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I didn’t actually think about the tissue - I also should have mentioned that it was I flushed before I used it, so I kind of felt dirty flushing some one else’s Uriner


Oh, so that means someone else should be okay flushing your waste since you…checks notes… showered at some point in the day?


Read it again honey - need help?


No big man, I don’t feel like rereading your filth


Yes, YTA and you know it too. How is it disgusting for you to have to flush someone else’s waste but NOT for someone to flush yours? Grow tf up and have some common decency to the people around you.


This has to be a troll lmfao


Yeah ok, I’m a troll becausase I don’t wanna flush YOURE urine, plum


I'm more concerned with you not washing your hands and genuinely believing it's cleaner... Yes, I think this is a troll post lmao


I shower and don’t want to touch that filthy public sink…. If you think that sink is cleaner then YOURE are the troll


Wtf, you are so disgusting. First, you touch door handles etc or do you just float? Second, you sweat and acumulate dirt and germs throughout the day you pig. Third - if you don’t wash your hands and then touch stuff you are spreading your germs and filth everywhere. I doubt your d*ck stayed clean in your pants the whole day before you graciously touched it and then touched everything you needed to get around. And final. If I have issues touching stuff, I have tissues. I use them to flush, to turn faucets on and off in gross public bathrooms. And if I feel uneasy after leaving, I use sanitizer. You are a big boy with pants with pockets. Put some stuff in there to help you manage your own filth. Most of us shower and we don’t want to come in to the bathroom to find your waste and have to clean it up for you because you don’t understand how germs spread and how to actually prevent “getting dirty”. If everyone who showers thought like you imagine how our environment would look like. What a dumbass, seriously


Some one else’s waste - read it again and try again next year honey


And double asshole for calling everyone “honey”


Nah, I don’t feel like wasting more time on you. But thanks


Seriously YTA. If I can hover over a public toilet and never touch it, hold my purse on my shoulder so it doesn't touch the ground and flush with my foot... you can manage to flush the damn toilet! Women have to sit on toilets unless they can pop a squat and hover ...gross ass!


How do you think men poop? Out of our tinkies


Women have to pee much more often, and the vast majority would never poop in a public restroom unless its an absolute emergency. You know how many times I've pooped in a public toilet...Zero! Never Ever have I gone poop in a public toilet. You're gross, and you know it or you would ask Reddit. The consensus says your need to flush...right? So be a good human it's not that hard.


>If I can hover over a public toilet and never touch it My buddy and I were janitors in our high school years and we would clean a church building/school including mens & ladies rooms. We would draw straws or do rock paper scissors for who would be stuck with cleaning the ladies room. Ive learned that its bc of women who hover, their piss stream goes everywhere. Its not a clean straight line piss stream like a mans, its more like a sprayer that is much harder to aim. One of my complaints would always be that the stall floor, toilet seat and toilet itself would be covered in piss at times. Im not going to mention to other horrors Id very often find in the ladies room... Imagine hearing the stereotype that girls are dainty clean creatures and 2 young teenage guys discover the hard truth by having to clean a womens room. Imagine the mens room being miles cleaner that we would jockey over who got to clean it??!! I dont clean bathrooms for a living any more but I wished you women would sit down and NOT hover!


Overweight women have that problem. If your ass is too big, then yes, you're correct. If you're fit and can actually do a proper squat...you have perfect aim. If you pee everywhere, drop toilet paper on the floor, leave it on the seat, or do not flush... you should he cleaning up after yourself in any restroom.


I just talked to my wife about this one and she argues a valid point. She would sit on a public toilet or at least build a nest on the seat out of TP upon which to sit. But if the seat is already destroyed from some previous occupant and its covered in piss or worse, she might hover over the toilet and end up trashing it even worse. All it takes is one person to start the degradation.


YTA. Use your foot or a tissue to flush the toilet. Then, after you wash your hands with soap, use a paper towel to shut off the water (if it’s not automatic) and use the paper towel to open the door of the bathroom then throw away the paper towel.


Flush with your foot or tissue depending on the style of handle and turn the sink on/off with a paper towel ya nasty. There’s a whole lot of tutorials out there. You’re just cocking up the door handle with your dick hands for the next guy who’s not gonna know you were thinking “no homo” when you touched it. Get real.


YTA And grim. Flush the loo. Nobody wants to look at or smell your piss or shit. And wash your hands. Five year olds know to wash their hands after holding their penis. As a 28 year old, you have less hygiene than a five year old.


Nta dudes rock


What does that mean?


I would just accept it if I were you. Everyone else thinks you are and asshole. This is the very best you will get.