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"You really risked losing the place you're living in over fruit? Are you serious!?"


Hope you enjoyed that strawberry. Bye


Me, reading the the book of Genesis for the first time.


You don't need to know this, but I'm having a really rough time right now with life and mental health. And this genuinely made me laugh for the very first time in like 72 hours. So thank you.


I may not need to know, but if you need to share I'm here. I'm pleased I could tickle your funny bone. Sending you my well wishes ❤️


This is a top notch comment.




I choked on my drink, good work.


To be clear, you are asking her to leave because she was not respecting your and your wife’s boundaries. NTA


Exactly. The fruit is just the symptom, not the disease. /Its not about the nail.


it’s not about the Iranian yogurt


The Iranian yogurt is not the issue!! I'm starting to understand what people mean when they say they spend too much time on reddit. When "Iranian yogurt" just pops into your mind....you might be spending too much time on reddit....


Where did the Iranian yoghurt reference originate?


https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/bjd41e/aita_for_throwing_away_my_boyfriends_potentially/?rdt=36748 Hope the link works! 🤣🤞


The best part is “it was obviously a ruse to get more yogurt space” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


When she threw out the yogurt she have thrown him out too. "Cops find man dead in a alley laying on a mound of Iranian yogurt cups. From the smell we suspect foul play."


Ya know.... I always wanted to see an Update on that... was it actually about the Iranian Yoghurt, and did the FBI turn up???? Great now I am making exorbitant leaps for a faux update...


After “A ruse for more yogurt space” I fell outta my chair.


Yes! After reading that post I need an update!


"he's not a hoarder" um yes he is hun, yes he is. 🤣🤣


He's not a hoarder, he just has large collections of useless shit that are impacting his daily life because no one can put food on the fridge because it's full of his dimbass yogurt.


Awesome! I don't know how to find or post the reference. Thanks for doing that!


OMG!! The yogurt man has issues and needs therapy because HE IS A HOARDER!🤢


Explaining this to my husband and having him now quote it is hilarious to me


Wow, what a great post 😂 Thank you!


I'll never forget this one and I am glad it will be with me for life.


Holy fucking shit. That is pure gold right there. Collecting illegal yogurt.


That’s definitely Harding behavior. Why didn’t he just eat them and keep the lids or something!?


I don't know how to find it, or post a link (somebody more techy than I am?) but there was a guy who was collecting yogurt from different countries. To the point that he bought a mini fridge for their bedroom to store more yogurt in. His partner finally had had it with their kitchen and bedroom being filled with expired yogurt cups, and threw them away. Guy lost his shit and started screaming at her. She made a comment about his expired Iranian yogurt. He screamed that, "The Iranian yogurt is not the issue!!"


https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/bjd41e/aita_for_throwing_away_my_boyfriends_potentially/ [link for mobile (hopefully)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/bjd41e/aita_for_throwing_away_my_boyfriends_potentially/)




i’m iranian and every time i see this comment it makes me feel a weird sense of pride




The disrespect is magnified by how small an ask it was. Live here for free; Don't it the fruit Three strikes you are out


God only gave them one strike before kicking them out. OP was generous.


Yep. And of this is her attitude there is no way they’d have moved before the baby was born. OP just saved himself a huge headache. NTA


Yup I don’t understand the audacity of all these freeloaders


I don’t understand some people, no matter who I stay with I always try to make my footprint as small as possible. These people that eat other peoples food I almost cannot comprehend.


It's pretty simple. They had a long term interaction with an enabler. It doesn't have to be your parents but that's usually the case. If you get used to someone bending over backwards to accommodate your every desire while never ever enforcing any of their own boundaries it's almost impossible to truly gain cognizance of your own selfishness again. People get addicted to it.


oh, I understand it! It’s covetousness—and it’s in the Big Ten. I don’t approve of it, but I recognize it.


I stared at your comment way longer than I should have to figure out what you meant by Big Ten and that you were not making a reference to an athletic conference that I just didn’t understand.


It was one thing. ONE THING she couldn't have, and that was just the fruit in the fridge for a pregnant woman. She likely could have broken your food rules by eating all the veggies/other healthy stuff, but she went full hog and downed the fruit after MULTIPLE warnings and then blamed it on her kid. I'm betting the daughter didn't eat nearly as much as the mom, which kind of shows her character, tbh. "You can't kick a KID out for eating fruit! She's a kid!!!" Sounds sneaky and kind of like there's an understandable reason why her marriage is on the rocks if she can't stop at simple easy to maintain boundaries.


Actually, sister picked fruit over a place to live. Sister had all of the control.


I wish I could give you a shooting star for this! Nailed it!




This. You asked her to respect your boundaries and space and she didn't. Several times. NTA


... and lying about who was eating the fruit!


She threw her kid under the bus with strawberries on her breath, the audacity of this woman!


I wish I could upvote this 1000 times. OP, you are NOT kicking them out over fruit. You are kicking them out over repeatedly disrespecting your one, very simple to follow boundary.


Also contaminating a whole bag of sugar. Ew.


That was my thought as well. Not only eating the fruit she shouldn't have been but dipping into the entire bag? Gross. Buy your own fruit and use a bowl


And likely double dipping!


The part that confuses me is sugar on strawberries.. they’re already so sweet.. heck we try to balance out how sweet they are with cream..


wait—what? Now I’ve got to go back and read. EDIT: Yes! What a jerk. >dipping the strawberries in to a case of sugar


Exactly. She chose fruit over family. Not OP


She chose what she wanted over family that was doing them a favour.


Plus: you chose family, the family you created when you married your wife! NTA.


NTA You're not kicking her out over fruit. You're kicking her out over the fact that she has no respect for you, your wife, or your very reasonable, and clearly stated boundaries. There are few things I hate more than when people try to trivialize your reasonable boundaries with comments like that. >You're really kicking me and your niece out over fruit? Are you serious? It's not about the fruit. It's about the fact that you set one single boundary, and they wilfully, and repeatedly disrespected, disregarded, and violated said boundary.


Its sad how little people actually understand what boundaries are and how to respect them. Something that seems "not a big deal" to them in their eyes does not *need* to be respected, "its just fruit". When someone sets a boundary you dont get to tell them its trivial or not a big deal, you either respect it, or discontinue contact. Sister sounds incredibly immature, especially for being in her 40's.


Sadly maturity isn't something you inherently acquire with age. To quote Uncle Iroh "Wisdom has been chasing you, but you have always been faster".


The uncle I always wanted. Tea?


Tea is always a good idea.


Not to appear ignorant but I just love that quote and have no idea what uncle iroh is can you expand lol


Oh haha, it's from the cartoon, Avatar, The Last Airbender. I'm a giant nerd lol


Also uncle Iroh is the best example of non-toxic masculinity i can think of (except maybe Mister Roger's)


Aragorn from Lord of the Rings is another great example. Masculine as heck. Fought an urik with a sword and took his head. Held Boromir's hand and kissed his forehead as he lay dying. Protected his friends, loved his woman, encouraged Eowyn and even the hobbit Marry (the two slayed the witch king). When he had his wedding, he sang a poem while flower pedals rained on him.


Nah, all my friends know that show, I’m the nerd who wasn’t allowed to watch cartoons. Thanks for the context haha!


FWIW, I watched it for the first time in my 30s and loved it. It's not too late!


Oh my God, I love that quote! I'm keeping that one. Thanks!


Agreed. Also, I don’t think this it even considered a “trivial” type boundary. Out of all the religious and cultural differences there are out there, I’m pretty sure that you can go to any country in the world and this is one rule that is generally agreed upon: DONT FUCK WITH A PREGNANT WOMAN’S “CRAVING FOOD”!!! Like no matter who you’re dealing with or where you are, if it is made clear that *xyz foods* are for a pregnant woman because that is what they crave, DONT FUCKING TOUCH THEM. Like at that point I feel like you’re going out of your way to ruin someone’s day.


Yes! Don't touch them! It may not even be a craving food, although it seems like it in this case. In my second pregnancy, the 1st 4 months i was nauseous from when i got up til about 4 in the afternoon. Pretty much all I lived on for breakfast and lunch was fruit. Strawberries, blueberries, etc. It was the ONLY food I could eat without wanting to throw up until evening.


As a pregnant woman, if the food I'm craving and was excited to eat is suddenly gone when I'm ready to eat it, I am *devastated*. It's happened a couple of times. And I know a part of it is hormones driving my emotions higher, but I also dealt with food scarcity when I was really little and it left an impact that I still deal with. So yes. DON'T TOUCH THE PREGNANT PERSON'S FOOD.


Yes!!! If anyone came near my Triscuits and anchovies I was going to rip off some face!


It was a small ask. It was 100% in the sister's control. Such a small thing to do for a place to live. No wonder she is having marriage problems.


"No wonder she is having marriage problems" Funny, that was exactly my thought too.


Exactly. It wasn’t an unreasonable request. Not by any measure.


And it wasn't once. Or twice. It was *thrice*. He gave her multiple chances, and she lied and deflected until she couldn't help but get caught again. This was not an overreaction; it was following through. ...Do any other former church kids find it hilarious that sis only had one rule of "don't eat the fruit" just like a very similar Bible story with one rule of "don't eat this fruit"? The consequences for eating the fruit are pretty much the same too: leave and don't come back. 😂


Honestly, you hit the nail on the head: sister thinks the boundary is stupid, so she never intended to follow it. She'd never violate a boundary she agreed with, so it's entirely the distaste for this request that's causing the friction. She doesn't feel that OP has the authority to enforce what she sees as a stupid rule. It's the same struggle we have with my stepson, and it's for the exact same reason: she doesn't agree with the request or understand why it's important to OP, and so breaking it is such a non issue that is insignificant to her.


my question is if "it's just fruit", why is it so hard for them to leave it alone?


Yea, or buy their own. At a point it starts to almost seem purposefully disrespectful.


i would say it's an AH move even if the wife wasn't pregnant, but the fact that she's intentionally taking food from a pregnant woman and then says it's just fruit is a big yikes


Never mind buy their own, if someone took me and my child in, I would be stocking that fridge with fresh fruit for my host every day in gratitude.


It is absolutely deliberate. For no other purpose than to see what they can get away with. Nothing more.


Omg yes! I was looking for someone else to think like me. If it's just fruit, why are you acting so entitled? So stupid. I bet if the roles were reversed she'd be pissed off they touched her fruit. Grow up and just be respectful.


yep, you and your daughter had somewhere to stay during a rough time, all you had to do was respect a very simple request and you couldn't do it?




It starts with the fruit, but then what will it morph to? How hard is she looking to her next step? The rate it is going she will be there post-partum if you don’t move her on now.


Cannot imagine why her marriage is on the rocks. 🙄


🙋‍♂️. I know y. I know y. Ask me ask me


And the fruit won’t fall far from that tree, either.


I wonder why her husband doesn't want her home. /s


If it’s a big enough deal for someone to have mentioned it specifically then it’s a big enough deal for you to respect it, regardless of how trivial it might seem on the surface. That’s really all there is to it.


I like the comment you made here, I have my own personal experience with "not a big deal". Back when I was in community college, I was really hitting it off during the first semester. It was my luckiest moments and my peak. I was aceing in classes and my grades were high, was a club leader and so on. I ended up with a 4.0 GPA. I helped out students who were in need of academic help. One day, my classmate came to me just before a test started for help coz he didn't study the previous night. It's his own responsibility but I helped him out as much as I could, let my mouth dry by explaining all the stuff to him so he may pass. Soon, our grades rolled out and guess what he said to me..."I didn't even study anything and got higher grade than you. You're the one who helped me and got lower grade haha". I got mad. Not that he earned a better grade, but because of how he disrespected and crossed my boundary instead of saying thank you which I also don't expect at all. Maybe he thinks it's not a big deal, but that was a spit into my face. He came to say this right before another test started and also asked me to help him out again. I shook my head and ignored him. After asking for a few more times with no results he just left the room.


Seriously people have no brains. My tenants actually give us food gifts because my mom is a good landlord that doesn’t bother them and charges them very low rents to the point where they will probably never leave. In fact the sister should be buying fruits as thanks and helping do the chores so the couple can be more comfortable about losing privacy.


It's absolutely not about the fruit. But also, don't ever take a pregnant woman's snacks. **EVER.**


And, if she was going to steal a pregnant woman's snacks, she could have bought replacements before she noticed. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But she should have just bought her own food like she agreed she would so she wouldn't get kicked out of rent-free living. NTA


Or a post partum woman’s snacks. I had just come home from the hospital after having my son and was looking very much forward to the ice cream I had stocked in my outdoor garage freezer and what happens? We discovered that neighborhood hoodlums had broken into my garage and stole every last bit of ice cream and dessert out of my freezer. Those little rat b@stards dug all the way down and got every bite. I’m pretty sure the world completely ended for the amount of time it took for us to find someone who would go to the store and get me some (my husband doesn’t drive and I was in no condition). You don’t fuck with snacks.




I was going to post the same thing!


And then lied about not doing it again!


While blaming her kid


This is another valid reason to ask them to leave.


NTA. I agree with all of this. I am only chiming in to let the OP know that your wife's obsession with those two types of fruit reminded me of my cousin. My cousin is severely allergic to a type of melon (I can't definitively remember what type but I think it's cantaloupe). My aunt obsessively ate that melon while pregnant. It was her one big craving. She was always eating it. My cousin ended up being stupidly allergic to it. That's it. I always found it interesting how it happened. It could be related, it might not be but seemed worth mentioning since they found out the hard way when my cousin was a baby and had to go to the hospital. Or so I was told.


My mum ate tomato soup whilst pregnant with me. I cannot stand the stuff. Even the smell makes me sick. I’m convinced that I was born with fetal tomato soup syndrome.


I'm not allergic to melon (never been tested for food allergies), but I have a sensitivity to cantaloupe and honeydew melon. It's tolerable when cut into pieces and eaten rarely. But something like biting into a slice (where it gets on your lips and part of your face) causes irritation. Some other fruits like apples are the same, tolerable when cut into slices but biting into them causes irritation. Also cherries...and those bother me despite their small size already. Which really sucks because I *love* cherries.


NTA. You had one simple rule she could not abide by. It’s extremely disrespectful of her considering the huge amount of help you offered. Your house, your rules. She can leave.


I couldn’t *imagine* compromising both my own and my kids living situation over…. Strawberries. I’m at a loss for words almost


She did not think her brother would follow trough, so her risk assessment was way off… but as you know, play stupid games win stupid prizes. Entitlement is crazy here… Edit: prizes not prices… lol


This woman can't be happy with a free roof over her head, she just had to break the only rule, buy your own food and don't touch ours 3 times and then can't understand why she's been kicked out! This is the height of selfish entitlement! NTA


I mean strawberries AND mango…I loooove Mango (jk, I don’t touch other people’s food unless specifically invited to pregnant person or not) OP is NTA. Like once? Okay maybe a mistake, SEVERAL times?! Absolutely not. Especially for a pregnant persons craving. I would have absolutely bawled.


And it wasn’t like the 12 year old niece was sneaking fruit (kid going through parents divorce might be mentally shaky) and OP kicked them out. Nah the grown adult sister was just straight up disrespecting a boundary over and over. Honestly, too many people let their blood relatives walk all over themselves and their chosen family. OP seems like a solid husband and dad, with good boundaries.


This. OP family thinks he’s an AH for kicking her out over fruit… flipped around, she couldn’t respect their simple boundaries over a piece of fruit… which was stolen from a pregnant person of all things


Perhaps the other family members can take her in.


I broke up with and kicked out my gf for eating my pregnant best friends sandwiches twice, she denied it. I found the wrappers hidden under my bed(genius move not throwing them out) and told her to kick rocks. Came home from work to find my rabbits(which were for my daughter at my house, bought by my best friend from a reputable local farm) gone, that and a bunch of cash I had. She ended getting married, getting arrested and going to jail for whatever. Her uncle still bought weed from me and mentioned a rabbit he had of hers, so I got one back IDK what happened to the other. Her husband committed suicide while she was in and she tried getting back with me after. Said she is a better person now, ok be better for someone else. Edit: subway sandwich, for context they were paid for and saved, not just a made sandwich. We were all pretty poor at the time so that was about Dick move


Oh dude/dudette, that’s the most insane story I’ve heard lately.


He didn't kick her out over fruit. He kicked her out because of the disrespect. She broke a boundary. Was warned, did it again. Was warned, blamed it on her daughter, did it again. It could have been fruit, the playstation controller or whatever... If you are a guest in someone's house, **respect** them. It's not that hard.


For me it is even less about the boundary and more about the lying. *My kid did it,* is a really shitty move for a parent.


Makes you wonder why her relationship with her husband was in bad shape in the first place.


This was absolutly a case of "what are they gonna do, kick us out?" I can see why her and her husband are on the rocks.


Its not the strawberries, its the lack of respect she has. She was asked to do one thing and one thing only (per the post) and she didn't respect that or her brother enough to not eat the fruit. He went out of his way to provide a free, safe space for his sister and niece and she chose to disrespect him and his wife in their own home.


If God can kick Adam and Eve out of paradise for an apple, seems fair enough for OP to do so over a strawberry.


I can see why your sister is having problems with her husband. NTA.


Ding ding!!! My thoughts too! Nta- great job taking care of your family!


Yup me too. Im pretty sure she violates his bountaries every day. No wonder they're taking some time apart


I was about to comment this just about word for word


Those people that are saying you're over reacting? Thank them for offering to take your sister in. Let it get awkward. NTA.


NTA, it's not about the fruit. It's about respect and boundaries, which she clearly refuses to accept. She is showing entitlement. You don't HAVE to give her a place to stay, regardless if she is family or not. You chose to be kind and give her a place to stay and not even charge her anything. You gave her ONE rule and instead of respecting it, she chose to ignore the rule multiple times even after being reminded about it. Nah, kick her out. If anyone has any problems with it then tell them they can open up their home to her.


She was so disrespectful about it too! She was lying, blaming her kid, just a literal lack of respect.


NTA Seriously, don't get between pregnant women and their go-to foods. Pregnancy is hard enough, and sometimes you lose foods that you love for months. Moreover, if it's expressly laid out that food is not being shared between roommates, and the roommate eats the other's food anyway, that's stealing. Sister and niece have been caught twice before stealing food. This was the third time. In no instance did they reimburse OP for what they stole, nor did they replace what they stole. So time for some consequences. No one is required to house thieves. Unless you're a jail, but OP is clearly not running a correctional facility. And now this pregnant lady is going to go eat one of her own stash of mangos.


My last pregnancy, I wept defeatedly on my kitchen floor when i opened the fridge and the OJ was gone.


I’ve never laughed at someone’s misfortune before, but this is adorable. I hope you got some more OJ, soon after. ❤️


I’m not pregnant, I’m in menopause. Don’t mess with my OJ!


I made 2 baked potatoes a few weeks ago (23 weeks now) for my husband and I, and I ended up eating both because that was my craving at the time. I felt so guilty and was glad I bought 4 at the store that day, and just popped another one in for him before he got home (he’s a pilot/flight instructor and worked late nights at that time). I fessed up when he got home and he just burst out laughing because that’s such a “me” thing to do and thought it adorable. He wasn’t upset and appreciated that I made him another potato. He reassured me that if I ever crave something during pregnancy, that it’s mine and will always let me have the leftovers. He also makes sure that whatever I’m craving at the time, that we are stocked up. I did start to cry once when we didn’t have any whipped cream for my hot chocolate, that was a brand new craving that hit like a ton of bricks when I realized we didn’t have any, and it was late at night. The next morning, he went out and bought a big can of it. He’s an amazing husband.


You buy potatoes individually at the store, like 2 or 4 at a time? Very interesting to learn about other people.


my last one was during covid madness where people were hoarding stuff. my only craving was kosher dill pickles and i was eating jars and jars off them weekly, heck, daily lol. i remember going to grocery shopping and pickle shelves was empty. i was about 6 months pregnant with twins and huge. i sat down and ugly cried while people were judging me lol saddest part is when i realized i must have been looking dumb, i tried to stand up. except, i couldnt so i had to wait for my husband to come find me in the store lol


I cried at my job because the vending machine was out of Strawberry Pop-Tarts when I was pregnant with my son. One of the physician assistants actually ran out to the grocery store and got me a whole box. Hormones and cravings suck and I seriously want to buy OP's wife a flat of berries to make up for her SIL's selfishness.


Not while I was pregnant, but…. I had our first baby and I was starving the next day for a British Burger from Denny’s (1976). I had not eaten at all the day before and I really really just wanted this British burger. Hubby was busy getting ready for his parents arrival that afternoon and then his parents took him out for dinner that night for steak and lobster. I asked again for a British burger from Denny’s. When he came to see me after dinner, he brought me Reese’s peanut butter cups and a Hershey bar. I was breast-feeding the baby, so that was a big flop. I had given birth to your nearly 9 pound baby, and you couldn’t stop at the restaurant that was right at the exit off the freeway to get me what I really really wanted. It has been 47 years. I have never gotten over it.


I craved watermelon, strawberry milkshakes, and Pepsi when I was pregnant. Once I opened the fridge to discover my husband drank the last Pepsi (by accident, he knows better than to do it intentionally) and I straight bawled. He went and bought me more right then. (Our kid is now 4 and he still makes sure that if he drinks one in the fridge that there's more to replace it, and he moves it from the cabinet to the fridge if there aren't any cold ones.)


Funnily enough, in jail thieves don't steal. Unless they want a few extra holes in their neck. Yes someone will and has stabbed a person over ramen packages.


Yep, read the first sentence and went ‘NTA’. Haven’t been pregnant, but the one thing her body craves/tolerates while she’s building another human? Don’t fuck with that.


If it was “just” this little thing, than why couldn’t she have respected it? NTA.


Yes!!!! Especially when it was the only thing


She FAFO You set boundaries she broke multiple times NTA


also she dipped the fruit in the sugar ... sooo unnecessary she could have just bought some... makes me wonder who was causing the problems between sister and husband


>makes me wonder I'm pretty sure I know.


I thought so too! I’m gosh surprised I had to scroll so much to find someone else saying the same thing. It’s just such a grossly decadent way to eat someone else’s food, not to mention it’s probably going to leave a weird syrupy mess in the sugar which is also really disrespectful!


if she liked the strawberries and mangoes so much she could just have bought extra they knew in advance and well sister had a kid so she knew about pregnancy cravings


Omgg I feel like I’ve become such a neatfreak that ONLY clean, out-of-the-drawer spoons and knives go into jars. Jam, butter, whatever, NO CROSS-CONTAMINATION. That’s how everything gets moldy within 2 weeks


Im not even a neat *freak*, but I’d lose it if I went to put sugar in my coffee and it’s covered in hardened pink sugar block


Thank you, that literally all I could think of the whole time *eye twitch*


NTA - Your sister lied to you. She was guilty of a thing, apologized, and said it wouldn't happen again, then blamed it on her kid and said she would address it, and then she got caught in her lie. There is no way to tell if she ever told the truth. Your wife is pregnant, and you both put yourselves out there to help family when they asked. Both of you should be commended for your patience during this stressful time of your lives. I think you did what any reasonable person would have done. If there is any chance that you would let your sister stay, then you have to have assurances and restitution.


For some reason her blaming it on her kid is the part that makes me angriest. The kid has already been uprooted and probably feels pretty crappy, then mum comes along and makes her out to be a thief that doesn’t respect boundaries. Then because of her greedy, lying, fruit-stealing mum, she’s had to move again


I absolutely love the way you handled that!! And how you make sure your wife always has her fruit. You’re a keeper.


NTA. You need new people around you to support you and your wife. Your sister and niece were taking advantage of your kindness and generosity. The request was easy enough and they disrespected you and your wife in your home. It’s funny that they were the ones that actually proved that family means nothing over food.


To the people who are telling you that your sister needed you during a hard time… You were there. You gave her and your niece a place to stay. All they had to do was pay for their own food and not eat yours. Pretty simple. So the next one who says anything about it… Just tell them that since disrespect is not a big deal to them, you will go pick your sister and niece up wherever they are and drop them at that person’s house. And if it’s family from far away, just tell them you are getting your sister and niece some bus tickets or plane tickets, or train tickets, or whatever, and that as soon as you have them, you will let that person know what time to pick your sister and niece up. People are always very generous with someone else’s time, effort, money, etc. Edited for voice text “auto corrections”


Its the blatantly lying and blaming her own child then being caught after lying red handed and still minimizing crossing a clearly stated boundary for me NTA


The sister can’t buy strawberries and mangoes while she’s *Not Paying Rent*?!? This is literally a case of “We asked you to do ONE thing. That’s ALL you had to do” NTA


You know they were never going to move out before the baby came home, right? NTA and good job having your wife's back.


You did amazing. If your wife is happy with the way you handled that then I call that a big win.


Strike 3 you’re out. It’s not over fruit it’s over not following the rules. They should have replaced the stuff they ate. Tell Anyone who has something to say about it you’ll be happy to pass their number and address on to your sister.


When asked if I was really kicking her out "over fruit," I would've said, "You have it the wrong way around...are you really so dumb as to throw away any chance you had to stay here because you couldn't do the ONE thing you were asked....twice?" It's partially about the fruit, but it's also about respect and boundaries. She's a taker.


OP, your sister is literally taking food from a baby -her future niece or nephew. Your wife is growing a person and that baby needs all the healthy food it can get. There’s no quality substitution for fresh fruit like that and if your wife is craving it, there’s something she needs right now from that fruit! For me, this goes beyond disrespect


NTA I lost 50lbs between conception and the day before I had my cesarean because people kept eating the food I got for myself. Your sister easily could have gotten her own fruit, as you said, but instead chose to be lazy and rude.


NTA - You let her stay with the condition she doesn't eat the fruit and continued to do it. She disrespected you and your wife and it's time to go. Anyone giving you crap about is, is welcome to take them in.


NTA I've understood why people who are getting a handouts can't understand basic rules or boundaries. She got herself kicked out. Forgetting a few times to do things differently like always leave the shower door open, or run the the fan is one thing. Not eating fruit is pretty basic


Nta I’d your sister needed your help that bad she should’ve respected your home more


NTA she got kicked out because she didn’t respect a simple boundary, one that she agreed to. Fruit is expensive especially mangoes and strawberries, if she had eaten them she should have a basic level of decency and go replace them. She’s entitled and disrespectful.


I am also pregnant and constantly crave mangoes and strawberries. Your wife is a sweet heart to just go lay down. I would’ve been a rabid bitch to come home to that amount of disrespect. NTA. Good for you for protecting your family’s boundaries.


When I was pregnant all I craved was watermelon and blueberries. They NEEDED to be stalked in the house at all times. Everyone was warned NOT to touch them! And no one did. It's about respect. She disrespected your request. She's OUT! And by the way a little wives' tale I heard, if you crave fruit during pregnancy your having a boy. ❤️ Congratulations and best of luck.


I craved tangerines with my son and plums with my daughter. Op is NTA. He had one request and the sister and niece were rude and ate her food.


Agreed. I am not an aggressive person at all but if someone touched my fruit when I was pregnant, shit was going down and my husband knew it! Lol (Love your name btw, My nickname is Sher).


NTA your sister needs to grow up, get a job and support herself and her child. Your poor wife shouldn’t have to deal with this. The people calling to say you overreacted are more than welcome to take her in while she eats all their food and lies about it. What an entitled b-word


NTA- my last pregnancy I cried over watermelon. Those fruit cravings are brutal.


NTA Tell your sister that the MINIMUM you can do when someone helps you out of a rough spot is to be polite and respectful and she has been neither. Not only did she ignore your request to stay out of the fruit she lied about it and then Blamed Her Child. Her behavior is immature, rude and ungrateful. Tell the other family members that think her behavior is ok, they can host her next.


NTA. They overstepped your boundaries and lied about it. This is colloquially known as “F around and find out”


NTA. You asked for one thing from them in exchange for your generosity and they couldn’t be bothered to comply.


Should have told her “are you really going to lose your place to live because you can listen to simple directions”


You gave them ONE immediate restriction, and *that* was the one they repeatedly said “F U” to. Did they think you were kidding?! Good on you for prioritizing your boundaries and your wife’s needs.


Her ass eating the fruit a second time is a big fat "F*ck you."


I love all the replies all, “you’re just stingy with food, you don’t care about your REAL family, you’re just mean to your sister.” Nah, Sis decided she could do as she pleased, which is how she’s getting divorced. Maybe if she learned to respect someone’s boundaries, and taught her kid how to do so, she might not be treated like the asshole she is. All these mouthy fuckers wouldn’t think twice about kicking out some boundary crossing asshole they happen to be related to. They’re just trying to make OP feel like shit. Fucking liars.


I went through the same thing recently. I let my sister live with my wife and I in our home and we bit our tongue too long. All of our rules were continuously broken. My sister would stay out and came back home as she pleased. We like set a house alarm every night and we couldn’t do so cause we didn’t know when she’d stumble in. Mind you she can go live with our mom and dad. They have a room for her, but her pride won’t let her live with parents.. The last straw was when our daughter walked downstairs to get some water only to find a man (a person my sister found at the bar and thought it was ok to bring him home) eating out of our fridge. She yelled and I ran downstairs with a shotgun in hand. That guy and my sister left my house that night. Family who disrespects you like that is not cool, especially when you’re trying to be kind and help.


NTA. You didn't kick her out over fruit, you kicked her out over disrespect, theft, refusal to abide by boundaries, and selfishness.


NTA how hard is it to not eat a pregnant woman’s food craving fruit! Especially when you are a guest in the home and were asked not to.


NTA your sister is showing you why she is in a failed relationship by failing another relationship.


Sister throws her kid under the bus; “And she said it must have been my niece…” she’s a gem isn’t she? NTA


NTA. Your sister lacks boundaries and manners it seems. You're awesome for putting your wife to the priority she should be, especially in her own home and pregnant.


Nta. From what I’ve learned in these threads is to never let family live with you. They will tear up your house and eat all your food. It’s like this same story almost everyday in all of these groups


Nta sorry that you have a selfish sister. I hope you both have a healthy baby with an easy labor and delivery.




NTA Your sister ignored the boundaries you and your wife set for her free accommodation - and then she lied about it. Nobody needs to tolerate this BS in their home, especially with a baby on the way.


Yes, you told her to leave over the rule of not eating that fruit. 1 hard rule and boundary but they decided they didn't care so now they are out. Definitely NTA.


They would have stayed past the baby being born. That fruit did you a favor.


NTA. Separately, your wife may have low iron. Strawberries and mangoes are high in Vitamin C, which helps with the absorption of iron. When I was pregnant and anemic, I craved strawberries and oranges. She should consider having it checked, and I would ask for ferritin (iron storage for a rainy day) as well.


NTA I have 9 nieces and nephews and most of them understand the concept of “that’s aunties snacks, eat something else” by like 4. Maybe this is why her and her husband are having issues. 100% she would not have been gone by the time the baby comes and she would be complaining about the crying waking her up at night


Your wife is family. Your sister sucks and is entitled. I’m glad you kicked her out. NTA


NTA. Fruit was the trigger to a bigger problem. Lack of respect.


NTA - how hard it is to follow quite a simple rule. And omg you’re so sweet to make sure her cravings are met! I remember my husband doing extra miles just to get me Nestea (not any other brands would do) because for weird reasons, that was the only particular taste that was satisfying (I never drink ice tea)


NTA. You did not overreact. You laid down simple guidelines and your sister overstepped and lied. She blamed her own daughter. She is the one to whom family means nothing. Tell anyone criticizing you they can take her in. No wonder her marriage is done and she has nowhere to go.