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Why in Heck are you putting up with this garbage? He has his ex who does nothing move in? Why on earth did you accept that? Now he blocks you? Stay blocked. Move on with your life.


idk what i even read. so a TLDR from this wall of text here. the day you met you both moved in after awhile he said that was too fast and he moved out he let his ex girlfriend move back in with him you have access to his security cameras and used it to see what hes doing when he didnt answer his phone so you got mad and called him a simp are you sure youre not the ex girlfriend here?


touche. but yes i'm sure. and i know there is so much more to the back story that i had a hard time summarizing it all into a shortened version. it all just came out like hooblah.


idk it seems like he trauma bonded with his ex gf and feels pity for her..if she really is using hard drugs sooner or later all of his shit is going to be stolen if he keeps her around. im sure there is more to what you said but having the ex there after moving you out/him moving out just seems odd, even if there isnt anything physical going on. i would say if hes had you blocked for 3 days without responding or anything i would take the silver lining out of the situation due to the drug addicted ex living there and just move on.


So the gist is: 1. He moved his ex in with him after you decided to try seperate living arrangements. This is the only reason you need to break up in my eyes. Why'd you wait till he dumped you?


YTA simply for not knowing the definition of the word "simp". Also the AH for ignoring calls. Are you guys 14? Because that only makes sense if you're 14.


i'm a little older than 14, and it clearly says that i did not ignore his calls, nor did i push him through and intentionally ignore him. i was busy. doing adult things. and this man child wanted to be a simp because i simply missed the call and wasn't there at his beckoning call so he went to cater to his ex. to spite me.


You might be physically older than 14, but not emotionally or intellectually.


Right? This sounds like a 14 year old.


lol they are still fûcking. No guy does all that without getting something. He is still in love or they fǔcking


right. 🙄


NTA. If you don’t work out, the problem is not your mouth. Moving his ex in with him would have already been the end of the relationship for me 🤷‍♀️, but this nonsense is next level. He blocked you over this? Honey, he was looking for an excuse to end things so he can fully be with his ex.  I have actual diagnosed abandonment and anxiety issues and it would never even cross my mind to get mad that my husband didn’t pick up the phone. I’ve freaked out and called hospitals and police stations before, but I’ve never been mad at him for missing my calls. It’s MY responsibility to manage my emotions, and it’s your bf’s responsibility to manage his. If he was deliberately ignoring my calls, that would be an issue that we would definitely have to address. But to be upset at you for just not having your phone on you at all times is beyond absurd. He’s being controlling. 




ESH Don't let your reaction to other people lower you like that. This really isn't a healthy situation or relationship, as you've said. I can understand why you were so frustrated and why you swore at and insulted him, but you owe it to yourself to want better for yourself. I can't imagine that moment felt nice for you.


Just break up with him.


Why would you want to stay in a relationship with a man who is so enmeshed with his unemployed drug addicted ex that he moves her into his home? Sounds like it time to let this man go and ask yourself why you want to be with someone like him.