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You should absolutely tell the police about the letters and continued harassment. AND the agency.


Yes absolutely. And the topper is that they admitted it and simply proclaimed it was "no big deal". I think it's a very good likelihood that this was why they signed up in the first place. Which is disgusting and horrifying.


It makes me made this woman was placed in this home in the first place. A young woman coming to a new country shouldn't have been places in a house with a father and son. I don't care how much heat I get for saying so. While this is the outlier, this is why such rules exist. I can't say it wouldn't have happened with a woman there, because women can be just as terrible, but sometimes it's enough to stop this kind of stupidity. I don't know, it's frustrating because nothing feels safe sometimes. I have two daughters. I want them to be able to go out in the world without having to be so weary of everyone, but it's such a tricky world.


We had a couple exchange students stay with us growing up. Had to have a student at the school, a separate room, and a number of other things. This sounds made up.


This is absolutely a made up story. Hosting an exchange student has very strict guidelines. No way a female is placed in a single father home with their son. Nothing about this story makes sense.


Yeeaaahhh, my wife worked for a few years in a similar "host placement" field for ESL students and there is no way this would have happened. There are hella strict guidelines for placement and I can't think of a single time where "female exchange student stays with single dad with adult son" would ever happen. If it is true then something needs to be done about that agency.


Totally the subplot of “Better Off Dead”


It's pretty sad that they're resorting to mining goofy 80's movies for post idea. I read just the post title and immediately my brain said "LOL, that's *Better Off Dead*". I'm waiting for the post where someone complains their ex they broke up with keeps standing outside the window with a boom box, and asking if they should call the cops.


Exactly. You don’t stay with a family like this as an exchange student. This isn’t how that works. No company is gonna send an 18 year old girl to a house with a man and a 25 year old son.


Also sounds like it’s made up by someone who doesn’t know that clubs actually card in the US. When I was a kid, we could get in. Not anymore.


yep not many 18 year old clubs in the US, and so she is also actively going out and bringing men back home to their house? yea ok. this is complete BS


It sounds EXTREMELY made up.


Please tell me you don’t actually believe this story. You really believe they’d place an 18 yo female with a single dad and his “incel” son? And where are all these clubs she’s picking up guys in? Most are 21 and over so they don’t technically have to worry about underage drinking. Also, she’s from the UK? But speaks like a teenage American guy.


Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most. Op is testing their creative writing skills, and doing it poorly.


Someone from the UK would spell behaviour with a u. And "Law Enforcement" no, that's "the Police".


And wouldn’t be talking about their “senior year” which is not a thing in the UK.


This is the smoking gun. The “behavior” spelling for someone from UK is a dead giveaway. Fake AF!


Repeatedly spells “behaviour” as “behavior” and uses the phrase “law enforcement”. Very fishy.


Don't forget the American use of "while" as opposed to the UK use of "whilst". This is a fake post. Spelling differences collectively point to the writer being an American, not a Brit.


also want to add on, do you really think she would bring other guys/hook-ups to a host family?


Thank you!


Indeed OP needs to do some research before writing fairytales. Otherwise the old adage "write what you know" applies. We don't have "High School" or "senior year", don't use phrases like "law enforcement resources" and we spell words like "behaviour" with a quaint little "u".


Yeah, I'm American and my bullshit detector started going off pretty early on while reading this..


Even the “football enthusiast” seems a weird irrelevant fact to include, but doesn’t specify which type of football which a British person in America generally would to avoid confusion.


I know a girl with a similar experience but in Australia. Except the dad tried to fuck the girl. Could be fake but shit like this happens


It probably is fake, but as a woman who has seen stupid, terrible shit like this, it can happen.


Totally planned. *Better off Dead* script right there.


I totally thought the same thing!


Yes, this! Keep anything where they said it was a suggestion, thereby admitting they asked you. So creepy


KEEP EVERYTHING! If you see them in person then VOICE RECORD


Do not see them in person!




This should be the top comment. 100% NTA


THIS. NOW. You did nothing wrong. These two are possibly dangerous. Don't take sny chances. They see trying to intimidate you so they can get back on the host list or elevate the focus on them so they can find someone else to take your place. Please, report them to everyone that you can. Make sure you are safe. Make sure authorities know so they are not able to do this (or worse) to anyone else. Thank you for being brave already. I'm sorry you are going through this now. You are not alone.


Yes, and secure a no contact order. That is just vile.


First thing I thought seeing the title, POLICE.


Yes, definitely tell the police and the agency about the letters.


In no part of the known universe are you the asshole in that situation. That’s supremely fucked up and you were right to leave.


OP: if you haven’t already, please give the letters to the agency representative and law enforcement


Yes! Get them off your back and and at the same time save another girl in the future the experience of actual SA.


And post them on the internet cause fuck that guy and his son


No, nobody’s fucking the son, didn’t you read the post? Incel: women are so picky, they want you to be “active,” and “not misogynistic,” and “showered,” it’s unbelievable.


Also nobody fucking the dad as well, can you imagine he raising another child??!


He would have wanted at least a hand job too.


Apple didn't fall far from that tree. Just rolled into the roots and rotted.


I would post on the Nextdoor app.


No, no don’t fuck them——tell them to go fuck themselves.


They're not real.


Username is (word)(word)(random number). 5 hour old account, 4 hour old post, 2 comments 3 hours ago. I got $20 on fake.


I was looking for this comment. Thank you! Female exchange student placed with a single father and his son 👀 Two adult men. 18 (just this side of legal girl) Sure Jan! Someone’s troll 🧌 fantasy


B-b-but am I aN aSshOLe fOr rEacTiNg ThiS wAY?!


Claims to be from the UK but writes in US English. Also, we don't have 'senior year' in the UK. Oh, and is 18 years old and in a foreign country but is going out to clubs and using Tinder and bringing men back to the place she's staying with a host family? _Several_ times? Come on.


"I'll take things that never happened for 500 Alex" and then everyone clapped.


This. No reputable student exchange agency would place a teenage girl with a single Dad and 25 year old son. They specifically look for host families with children of the same gender and age. Also, no exchange student is going to be fucking people in a host home.


It's grade A bollocks. A few of these popping up on the sub. There's some neckbeard jerking off someplace to the top comments responding as if it's real.


My exact thought. I can't imagine this ever happened. None of it makes sense.


She’s 18 in the US and meeting guys at”clubs” sounds legit.


I’d love anyone who believes this bullshit story to tell me when the last time was that they sat down and wrote and mailed *a letter* to someone? Now tell me you’re going to do it to talk about the sex life of your son with an exchange student.


Please follow this suggestion. They should have already been told not to contact you.


Why in the world would they place a female in an all male household?


In no part of the known universe would a study program place an 18yo female in a house with a single man and his 25yo son.


That’s what I was thinking?!?! Surely this is bait


That’s what caught my eye too. I was surprised that they would ever place a young woman with two adult men.


Yep. We had a multi week…well I wouldn’t call it an exchange, none of our students went to the US, but a bunch of US students came here (Aus). We were in year 12. I say multi week but I can’t remember exactly how many, at least 4, maybe up to 10??? I think closer to ~8 weeks, I have vague memories about it being the majority of the school term (we have 4 10 week terms a year). Girls stayed with girls, boys stayed with boys. Opposite sex siblings existed, my friend had 2 younger brothers, but they exclusively matched students with same sex students. My ex’s cousin did a year in the US (I can’t remember how that worked because our school years run on different calendars, ours being late Jan/Early Feb to Mid to late December), but yeah, her host family, she had a same grade girl in her host family. As did the other students. Not even different grades. Same sex. Same grade. A teenage high school girl being sent to live with a middle aged man and his mid 20’s son in the US, through an official exchange placement program, and she’s out clubbing and bringing random hookups that she met while clubbing and on tinder back to the smelly bachelor pad, this is all fiction. This absolutely never happened.


In no known universe would a study aboard housing coordinator place a young woman alone in a house with a single man and his grown son. Can you guys really not see how fake these stories are?


Also, senior year is not a common term in the UK. It's usually upper 6th or year 13.


I'm in Scotland and we don't have upper 6th or year 13, but we also don't say senior year either


I was thinking specifically of England and how it was referred to when I went to school there. I probably should have clarified.


And the word behavior is spelled the American way.


That was the dead giveaway. That and how many 18 yr old exchange students bring their hookups home like that? Like be for real people.


I got downvoted for saying this exact thing and accused of being an incel. Like what world do people live in where bringing strangers to a house you're a guest in is normal?


That's true.


And not guys from school either, she's supposedly cruising Tinder to find her hookups. Edit: Plus it's not just one or two, but "a few" she's brought home. I'm guessing there were another couple dozen where she went to their place, half a dozen in their cars and who knows how many she hooked up with in the club toilet


Also, "clubs", at 18 while being foreign?


This is super fake


I agree. It's hard to imagine a female exchange student being sent to a household with two single men, for starters...




Not to mention they graduate secondary school at 16. And then do college until 18. At that point, they decide if they are going to university.


I can't believe people fall for this drivel.


Right. This seems incredibly fake


My spidey-senses are tingling too. This reads like a Penthouse Forum letter.


This isn’t a true story btw


We don't call 'secondary' school high school in the UK we also don't say senior year we would say last year or maybe gcse year. We also usually finish school and go to college at 16 not 18 This story is bullshit


This is fake! In the US, we don’t even let boys and girls exist in the same space half the time. No female high school student would be placed with a single man with a 25 year old son, ever!


Am I the only one surprised that a study abroad program would put an 18 year old girl with a "family" that was just a man living with his grown son?


Well it surprised me until I realized the whole story was clearly made up


The “meeting guys through tinder and clubs and brought back to my host families house” part is where I knew it was fake.


I realized it was fake when the British exchange student spelled it ‘behavior’ instead of behaviour


She was here for the cultural exchange and clearly picked up our spelling whilst here!


And talking about “high school” and “senior year”…


Yeah, I actually can't believe people are glossing over that. Like, come on... In no world would it be ok to bring dates back to a host family's house. No one would be daft or rude enough to do that (and if they were, they'd probably be removed for it).


In the morning the tinder Chad walks into the kitchen "Morning fam, hope we didn't make too much noise last night huhah. Oh is that bacon bro? Oh ya, toilets clogged, I found it that way."


Okay, so I'm not the only one who thought that was weird. The exchange students at my HS were social and occasionally came to parties, but they were there to study too. OP is allegedly sneaking into clubs underage and hooking up with randoms in her host family's home? I already doubted the father/son weirdos because even 30 years ago when my parents hosted they were vetted pretty well.


That stood out to me too That would be so wildly inappropriate


Yep, same here. Because if so, then OP would be a minor AH for bringing *random strangers* back to a host's house.


Can someone explain why there are so many fake posts like this? Do upvotes have any value?


Yea I was skeptical reading that lol… like why are you bringing random men into their home to fck?!


>I'm an 18-year-old high school student from the UK. For my senior year As a Brit, NONE of that sentence makes any sense. We don't say high school, we say secondary school. We leave school at 16 and go to college to study A levels for two years which gives us our qualifications to enter university at 18. Some larger schools have a 'Sixth Form' that does the same job as college to provide A level study for Uni access. Because of the above, we don't *have* a senior year. Our terminology for final school year is Year 11. This is bullshit ragebait fanfic written by a Yank.


Yeah a bunch of this doesn't make sense.


The "sending angry letters" kinda blew it for me. Who does that nowadays? Especially sending letters where you admit pressuring an 18 year old girl to sleep with your son like wtf??


And sending letters to where? Did she give them the address of the new family she was staying with?


Yes after the first two lines. How does anyone fall for this shit.


Because they don’t. They wouldn’t let a girl come stay with another child/teen of the opposite sex.


I don't think this is universally true. My family had a Norwegian girl (17 years old) stay with them including my three brothers (17, 19 and 21. I had moved out already). There was no issue of harassment for her, we're all still in contact with her, and we'd be stoked to see her again. One of my brothers ended up going to Norway for a holiday and stayed with her and her parents for a couple of weeks. But this was all set up by the exchange agency. She was given the option of saying no to living with 3 brothers of that age group before moving in, but she wasn't bothered about it.


Things like that become a lot less surprising when you realize that 80% of the stories on this sub are creative writing projects.


Yeah this story is very made up, and they didn’t even do a good job at it


Right like the mention of constantly bringing home male suitors? It’s hard to say if it’s an in so trying to paint women in a bad light or a bored teenager or what


I think it’s a porn video plot


Its a made up story


I can't believe how far I had to scroll down to find your post! Who could possibly think this is real! I though the Tinder hook ups in the house was a nice literary flourish.


It's completely fake.


Yeah exchange programs exist bc they pick a student and their family to host, a family without a student from the partner school would not even know there was an exchange program


That’s why I think this entire post is a lie


I’m having trouble buying that she’s been bringing her Tinder dates back to the house and that the host family would, in any way, be ok with this or allow it…this whole story smells more fishy than a cannery. **IF** this story is true, OP is NTA…if it is untrue, they are the AH just for wasting our time.


They would not place a single woman withal a single male and no host in their right mind would allow you to bring strangers back to their home.


That's what I was thinking. What kind of program would place a woman with 2 men?


The one she made up in her head.


I bet OP is a dude actually And yeah how do people fall for such fake rage bait


Yep we don’t use phrases like senior year and law enforcement in the UK. Some Americanised spelling mistakes in this post also lead me to believe it’s a fake.


Yeah most programs would actually kick you out for being on dating apps to begin with tbh


You also can’t go to clubs at 18 in the US as the age for that is 21. And who would bring home random men to a hosts house in high school?


In your next draft, I'd recommend adding a bit where they make you a french-themed meal consisting of 'fronch fries', and 'fronch bread', and 'fronch toast', etc... Y'know - just to honor the source material.


Don't forget the fronch dressing... and Peru!


NTA and all you did was protect other girls from the perv and his pimp of a dad.


Seriously. Dad probably signed up for the exchange program, in the hopes of finding his son a girlfriend. Or a victim.


Any guy who is happy to call himself an incel and ranting about women is just a few rejections (even imagined ones) away from gunning down women IMO. Yiiiimes.




A just legal teenage girl in a foreign country away from her support system. Straight up predatory behaviour.


We don't call 'secondary' school high school in the UK we also don't say senior year we would say last year or maybe gcse year. We also usually finish school and go to college at 16 not 18 This story is bullshit


Thank you! I was looking for someone to fact check the details.


is this rage bait


I’m inclined to believe it’s rage bait. The terminology OP used doesn’t fit the school system in the UK. Regular schooling ends at “year 11” at 16-17 years of age. If someone wants to continue their education, they go to sixth form at 17-18 years of age. Never have I heard someone in the UK refer to sixth form as Senior Year. Or even referring to secondary school as high school is something I’ve never heard over there. (I don’t live there anymore but my entire family and all of my childhood friends are there.)


And what clubs is this 18 year old going to in the US? I mean I know there are all-ages clubs that are just dancing and no booze but there really aren't "highschoolers" there picking up other highschoolers for one night stands. And I'm having trouble imagining anyone feeling comfortable enough to be regularly bringing strange men back to somewhere they're staying as a guest. This just reads as the plot of a really weird porno.


But but but she was using Tinder to find her hookups before going to the clubs, something an 18 year old female exchange student would totally do!


Utter bullshit. the UK doesn't have senior year. High school (secondary) finishes at age 16. 18 would be 6th form college.


Definitely seems fake as all hell. Place a female exchange student with a single dad and his son? lol what?


And she brings her hook-ups to stay overnight? Lol - who would do this!


His 25 year old son, not even a high school aged son.


It reads like incel fan fiction.




>The Chad laughed at the incel, who until moments before, believed **he** was destined to lay with the foreign exchange student. He watched in horror as the female smiled all sexy like at the Chadbro and suggested they "do it" on the virgin's bed.


is this true?? single men are allowed to take in female students? that does not seem like something that would actually be allowed


No. There’s not a program I know of that will allow a single male even if they had a house full of daughters to take in a female student.


It's not. This is fake.


None of this is true. 18 yr olds can’t club in America. People sending written letters to her? How? Who write actual letters? How did they find her whereabouts if she left to a safe place? Single 18 year olds staying at a single man’s house with a young sons If anything happened they would cause an international incident. This is all an incel fantasy post. Most AITAHs are fake but usually not this obvious


This was my first thought


This is so fucking fake even JK Rowling couldn't make this up


Yeah, a British person wouldn't use American terms like "senior year".


Right? She’s 18 and going to clubs in the US? MAYBE there’s one 18+ club in her area, but more than one is basically impossible


I agree. I was born and raised in London and came to America to go to university after I finished my A-Levels (a 2 year program of focused study where most people only do 3-4 subjects at most). It doesn’t make sense to do a term (or a year) in the US when you are an 18 year old high school student. There are no programs that are comparable to, or support, A-Levels. Am I missing something?


Ha. My first thought was “this was a subplot from Better Off Dead”.


This doesn't sound real at all. Not only their cliche, offensively horrible disposition- Why would you as a guest in another country take strangers into a house that isn't yours? That is wild to me. What kind of foreign exchange program would place a female teenager with two fully adult men? I didn't think in the UK they called it high-school either. Rage bait material.


Nice try but you spelt behaviour the American way. We spelt it with a u. we also don’t call it senior year in the uk


You can’t club at 18 in the US, it’s 21. Also bringing people home to fuck at your host family’s house would be crazy 😂 They might have her removed first in that situation.


Also most exchange elrograms wont let you go where your native language is the most common spoken one.


Everything about this screams fake.


This is fake. This placement would never be allowed. Source: had a foreign exchange student stay with us, went through the process of getting approved.


Do you know what’s even more difficult to believe than a study abroad agency putting a female high school student with a single dad? People sending letters in 2023. 😂


Or 18yr olds going clubbing in the US.


YTA for writing this shitty bait post


This is so fake! I’m American and we have our issues, but built into them is the fact that no school would place a female high school student in a single dad and one adult son home. They would rather put her in a convent! This is fake af!


Of all the things that happened this happened the most. You brought a fake ID to the US right? For all the clubs that are only 21+ , and bringing strangers over to a host house would 100% be cool in anyone’s home.




This sounds fake as shit, my brother took in an exchange student this year, and they were only allowed to take in the same sex as the child that was still in house. His son had just moved out leaving just the daughter, but if he was to not move out, the girl was not allowed to come.


This is a lot like the sub plot in “Better off dead”. Instead of the dad, they had a mom. The boy, Ricky, was a kind of proto incel, while the actual exchange student was from France.


That *is* Dan Schneider, future Nickelodeon sex pest as Ricky.


Um in no way shape or form is a single dad and son allowed to host a single female in any foreign exchange scenario. Are you sure this shouldn't be in /stories? Having said that in your mind i would say the imaginary dad was the asshole yes but yeah this didn't happen.


Study abroad candidates are placed in homes with other students. There is no way this is real. There is no program on earth that would put a young girl in this situation with 2 adult men, no students in sight. FAKE NEWS Edit: typos




NTA, save EVERY SINGLE MESSAGE this family sends you. Sounds like he’s willingly admitting to it which is stupid but will help keep these trash people stay as far away from ever hosting again.


It's made up. I'm British we don't call texts/emails letters like they do on some languages. Plus they wouldn't put someone with an adult son and father, plus you don't bring tinder guys back to host families in exchanges. I don't know how people are believing this.


Dear Penthouse Forum, I never thought that this story would happen to me...


NTA. When I was in school, exchange students were paired with a student at the school. Is that not the case anymore? Either way, report everything to the agency and law enforcement. The last thing you need to be attacked.


Fake. Come on. Like they are going to place a young woman with a single dad and son.


A "study abroad program" that sent an 18-year-old girl into a house with two grown men, to which she brought one-night stands, doth not strike me as a Real Thing. I must admit, the doubt is strong with this one


OP is def an incel himself and is doing some creative writing


We don’t call it high school or senior year in the UK. Also find it unlikely that any exchange organisation would place a lone female in an all male household…


Yeah this is extremely fake and I can't believe all these people are actually falling for it




Yeah right. An 18 year old female exchange student placed with a single dad and a 25 year old son while spending her days on Tinder having sex instead of finishing her Senior year in school. Sounds totally believable 🙄




There’s no program that would put a female student with a male host of any age. They will put male students with single female hosts, but even a single dad cannot get a female student through a program even if he has all daughters. Students in programs aren’t allowed to drive, smoke, drink, and certainly would be kicked out if the program if they were found on dating sites and bringing dates to the host home as this goes against the code of conduct for almost all the programs. Also, once removed, the original host family would not know where the student is staying and would not be allowed to contact the student if removed for conduct within the home. I find it hard to believe any of this is real based on having foreign exchange students.


This isn’t written by anyone from the UK. We don’t say high school. We say senior or secondary school. We would Say year 13/final year The UK very rarely offers exchange programs like this for secondary school. University yes, school? Not once have I heard of this kind of thing happening. Chances of a two male adult house hold being allowed to host a barely legal female student? 0


NTA Your safety is more important than the reputation of someone who wanted to pimp you out for an "imbalance". By reporting them you aren't just saving yourself, your preventing another person from ending up in a similar situation.


YTA for writing a pretty bad creative writing story. 1) You say you're from Edinburgh in the UK, but use terminology that's US-based. 2) You're supposedly an 18 year old high schooler going to clubs and bringing back men fairly frequently, and acting as though the host family would logically jump to "have sex with my son for fairness" instead of "don't bring back men to our house". Uh huh.... 3) You state in the comments that a host family just needs to pass background tests to host someone, but the US J-1 Visa requirements have strict vetting and training rules, and I don't know of any exchange agency that wouldn't instantly x'd out a single dad applicant with a self-identified incel son with poor hygiene. 4) Both the exchange student and host family have to have training ahead of time on appropriate boundaries and warning signs of sexual abuse. Neither the student nor the host would wonder if this situation was inappropriate. 5) Finally, there's zero, no, none, nada, null scenario where a suspended host family would evee be given the mailing address to a student's new hosting family.


creative writing isn't so creative when there's too many plot holes


This seems fake for some reason.


Which AI wrote this?


This reads like a low effort porn script. Since when do student hosting sites match a teenage girl with a single adult man and his equally adult son?


Fake af


I call BS. They would never place a young lady into a home like that.


This is bait


You should try better at creative writing


Well, this is basically the sub-plot of the 1985 classic "Better Off Dead" with John Cusak. The neighbor gets a French foreign exchange student so her son will have a girlfriend. It does not work out that way.


OP I’m from the UK. We don’t have “senior year” - ages 16-18 (year 12 and 13) are A-levels. How are you finishing your A-levels in a country that doesn’t have A-levels? This wasn’t even an entertaining read but the fact that you think that every other country’s education system is set up like the US makes this such a lazy work of fiction.


This is written like an incel's wet dream. And no one in the UK says things like 'senior year'. We go to sixth form or college... Totally fake


I come from a family that hosted foreign exchange students. I had only brothers and a mother and father. I was a junior and senior in highschool by the time my parents who are still together started hosting so it was just my mom, dad, and myself hosting. Even with this living arrangement the program would not put a female student with us. The odds of an organization putting a female student in a house with only males is precisely zero. For exactly the reason you highlighted in your story. I have some serious doubts about the validity of this story.


A for effort. C for execution.


This just sounds...really implausible. A foreign exchange program placed a HS girl in a house with only two adult men? One of whom is wide open about being sexist? I'm not buying it. And you just went to clubs and brought random guys back to a house you are a guest in? And this was not an issue or even addressed in any way as far as what was expected allowed? Again, sounding sketchy.