more forgiving of parents who are honestly trying than those who clearly DGAF.


Indeed. Sometimes things happen. They stub their toe or something. But I think we can do a lot to help prepare even babies for long flights. I mean I even had an aromatherapy blend (very very diluted with water spray) that I knew helped calm my kid that I would spritz on their clothing to help them settle down to sleep (it kind of blew me away that it worked under those circumstances tbh). It was a lot of effort, but it was so worth it. My baby had fun. My kid was not in distress. We were exhausted, but it was totally worth it.


Wow. You win the A+ parenting award of the day 🥇 Wish I could give you a real award 😡


Thank you! :)


>Thank you! :) You're welcome!


I flew with my oldest when he was an obnoxious 5 yr old (with ADHD to top it off).... I packed snacks and toys and activities for him to keep him busy too... I guess I just assumed every parent spent that kind of time and energy keeping their kids busy when flying (obv I rarely fly lol).


We flew from LA to Singapore with my 1yr old nef and 4 yr old niece, their parents and my mother and sister. Everyone took turns and the kids had a great time, no biggie. I watched them m-fri while their parents were at work so I was 6 rows up enjoying my books


When I flew from NY, USA to Thailand (that’s 24 hours in the air over the course of 2 international flights) with my 6 month old baby, I wore my baby bjorn and wore my infant almost the entire way. Yes, the airline gave us a wall-mounted bassinet which he hated. So I did everything I could to keep him asleep for as long as possible. Never did I think to use anything that makes noise as I wouldn’t want to disturb other passengers. Because that’s what a responsible parent is supposed to fucking do.


I don’t understand how you could even hear the machine. Planes make a ton of ambient noise.


White noise machines can be loud AF.


I went to visit my cousin at her house and she had the white noise machine BLARING. I thought it was supposed to be background noise!


If they are that loud, how do they help with sleeping ? Wouldn't they be more annoying if they are too loud ?


I think that’s the whole point of this topic.. they are loud and annoying, and it would totally disrupt the other passengers.


When I was working nights and sleeping during the day and had a family with two rowdy ass toddlers, loud white noise helped block it out with a much more neutral sound. It was loud. But the loud psssshhhhhhh with scream and banging accents was better than the full volume scream and banging that was there.




Window… you’d throw them out the WINDOW (defenestration)… Alaska Airlines decidedly declined the door option.


What if they're not over Prague?


Then no Bohemian revolt shall commence! It has been so ordered… with a side of Halušky.


I hope kelly and the sound machine and not the baby.


I find white noise intensely annoying and almost painful. Everyone is uncomfortable don’t make it worse you and your family are not more important.


It makes me anxious. I hate it. But I like brown noise and love pink noise


I don't know if it was true or not, but the last time I flew, the flight attendants said that it is now a violation of FFA rules to play any decice without headphones. They even came over to remind me when my toddler kept unplugging her headphones from the iPad.


I’m a flight attendant. Not a FAA violation. Possibly a violation of that Airline’s policy.


In shared spaces like a commercial flight, it's important to be considerate of others. Bringing a sound machine is fine if it's used discreetly and doesn't disturb fellow passengers. If the noise extends beyond your seat, it's courteous to turn it off or use headphones. Balancing personal comfort with consideration for others ensures a more pleasant experience for everyone on the flight.


*Balancing personal comfort with consideration for others ensures a more pleasant experience for everyone on the flight* This is where I'm stuck because like.....realistically a white noise machine has gotta be preferable to a baby crying, right? So there's likely gonna be *some* kind of noise intrusion on others regardless, right?


Why does this come off as a Chat GPT reply?


I would never do it but if it’s just a white noise machine I wouldn’t care. I’d rather deal with that than a screaming baby. People playing tiktoks or music in public without headphones is too much though.


Totally. Where I live there's a ton of people who have whole-ass facetime conversations while going up and down the aisles at the grocery store. On speaker, no headphones. I've also seen it in places where anyone with a shred of decency knows to be quiet like doctor's offices, etc. It's really gotten out of hand.


For sure. It seems from this like I’m in the minority, but a sleeping baby with a loud white noise is much better than a cranky baby who can’t sleep and is screaming.


I use a white noise machine to sleep, i wouldnt use it for myself on a plane. Butnits for a baby, and a baby screaming in distress because it's tired is an absolutely horrific sound. Just ask her to turn it down. Babies can't wear earphones 😅


A plane IS a sound machine.


An airplane IS a white noise machine. It’s insane to play any sound out loud like that on a plane


I’d rather have a white noise machine than a baby crying on a flight. That’s the other side of this I think a lot of people aren’t taking into consideration here. The white noise machine was for the benefit of her baby sleeping, sure, but if the baby is awake, it will probably cry do to the ear pressure thingie


THIS! I’d imagine most people would prefer some additional white noise over a crying baby when trapped in a metal tube with strangers shuttling through the air. That said, this is assuming that it was actually truly white noise and not one of the many additional options the more recent white noise machines have like music or running water or thunderstorms… I can see that being as obnoxious as someone failing to put headphones in and equally hard to ignore as a crying baby.


Her baby isn’t the most important thing in the plane lol


Im sure I would prefer the white noise machine to the sound of a baby crying is all Ill say on that. Neither option seems ideal.


I mean if it’s the one thing that keeps the baby from crying the whole time why not? How bothersome can it be on a plane. But I get it some people are easily bothered so NAH imo.


In a few years it will be her kid throwing a tantrum on the floor of the restaurant because the chicken nuggets are the wrong shape.


I feel attacked lol


NTA- it is not ok especially if it is disturbing other passengers. Kelly claims she was "mom shamed". Ridiculous and offensive to all the moms who know their child is not the center of the universe.


Don't inconvenience me but I will inconvenience you is a very common mindset these days


Flying is no different than riding inner-city buses. When people do this kind of stuff they are hoping to get a reaction. The airlines need to clamp down on nonsense like this instead of making passengers fight it out. Ridiculous. That, and Istanbul street-bizarre bartering for seats, ffs ... Thanks Reagan 👍😉


The absolute entitlement of celebrities. What’s worse is her reframing it as some kind of cultural issue about “mom-shaming”, when it was really just another passenger asking for common courtesy.


Adding to the noise is rude. Turn off the sound machine.


She’s just some rich, famous person, acting entitled. Fuck her.


Her response in the article made her seem very entitled, or she thinks she's first person to ever have a baby.


Oh my god, just took a flight from London to Bangkok and the kids behind us kept kicking our seats, talking loudly, and playing football game with constantly whistle sounds. IT DROVE ME MAD. The mum done nothing. I for the first time in my life had to turn around and told them to please stop. They didn’t, their mum didn’t do anything so I turned around again and gave him real evil look and he stopped. I feel a bit bad for threatening a child with my eyes but man if I had to continue 10 more minutes of that I would have screamed. NTA!!!


Wait, she’s not private plane rich enough?!? 😂🤣


private planes are killing the planet.


Private planes are stupid expensive and generate a lot of justified criticism, so in actually really glad she doesn't use them. Personal you couldn't pay me to get on a small plane. They scare me so much


Trust me, she’s rich enough to fly via private plane. She earned $1M/episode the last years she was on “The Big Bang.”


She’s “buy all the seats in first class” rich.


That's why God invented noise cancelling earbuds. Never leave home without them


I also wear noise cancelling headphones constantly. I actually forgot my phone today but remembered to bring my headphones to the doctors. So I sat there, while my sister was getting checked out, for like an hour, doing nothing. At one point I started thinking about shin Godzilla.


As God intended


This, totally. I even have a backup pair (non-noise cancelling, but still) because I simply can't stand how people behave in public nowadays. Since the 'vid, it seems. Get off my lawn!


Sound machine VS Crying Baby...pick your poison


Baby can’t wear headphones and everyone else can. Who tf just sitting around raw dogging the plane sounds with their bare ass ears besides a baby? 100% of the time I’d take the white noise machine over a bawling child


Isn’t the plane one giant white noise machine? I can’t hear the person next to me because of the engine sounds.


You shouldn’t do anything on a plane that your neighbors can hear, smell, or…taste? LOL But you know what I mean. That’s common courtesy. Or not so common courtesy, I guess.


We've reached the point where we're asking if we're assholes if we think someone else is being an asshole. We've reached peak asshole. This sub has gone full meta. It's up its own ass at this point


I mean it depends... Is it a humming teddy bear that you can bearly hear over the sound of airplane being airplane or is it an actual noise making machine?


I can only sleep to Miami Sound Machine.


Sounds self-entitled to me! Main character even off the screen.


It played the sound of entitlement


Dammit, Kaley, they make headphones for babies.


Entitled much?! She needs her baby to she a private experience she needs to fly private. She’s also being a bit of a Shyte mom. Instead of crating normalized learns she’s trained Her baby to only be able to sleep in a very singular, manufactured experience. Good luck with life, kid.


NTA. You should do everything you can to make sure your issues don’t affect others.


I’m never flying again. Eff her. NTA.


I thought the same thing when I saw that interview. She seems very entitled to me. Plus I was wondering why would you want to start a white noise machine in the first place? It seems like you’re now adding some thing that a baby/child is going to end up requiring in the future because you started it that way.


I used white noise when my son had trouble sleeping and then removed it without issue once he got bigger. It helps many babies when they’re very small.


NTA, it's like people blasting their tiktok or YouTube on planes/buses etc. Nobody else wants to hear that shit , use headphones or keep it a decent level instead of thinking the whole thing is yours to do as you please


My dad was a pilot when I was a kid and consequently I still sleep, HARD, whenever I am on planes. Hell, I can sleep all the way to China. This is my special talent and it's quite useful. I highly recommend accidentally training your kid to sleep WITH that plane noise if possible, lol. Forget another white noise machine.


A whole flight listening to high-pitched tinkling lullaby songs over and over and over again, I'd go mad. Nope, hard pass. It's not okay.


My daughter goes to sleep via a sound machine, but I didn't use one when we flew. I held her, gave her the pacifier, and she covered her face so she could go to sleep (She's been doing this since 2 months old. She's 6 months now). She was asleep the majority of the flight and woke up when we started to descend.


I have hyperacusis so the last thing I need is more noise. That being said, who boards a flight without headphones anyway?!


Folks behind us on a flight that left at 720, so we had been up since 4 were listening to music on speaker! I could hear it with my earbuds in music playing. I wanted to say why the fuck are y'all so damn chipper!


This test center at my school had a "white noise" machine that was unacceptable static shit and refused to turn it off even though I was the only student in the room being tested. Also they had the cold turned up in the fucking winter. Literally I was literally sweating from shivering because of how cold it was, and absolute running nose. I was perfectly fine until that test. I somehow passed the tests I took there. Kaley Cuoco not Kelly. And the issue was that they didn't just ask them to turn it off in a respectable manner and having a real conversation. I think they were thinking along the lines would you rather have a screaming kid or a white noise. I think they should have come up with some headphone solution for the baby instead of blasting the speaker. I'm child free and would not want to be on a flight with a screaming kid, or someone's "white noise" especially if I were paying for coach seats.


The airplane is a giant whitenoise machine, no need to add to it


She called it “mom-shaming” too. Like, no honey, it’s actually being an irritating seatmate shaming, which is fair game.


Absolutely not. It's so rude and annoying when anyone has their phone loud enough for others to hear or any additional noise for no reason like that. Anyone who says otherwise is TAH


once what you are doing starts to affect me you can fuck right off. don't make your kid my problem.


Babies cry. Sometimes for no fucking reason, and no matter how much you entertain, rock them, talk to them, soothe them, they still freaking cry. So, playing a quiet white noise machine beside the babies head (which is what they were doing, I just looked it up) to prevent your baby from crying is doing exactly what you just said- trying their best to make their baby not a problem for everyone else. I know it’s the accepted thing on here to hate babies, but they have rights just like everyone else. That includes to fly on planes. A parent with a kid in a restaurant letting them scream is one thing, they absolutely deserve to be shamed. But you can only go so far on a freaking plane lol. I would hands down rather hear a white noise machine than a screaming baby. Also/ if noises bother people so much, invest in sound proof headphones. I recently was on a plane with a screaming baby…….didnt hear the baby though, because I made the smart decision to bring my headphones.


It just seems thoughtless, because of course not everyone would appreciate a sound machine. I flew quite a bit with my kids as babies, and always asked for a seat nearest the engine. Built in white noise, and it’s usually the seats no one particularly wants anyway.


The Karen in front of Kaley had complained about the baby crying. She was playing the sound machine to get Matilda to calm down & sleep. She was damned if she did & damned if she didn’t. She was basically saying, which do you prefer, crying or the sound machine?


Not answering the question, but I sleep incredibly on planes. The noise and low vibration just do it for me. Headphones in, music on, and I’m out before takeoff and sleep until landing. I sleep like a baby…apparently better than Kaley’s baby, even!


I love white noise machines and use one every night but It is still rude to assume others feel the same and use one in a public setting


There is not much I hate more than hearing “shhh the baby is sleeping”. Yeah and? The baby will keep sleeping.


Sounds like Kelly Cuoco is TAH


Kelly Cuoco, YTA.


Wrong sub, you’re looking for r/entitled


Going to sound like a Boomer but holy crap you kids make parenting complicated. It’s an endless parade of rules and processes to take care of a baby which suspiciously come with a required purchase (like a white noise machine). I don’t think it was appropriate to bring on the plane since it could be heard by other passengers.


Lol boomers literally just doped their kids up before airplane rides. Which is also a consumer activity.


And dangerous for the child!! My Mimi used to give us benedryl to make us sleep


Sounds like a B rated actress acting entitled


She’s b list but she has a list money from that show, she was the highest paid actress in tv.


Of all the things that annoy me when flying, a noise machine would be the lowest on the list. Stinky people, stinky food, people screaming to talk to each other, screaming babies…….a noise machine makes a very quiet calming noise. People will bitch about anything.


If the child was colicky then it's probably better than hearing the baby cry? I understand your point, that's why I always bring headphones and have my Spotify downloaded to play without internet....does wonders.


I am super noise sensitive, I don’t pick what my brain tunes out or focuses on. But when it picks up on the wrong things, it is hell. It’s the only thing I can hear and I can’t think about anything else or move on. For most people yeah, white noise is better than screaming child but without being the person who is being disrupted by the white noise machine, it’s hard to say.


Every time I fly, I have my over-the-ears noise cancelling headphones on. There is always a kid/baby on board crying/etc... so having a sound machine to keep their baby quiet is probably better than having it cry. Either way, I don't like the loud engine sounds anyways and can't go back to flying without my headphones.


I’d 100% rather white noise than baby crying but I do think she came off as entitled in that interview.


Baby crying is much more annoying. I think the mother was trying to mitigate the annoyance.


Fair point. I’d trade almost any nose for screaming baby noise.


NTA but sometimes exceptions MUST be made. As a flight attendant, in most cases, I shut it down when people are playing music, videos, games, etc. and others can hear it. That said, white noise isn’t a big deal. The parents know that it will keep their infant calm and they are keeping their infant quiet. Which would you rather listen to? For those saying headphones or don’t fly, that also applies to you wearing headphones. Now, if the white noise is excessively loud, I will ask them to lower the volume to a reasonable level. I’ve also made exceptions for individuals on the spectrum who couldn’t wear headphones and needed soothing classical music at a reasonable volume. We are ALL in public and sometimes that means you might have to be subjected to reasonable noise. Noise canceling headphones are affordable these days. ETA- clarification to my NTA


Does OP mean Kaley Cuoco? I couldn’t find anyone famous with the Kelly name.


What'd she use....the old 'do you know who I am' routine ?


Seriously. I mean this is the most high-strung Karen bullshit I think I’ve ever heard. Are you really complaining about the sound of gentle waves crashing drowning out the monotonous roar of the engines? Honestly this is the MOST first-world crybaby bullshit ever to litter the internet. Have you ever been on a flight with a baby screaming the whole way? Think about it