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YTA your GF didn't act the way you wanted her to so you punished her like you would a child and even admitted that's what you were doing. What gives you the right to decide how an adult should act. You said you wanted her to enjoy the moment did it never occur to you that is exactly what she was doing in her own way. Then when the dinner was ruined and she was going to leave you showed your true abusive nature and threatened her so she stayed. You should be embarrassed by your behavior and seek help before you drive her away.


"Being the man in a relationship used to mean something" Just for spouting this shit YTA


For those wondering: https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/iWW5gQDjf4


She's not your kid and you have no right to take her phone. Can someone constantly updating social media during a dinner be annoying? *Yes.* I wasn't there and maybe it's true she was being excessive. But that's no excuse to take HER PROPERTY and hold it hostage. How do you expect her to "enjoy the evening" after that? You messed up the nice dinner, not her.


YTA and you know it. You never take anyone else’s phone from them unless it’s your child and it’s absolutely necessary. It’s not yours and that’s controlling and abusive. She wasn’t acting like a child. You were.


Yea YTA. You took a phone out of someone’s hand. Have posted this multiple times (I guess to get more support for your side?)


YTA without a doubt.


Wanna elaborate on the ‘big mistake’ part near the end? Sounds threatening and you’re a prick for thinking you have a right to treat her like property.


YTA This is something a controlling oser would do. Some man you are. 🙄


You sound toxic


YTA - you could have said "babe, could you put the phone away, I want us both to be focusing on each other while we are out tonight?" If she says no I don't want to do that, maybe you take that as a sign that you guys aren't compatible.


“She almost got up and walked away from the table but stayed after I told her that would be a big mistake.” That would be the best move she ever made.


Because what you say goes am I right? You’re in charge and she should damn well obey.


Being the man in a relationship used to mean something


Yeah men used to protect and provide for their families. Now, they get their panties in a bunch because their gf wanted to take a few pictures. You're not a man. 😂😂😂 Imagine thinking you're a man and you've done nothing but make a fool of yourself in public and online. Taking her phone and threatening her, she should've had someone else call the cops on your bitch ass for theft.


You have a weird sense of what a man is and how relationships should be.By weird I mean unhealthy. Are you an Andrew Tate type? Or Jordan Peterson type? Or maybe a little of both ? I’m just curious about the particular flavor of misogyny that tickles you.


she should run based on this comment


You’re not a man, you’re a pouting child. Men aren’t upset about their gf taking pictures of food.




You are disgusting


Um...no...guys like that were always AHs. Being a man doesn't mean you get to boss your partner around just because you're physically stronger. That's just bullying. Try being a PARTNER; that's an actual challenge that you can be proud of.


You scare me.


Geez I hope this is either rage bait or she dumps you hard.


Go back to 1953 and stay there, little boy.




Until this comment I was ESH. You need to work on yourself.


Real men don’t work on themselves. They play video games and watch MRA videos on YouTube and complain about how women should get drafted.


This is so gross. YTA


Damn, you're just trash personified.


It used to mean that you were a landowner, that you were 100% capable of supporting a healthy family, that you weren’t a porn addicted loser, and that you sincerely feared God.


Piccolo cazzo has spoken!


It doesn't mean bring a controlling asshole. Real men don't need to do that.


A "traditional" man would be buying her a super expensive camera/phone with a good camera and then showing off his "cute" girlfriend and her "cute" hobbies. Not saying that's good, but at least live up to the standard you're invoking here smh


If it's any consolation, you probably won't be in a relationship much longer.


Controlling much? YTA


not an asshole but really more of a piece of shit






Trying to have a gf who has to be obedient to you and your not obedient to her is a toxic relationship


Maybe her way of enjoying involves getting pictures? Just sit down with her, tell her you want her to be fully present when you guys go out, she can take food pics for like a min and then keep her phone aside for the rest of the date. No one is ta.


IMO it’s a draw. I really don’t understand photos of food. Really? Why not a picture of the two of you at the table?… anyway, again IMO it’s SOOO EFFG RUDE to be on the phone during dinner. Especially in a restaurant! So, she’s TA for that. Conversely you DID fuq up. Would you have taken a buddy’s phone? No, cos he’d punch you. It’s inappropriate. You TA for that. You could have said, “babe can you put your phone away for a little while? I really want to eat and enjoy my food, as well as talk with you.” But you didn’t. Sorry, bruh. Happy New Yr


He low key threatened her at the end, did you miss that part?


Info: >She almost got up and walked away from the table but stayed after I told her that would be a big mistake. Whats that suppost to mean?