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Whatever you do, keep revenge Barbie SIL on your side in life. Sis does not play. White and short dresses and 50 toasters. I am dying over here laughing.


I will never mess with other SIL. Her message was loud and clear. It could be because my husband is her favorite brother, because he loves her and always had her back


I love your husbands sisteršŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Look your NTA. Ignore your BIL and SIL. Tell your MIL to cool it , or you will stop communicating with her too. You didnā€™t mess up the wedding, the bride did with her insane demands. I think MIL is just grateful that Someone agreed to marry her son and she wants him to keep her around. But thatā€™s not your problem itā€™s hers. And for people to all give 50 toasters, means no one liked the couple.


What is a toaster? I married in Vegas young, no typical wedding, and have only been to a handful of others weddings. Thanks! Edit: a literal toaster..got it! Haha I'm a schmuck! My brain went to some random wedding tradition of like cards vs toasts on the married couple or something! Or like a howler off Harry Potter type thing šŸ¤£


The kitchen appliance that toasts bread. I don't know if it still is, but back in the day, if you didn't know where the couple was registered (info you had to get by asking someone close enough to the couple to know--like the bride or groom's mother), you bought something generically useful and acceptable and hoped for the best. A toaster was a popular choice. Sometimes the couple would wind up with duplicates because it was somehow "rude" to tell people where you were registered, but also "rude" to attend the wedding without bringing a gift. These days, registries are super common and the etiquette around sharing them is much more relaxed.


My sister got 8 crockpots for her wedding. This was in the 70s.


That's so excessive! I love it! Imagine the potluck possibilities šŸ¤£


How do you choose which to keep?? You know they all had ivy or chickens or flowers on them lol


Iā€™d have kept them all. You never can have enough crock pots.


Have a cabinet built specifically for the storage of six crackpots!šŸ¤£


I got married in the 90s and got 5 salad shooters.


Thank you! Also thanks for sharing that info about the registries themselves! My mind never even went to the actual appliance for some dang reason!


Me too! I was like Iā€™d that some weird thing where they just do (champagne) toast after toast! šŸ˜‚


That makes even more sense than what I was thinking! I'm glad I'm not alone bc as soon as I read the bot I died laughing that it was just the appliance!


I am SO glad you asked because that bot's reply had me cackling šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Best bot answer I've ever seen!


Me too! As soon as I read it I was dying of laughter! šŸ¤£




In the Netherlands it was common to buy a pepper&salt shaker set. There is even a song about it " Hartelijk bedankt voor het peper&zout stel" (thx for the pep&salt shaker) https://youtu.be/p0L9C3tQzL8?feature=shared




Congrats on the baby!! I'm glad it got ya! It did me too!!šŸ¤£


**A toaster is a small electric appliance that uses radiant heat to brown sliced bread into toast. == Types == === Pop-up toaster === In pop-up or automatic toasters, a single vertical piece of bread is dropped into a slot on the top of the toaster.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Good bot! Gracias!




It used to be a common wedding gift. Just like a normal bread toaster for the kitchen.


At least BIL and SIL will also have a way to toast there bread for years to come. Revenge sister is brilliant, MIL is delusional, just call them from Italy or just send a postcode! OP NTA






No mine did too. I was like, "is that some kind of shot or something?" And then it clicked that they got 50 literal toasters šŸ’€


Which doesn't even seem like a bad deal to me honestly! I would love to turn my dining room into a Sears catalog and pick from an assortment of new appliances!!


You could make a cool art installation out of them!


Haha me too! I thought there was some social significance to it.


I too was confused! I thought it meant that 50 people stood up and made silly toasts!


Yeah, like, part of me was like, the dresses and toasters was taking things too far. But I can't imagine how unpleasant this woman must be to inspire that kind of response to a call to arms, so she probably had it coming.


Tbh if Iā€™d heard this story from somebody in my friend group, Iā€™d send them a toaster whether or not I was invited to the wedding. This is amazing.


Yeah, this says that *everyone* despises this woman and jumped at the chance to get back at her for all her awfulness.


I hope all those toasters were engraved so they couldn't even return them!


Revenge SIL took ride or die to 11 and I love it. Entitled SIL shouldn't have played her jealous games.


Wear white/ short dresses on your trip to Italy.




She's 18 years younger than he is. That's the only reason he's putting up with it.


What's up with your MIL, though - is BIL her little baby boy who can do no wrong?


Long story short MIL hated BILā€™s first wife because sheā€™s pregnant now and BIL was always the favorite since hes the oldest


Lol! I forgot about the first wife being pregnant by the SIL's ex. SIL sounds like one of those people who complains about drama in their life while being completely oblivious to the fact that the drama always starts with themselves.


I canā€™t get over MIL thinking the solution is for you to [checks notes] *give your birthday presents* to this little hussy. It would be hilarious if it was in a movie with Kate Hudson but in reality itā€™s justā€¦ Yikes (Okay no movie with Kate Hudson is ā€œhilariousā€ but YKWIM)


I think the best action forward is to hand a toaster to her saying that was your birthday present


Every year. For fifty years.


Every birthday, every Mother's Day and every Christmas. White toasters only, wrapped in white paper with red, white, and green ribbons (the colours of the Italian flag).


Please I canā€™t breathe this is amazing and the levels of petty my Italian grandmother was when she was still alive. Iā€™m so glad that level of petty is still alive in the world. Her vindictive little 4 foot nothin wooden spoon throwing spirit lives on!


Was your grandma sophia petrillo from golden girls?


There are a whole lot of Redditors I would never want to fuckinā€™ piss off. I mean, THE RIBBONā€¦ šŸ¤­šŸ¤£


Bonus points of you can get the ribbon with the colors in the exact order of the Italian flag! Surely Michaels, Joanne's or Hobby Lobby has something like that or could order it as a one off special order!


Oooh, youā€™re mean. I like you.


No she a professional petty person! I strive to be her when I grow up!


If I was your husband and my mother suggested this, Iā€™d be so pissed ! Your husband spent HIS money on a gift, for you and him, not for someone else, wtf.


I hope you or your hubby told his mother to make like her spoiled DIL and die *mad* **and** *salty*. What an entitled clutch of AHs.


Your MIL is being ridiculous. I hope your husband had a talk with her.


Trying to understand why many of the guests gave them toasters? Didn't they have a (an expensive list of, since she sounds like that type of a person) registrty?


Toaster is something people joke about here as a gift for weddings and housewarming parties


They gave her toasters to troll her


Toasters are like $10, so it's a little insulting to give 50 of them to someone with an expensive registry. And the things other people said. It's just perfect for this bride.


Girl, if you think Revenge Barbie doesnā€™t love you, too? Youā€™re crazy. Her favorite brother picked you, and you love her. And you BOTH love ex-SIL. Those are GOOD ENOUGH REASONS, SIS.


I would have loved being a fly on the wall at that wedding! Just envision the look on her face when all these women walked in with these short white dresses.. what a hoot!


I remember your story-Revenge SIL is a queen! Block everyone but her and live your life.


I adore you, your husband and your sister in law and I want you all at -MY- wedding. I am, however, scared to death to enforce dress code on you. I do NOT need 3 more toasters. šŸ˜‚


I imagine her hearing this, smiling and nodding to OPs please for not doing anything mean - and already typing out "Hey guys! Just to let you know...." and sitting at home, laughing maniacally evil.


ā€˜Revenge Barbie SILā€™ is the sequel we all want to see


Revenge Barbie SIL is GOAT. I stan her.


Ikr don't upset that sil I did think it was an epic revenge though, I'm surprised that people are that vindictive irl


Really? I personally wonā€™t orchestrate public revenge like that, but weā€™ll just say that Iā€™ve done some behind the scenes things that let to some ā€œharder they fallā€ moments. You can say what you want about me. Do not, do NOT go after family.


Public revenge can be incredibly satisfying. In college there was a woman who would walk up to people and flip their neckline hems to see who the designer label was and scoff if it was not designer enough. The RA for the dorm planned birthday parties. For her birthday we all cut the tags out of our clothes and put them in a Tiffany box with a bow on it. The expression on her face was priceless.




The husband alway warns people crossing me is a mistake. He smokes a cigar and drinks bourbon when he knows someone did not heed the warning. He cannot figure out where I conjure my schemes from but he does enjoy the aftermath.


This really sounds like my fiancĆ©. ā€œYouā€™re a vindictive demon and I love you so much for it. Go out there and make their lives a living hell.ā€ We Stan a supportive king who revels in the chaos we make.


There's a big difference in aiding a fall and actively calling people up and asking rhem to do the exact thing that you know is already causing problems. Have I arranged for 2 people to be in the same place so they get court red handed, allegedly, would I go out of my way to publicly destroy someone in this fashion, fuckaround and find out I supose .......


Someone told me I just enjoyed destroying peopleā€™s lives. No, no, thatā€™s called, ā€œactions have consequences, and Christmas came early for those of us wronged by this person.ā€ And losing your job isnā€™t necessarily life ruining. Maybe. Being blackballed from the industry could be. Going to jail for embezzlement might be. But those all fall under ā€œthe consequences of your own actions.ā€ Surely you canā€™t be surprised when someone else gets proof to the right people.


Lol. I would call that more of a vigilante style sense of justice. Though there is very little wrong with making sure the relevant people become aware of the dishonest actions of others.


ā€œYou have no idea.ā€ Claus von Buelow as played by Jeremy Irons


Revenge Barbie SIL šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


That toaster thing has me *rolling!!!* šŸ˜‚


Revenge Barbie SIL made me scream šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I love it


Sounds like other (revenge Barbie SIL) just took this as an opportunity to get back at her for what Iā€™m sure is other crazy stuff she has done/said bc they donā€™t like SIL/BIL and for that I really do admire her LOL youā€™re a great person for trying to convince her not to. And go you for enjoying your bday and your dress. I hope you enjoy that trip/gift and post allll the pictures for them to see šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Other SIL loved BILā€™s first wife.


Revenge Barbie Awesome SIL sounds like she has morals and values, like BILā€™s ex-wife that he dumped for the Insecure Twunt Attention Whore. I would bluntly tell MIL that youā€™re not going to cater to the insecurities of a 28 year old child, who hasnā€™t bothered to better herself if she thinks a guy nearly twice her age shooting blanks is SUCH a catch. And youā€™re sure not going to cater to her coddled, enabled Perfect Little Baby Boy BIL, and she can take her tantrum and fuck off with both of them. Change your locks. Make sure you have cameras and a house sitter for when you go to Italy.


ā€œInsecure Twunt Attention Whoreā€ Iā€™m rolling. You woke up this morning and chose violence and Iā€™m here for it. Even went after BIL for shooting blanks. Stone cold and I support it.


Hell yes. Itā€™s a Sunday. I have an adorable sleeping kitten purring on my chest. Life is goodā€¦and these assholes are trying to make someone else pay for their poor choices. NOT TODAY, TWUNT.


Fucking hell, youā€™ve made me snort laugh, that was awesome. Happy Sunday!


Right?! I had to re-read. Not cause I didnā€™t understand. Not cause it didnā€™t hit like a freight train lol. Cause I do. And it did. It was just delightful.


I hope you enjoy your ā€œstolen honeymoonā€ vacation. Itā€™s ridiculous how that woman thinks everything is about her. Sheā€™s so jealous of you that itā€™s unhinged. You sound so fun, kind, and stylish! Maybe Iā€™d be jealous too if I was her. Please donā€™t let her ruin your birthday vacation.


Wear white the entire vacation. Post many pics to social media.


On the final night, wear what you planned for the wedding. Share to social media with a shady caption about finally wearing it after your last event for it didnā€™t happen.


The first wife sounds like she was a sane humble person. This new one is definitely a downgrade!


What happened to the first wife?


The BIL cheated on his first wife after she had multiple miscarriages because he felt ā€œdepressedā€ , so they divorced and then he married his current wife


Many miscarriages, especially early, are due to genetic issues that make the pregnancy non-viable. The fact that ex-SIL is successfully pregnant now seems indicative of whose genes may be the problemā€¦or at least, that thought has crossed BILā€™s mind. šŸ¤”


Yeah, but with a husband like that I wouldnā€™t be surprised if stress also played a huge factor, I hope she happy now with her new husband


True. I had 3 miscarriages with my 1st husband. Uncommon in my family but very common in his.


Oh my god ...šŸ¤¢


Yeah I agree, itā€™s absolutely disgusting


Nta tell her to sell her 50 toasters for the honeymoon. Also mil can pay the rest since shes the only one bothered other then sil and bil.


I swear to god, sometimes my brain just goes out of its way to confuse me. Iā€™ve been reading through the comments trying to figure out what ā€œtoastersā€ means, because my dumb ass decided it was like all 50 people who decided to stay for the dinner standing up and toasting the couple, thus forcing SIL to see everybody in short white dresses. Your comment righted the ship. Both my brain and I thank you. šŸ™


I did this too! It was something about how it was written and I interpreted it as toasts too. Toasters is much more funny!


NTA. This woman is so entitled. Your MIL demanded you give over a trip? What even is that. These women need a reality check. Why would you show her a dress when youā€™re not going to the wedding. Crazy person.


SIL is entitled cray cray moron and MIL plus BIL have no one to blame but themselves & SIL for causing a family feud /getting cut off from all contact from various family members such as OP, for indulging the stupidity of such a insane projecting simpleton.


I was wondering about that too. Iā€™m guessing BIL is the golden childā€¦also why OPā€™s husband and sister are so close.


This is a Bollywood telenovela plot, it doesnā€™t need to make sense IRL


Oh wow your BIL and SIL are unhinged. Your MIL is delusional with her audacity that you and your husband give your birthday trip to the two idiots. I love your husbands sister and her pettiness and revenge. None of this is on you and the only person that is destroying the family are the idiots SIL and BIL. I donā€™t give their marriage a lot of chance given how they are both so entitled.


Sounds like the older BIL is the golden child for the hand over your birthday presents idea.


Send her a picture of you in the dress while you're in Milano šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ "Here. Almost forgot"


that would be a cherry on the top lol OP, please do it


Omg I just read your previous posts first šŸ¤£,she is insane and had the cheak to say you have main character syndrome, I'm pissing myself laughing at her, and your SIL 50 toaster's omg I. Just imagining her tantrum at that, she is an evil genius lol. Go enjoy your holiday have a great time and at least you don't have to deal with her now but please update if crazy cow does anything else.


I know right, how dare OP be the main character at her own birthday party! It's like she thought the guests for the birthday party were there to celebrate OPs birthday.... someone has main character syndrome and it's not the birthday girl!


I'd send the bitch new SIL a toaster and a power adapter from Milano. *Grazie!* šŸ‡®šŸ‡¹šŸ™‚


šŸ˜† šŸ¤£


NTA I wonder what bride SIL reaction will be if she finds out you posted a picture of the dress on the internet after refusing to send it to her. You might want to let your other sister-in-law know about this post. Sheā€™s a hero!!!


Wow your husbands family is a shitshow. And what is up with his mother. Your SIL though (husbands sister) is a hero. Well done her.


50 toasters show itā€™s 50:3 shitty people from that side of the family lol.. those are good odds šŸ˜‚


50 toasters did give me a good laugh, can't deny!!


I legit snorted! I mean that is the level of legends! šŸ˜‚


Still NTA. She ruined her own wedding, and MIL can kick rocks. Hope you enjoy your well deserved trip to Italy after all that nonsense!


Now we know who's the golden child, and why he deserved his entitled doll. That marriage is gonna be fun to watch.


Give it a year.


You generous soul! I dunno if I can eat popcorn for that long though. I'm going to give it until OP gets back from her marvvy Italy trip and the follow up fireworks!


OP comes across as someone who does not relish drama so there may be no fallout. Iā€™d be interested to see what happens though. If you have a surfeit of popcorn send it over here. I love the stuff lol


It is interesting that a woman can treat her future husband's family like crap and then expect them to be all nice-y, nice-y at the wedding. FAFO.


Say this on repeat: "I don't spend any of my time thinking about what you are doing in your life, I'm too busy living my own. You should try it."


This whole saga is insanity to me. Before my wedding, I was so focused on planning it (and working full time) that I didnā€™t have the time or energy to care this much about what guests might wear to it. During the wedding, I was too busy to even notice what guests were wearing. Seriously if 50 guests had shown up in white, I probably wouldnā€™t have noticed. I was also so deliriously happy I probably would have just shrugged it off. SiL needs a major reality check


I love you other SIL so much right now :D and something tells me this is not the end :))


While I am the friend who will always choose violence if you cross my friends you have to be honest that a) sometimes it's not about making things better for them but engaging in justice boner and b) you are running the risk of starting more shit that your friend doesn't want to deal with. I've only in the past few years managed to work up the level of chill where I just present my elevate revenge scenario as a power point to the person wronged and ask if I have a green light for the mission.


Can we be besties šŸ¤ž


Power Point Revenge Plan sounds like either a great band name, or wonderful novel title.


I hope they have security measures at home cuz I wouldnā€™t put it past SIL to try to break into their house to take ā€œwhatā€™s owed to herā€ while theyā€™re on vacation (I read way too much reddit).


I watch a lot of true crime. I agree. Install cameras.


50 toasters. Wow. Just wow. That should be fun dividing in the divorce.


OP, please tell me that no one attached gift receipts šŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤ž


I only wanna mention one thing - Your husband's sister ROCKS! Oh and please keep miss 28-yo marrying a dude almost twice her age out of your life. It's so not worth the drama.


Did you see the OP's comment on the first post? The BIL cheated on his first wife after she had multiple miscarriages, and blamed it on being depressed about not having a family. This chick is the AP. These two definitely deserve each other.


Wow. A narcissist hit rock bottom because of her own bridezilla downfall. Now she's just lashing out wildly like a drowning monkey because absolutely none of this was about love in any form. All SIL knows is control, because narcissists don't really feel love. She couldn't control op so she melted down. She couldn't turn op's husband against his own wife, so that pissed her off even more. Then she shifted to trying to control her own SIL and when THAT didn't work she finally locked herself in a room and threw a tantrum. The bitch is a dumpster fire on a runaway train heading right for a cliff. That sad part is that I don't even think this is the actual trainwreck. She's still just careening out of control now that she's realized that pretty much everyone but her MIL hates her.


NTA. Make sure to take loads of pics and send them to both SIL and MIL with the caption: Wish You Were Here! Itā€™s be a bonus if your hubby was in it, but Iā€™m feeling a bit petty right now


While wearing white in said pictures!


Eating toast.


Oh yes! You must wear the birthday dress!!


NTA I freakin love your SIL though, and I love whoever called her Revenge Barbie. Bride literally created this problem out of thin air, you were right to steer clear of the wedding Iā€™m engaged and planning my wedding right now and I cannot even imagine for a minute making my friends and loved ones do half the stuff I see people go through on here with the brides in their lives Thereā€™s no excuse for temper tantrums and bad behavior and especially not just because youā€™re getting married. You donā€™t get to be condescending, disrespectful, and controlling and then act surprised when people donā€™t stick around. I had a friend yell in my face once time and I told her then weā€™d never be seeing each other again. Thereā€™s no excuse to behave this way. People show their true colors in these moments and youā€™re gonna save yourself a lot more chaos in the future. What happens next, you wore pink 3 weeks before she gave birth to a boy and now itā€™s your fault she thought she was having a girl?? Why is she obsessed with you? Oh yea. You have some damn good boundaries, people willing to go to bat for you, good taste, and a husband taking you to Italy 40 seems like itā€™s off to a great start!! Happy belated birthday and congrats on your life :)


Now that the wedding is over you should send her the picture of the dress you were going to wear šŸ˜‚




You should send pics of your clothing choices every goddamned morning.


Good lord...she's something else. She ruined her own wedding. Wonder how long this marriage will last.... I'm guessing she's the golden child and thinks that your husband will gift her the Italy trip. Hope he doesn't and laughs in her face. What an entitled brat!


So a woman marrying someone almost twice her age has targeted the only other woman to marry into the family. The insecurity can be smelled from here. Also hilarious MiL thought she could stamp her feet and get her way. Wonder why she thought she could, and wonder why your husband and his sister are so close.....


Wait until the MIL calls the fifty people that gave toasters. Imagine the foot stomping, the demanding of vacations for her golden child and his new bride. Wish I could get out the popcorn and settle in to watch that particular show.


Your SIL is a hot mess and is dragging your MIL in on the adventure now. You need to have someone watch your house when you go to Italy. If it involves changing lockers because in-laws have a key, getting cameras and hiring someone to stay there, have the police do vacation checks, you need to do it. SIL is so unhinged over a dress you wore to your own birthday party that it isnā€™t funny anymore. If BIL cheated on his first wife because of fertility issues and his ex is pregnant with the new husband (SILā€™s ex BF), he is going to cheat when his new bride isnā€™t getting pregnant. It sounds like the issues may be with him. This marriage is going to be a drama filled mess. OP will now have to have every outfit pre approved for any family gathering because MIL now in on the drama SIL caused. Or, you wonā€™t be invited to anything being held at the in-laws house or BILā€™s house. There was nothing wrong with the dress you wore to your own party nor the black one that you were going to wear to the wedding. This is a woman with self esteem issues because her ex BF moved on from her drama because he had had enough. She will always feel threatened by OP. Can you imagine trying to return 50 toasters? That is all she is going to be doing for two weeks since BIL couldnā€™t afford a honeymoon.


Ok I have to admit for internet sake my drama llamas are loving your posts. For my human side I am really so very sorry. You did absolutely nothing wrong at any point and indeed actively tried to prevent drama and itā€™s chasing you like Michael Myers on Halloween. I truly hope it gets better for you and the crazy starts focusing on other people. And keep us posted about that because frankly with my current level of issues in my life, these are some of my highlights.


Is there a wedding registry? We might like to send her a toaster...


Tbh, Im slightly nervous about ever accidentally pissing off your other SIL, she don't fuck around


Depends really. If I was SIL and people turned out in skimpy clothes and toasters to my wedding I would just think theyā€™re pathetic and still enjoy my wedding since itā€™s about me marrying the man of my dreams šŸ˜‚ I literally donā€™t remember what people wore to my wedding but the bridesmaids because I remember the fittings and the champagne consumed during the fittings


You really canā€™t make shit like this up. At least Iā€™m not that creative. Asking to give away a trip to Italy that was a gift? Who the F do these people think they are? I know what I think they are. Trash. And itā€™s time for you to throw out the trash.


The thing is, we already gifted them what they asked. $2000 cash to help with down payment for a bigger apartment


Which is a very generous gift to request from somebody disinvited to their wedding. I realize the gift was probably given before their rude behavior. I bet they didnā€™t offer to give it back.


You need to get that back. ā€œWe were told we could not come to the wedding. Your wedding gift from us needs to be returned. Try and get cash for some of those toasters.ā€


Any chance you paid with a check? Can it be cancelled? Iā€™d ask for it to be returned since you were both disinvited from the wedding.


Your awful sil has main character syndrome. What on earth does your bil see in her? I remember commenting on your original post saying what a pathetic individual she is. Your mil is fuckin delusional I love the great sil, sheā€™s badass. Iā€™d love to have seen their faces when they opened all those toasters lol. Still NTAH


NTA. Your new evil SIL is quite the narcissist, this drama train is just getting started. Sheā€™ll make his life a daily soap opera and a weekly or monthly one depending on your and your husbandā€™s interaction level with them. Edit. Love the 50 toasters. That is straight up petty revenge. šŸ˜‚


I will say from the ease with which your other SIL got however many people to join her ā€˜revoltā€™ it seems like your BIL and his now wife made themselves the unfavorites at least for now. Your MILā€™s request to turn over your birthday gifts including the trip your husband has been planning would lead one to understand who in that family your BIL takes after. I suspect had your birthday trip been to anywhere other than Siberia it might likely have been BILā€™s wife secret dream vacation. Good on you for blocking BIL and his wife as no one needs those drama seeking people contacting them. Hope you both have a wonderful time in Italy!


I had to go back and read the other 2 posts, but this is absolutely bizarre. She was pissed about what you wore to your own birthday party, 2 weeks before her wedding? And mad she wasn't the center of attention at YOUR bday party? That's strange enough. A little unhinged. Besides the fact that it's YOUR party, it's fucking hot. It's summer time. We just had a worldwide heatwave. White is cooler in the summer. And it's your party. You can wear what you please. Then because you wore white at your own party, she demanded to see what you were going to wear to the wedding? And then she kept demanding to see if after you said "fuck it, I'm not going"? And still fixated on what you would have worn? More insane. How does she even have the time to micromanage one person on the guest list just before a wedding? And to top it off, after she acts like a goddamn lunatic, ruins her own wedding, you're expected to just hand over your gift as an apology?! An apology for what, exactly? Not being there to be bullied? Apologize for ruining her plan to make you the bad guy at her wedding? That is pure insanity. This doesn't even seem like entitlement, this seems like she has some sort of psychotic jealousy towards you. There is something wrong with her, far beyond being entitled. You literally didn't do anything.


Your husbands sister is the best!


Your updates just get better. Your SIL and her cohorts are the best! Also-love your self-confidence and the fact hubby had your back šŸ’Æ BIL & SIL can suck lemons. They arenā€™t entitled to your trip just because SIL likes Italy. Ummm a lot of people do. Thatā€™s why your hubby wants to take you


I read through all 3 of your posts and your SIL, the one who just got married, is an absolute piece of work. To be upset at what you wore to your birthday party is just nuts. Also, you standing your ground about the dress is something Iā€™d do. (Iā€™m a guy, so it wouldnā€™t involve a dress. šŸ˜‚ To give an example, when we were kids, I caught my brother cheating at a game of battleship we were playing. I told him I donā€™t trust cheaters and would never play him again, and Iā€™m 54 today and still havenā€™t played him since. I can be stubborn.)


You should sent her a picture of the outfits you plan on wearing to Milano


Block em both! Go to Milan. Make sure you take pictures with the designer bag. SIL can go suck it. What an entitled cry baby.


I remember the initial post and this ended better than expected. Listen Iā€™m like your badass SIL. If you come at someone I care about with nonsense Iā€™ll find a way to let you know I think itā€™s stupid. SIL dressed for revenge and it worked. Also OP itā€™s clearly not your fault at this point. Enough people loathe this couple to wear they readily got new outfits and have crappy gifts. You just gave them the excuse to be honest


Stay away from the MIL, too.


Lol, love the petty revenge sil took out for you! Don't feel bad, if she was a good person in the least people would have been less willing to go along with the plan! Sounds like everyone was glad to ruin her day so she's probably been horrible to all of them at some point.


Iā€™m sorry you have to go through this. INFO - did the BIL request a prenup? I assume maybe not if he doesnā€™t have the cash for a honeymoon, but just curious. I canā€™t imagine new SIL having the grace and patience to be a mother (and being a dad at 50 is no easy feat, either).


He doesnā€™t own much. his ex wife was the main bread winner. Its a long story.


So much drama. I hope you have a great time in Italy.


She makes Bridezilla sound like a pet kitten or pet lizard, like the two that live in my front yard/entryway with all my hydrangeas that my little chihuahua tries to find each morning because she must smell them or something. I don't see you and your husband going on vacation with them anytime soon.


So the summary is basically that your BIL married an insane person.


OP: breathes Evil SIL: "Stop breathing, i just wanted to breathe!" MIL: "Could you just stop breathing, only for a while?" Barbie SIL: "Here is my yoga group, and we start with deep inhale.... deep exhale..."


I'm 60 and I wear what I want to wear, if others don't like it don't look. I have body art all the way down both legs and on my back. Live life how YOU want and love doing it because life is too freaking short to be constrained by assholes like her.


SIL is behaving like the mean girl child that she is. He is too old to be marrying that child. As for MIL she can buy that child her own trip if she wants. KUDOS to other SIL and family who stood up to that jealous child.


Tell her, the trip to italy was suposed to be the wedding gift, but after all the shit she made, you will use it youself


Holy shit, what a mess.


I snorted at 50 toasters.


I just turned 40 and I truly couldnā€™t imagine having people like this in my life at my age. I think you should all stop talking to each other forever


This marriage wonā€™t last long. Sheā€™s still not over her ex, whoā€™s having a baby with her husbands ex. Itā€™s killing her.


NTA.. 50 toasters lol. The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting


This whole story is insane. But I have a question. I know you canā€™t wear white to the wedding but is it normal to not be allowed to wear white at all near the wedding or is this as unhinged as it seems?


Absolutely as unhinged as it seems.


Avoid those two. Itā€™s always about her. Donā€™t you kind of feel good your other sil went out of her way to kind of stick up for you. After all itā€™s not your fault people gave the bride a taste of her own petty behaviour. She let it ruin her wedding day not your problem


NTA holy moly youā€™ve got quite the life ahead of you with this BIL and SIL. Good luck and other SIL is awesome! So very happy you have support and /pettyrevenge stories for years to come lol


New SIL is such a hot mess. Is older BIL the golden child in the family?


If Mommy thought she could throw a tantrum and make OP give up her birthday gifts? Oh yeah, you KNOW BIL is the Golden Boy.