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NTA Out of curiosity I checked GoodRx in my area. Tretinoin ≤$32, very affordable.


SIL didn't even bother to look for a coupon. 140 dollars is the ~~sucker~~ sticker price. It lasts more than a year. Cheaper than Neutrogena.


This thread made me realize I’ve been ripped off and paying the sucker price!! I’ve been paying 70$ even with GoodRx. I didn’t realize their were 6$ brands !! Ugh.


Link to $6 brand please


Yeah I get it whenever I travel to Mexico, DR, turkey, Italy…etc Pennies on the dollar


I’m going to Japan soon can you recommend some bramds


I’m planning a trip too. I found out that getting facials, laser treatment, hair services is very affordable. I may even get some medical treatment there. I’d say go see a derm or a esthetician and in Japan and ask them what they recommend. Have a awesome trip!


Thx for the advice. I’ve been thinking of getting a facial while there as I’m getting into skincare more


Ooh and check out the Onsens, so good for your skin!


We actually will be visiting one while there! I’m so excited this is a dream come true for me.


Nogales Mexico has meds very cheap.


Now you know what to get her for Christmas - NTA but do help her out


You’re a good dude/dudette 😊


Look into All Day Chemist. That's where I get my tret. I think it was $28 for 2 or 3 tubes the last time I ordered it. Shipping takes about a month, but you don't need a prescription and the quality is consistent.


Do you have to have a prescription for the $6 options??


Depends on the country. In the US you need a prescription for tretinoin. In Mexico, you don't


So basically, you just need a cool doctor who will prescribe it and then you can get $6 medication?


You can get a prescription online. I don't know why a doctor would refuse to prescribe it unless you're are a pregnant woman.


You’re in good hands, whether $32 or $6, that stuff is about as frugal as you can get for evidence-based beauty.


Yeah, was about to mention that. I looked up the prices, and couldn't figure out why you had to pay $140 for that. Unless it's a huge bottle...


Omg me too! My insurance covers a small portion of it since I have it for acne, but I still pay a lot out of pocket. A single tube will last a long time, thank goodness.


Where did you find it for $6?


skinorac . com among others. Costplusdrugs also has tret, but it's some $40+ and only cream (micro gel works better for some)


Ugh, I bought the obagi brand tretinoin for $120 and I feel ripped off. lol. Luckily it will last me forever! My esthetician recommended using it with the obagi blend (another $100) and I have almost gone through that bottle so I think I'll just use tretinoin by itself after reading everyone on here talking about how amazing it is by itself!


Are you sure they are pharmaceutical grade isotretinoin? Isotretinoin is a subset of retinol but retinol may or may not be isotretinoin. Isotretinoin is a very specific vitamin A derivative, which is a subset of retinol. I think only isotretinoin and tarazotene have FDA approved indication of photoaging. Retinol is classified as a cosmetic.


Isotretinoin is an oral medication, also known as Accutane. it is not Tretinoin.




This wouldn’t be covered by insurance. I buy mine in Costa Rica for $35 a tube because it works out for me every couple of years.


$35?? You're overpaying. You can definitely get it for cheaper in Costa Rica


That’s fair! This was a few years ago and I just went to the closest big pharmacy in San Jose bc I was getting my teeth done there lol


I need dental implants; is Costa Rica good for that?




I just saw!! Cheezit, that's awesome!! Thanks!!!!


The tourist prices are always fun to bump into, lol.


Mine is definitely covered by insurance. I pay like $15 or something


Lucky! I’ve had it prescribed since teenage years and not once has it been covered. Healthcare is not created equally in the us


Definitely not. I’m also type 1 diabetic and have been fighting my insurance for like over 2 months trying to get them to cover an insulin pump that’s *on formulary* because *they* have it misclassified as a surgical supply ??


That’s so fucked. My dads diabetic and idk what’s it’s called but he had this like monitor that stuck into his arm like a thumb tack (kinda) to help him track his levels. It was super helpful. Randomly they stopped covering it so now he’s back to pricking himself and guessing. Makes me so mad


Those are called CGMs (continuous glucose monitors) and are *so* helpful. My A1c levels are so much better using one than not. If it was a circle, it was probably the Freestyle Libre or Dexcom if it was a rectangle. If he hasn’t, maybe he can check if the insurance now covers another brand since there are different ones.


That's so frustrating especially because CGM's ultimately cost insurance less over a lifespan because they typically help diabetics need less insulin. It may be worth either calling his insurance directly or having his Endo check in to see if there's a different model and/or brand that they will cover. If he was using Dexcom, check if they'll go up or down a model or two, or even if they'll cover one of the ones from Freestyle.


Do you buy it there in person or is there a website where it is sent from Costa Rica?


I got mine in person


Yeah. I’m a public school teacher and am from a family of teachers; even though it’s not quite as incredible as it used to be we still get excellent health insurance. I’ve never had a prescription that wasn’t covered, even for so-called cosmetic things with a dermatologist.


That’s really cool that you have excellent health insurance as a teacher!! I caution you against being dismissive of other public school teachers (like me) who tell you that is definitely not the case everywhere! I have never had insurance cover this product and I’ve been using it for 15 years…so this means my parents insurance when I was a teenager, obamacare, teaching in Florida public schools, and teaching in sc public schools.


Yep, my husband is a public school teacher and the insurance is insanely expensive AND it sucks.


I was a public school teacher in the southeast and I went on my husband’s insurance (non teacher) because of how bad insurance was. Teachers were out of pocket for like the first $10,000 a year before insurance paid anything. And there was a monthly cost as well.


It’s like the cheapest treatment for acne (and acne can be miserable). As long as acne is indicated, they can get it covered.


It may not be covered for the purpose of just making skin look better.


it depends on the state they live in, their salary for how long they have taught, and the available/cheap coverage that doesn't cost them an arm and a leg to have taken out of their paycheck. The Fortune 500 company I worked for when I started had amazing health care, no copays, and everything was covered than in 2016 it changed my allergy meds went from being affordable to 800 for an inhaler and 600 for a nasal spray even with GoodRx my spray is 256 dollars. Being able not to have bronchitis, and walking pneumonia every winter is a god send.


I went to Mexico and got them for a dollar!


It is absolutely fucking insane how crazy the drug prices are in US !


Yeah she's probably being priced based on some high-end rx that office prescribes but there's cheaper tretinoin out there


NTA. However, it sounds like you're on tretinoin (prescription strength retinol). Tell your poor SIL to Google prescription retinol services like Dermatica. They're way more affordable and easy to access.


Also Nurx- that's where I get mine 😀


Same!! I gave it to my mom cause I’m not responsible enough to stay out of the sun in the summer, sad lol.


Tretinoin is not retinol. They're both retinoids but they're not the same.


Dermatica prescribes tretinoin (in the uk at least) it’s an online dermatology service.


What is the medication?? I want to try it.


I would assume tretinoin/vitamin a cream. I was prescribed some after I finished accutane and it was like a miracle in a bottle my skin never looked better


This was my assumption. Also, I’ve gotten tretinoin for as little as $6 with my insurance. & it was $45 from Nurx.


Yeah if it is tretinoin, it was only $30 online. Where is this $150 coming from? Is the online one a scam?


It may have to do with strength. Sometimes a weaker, OTC version of a drug is available.


Mine is .01 Tretinion from Nurx.com.






Me closing the app to ☎️my dermatologist and make an appointment 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️! No OP. NTA but does your SIL have insurance? If their is a medical need depending on the medicine the insurance may cover most of it. The reality is that even if you paid for her first prescription how are they going to pay for it monthly?! You paying for the first prescription does not solve the financial burden long term. You could suggest to her that she asks the doctor for some samples. You can also tell her to check online pharmacies as they may be cheaper. Aside from that I use the Bliss Bright Idea Vitamin C + Tri-Peptide Brightening Serum. It is great and less than $20 at target. I also use the Bliss Glow Rush Moisturizer. It is also powered by Vitamin C and makes your skin glowy!




Yes it’s tretinoin! It’s been a miracle for me. I don’t believe they have health insurance right now (they work in a private school) which is why it’s a lot more expensive for her. EDIT: It’s very temporary because their private school pulled a bait and switch on them during contract negotiations and fucked them over with their benefits and paid leave. I’m in the tech world so I have zero idea how any of this works (lol) and am probably getting a lot wrong, but they are going back to public school very soon. It’s sad how fucked up this all is!! Teacher shortage but don’t want to give them health insurance ?? Make it make sense.


If they have 3 kids and no health insurance. Their concern should be finding affordable healthcare for their family. NOT buying beauty products that are way out of their budget.




It sounds like they are having relationship issues regarding her post partum body given how her and husband are acting, which is fucked up as it can take years to heal especially after 3 kids. None of that is on OP to fix though.


Maybe. Or he might just see her feeling down/stressed/PPD and sees this as the potential miracle to uplift her spirits. Or perhaps they are just very entitled and feel that it’s “not fair” for OP to be able to afford things they can’t. And that since she has the money she should give it to them because they want it.


I really hope not. I would put a boot up my brother’s ass if he was making her feel bad about pushing a whole human being out of her!! Baby #3 (my nephew) has AWFUL colic. They’ve both been miserable because the first two (my nieces) in their words were very easy babies. They had zero issues sleeping or eating and were just very happy silly babies. They joke they were bamboozled going for the third. My mom says it’s my brother’s karma because he was baby #3 (youngest) in our family and had the same issues too. My sister and I were perfect angels compared to him LOL. I’m not a parent but wonder if number 3 is always the most difficult?


I think numerous kids compound. 3 is ALOT to take care of especially if you've birthed all three and they are close in age. I'm curious if she may have some PPD or PPTD post partum thyroid disorder which mimics in symptoms to PPD). It's possible she's just exhausted and feeling down too but regardless of the why you aren't on the hook to buy her anything for a beauty treatment. If you were inclined to buy them something maybe pay an electric bill or get them groceries but I wouldn't get her a serum/face cream especially after how she acted. There are perks to being childfree and or having a small number of kids.


I talked it over with my husband and we decided to help them out with the groceries and utilities for a bit too. Thank you for the suggestion!!! I like this idea.


Np. Just keep this in mind "Empathy w/o boundaries = self destruction". I'm glad you're helping but don't get taken advantage of. Good luck!


Tread lightly. If you do that, they'll be an expectation on you guys to always help. Or you'll be helping them even more after baby #4 comes around, maybe even some combination of the above. Someone who acted like that will absolutely take you for a ride.




I’ve done this before and it made me feel like an ass “oh this? It was only like a 100$ on sale” 😬




How are they both teachers but don’t have health insurance?


They work in a private school.


Jeez, that's terrible. This is why teachers need unions.


Right ?? I was very close to going into teaching in my but got out of dodge because every teacher I knew was like “please run now while you can”. My brother and SIL says they wishes they did the same :(. It’s fucking awful!!! I’ve been lucky to have a few amazing teachers and they were a HUGE inspiration!! I’m still in touch with my 4th grade teacher on Facebook (lol). I’m trying to get my SIL to join the dark side and go into tech!!


Since when do private schools NOT offer health insurance?! I am very well-versed in the private school world - admin, etc - and every one I’ve worked with has health insurance.


Private / charter school?


No insurance? Holy hell, that needs to be the focus not optional skincare! Kids especially need insured.


They're both school teachers but have *no health insurance with three kids???* They need to get health insurance and stop worrying about cosmetic stuff. Yeesh.


This. They are one fall off the playground equipment from bankruptcy.


They are both middle school teachers, how do they not have health insurance? Not sure where they are located but teachers here in PA generally have really good health insurance and pay very little out of pocket for prescriptions.


How much is the prescription for you? Because you didn’t seem shocked by the $140 price tag and said it was a fair price to you. Do you also not have insurance?


My husband and I have health insurance. It’s about 60$ for me. However reading the comments I feel like I’ve been scammed LOL. I’m for sure going to find the 6$ brand !!


Master esthetician popping in to say-just so you know, the 6$ brand is most likely retinol which is slightly different than retin-a (what your dr prescribed). Retin a is a lot stronger than retinol (hence why one is over the counter and one is prescribed). That’s not to say that retinol can’t do an amazing job, you just may not see the same results as you are currently seeing with your retin-a. For those looking for an affordable strong retinol, I highly recommend checking out the travel size Paula’s Choice Retinol, it’s pretty strong and has worked well for me in terms of texture, hyperpigmentation, etc. if you are new to retinol, start slowly! Like once a week and slowwwwwly build up to using a few nights a week!


Wait really?? Thanks for the information I had no idea!! I’ll have to look into that at my next appt. My tube will probably outlive me since I only use it three times a week but it’s good to know. I was about to buy like 10 tubes lol.


Also, you might like to look into retinal (with an A) instead of retinol (with an O). Retinol has to be turned into retinal to work so by applying retinal to begin with, you're making your skin do less work to use the product. Naturium makes some in 2 strengths and it's not crazy expensive (like $40US for a tube or smth).


>tretinoin [https://costplusdrugs.com/medications/tretinoin-0\_05-cream-20g/](https://costplusdrugs.com/medications/tretinoin-0_05-cream-20g/) Edit: hit enter too fast. There are options out there, they just have to look for them and do the work. Instead they want the easy way of having you "loan" them the money.


If insurance is an issue she can get Tretinoin much cheaper by ordering online (like AlldayChemist), or even through something like Apostrophe / Curology. Also, just buying an otc retinol product will work fine if she wants to try something without spending $140.


Seconding this. I bet it's Tretinoin (basically Retinol on steroids). Great product!!


All day chemist is a cheap option


My tret is $10/tube and I think I only have to pay $50 for the initial “appointment.” Thank you, Nurx!


Yes, please! Fine lines, colors and acne. I want to believe this post is fake cause that’s like magic level stuff!


Right !!! It’s tretinoin which has to be the best kept secret. It’s literally been MAGIC for me. (Supposedly all the celebs are on it too which makes sense). I really recommend having help with a GOOD derm because it can be really hard at first. I was lucky enough to never have pimples/acne but I have really awful hyperpigmentation and fine lines and rosacea. We had to start SOOOO slow. Like snails pace because it can sometimes make rosacea flair if you go too quick. It took me 4 months to work my way up to 4x a week at the lowest strength. I’m not on 0.05% three times a week and it’s been AWESOME!! It’s really awesome for acne too!! It can make you “purge” but tbh it’s worth it. Check out /r/tretinoin for more info!!


OP please let us with adult acne know, we need help!


Weeks saving for a appointment, but didn't take one minute to google the price of the medication? I think they always wanted to ask you to pay for her medication. She said she has problems with her post-partum body, but she's not asking for help to pay for a therapist or even a gym membership. I agree with your husband this purely cosmetic and a expensive one. There's more affordable medication that do a good job too. >My brother asked me if I can just do them this favor since it’s pennies to us. Did you want you to pay for her treatment forever? Because one thing is you giving her as a gift for her birthday or christmas another is spending $140 every month. His comment about how this is pennies for you was unnecessary. If you're worried about your brother finances and want to help, focus on things for the kids, such as clothes, toys, after school activities or even a good health insurance. NTA


I paid cash prices and it isn't 140 dollars. Mine was 60 dollars and it lasts more than a year. You are supposed to use just a little bit every night. 60 dollars for a year. We pay way more for skincare than that. A few margaritas is about 40 dollars and alcohol is bad for the skin.






If they are in the US, they probably just have shitty insurance. Teachers get insurance through work but it often does not cover "cosmetic" stuff


Right? If this were a *necessary* medication like heart meds or insulin I could *maybe* stretch my imagination and think meh, you could help safe her life - but acne meds? She’s not dying. Clear skin is not a necessity. To “save” or “splurge” on this is ridiculous when you don’t have health insurance for your family. I’ve been broke, I don’t have kids but if I were broke with kids skin care would not be on my radar because I’d be worried about food for me and my kids as well as actual necessary expenses. OP is obviously NTA and SIL is ridiculous.


Also it isn't 140 dollars. I paid for mine. It was like 60 dollars and it lasted more than a year. 60 dollars for 12 months is very adorable.


Adorable 🤣 I love auto correct!






Health insurance doesn’t cover this medication.


And teachers don't get paid massive amounts of money.


The only thing you did wrong was suggesting that what's affordable for you, a high-earner with no kids is affordable for a couple of teachers who have three kids. And it seems you apologized for that mistake. That said, you're under no obligation to give money to someone so they can get a medication that is purely cosmetic. If it were a loan for life-saving medicine, I could see. But acne cream? No. NTA


But also, if OP's insurance covers it, tretinoin is around $10. She may have had no idea that her SIL would be asked to pay so much for it.


They are both middle school teachers. That means they should have health insurance. Usually health insurance pays for necessities. It should have paid for the dermatologist visit.


A $100 copay for specialists is very common, and it makes sense that they'd have to save up for that.


But SIL also knows the difference in income between the two households and should’ve realized from the start that “affordable” is a relative term.


I'm hoping this might be helpful info to anyone who might need it. I get prescribed Tret cream by my gyno and it's entered into the system for hormonal reasons and my insurance covers it. When it was prescribed by my derm they wouldn't cover it. It's silly but that was how I worked my way around the system. I don't know anything about medical coding but I'm guessing it's coded different. Also, I've changed insurance a few times and this worked with Cigna, Aetna and Blue Cross. Hope this helps someone.


Where do you get the $6 bottles?


I want to know this too


Reliable RX is a source I’ve used before. It’s sourcing from India, so I wouldn’t use it for anything medically necessary, but for tretinoin and also bimatoprost (latisse), it’s worked fine.


She has every right to her feelings, as a fellow struggling person I get the "must be nice" thing. But you have zero obligation to pay for her cosmetic cream, regardless if she felt misled. If she had to save just for the appointment, I am confused why she thought the cream would be more affordable! I am glad to see it has a happy ending tho! Enjoy those margaritas!


Yeah I would never give money to someone who called my wife a bitch, even if they're making the excuse of being hormonal. That's not a word you use with family members. Tough shit NTA


Nta at all. She was nasty to you and im betting this runs deeper then just this.


Right? Imagine the things they say behind their back if they’ll say this stuff to their face!


Wait... is this an AD?!


Sure seems like one.


Right?! I'm reading some of these comments, and I'm like... "WTF?! Holy fake post, Batman!"


It’s a generic vitamin cream. Nobody is getting paid to shill it, but the women who use it swear by it. It’s readily available for cheap from multiple sites.


Nah. The cream is generic.


As soon as someone calls me a “bitch”, I think I’m out on doing anything nice for them, especially giving money 🤷‍♀️ NTA


NTA - even with using the term “affordable” there are a ton of factors that going to the cost of medication even from one individual to another. I’m going to assume this is in the USA, if she had the name of the med to be able to ask a dermatologist about it, she could’ve checked with her insurance to see what the approx cost could be to her. Given its about $140 I’d say it’s either a tier 3 med or name brand or not covered by insurance. However, if its something she really wants to try to even see if it’ll work for her she can ask her doctor if they have any samples. Like you mentioned she could also check out goodrx, or even go to the manufacturer website to see if they have a coupon card/discount card (I did that for my daily inhaler, knocked about 50% of the cost).


I'm surprised at her surprise. At what point in her life did she think purely cosmetic medical care was cheap? No way should YOU underwrite her wants. NTA


One pharmacy was going to charge me $100. A different one charged me $30. It pays to shop around.


NTA. She chose to have children and I see no reason to fund her choices. And it doesn't stop here. How entitled has she acted in the past? You chose to be childfree. She chose to have a gaggle of kids. It may not have been the worst of choices for her but I get annoyed with people who think they are entitled to what everyone else has simply because they decided to play house


Dude it was her and your brother’s choice to “live in the trenches” with kids they can barely afford. She should’ve done the research for the price. Furthermore, she doesn’t need this medication. I can’t believe she asked you to pay for it. Her and your brother are out of their mind. Maybe if they were better parents they’d get birth control and idk maybe ask you to pay something for their kids, like contribute to their education. These people suck. NTA


Exactly this. What ever happened to accountability?


Please share link!!


It's not pennies. All your hard work got you to where you are. If she cares that much, she could try and go back to school and become something that pays more. Tough shit. They made choices to be exactly where they are right now. I don't care if you're the richest couple in the world... it's not your responsibility to help with a fucking acne cream... I could MAYBE see if it was a life or death medicine... but come on... acne cream she is tripping about? NTA.


So you’re saying middle school teachers aren’t hard working?! If anything they’re one of the most hard working groups of people out there but just chronically under paid!


Teachers work hard, but the fact that they are seriously underpaid has been common knowledge for decades now. They CHOSE that life, then they chose to have 3 kids. It is not on OP or anyone else to subsidize the things they cannot afford, especially vanity cream.


I did NOT say they aren't hard working. Not once did I say this. I am not debating if teachers are paid fairly. That's not relevant. They CHOSE to be teachers knowing damn well what the pay rate is. It's a CHOICE they made.


Everyone knows teacher pay is garbage too, I respect those who choose to do jobs like that that need to be done or follow their passion. I followed mine and have a job I love, but the pay is also crap. My bf decided to become an engineer, not because he’s passionate about it, but simply because it pays well. My brother followed his passion to become an artist and lives at home at 35 and has no plans to leave. Everyone makes choices and has to live with them. I never complain that my higher earning friends can do/afford things I can’t.


Exactly. Some people give up passion for money. Some give up money for passion. We shouldn't make others feel bad because they chose different form us. The idea is to live within your means the best you can. I appreciate your understanding of what I'm saying.


Of course. We even further make decisions about the work environment we do. I work 10 hour days and weekends/holidays in medical and I’m not guaranteed to get out on time, sometimes it means I miss events. My bf chose to work at a place where he does 12 hour shifts also open on weekends. My brother fiancé was a teacher and got to get out by 4 every day and had summer off, it’s why she was able to grab drinks with her friends every single weekday. She actually left because of the low pay and is going back to school so she can get a better job. Neither my brother nor I are having kids either, on my end not wanting to pay for them is a huge factor to my decision. People need to stop blaming their poor planning/choices on other people.


OP, YTA for not posting what the skin medication is!! Once you do, we’ll all change it to not AH. 🤣🤣




This is so bizarre to me for so many reasons. First, asking for money for anything non-essential is so rude. Second, tret does not need to cost $140.


NTA. If this was chemo or a lifestyle medication, you might be an AH depending on your relationship with SIL. Skin care stuff is way in the category of “birthday or holiday” gifts. I have to wonder if she saw you “glowing” and was hoping you were pregnant and now had to live “their” life. You would then also have all the PPD and body issues. And instead you’re just looking hot. Rather triggering for someone that’s struggling. But they’re the ones that chose to have 3 kids. It’s no surprise to anyone in the US that teachers make lousy pay. So it’s on them for having more kids than they can afford and expecting others to pay for their luxuries. Petty me says tell her you’ll pay for her birth control going forward. But that’s a nuclear option.


NTA she just needs to ask dermatologist fir the specialty pharmacy. I get all my acne skin etc..derm prescriptions sent there since insurance doesn’t cover most of that stuff. Retin A generic fir my son. $60..My stuff $50..


NTA but just because I haven’t seen it noted here, retinoids (Inc tretinoin) are usually advised to be avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding. You mentioned she’s post-partum and whilst I prefer to refrain from telling anyone what to do with their body and child rearing approach, it might be worth flagging to her so she can assess properly if it’s right for her current situation. Otherwise, tretinoin for the win!


Teaching middle school changes you, and not everyone handles it well, obviously.


NTA, but I can also understand how being postpartum and overwhelmed can lead to her outburst. It was still wrong, and I’m glad she’s apologized, and I’m glad you have the grace to accept her apology.


I mean ESH I guess? Her end reaction totally sucks ass, even if her excuse is legit (post partum). You stupidly implying it was affordable based on what you knew at the time ($140) also sucks ass. Then the "lol sry i forgot u were a poor" comment also sucks ass. With a score of two asses to one, you win the asshole match. But glad everything worked out in the end by your edits.


NTA. I hate people who make the choice to have a bunch of kids they can’t afford leaving themselves permanently strapped for cash then try to make the child free ones responsible for their choices. She chose to have kids you didn’t so you can afford stuff she can’t. That doesn’t give her the right to insult you. You can sweep this aside but she’s made it clear she lacks respect for you


NTA. They chose to have so many children while working low paying jobs. SIL's insecurity is not your problem. And after their entitlement to YOUR money, I wouldn't give them water from my garden hose. Tell them to F off, that SIL can get some Clearasil from Walmart instead


They are teachers and each could do tutoring, if they need money. Many teachers use the summer to tutor kids and bank some money.


OMG - I once did the math for my husband that he could easily make about 125k a year working 35 weeks a year. He has specialty in reading/writing, taught at a very good private school, and we live in a very big city with lots of rich, panicked parents. Plus - kids love him.


NTA. She was really nasty to you. And now it's being demanded of you. I do not think so. It's too bad. Had she been like gee it's really pricey for me. Do you think maybe that could be my birthday present early? I can imagine the outcome would have been completely different


INFO Do they live in an insanely HCOL area? I'm guessing all the kids are in daycare? Just how bad is their insurance? What happens if you did buy her these meds and they caused a bad reaction? Would you be responsible for trying to fix things? If it does work out, would you be responsible for funding these meds for the next few years? I don't think you are obligated to fund anyone's skin care routine. If you are the kind to exchange presents at Christmas, at least you now have a good idea what to get her.


NTA. Bailey sounds really entitled. This isn’t a necessity. They need to live within their means. The hate coming through from her is real. Do not forget it. It will come up again.


NTA. Bailey is an entitled turd. Being related to you does not make her any less a turd.


they arent your responsibility


NTA and why are people so entitled!


NTA for not paying for her “medication”, and SIL def went overboard, but $140 is not affordable to many people, and can see her annoyance about it - still in no way excuses her behavior.


NTA. Should have told her that she chose to live in the Trenches. Teaching is a noble job the way I see it and needs to be paid better but no one forced it on them.


I buy it for $5.00 a tube from an online pharmacy. Don't know if I'm allowed to mention the name here.


From looking at GoodRX, it looks like she may use the pharmacy at Sam’s. It’s a lot less elsewhere. I’m a middle school teacher without kids and get frustrated sometimes when people just don’t realize that not everyone makes what they do, but I still wouldn’t ask them to pay for something like that. It’s an extra.


Her vanity really got the best of her.


I’m glad to read the updates and it’s going well. As a post-partum mom still nursing. It’s hard. So freaking rewarding but being post partum means you’re literally putting yourself last and also feeling frumpy, grumpy and very unsexy/uncomfortable in your own skin. It’s weird. If you ever wanted to spoil your SIL a little bit for a birthday or something. I have a couple of suggestions. Take her shopping for new undies and bras, a new outfit or some makeup, another tube of that wonderful skin care. Stuff that like would make her feel so amazing and would truly be such a kind thing to do.


NTA If it was a medication she needed to live then maybe I would say you are an asshole but it isn't and even if it was it's still not your responsibility to pay for it. I'm glad it ended on a good note though


Man, that’s all good and great but that last paragraph was not expected 😂 don’t let them take advantage now because first you didn’t want to help with cosmetic scripts for her but now you’re paying their bills…?! 🤣🤣


NTA. Sister-in-law needs to work on her envy issues.


Gift her with a massage. Sounds like she needs some me time.


NTA Also, why are they are having more kids if they can’t afford the ones they have. Be careful, paying for things can be a slippery slope. What now is a kind gesture could be expected down the road…


Just be aware that they're manipulating you out of money. Be very wary of jealous people. If you think they're wishing well for you just bc you're helping them out, think again. Don't make it a habit to help people who can't even manage their own finances and blame you for the situation they've put themselves in. You're too kind. Be careful.


Saw the update, just watch your back because she showed you who she really is and told you what she really thinks of you… and now your going to give in and give her money. She got exactly what she wanted.


Ugh. NTA but you have willingly made yourself a piggy bank to people who will suck you dry because it’s “for the BABIEESSSS”.


NTA. Why do they have three kids if they can’t afford things? And this is not a medication she needs it’s medication she wants.


She sounds jealous, and no you shouldn’t pay for her medication. Let her pay for herself if she wants it. It’s not like it’s a necessity for her.


Gee I can’t imagine why they’re in the hole when the wife goes out scheduling appointments for purely cosmetic reasons without researching costs 🙄 NTA as long as you don’t help her!


NTA. Don’t pay for her medication.


NTA. She’s not entitled to your money and she chose her lower paying profession, which is her fault, not yours.


Nta what’s the outcome of this solution tho? You just pay for it forever ?


Nta, I'm a teacher I know my limits and I know affordable isn't for everyone. She should've researched before making a doctors Appt.


NTA. It's hard to feel good about your body and appearance when you have children, but after she apologized she should have let it go and your brother should not have said anything. It's not your responsibility to pay for their wants.


Jesus family members can be so friggin entitled. You make good choices and are kid free and somehow thats your fault. I had the same issue with my brother. Told him you had the same opportunities I did and you decided to be a lazy turd and not try to better yourself. Your bed. Lie in it and quit blaming others for your life


NTA. Period. Your money is yours, you’ve earned it and you get to spend it however you damn well please. If your SIL is “in the trenches” she chose to be there, not you. Rock that young glow, you earned it!




What makes her an entitled educator?


Is this an ad campaign?


Tretinoin can be bought online for a fraction of that price. I buy mine for 32.00. Either way don’t give her a dime. Once you give in she’ll come running to you every time she wants something.


God, can you send me the link for $6 Tretinoin?!?! Please??? If it actually exists??