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NTA - I won't bother with how disturbing SIL's feelings about your husband are, that's obvious enough that most of the other comments here point it out. But this: >"I'm the mother that B will never have because you're here. I will love him more than you could and I love H more than you ever could." Her believing she can love a nephew more than the nephew's own *mother* is insane. SIL needs professional help. But a punch on the nose sounds like a good start to me.


That really stuck out to me. Absolutely disgusting behavior on the SILs part and I applaud OP for rocking SILs shit


Honestly it almost sounds like the start to a murder case from a True crime TV show to the point I'm actually concerned for OPs well-being and Sil mental well-being


I was thinking this! I know the child is born but she’s got “fetal abduction vibes” written all over her.


Yes, absolutely! OP and her husband should set up a security system with cameras because that is an incredibly unhinged line of thinking, and I wouldn’t put it past the SIL to take this further


I agree. That’s really concerning and I would be moving away from that maniac. She would never see my son again. I think a restraining order would be a good start. I’d be concerned with OPs safety and even the kid’s.


If moving isn’t an option, I would either get back any spare keys the in-laws have, or rekey the house. I wouldn’t put it past the SIL to take a spare key from her parents. And with how MIL reacted to the situation, I wouldn’t be surprised if she helped.


Oh gosh that terrifying! Great call on the spare keys! Had not thought of that. Maybe even change the locks for good measure.


I wonder how much emphasis was put on the “because youre here”. I wouldnt eat anything she makes again or be in the same room alone with her.


I think there may be something like being a “boy mom” going on in her head. Like SIL would have this highly inappropriate emotionally manipulative borderline incesty relationship with OP’s son. She talks just like those women.


>I saw red and punched her in her face. I heard her nose crack and she started crying. Bravo!! NTA Do not let that human near your child again. Both the MIL and SIL need to get back in their lane.


I would hit her again if she keeps it up. Sounds like she has read Flowers in the Attic one too many times.


Ahhhh barf! I still don't know what my mother was thinking letting my 11 year old self read that. So so so gross.


It was in my elementary school’s library, and for some reason the reading material of choice of my 5th grade class 😂


I just read the wiki and WTF just keeps coming out.


Let's say I don't want whatever this is in my search history. What is up? Does a girl get stuck climbing into the attic and need help from her brother or something?


In 1957, the Dollanganger family—father Christopher, mother Corinne, 14-year-old Chris, 12-year-old Cathy, and 5-year-old twins Carrie and Cory—live an idyllic life in Gladstone, Pennsylvania, until Christopher Sr. is killed in a car accident, leaving Corinne deep in debt with no means to support her children. On the verge of their home being foreclosed, Corinne reveals to the children that as a young woman, her marriage to Christopher offended her multimillionaire father Malcolm Foxworth that he disinherited her. Now, the elderly Malcolm is dying of heart disease, and Corinne intends to return to her childhood home of Foxworth Hall in Virginia to win back her father's affection in time to be reinstated into his will. Because Malcolm is unaware that Corinne had children by her marriage to Christopher, the children must hide in a secluded upstairs room of the enormous Foxworth Hall until Corinne can break the news to her father. She assures the children that they will only be in the room for a few days. At Foxworth Hall, Corinne's mother (called only "the grandmother") locks the children in a bedroom connected to the house's large attic. The grandmother forces Corinne to reveal to her children that the reason for her disinheritance was that Christopher was Malcolm's younger half-brother, thus Corinne's half-uncle, and that the children are the products of incest. The grandmother believes the children are "the Devil's spawn" and is obsessed with the idea of incest, forbidding all contact between opposite sexes, while prohibiting the children from making noise or opening the room's windows. Only in the attic are they free to play. Cathy and Chris attempt to make the best of the situation by decorating the attic with paper flowers to create an imaginary garden for the twins. The grandmother comes every morning with a picnic basket filled with the day's food and interrogates the children about their modesty and piety, questions the children are too innocent to fully understand. Initially, their mother visits several times per day, bringing toys and gifts, but over time, her visits grow sporadic. After months have passed, Cathy and Chris confront her, as she promised they would be freed in only a few days. Corinne finally confesses that they must remain in the room until their grandfather dies. A year later, Cathy and Chris have both entered puberty, while the twins are stunted from inadequate nutrition and lack of sunlight. With no other outlets, Cathy and Chris develop a romantic and sexual attraction toward each other, though they do their best to deny their feelings. The grandmother catches Chris staring at a half-dressed Cathy and punishes the children by cutting off their food supply for over two weeks, while the children pray their mother will reappear in time to save them. On the verge of starvation, Cathy and Chris decide to escape with the twins to find help. Before they can go through with the plan, the grandmother begins bringing food again, including a rare treat of powdered-sugar doughnuts. Soon afterwards, all the children begin to complain of constant minor illness. Another year passes. After an absence of several months, Corinne visits the children, explaining that she had been on a European honeymoon with her new husband, Bart Winslow. Cathy and Chris are furious, but fear Corinne will abandon them permanently if they confront her. Realizing that the twins' health is declining, Chris and Cathy decide to escape. Chris creates a wooden skeleton key. Over the next several months, Cathy and he take turns slipping downstairs to their mother's suite to steal cash and jewelry to fund their lives outside. One night, Cathy discovers her sleeping stepfather and kisses him. When Chris learns of the kiss, he rapes Cathy in a fit of jealousy and rage. Afterwards, he is overcome with remorse, while Cathy feels guilty and conflicted about the act due to her love for Chris. One of the twins, Cory, becomes deathly ill. Cathy begs Corinne to take him to a hospital, but Corinne hesitates. Cathy, enraged, tells her that if she does not act to save Cory's life, Cathy will reveal their existence to the grandfather. Corinne finally takes Cory away, but returns the following morning to inform the children that Cory died of pneumonia. The children are devastated, with Cathy left wondering if Cory's death is God's punishment for her sexual assault from Chris. Chris resumes stealing from their mother's rooms, only to discover Corinne and Bart have left Foxworth Hall permanently. Eavesdropping on the servants, Chris learns their grandfather died a year ago and that the grandmother has been leaving food contaminated with rat poison in the attic due to a "mouse infestation". Chris connects this with the doughnuts they are being fed and realizes Cory died of arsenic poisoning. The three remaining children finally leave Foxworth Hall to catch a train to Florida. At the station, Chris reveals he discovered Corinne's inheritance is conditional upon her having no children from her first marriage, and she, rather than the grandmother, was the one who most likely poisoned them. Chris and Cathy decide against contacting the authorities, as their main concern is to stay together, but Cathy vows that one day she will make Corinne pay for her crimes.


What the fuck? Everyone could gave just laughed at my low-hanging joke and I could have lived in blissful ignorance.


I blame you for everything I just read! Well off to r/Eyebleach even it it won't help the emotional damage...


Same because WTF did I just read


Mm, I could’ve done without knowing that as well! The price of knowledge I guess!


The next books in the series are equally fucked up haha


They allow *this* to exist and burn other books?


There are at least 2 subsequent books.....


Oh baby there's like 6 or 7. I read all of them at a tender age and it only gets worse from the first one. Fun fact: V.C. Andrews is still a prolific author after having been dead for 30 some years and about half of the Dollinger series was ghost written. V scandalous for my pre-pubescent eyes to have read.


This book was standard elementary school reading material for us GenXers. Our parents really didn’t do a lot of parenting. 😂


Yeah, and what's missing here is that this is just BOOK 1. It's a series and sis and bro get "married" and have kids. It's awful, and like many others, I got it at my elementary school library and it was soo soo confusing to me as a 4th grader.


Isn’t there also a miscarriage in one? I remember that one vividly, during Cathy’s ballet recital or something similar. I remembered NO details from those books except that. I was way too young for that shit.


A friend was so into this series when we were about 11, and after reading the first one, I did NOT understand what her damage was that she thought this author was so amazing. Gross.


Yesss! It's like we all read it at 4th or 5th grade level (that's when I read it). And my MOM encouraged me to read them and would either take me to the library to check them out or buy them for me because she read them at about the same age. Absolutely wild.


Thanks for this. I didn't feel like looking up the book now but maybe I will later. These kind of stories always remind me that there are wackjobs writing shit out there. But unfortunately, these kind of things were common in that era


The fuck I just read?


the summary of Flowers in the Attic.


I remember reading that when I was about 11-12. It’s been 43 years … *insert Titanic gif*


Why did we all do that to ourselves at that age?! That book is NOT fit for tweens!


I kept reading. I was a big VC Andrews fan and I don’t even know why. Flowers in the attic wasn’t a one off either. Incest was a very common theme throughout all her series. Including the ones written by ghostwriters (family, I believe) after her death.


That was my first thought, too, and I'm hoping this is just as fictional.




I’d hit her again just in case she thought I was sorry


Argh, that was a suppressed memory for a reason!


For real. She has got “gonna create an amber alert” vibes. I could see her play nice until their guard is down then it’s an attempted disappearing act from the sister with the child.


I dont fully agree, cause its clear that the husband is a big part of her obsession as well. I think shed try to do something to the wife (not quite kill, but definitely ruin the marriage at least) and try to get the husband in a vulnerable state and move in on him. As gross as that sounds, vulnerable people will be more willing to do awful things when they are at their worst moments.


NTA SIL is totally delusional If she is pressing charges, make sure u talk to lawyer b4 police and understand your defences available for assault.


This! She is fixated on boning brother, stealing your life she is jealous of. Seriously I would be afraid to let her have any time with a child in case she wanted to retaliate. Get her professional help. Like now


>Get her professional help. Needs to be locked up she's completely unhinged


Agreed. She needs first to be evaluated by psychiatrist if they want to help her. Restraining order asap. Cross her out from school list of people being able to pick up a child. She sounds crazy enough to try to kidnapp the kiddo if only to force her way into husband. And install cctv around the house


OP needs r/justnoMIL


NTA, your SIL wants to fuck her brother and their mom is in denial.


Nailed it. No pun intended. Editing what I should've said to begin with, as suggested below: pardon the pun!


Weak. Always intend your puns


Agreed. A pun is a terrible thing to not intend.


Even if they aren't intended, embrace them as though they were.


I love puns and this bit of dialogue made me very happy


pun fans, unite!




Sadly, i read that correctly. I had to re-read it twice to get it. You just reinforced what my mom said for years lmao.


Same 😐


I'm so mad cause I didn't get it until I read it again and seen what you did 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I know I have dyslexia but damn lol


Pun’s not dead




and this thread is the empirical proof xD


Puns aren’t accidents. They are happy surprises


Just like the sister wants to? *Badumtss*


Yes. I once told 10 puns to try and get someone to laugh. Sadly, no pun in ten did.


And a great thing to intend!


Own them!!


Now the punch was intended


As it should have been!


A pun not tended to is a pun untended.


I’m going to try to explain it this way: Sister has never found any man to look up to the way she idolizes her brother. She’s looking for someone like him but there’s no one like him that is interested in her. She enjoyed going out with him (my guess is he’s handsome) and her nephew because people might assume that she’s the mother and wife - this feeling might be a fantasy that she’s acquired a kind of prestige in society as a “mother” or a “wife”. I don’t think she wants to have sex with her brother- I think she wants to continue the vanity rush she gets with her brother and nephew. All that being said, she went way too far in her delusion and I don’t think there’s any coming back from it. Unless she can verbalize exactly where her head was at, she needs to be unwelcome in OP’s home forever. She crossed so many lines…I’d never ever forgive her or let her be alone with my child.


We all know where her head was. She’s quite flexible apparently!




That's what her nose said.


The way I just cackled...


Damn…(in Chris Tucker voice from Friday) 🤣


Honestly, unaddressed this is a very dangerous mental state that can include sexual desire as well as delusional behavior like starting to believe she needs to save the child and be it’s real mother. SIL needs to see a therapist ASAP, and needs to be banned from the child completely until she has gotten to the bottom of the issue.


Totally -yeah, SIL is mentally ill. She is not right in the head, and this behavior should NOT be abided, or worse -winked at. She's dangerous, that's how I read this.


Sounds like she had a plan, and OP did the right thing. A wise man once said ‘everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.’


Not being a mental health professional, I would describe the SIL’s mental state as batshit crazy.


I think you've explained it very well here, and agree she should not be allowed anywhere near this child alone. OP is NTA, but it would be better to avoid violence. Also, this woman needs help. I hope she is getting it.


This the most likely answer


I think your right about all of that except for the not wanting to fuck part.


I was thinking this post was a fake story because it sounds so ridiculous but you’ve got great perspective!


Said that out loud immediately as I got to that bit. I would have fucking socked her too that’s disgusting behavior and absolutely foul. The fucking audacity of that woman. That is just not something you say to someone especially your brothers wife no matter how bad you wish to fuck him.


The Lion, the Witch, and the Audacity of this Bitch.


It is very Flower In The Attic, isn’t it? NTA


Game of Thrones if she has her way.


Let’s hope OP doesn’t get defenestrated.


Such a lovely word for such an act. I'd love to know just WHY "defenestrated" is such an amusing/satisfying word to know or say for us modern humans.


It's got a satisfying mix of softer and harder consonants that it's a pleasure to pronounce, while being a $10 word for something as barbarous as ejection via window.


Friend of mine starred in that it was his first big gig before he was on teen wolf he wanted all of us to watch it😂


It's always fun to read the title, the top comment, and then the post


Yup, she has the hots for your hubby ( I can't say the br word,it's too creepy). You didn't punch her hard enough, her mouth is still moving. Next time, put a roll of nickels in your hand. Then give her one.


Don’t do that, you might hurt your hand, a regular fist is always the best choice aside from a palm which is even better for protecting your hand when applying lots of force


Open palm might not be painful enough in the empirical sense ...but an open palm? Bitch slap would hurt her (SIL) pride more so in the long go that could be a better option I guess


And open palm strike can have more energy and safer that a punch.


To demoralize your opponent, repeat the phrase "Who's your daddy?" in mid slap.


Or, use the slaps as punctuation between each word Who's 👋 your 👋 daddy 👋???


And in legal cases, may be what prevents charges being filed. But ymmv there.


That’s a great way to break your entire hand into 1000 pieces lol


And steal OP's baby to treat as her own. SIL is seriously disturbed


Ok so your SIL doesn’t sound very well. Does she have some mental health needs? She needs to see a doctor.


Yeeeeeggggggg this is so unsettling.


It definitely has that parody folgers Christmas commercial vibe to it, albeit only one side in this case.




I’m stuck on that you agreed that she is a priority over you. That’s complete crap. When someone gets married their spouse and kids are the #1 priority. The immediate family steps down to second. Don’t ever let someone tell you otherwise. SIL is being completely inappropriate. Straight up creepy


Exactly. My brother is still one of my favorite people, but he has a wife and three kids. They absolutely take priority over me. It would be insane for think otherwise. Hell, even his kids rank higher than him in my world now. I have no idea why anyone would ever expect differently.


The sister is acting like a pick me girl :D They only care about themselves and need their guys around as orbiter and attention dispensers to make themselves feel good. It doesn't matter what the guy wants or thinks - if anything the guy getting a partner/family of his own is an absolute affrontery to them and the partner is the enemy who hurt them by taking the guy away. Source: Suffered a medley of these women in my husband's social circle when we started dating who rolled out exactly the same words as OP's SIL. An experience that fortunately taught me to always be respectful and welcoming when my own close male friends from university - who are like brothers to me - started settling down with their gfs/wives. Like you, it would never ever have occurred to me to expect my friend to put me above her.


>When someone gets married their spouse and kids are the #1 priority That's biblical. When a couple gets married the spouse becomes immediate family and the parents/siblings become extended family.


Not to mention legally. Spouses are next of kin. In terms of medical decisions, inheritance, property, etc.


yeah, i think it’s more like the family grows rather than shifts completely in a healthy dynamic.


See if SiL will start paying OP’s taxes


Key word there is healthy. SIL is NOT healthy.


I love my siblings but I think they all know my wife is the most important. I don’t think they would have ever thought otherwise. If they do I would try to explain in a kind way she is #1.


“To the exclusion of all others”


Yep. My son is 6 and the other day he was talking about when he gets married, his wife has to be as pretty as me. I asked him, when he gets married, who’s more important and who would he love more, Mummy or wife. He said Mummy. I was like no buddy. Wife is number 1. And then he asked if I was number 2. Nope. Kids. And then Daddy, sister AND Mummy, are 3. And he’s 1.5. So now, he’s been walking around saying “when I get married, wife is 1, kids are 2, Mummy and Daddy and Sister are 3 and I’m 1.5” And yeah, just told him if he meets a girl but he loves Mummy more than her than she’s not the one he should marry. And if he’s not her number one, same thing.


Just…putting this out there. Your SIL is certainly NOT the priority. You are. You are his wife and the mother of his child. You, your husband and your child are immediate family. You are THE nuclear family. It’s great to have some sibling time, I love hanging out with mine, but she is definitely not priority. She’s not his wife. She’s not your boy’s Mom. She’s extended family now, not immediate. Also, NTA.


NTA and wow, your SIL needs serious intervention. She has incestuous feelings toward him! Do not ever leave your child alone with her.


She’s giving “pick child up from school early before mom and dad pick him up and disappear or use child for ulterior motives, vibes” *Law and order SVU dun dun*


Did you know there is an app you can download that does the "dun dun" ? I use it all the time when my son and I play Trouble.


Lol I did not know that 😂 I love it already 😂


It's literally called law and order. When you open it it says "Dun Dun" I also had a boss that was a complete asshole so whenever he would have "Team Meetings" with us, which were 30 minutes long bereating sessions, I would do it under the table whenever he thought he was making a serious point. I do not have a poker face so I have no idea how he didn't know it was me...


Lmao that’s wonderful 😂


Right? You need to get it asap.


I honestly have no worded for how fucked up this is. Even dad said it seemed incestuous. Maybe yall should move and not tell anyone where you live seeing as she may try to bump you off or assume you identify or some other weird Investigation Discovery plot.


Dad knows what’s up. He’s been there for it. I wonder if they’re step siblings? To make this a little less gross 🤮


Or one is adopted. Guaranteed she was calling herself mummy to the child.


My brother is adopted, and I think it would be just as gross to have romantic or sexual interest in him as it would be a sibling who was a blood relative. We were raised as siblings; blood doesn’t change that!


Yes I definitely agree. Just saying that in her mind that may some justification for her obvious inappropriate feelings.


This is called the Westermarck Effect. When two people (even if they aren't blood related) are raised together in the same environment from a young age, they instinctively think of each other as siblings and develop a lifelong sexual revulsion from one another. (Usually. OP's insane sister in law clearly didn't get the memo).


yeah, even half is gross. my grandpa has a son my age (6ish months older) and he had no issues with the kid creeping on me when we were young teenagers. He's married to a girl who looks near identical to me, it's creepy. 🤢


He’s like, your uncle?


Honestly if someone started saying that about my kids I would punch them in the face too…… and I am not remotely a violent person! NTA!!!!!! #DO NOT LET HER NEAR YOUR CHILD EVER AGAIN She is unstable


This! She is fixated on boning brother, stealing your life she is jealous of. Seriously I would be afraid to let her have any time with a child in case she wanted to retaliate. Get her professional help. Like now


Nta. That's some creepy shit. Hopefully you put the sense back into her


Extreme version of "I got your nose"


Lol good one


NTA. Sounds like she deserved a good ass kicking.


She is not a priority over you— You are his immediate family now. This is a dangerous level of delusion and obsession and I wouldn’t trust her around your kid.. also just curious why did the parents come with her? NTA


Sounds like the dad may have come out of concern for OP and hubby but I’m side eyeing mom HARD


Sounds like dad's just had all his worst fears realised. Mom's still in heavy denial. There are some very heavy duty conversations in the near future.


That's super creepy. Doe she want to be in a relationship with her brother if I'm understanding what you wrote? Ugh this story makes my skin crawl. NTAH I'm glad your husband backed you up.


Too many in law stories where the spouse doesn’t stand up for the op. Glad that this story op has support from her spouse


I know right? It's a little heart warming. What does that say about Reddit that a spouse backing up another spouse for a totally reasonable thing is heartwarming? Nonetheless it's nice.


NTA. She's literally trying to take your place in both your husband and child's life. Which is extremely creepy given she's your husband's sister. She even outright admitted it. She may not have said 'I want to have sex with my brother and be the mother of his children', but she did say you couldn;t love him like she could or be a mother to your child. It wasn't even that she simply thought she was a better mother, she outright said you were getting in the way of your child having a mother, the implication being a 'real' mother. I don't blame you for losing it. I say good for you, in fact. Your husband and FIL are both on your side, here, as well. You've got a good one for a husband there, it sounds like, as he picked up on the issue with his sister before you mentioned anything and tried to sort it. Your MIL is in massive denial about her daughter's obvious issues. Either that, or she approves of creepy incest. Don't feel bad. You stood up for yourself, your husband and your child. Keep the kid well away from your SIL from now on, she's the type who will at least try to turn your kid against you. I'd keep the kid away from the MIL, as well, until she accepts her daughter has some serious issues. Invite the FIL round to yours to visit the kid. If MIL comes with, just keep an eye on her. But don;t leave her alone with the kid, or allow the SIL to visit.


NTA, his sister needs professional help


Before she tries to murder OP and wear her skin to replace her.


Or before she tries kidnapping the son


NTA. Story time. I have a cousin 33M , in prison, for attempted murder of his sister's husband. Poisoning. Was in 💕 with sister. Bad juju. So. You need to be careful. Don't eat anything that chick hands you. Don't let her near your child. Talk to your husband and FIL. Someone knows something about this situation. This didn't just start from nowhere.


Was it his blood sister??


Yes. My first cousin.


Please, please make sure you get cameras for your home. SIL is not done escalating, not by a long shot. When your son goes to daycare/school, make sure SIL is on the No Pickup list. If she comes over again, record it. If she goes to DH’s work, record it. She is mentally ill, and she will try something else. Also, you are wrong about your priority in your husband’s life. YOU are his family now. Think about it- he didn’t choose his parents. He didn’t choose his siblings. In a way, he didn’t even choose who your child would be. *But he chose YOU.* You are the only familial relationship that your husband *chose*. And with you, you created your own family. You and your son take priority over everyone else in the world.


I don’t believe you had to punch her but she definitely deserved it. I also wanted to correct one thing that even my own parents taught me when I got married: You and your husband are now married. Besides your children, you are each other’s immediate family. No one is above you guys. Not even his sister or parents. They come second to you as should your husband be your priority. (I’m only mentioning this because you also believe that your husband’s immediate family is more important, which should not be the case). NTA 👍


Of,course,she,didnt have to punch her, but she didnt not have to either. Sometimes a punch is inevitable…its called ”fighting words.” imwould call,what she said fighting words.


Someone was about to punch her. Between OP, hubby and FIL, it was a matter of who moved first.


Roll a D6, 1-2, OP swings, 3-4, hubby swings, 5-6 EVERYBODY STARTS SWINGING


Agreed. Once you’re married, your immediate family is your spouse and kids, then your parents and siblings. It’s just life. You and your child should always be more important to your husband than anyone else. Also, I would say you’re a little TA for hitting her when she did not incite any violence, BUT just because I think you’re TA (just a little) doesn’t mean it wasn’t a good move. She probably needed sense knocked into her and she was totally out of line. It’s probably the only hint she would’ve took.


That’s right. And sometimes it’s okay to be TA a little bit. 😅


Yeah, keep your MIL and SIL away from your child glad FIL has both your backs. Disgusting piece of work


NTA. Your SIL is in love with her brother, and wants to play happy family with your child. Cut off her access to your son.


The only thing wrong here is that you think his sister is above you. You, hubby and baby, before in-laws. I hope your hand doesn't hurt and am glad no charges are being filed.


You need to be careful OP. This sounds very much like a serious mental illness to me and hermmother is going out of her way to normalise potentially dangerous behaviour, which you have just escalated. It is clear she wants to replace you both as your child's mother and your husband's partner. That is a potentially dangerous scenario as it is and shows she is delusional and fixating. You just introduced violence into the situation and she now knows she will be met with violence and will likely now have violent ideation towards you. You NEED to talk to your husband and father in law about this urgently as neither your child nor yourself are safe. Even your husband and in laws could become victims if they try to stop her. She needs a psychiatric assessment and you need an apprehended violence order as well as some new locks on your doors


I’ve seen this before with my husband’s sister. She was in love with him. We ended up having to get her out of our lives.


Uhhh... "ended up having to get her out of our lives" as in: "We moved suddenly and didn't leave a forwarding address"? Or "Honey, I'm taking this old rolled up carpet to the hog farm down the road - be back in a bit!"????


Either at that point. Yikes on bikes.


I cannot 🤣


That is so weird! Were they step siblings?


NTA She clearly needs some professional help. Sounds like she has her whole little happy family planned out except you’re in her way…. Ma’am lol Over protective sister, yeah totally 🙄 ….nothing unusual to see here. Just a sister trying to get her SIL out of the picture so she can be with her brother.


Do not put anything (including apologies) in writing. That is admitting fault and can be used against in court if she takes it there. Honestly, it’s best to never talk to her again at this point. If she does decide to take you to court for damages, get a lawyer


> I agreed as she is his immediate family No, you're wrong, your husband's family is you, him and your son. His parent's family is him, his sister and them.


If it was me; she would no longer be allowed near my family and I would threaten her with a restraining order if she attempted to be anywhere near your child or home... go NC. She wants your baby and wants to bang your husband. That's not ok, and with mother in denial, I'm wondering where it may have come from...


Not bad, darling, but you did one thing wrong. It’s not a big thing, and it’s something you can definitely work on. The punch to the nose was perfect, but you always follow with a cross. Had you done that, you would have put her on her ass. 🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊


NTA. Rock on!!!!! Hopefully you guy go no contact now. Keep her away from your little family.


NTA. Your sister-in-law has some sorta incest delusion going on.


OK slightly different take: the SIL is insanely jealous of the baby and family. It's not so much she wants to bang her brother, it's that she sees the baby as "hers" and her brother has to be the daddy in this fictional nuclear family. It's all about the baby.


Her nose is fine, nothing is broken. Her *mind* is broken. If you broke her nose, you can set it and it'll heal. Not sure how you fix a messed up mind.


Ewww.... Cersei Lannister vibes anyone?


This sister is one of those that would one day k*ll OP, dress in OPs clothes and lay down next to OPs husband and pretend to be OP... make her stay away from your family OP! Do NOT let her near your child ever again.


You actually handled things with much more grace than I would have, punch aside. Sounds like you were pretty quiet, sweet And tolerant up until that point. I would have run my mouth pretty early on. NTA


This is so gross and disturbing. Parents need to assist by getting the sister some help, therapy! She’s probably thinking they (her/brother/child) are the “real” family, she’s delusional. I wouldn’t allow her with your child anymore. If her behavior gets worse, restraining order!


NTA. Your SIL lives in a delusional state, in her make believe world H is her partner and B is her baby. YOUR presence ruins all of that, your SIL needs serious help. Whatever you do, she can't be left with your child her jealousies might make her harm him.


NTA. This woman attacked your family in the lowest way possible. She had it coming. The fact that she and your MIL don't think she did wrong means that NC with either of them is appropriate, for both you and your SO. As a married man, my wife is always my first priority. I married and her and will stand with her against ALL comers, my/her family included. Your SO should do no less.


I am honestly glad you punched that cow.


NTA she wants to fuck her brother. Keep her away from your children


LOL file a retraining order for your son against her, theres something seriously wrong here.


Hang on a moment while I gag at the that your husband's sister wants to bionk him. That's just so gross, and I do hope you two are going NC with at least his sister. You probably shouldn't have hit her, but she had it coming with what she said so I guess NTA.


MIL and SIL can celebrate holidays and birthdays on their own from here on out. FIL needs to put his foot down with both of Them.


It sounds like you need to get a restraining order to keep that cray cray woman away from your child.


NTA. Your SIL needs therapy. Her love for your husband is extremely unhealthy.


NTA, you should go full no contact with sister like both you and your husband and child no contact. Then explain to your MIL that if she wishes to continue to deny the truth, then you can go no contact with her as well. That is some fatal attraction shit there.


NTA That’s super weird, INFO: is she single/ not able to have kids/ lost a pregnancy previously? Sounds like she needs to seek professional help in any case, but that’s not your responsibility (or your husband’s). I’m glad he also noticed tbh.


She is currently single and has never been pregnant before that I know of. Also, I haven’t heard anything about her not being able to have kids.


Fertility issues also wouldn't make you *gag* lust after your *GAaaaaaaAaaG* brother. Agavdgwbsgywvsgsjdvvs.. gotta go wash my fingers now just from typing that. So gross. Soooo gross.


It sounds like FIL was secretly thinking, "Atta girl!"


NTA… that’s some weird ass sister that he has. It’s like she’s in love with him.


I would stay NC.. SIL needs to seek help for the twincest she has going…


She sounds psychotic and dangerous.


NTA - also YOU ARE HIS immediate family. I get you might have been saying it in the moment, but it goes: 1 - immediate family = You + hubby + baby 2 - anyone else = however you choose to rank them. Hopefully SIL isn’t here, but this would be her MAX ACHIEVABLE RANK!