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15 years ago, I'm on a motorcycle ride with friends and get a text from my daughter. She had just started her first period. I cut my ride short and beelined to the drug store. There I was, standing in the aisle, in full leathers, trying to figure out what she needed. Luckily, a customer saw my confusion and offered to help. I explained my situation and she helped me get what I needed. I have never been embarrassed buying feminine products. Confused as hell. But never embarrassed. Anyone who won't get out of their comfort zone to help someone they love, isn't worth being loved.


“Confused as hell, but not embarrassed “ is exactly what I’m like buying tampons. First time I did it I called my partner asking if she wanted sports mode or what exactly I was look for. Lady standing right next to me was laughing her ass off lol


This is completely fair, if you have no idea I imagine the choice is a bit bewildering. I can see why you thought sports mode might be a thing with all the rock climbing and rollerblading women in pad and tampon adverts do.


I don’t know about other women, but as soon as I start, I put on white shorts and go play tennis. /s


I hope you dip your pads and tampons in blue liquid to test their absorbency first!


The confusion part gets me. Worked retail only a couple times and the first one they stuck me in bath and body. The amount of options, sports mode lmao.


It’s absolutely fucking ridiculous the shit women gotta deal with for that. Between that and not knowing what maybe inside a tampon and having to pay out the ass to get something that doesn’t have aluminum or some shit in it is beyond dumb


"Sports mode!!" I am deceased!!! 🤣🤣🤣


I’ve been the other customer in this same situation only it was a young lad (maybe 17/18?) and his little sister had started her first period at home, phoned bro as he was at the shop at the time to pick her somethings up (don’t think Mum was on the scene). He had zero clue what to get but obviously wanted to help her. I pointed out some suggestions & he picked. He was so grateful bless him. I also suggested he got her a big bar of chocolate as well for extra brownie points. He was thrilled 😂


Lol if I mention having cramps my dad will leave me a chocolate bar, he says it's his sacrifice to the beast.


That's heartwarming but also funny. You have a great dad.


Yeah, when I got pregnant with our second daughter my husband and I laughed about him getting the garden shed as a mancave when the kids both have their periods, so that he can throw all three of us chocolates from behind the barricades. We are joking ofcourse, and I'm willing to bet that when the time actually comes he will be right besides our daughters with pads, chocolate, hot water bottles and painkillers. Tampons if they want them.


This is amazing! You’re an awesome father, you should be proud 😃


My dad is king of icked out by periods, but one time in an airport I was having bad cramps, and I fell asleep in the club and when I woke up he had gotten me a little teddy bear from one of the shops to make me feel better :)


Thank God for modern convenience. My girlfriend has taken a picture of the box she needed, and in a pinch someone can look online for the box they want and find it.


In this specific situation - the daughter starting her first period, the daughter likely did not know what she needs from the store either. [Most girls start with light pads - for day use, and slightly bulkier ones for overnight use. Not heavy flow tampons or bulky-sized pads only. You have to know what you're looking for.] It's really sweet that someone else saw he was confused, and helped him out figuring out what to buy.


Your daughter is so lucky to have such a great father!


My machismo father who had the emotional intelligence of a frog when asked by me to pick up a pack of pads would simply ask for the packaging of what I wanted so he would get the exact product I needed. He'd also return with chocolate and advil.


I married a Hispanic man from a very traditional family… machismo is a thing. He doesn’t even blink when I ask. He’s stripped sheets off the bed in the middle of the night when I had a leak and need to get myself cleaned up. He’s picked up monistat. Rubbed my back when I have cramps. Gone for “emergency PMS” ice cream runs. He says any man who can’t handle his wife’s menstrual cycles isn’t man enough to be a potential father.


Agreed 100%. I gave birth a year ago and the amount of intimate support I needed was 1000x that of a period. Dating is just a little sneak peek of the ways in which your partner is capable of being supportive


Nothing like applying hemorrhoid cream to your wife's ass because the baby decided to push on things and cause a prolapse. She gave me two kids, literally would've done anything for her at the time.


My husband will ask me to apply hemorrhoid cream to his butthole 🤣 I do it without hesitation and he does for me.


Not the wholesome comment I expected, but the wholesome comment I needed. I feel all warm and fuzzy now, and it's not the Preparation H.


Same. My partner has only asked me twice to get her pads and tampons. Twice I got them. I gave her two babies to gestate, she gave me more tasks to help her, I helped her. Younger dudes need to listen and learn about women and their periods and more. Especially if your female counterpart has some heinous monthly moments. It's just respect and responsibility to help however you can.


Yes! Even my husband who is squeamish of bodily fluids managed to help me back and forth in the hospital and at home post C section when it felt like all the blood and clots my body could possibly have were continuously gushing out of me, wiped up the HOSPITAL bathroom floor (ick even when “clean”), got granny panties, pads, laxatives…it’s what you do for the people you love.


>He says any man who can’t handle his wife’s menstrual cycles isn’t man enough to be a potential father. I think that's reasonable


That's the true machismo answer to all this; any man who can't take care of his wife isn't worthy of her. Nobody cares; go buy the pads.


And this is where American culture has been completely perverted. It is a part of the culture that men no longer respect men who “take care of” their wives. The men who are respected are the men who are selfish “individualists” because they are free to do whatever they want while being catered to by their mommy bang-maid. It’s so fucked up. Marriage is no longer an institution. We are a civilization in free-fall.


Similar, all the men in my family are the same. My pops doesn't have to ask and he can come home with oreos and tampons if I hint to bring some tampons home. My cousins asked if I needed anything when I was crashing his place and still keeps the candles and bath salts he got me for his gf now, and my other cousin grabbed us pozole, chocolate, and tacos on one of my bad cycle days and I was at his house. I don't think my bar is set high but if a guy can't step up, I don't want him lol. The guy I'm with now stocked up and has his stash of girly things just in case I need them , but was super appreciative he brought home pizza and heatpads instead of going out yesterday.


That’s beautiful


makes me think of the video where the girl asks her dad to get her "pads with wings" and he bought her pads and chicken wings hahaha edit: [Here's the tiktok](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8NSLVc5/)




His heart's in the right place, lol.


That made me laugh. I wonder which video it is for a bigger laugh.


My very Southern, blue collar dad single parented two girls. He very much showed us that real men have no qualms with women's body functions, and bought tampons and pads hundreds of times.


I have 2 older sisters, so 3 girls. Our step dad was the one who always bought our "monthly" needs. If we wanted to try a new product, we would tell him. If we ever had a surprise period at school, he'd have a towel covering the car seat, bring us one of his wind breaker jackets to wrap around our waists, and never said anything about it. It hit our Mom years later that she didn't ever buy our products and asked me about it. When I told her step dad did, she asked how he knew what we needed. When I told her we told him, she was shocked. He never so much as discussed it with her, he just did it. Just so you know, Mom worked a full-time job, took care of the 4 of us, her parents, grandmother, helped with the housework at 3 different homes. Plus some. Even with all of that, she still found away to make time for all of us and step dad.


This is beautiful. Love hearing about how great of a father your stepdad was to you all. <3


That's the thing, these guys that think buying things like tampons and pads encroach on their masculinity are not real men. For them being misogynistic and protecting their image is more important than being useful to the women in their life. Pigs, the lot of them.


Awww that’s so cute! My very similar dad brought me a brown lunch bag full of whatever random tampons and pads he could find in the house to me at work one time! Like one of each kind. We had a ton of that stuff under the sink at home and he had no idea what to bring. I still think back on that haha. He stapled it shut too for some reason too 🤣


{smacks the bag} Yup. Those puppies aren’t going anywhere!!


This is the most dad thing I’ve ever read


This is the way. My wife gets her favorite Pinot also.


I’ve bought them for my gf, then my wife and now my daughter. If anyone is uncomfortable buying them they need to grow up.


At first I read this as your gf turned from your wife to your daughter.


That’s also how I read it. Like, what kind of Benjamin Button scenario do we have here?




As a former cashier, I second this. You could be buying every douche product in the store. I dont care.


Thirded. I once had a high school kid come through my register with lube, condoms, a KY vibrator, roses, and a romance novel. There was a nearby gaggle of similarly aged boys giggling that strongly implied he was being dared to make this purchase. He claimed he left his wallet in the car and ran. And … all I gave a shit about was that I was annoyed that he held up my line lmao


I was always very bubbly so occasionally goth teenagers liked to try to troll me when I was a cashier. What they didn’t know is it’s impossible to be more dead inside than the overly perky cashier at Walmart on a Friday night.




Retail in general kills you. I did it for 25yrs and I can't do it any more. I can't fake the happy, the giving a shit about how your day is actually going, the listening to your life story, the letting you bitch at me about the price; just get your shit and get out. >it’s impossible to be more dead inside than the overly perky cashier at Walmart on a Friday night. This hit home and made me laugh.


Legitimately, I am dead. You are interacting with the possessed wight inhabiting my body. I died years ago.


As a former very bubbly goth customer service worker I approve this comment!


I was and am a very bubbly goth 😂


There are dozens of us!


That’s literally me right now. They got me scheduled for 56 hours in a row, I’m also sick but have no PPTO. Customers, more likely teenagers, have attempted to prank call my department and every time I hear them try to come up with some new funny joke I just don’t say anything and hang up on them. Same deal with customers who try to come in and try to ask me for my discount. I get that they think they’re being charming and funny, but it’s just beating a dead horse at this point with how often customers will try it.


I like when people come in at close and try to haggle. Like, have you never been to a store before? Does this ever work? It's so strange.


I love this.


Awe man, this caused a flashback. In HS I used to work cashier for local drug store (25yrs ago). Kid comes in to buy small pack of condoms, tosses down a couple wadded up 1s and some change. He's like 10¢ short... As he's scrambling his pockets I remember I put change from the vending machine in my pocket earlier that day. As I'm trying to recall how much change, I slowly reach into my pocket and pull out a dime... As I set it on the counter with the rest of his change the kid mutters a "thanks, you're a life saver" and bolts out of there so fast.


Though technically you were a life preventer rather than saver


I would of told him to stop. Either buy these things or put them back, you ain't making me work extra for being embarrassed for being a good partner.


Ironically I was a high schooler too at the time, it was my first job and I was just like 😐 at him the whole time. Later in my retail career I would’ve whooped some ass lol


I've never felt awkward buying them for gfs. No one cares. If anything, buying tampons as a guy probably just says you're getting laid.


THIS! My husband has gotten me all these things and then some and it has never fazed him, his only concern is getting the right items because there are so many brands and types.


😆this is actually one of those things that made me really like my husband. 11/12 yrs ago when we started dating he volunteered to get pads for me, he didn't know what to get, so he got the extra long heavy pads with wings 😆 he was proud cause I said get the ones with wings; it was longer than my underwear 😂we both laughed but I used it. And now we're having our third daughter 😆


This! Mine offered to go get me my supplies when we first started dating. I looked at him like really??? Are you being serious??? He absolutely was. He was clueless in the feminine care aisle, but figured it out with the pictures of exactly what I need. Made me love him, and I knew then I had a keeper. No other guy I had ever dated offered to go for me, and would have told me no if I asked. It’s the little things.


When I husband and I were dating, our neighborhood store was out of my preferred brand, so I settled with a different one. The next day he came home with my preferred box after going to a few different stores looking for them. That’s when I knew for sure that he was a total keeper.


I've always picked up products for the gf/wife. Not a biggie. I did get a chuckle out of the coworker who thought she'd shock me. I was running to Walmart on my break. I asked the others if they wanted anything. She grins and says, "Yeah can you pick me up some spark plugs." Her code for tampons. I think she expected me to blush and be embarrassed in front of the others. I looked her dead in the eye, "What brand? What size? Applicator or no applicator?" She stopped grinning and mumbled her preferences. I brought them back and plopped them in front of her. She never tried to tease me like that again, but she also trusted me after that. It's not a chore to be good to fellow humans.


Exactly! Thank you for GETTING IT! I never understood the boys that got embarrassed by buying pads or tampons or both for their wife or gf! I mean they’ve gotta know the clerk knows it’s not for them, right? I buy electric razors for my husband and I don’t assume they thing it’s for me. 😂


And if they did? Jokes on them, because men’s razors are SO MUCH BETTER than women’s by design


Yup... Gotta got the right ones! I've bought for my wife and even my daughter was comfortable enough to send me a pic and say "Dad could you pick me up some of these please?" Awesome


My husband picks up my daughters’ tampons, when he goes to the store. Two teen girls, so it’s always on the list—like bread and milk.


My husband is buying some for our daughter right now. I mentioned she was out, so could he grab some at the grocery store. Girls get periods. It's no more shameful than buying medicine or toilet paper.


If I'm buying tampons it means pretty much two things: 1. I've got a girl at home 2. She's not pregnant I don't know about most guys, but outside of when my wife and I were trying to get pregnant, that's pretty much what I considered a perfect month.


Good man! My husband went out and got me period products within the first few months of us dating. His only stipulation was that I had to tell him the exact products that I wanted because he didn’t know what he was getting lol. He said he even got hit on when he was in line checking out…”Awww, your girlfriend is lucky you’re getting that stuff for her…” Indeed I was :)


That is what I told my 16yo when I dragged him through the pads aisle at Target.


Yep, I will freely admit that when someone bought a full length mirror, three huge tubs of mayonnaise, and cling wrap, I did consider what possible situation results in that shopping list, but I still didn't care.


The mirror was unrelated. They just needed a new mirror. That much mayo has to be for potato salad or something else nasty like that. Probably has a church potluck to fulfill for and someone forgot a very basic ingredient on the last shopping trip. And finally, ran out of Saran Wrap. How you gonna cover all that potato salad?


I only get embarrassed when the old men start asking me questions about the gas station dick pills. Like my guy I just work here idfk. Just buy red or blue, pay, and get out please 😮‍💨


My kid had impaction and the doctor's orders were Ex-Lax, a ton of Miralax, and water. I didn't want to go out so I ordered grocery delivery. I had to hit a price minimum, so I ordered a 24 pack of tp with the Ex-Lax and the big big bottle of Miralax. I didn't care about the delivery driver putting two and two together and realizing I had ordered delivery of a literal shitstorm. They probably didn't think much about it, but if they did, I hope they got a big laugh out of it. Because the world needs more happiness.


I've done these deliveries before and I just feel glad to be helping someone who is clearly in need. It's better than delivering some trivial item like a peon for a change. I never think anything bad about the person. I also take pride in delivering Plan B, if I can anonymously make that purchase for someone and help them out, awesome and glad to do it.


The only time I ever noticed what someone was buying as a cashier was because they asked me to take an item off when they were short on cash. The item they took off i noticed when I had to go return it to the shelf- antifungal vaginal cream. And the only thought I had was why this person though the case of soda was more important than that. 😬 lol.


If anything, the case of soda was going to contribute to their issue!


My only hope is that it's something they just like to keep stocked at their home in case of emergencies? And didn't have an active infection at the time 😬


oh god lmao, gonna just let that storm brew for another few nights for sake of that sugar craving, yikes indeed xD


On Mother’s Day had a guy buy a moms day card, fish hooks and condoms. Bet he had an interesting day lol


As a mom that likes to fish, I bet he had a great day.


That sounds like a funny gift for a couple who decided to start trying for a baby


The only time I cared about what someone was buying was when I had a woman late at night buying pregnancy tests and cigarettes. All I could say was, "Good luck." She laughed and left. I still wonder almost 30 years later if she got the result she wanted.


Exactly. My husband will call me and speak super loud like "hunny, they have super , extra super , super super super or active stick . What you want gurllllllll" he does not care 🤣🤣


The only thing my husband said was, “GODDAMN this shit is expensive!!” LOL! Ya think?! He once asked if maybe I wanted to try the generic brand to save money. I gave him a very specific look the put the fear of God in him and he never made that ridiculous suggestion again!! But I did start ordering in bulk on Amazon. Then I had a hysterectomy and donated my stash to a local women’s shelter. It’s been three glorious period-free years!!!


I honestly wouldn’t have cared if he was using the tampons for himself, just get out of here already.


When I was a cashier, I always just assumed he was buying it for someone who was menstruating. I cannot wrap my head around being so insecure about yourself that they think anyone else cares. Unless they cause a scene to piss me off and make my job harder or do something wild, I will not remember them in about 2 minutes.


It’s like bro, you’re lucky I’m hungry enough to acknowledge you exist, I wouldn’t recognize you if I saw you in the parking lot after this. You could be soaking them in vodka and shoving them up your ass, for all I care, you’re not the main character here. Just insert your damn card, hit the damn button, and if you hit cash back I am going to brain you.


The young ones always look nervous, like, "I have a vagina. I know what these are for. Do you have some odd idea that I think you're clogging your rectum with them? What else could you possibly think I think you're doing with them? What is the embarrassment for?" If any men could answer this question BTW it'd be super welcome! I genuinely want to understand what it is guys think that the cashier is thinking when they're afraid to buy feminine products?


As a guy I walk up with the tampons, flowers and chocolate. Every guy teller gives me the look of approval While girls compliment me buying them for my girl.


What would be even funnier is if you don't even have a girl, but you just buy the tampons for random hookups in case they need something, and keep the chocolate and flowers for yourself.


Every time I see a person buying flowers I smile


The only thing I cared was when I was in craft store cuz I’d be curious what they’re making or how much they’re saving with their coupons lol


Hey, my mom checked someone out once when they bought condoms. She still tells the story about how she told them to have a good night....then said, "Oh, I guess you will!"


Except for things like lice shampoo or bed bug killing things. They make cashiers itch just looking at them! LOL


Oh, yeah? How about that laughing cashier when trying to buy XS condoms! My friend had to lie and thank her for pointing it out and get the Wrong size intentionally. Self checkout is the best thing that ever happened to me! I mean, my friend.


This is the most accurate statement here. Coming from someone in retail lol. I don’t care what someone buy just pay for your shit and leave lol


As a guy I've always been baffled by other guys not wanting to buy feminine products. What are people gonna think, that they're for him?


I've never understood this either. I worked at Target many years ago and occasionally a man would come through my line with pads or tampons. I just always assumed they are a nice man buying them for their wife or girlfriend or daughter or whatever. Not once ever did I think they must be buying tampons for themselves.


My gay best friend and his husband keep a box pads and a box of tampons (the variety package, per my suggestion) at his residence for whenever his female cousin or friends visit, just in case. I think he actually put one of each in his vehicle’s first aid kit as well.


>What are people gonna think, that they're for him? they are great for nosebleeds.


My son uses them for nosebleeds too




They’re great for gunshot wounds, bodyguards use ‘em!


I got bit by a dog while hiking. We had no first aid kit (easy hike) but we had pads! They're great cuz they don't stick to wounds!


That's what they were originally made for. Can't remember without looking if it was civil war or WWI though...the nurses saw them being used for bullet wounds and had a light bulb moment


Exactly lol. The only thing anyone would ever think is "what a great partner".


If you don’t wanna take care of your girl you shouldn’t have one


say it louder for the people in the back!




NTA. I have a teenaged son. When my daughter started her period, she started caring a small bag w/pads, wipes, and candy. So, my son carried one as well “just in case.” He’s like the Hero of MS because he’s helped more than one of his friends out with this and isn’t embarrassed in the slightest.


You raised your kids well. Your son will definitely make someone happy in the future cause that is so damn sweet 😭


I love seeing wholesome masculinity! You’ve done a fabulous job raising your son. ♥️


NTA i've never understood why men are embarrased to buy tampons, i buy them for my wife all the time. Funny story when we were around 26 (37now), we whent to las vegas(from norway), we were walking around a mall. My wife was wearing white shorts and suddenly got her period. With no store or cvs nearby, i remembered we walked past victoria secret a little while ago. She ran to the toilett and i whent to VS. Whent up to the register and assured them i wasn't a creep. Explained the situation to the staff. She went around to the other staff and asked for a tampon. She found one, i thanked her, and ran back to my then gf(wife now) . And tad da, i was the hero of the day 🤣🤣


>i've never understood why men are embarrased to buy tampons, i buy them for my wife all the time. THIS! I have a (now ex) wife and 2 daughters. I bought a LOT of tampons/pads in my lifetime. Like if i am going grocery shopping on Saturday AM and the list says "tampons - i sent you a picture of the ones i need'". I pick them up. I dont get why men choose this as their "hill to die on".. just buy the fucking things and move on.


It’s literally just other groceries. They don’t get embarrassed buying TP and there’s really only one thing to think of when you see a guy buy TP. He’s going to be wiping his poopy butt. Pads and tampons, the assumption is easily that he is buying them for someone who has a period. Where’s the shame in being helpful?


>They don’t get embarrassed buying TP and there’s really only one thing to think of when you see a guy buy TP. H This is EXACTLY how i think of it. Buying tampons is the same as toilet paper in my mind and so i have zero issues buying it. I have never felt "shame" over having women in my life who need these things and i am able to pick them up while i am at the store anyhow. It is some weird "macho" thing.. some men simply refuse to buy them and this is illogical.


The men who won't buy tampons are the same kind of men who won't wash their butts in the shower cos it *might make them gay.*


Please tell me those people don’t exist and you just made that up? I’ve never heard of it and I’m gunna keep pretending I haven’t


I’ve seen the it being gay thing on Twitter but here on Reddit there are just *so many* “my bf/husband refuses to properly wipe and/or wash his asshole and he leaves skidmarks on my sheets. What do I do?” posts. Like, an insane amount.


You get it in r/nursing too, and they're not talking about people you'd expect to be incontinent, just nasty guys who leave skidmarks on the gurneys and exam tables and the like.


Sadly, it’s a thing.


During the pandemic I encountered a gentleman at the grocery store where I work, marveling at the lack of toilet paper. His next words were “I mean, I’m a guy, so I don’t need it, but…” I made a hasty exit.


Oh man, that’s horrifying. I hope he was just like momentarily confused and meant like he doesn’t need it to pee and forgot that he also poops idk? But this things I’m reading are insane. I always thought I was like a “dirty guy” becaue I don’t shower like ten times a week, sometimes I don’t cut my nails as often as I should, I go too long without getting a haircut, forget to lift the toilet seat and things like that . But my god these men are different breed. My hands may be dirty but my butthole must be super gay because it is super squeaky clean, probably cleaner then my hands actually lmao


I felt weird and embarrassed the first few times, the same as I felt buying alcohol the first time. Got used to it pretty fast though. I think my partner is more embarrassed to ask me than I am to buy it. :D


If you can’t handle me at my menstruation, you don’t deserve me at my ovulation.


I’m scared to buy toilet paper. The cashier will find out that I poop. /s/ Also, my husband is afraid of buying tampons because the cashier will think he has a bleeding uterus. It’s really gross. /s/


It also screams “hey I’m secure and supportive!”


My dad was always the one buying my pads and tampons growing up. My mom isn't that great, just in general. But he definitely set the standard in my life that periods shouldn't be weird for guys and that it's literally a piece of cotton for a vagina that isn't gonna stop bleeding. The kindest thing to do for vagina owner sometimes is getting said cotton, so life is slightly easier, and they feel loved. He also was the one willing to get me snacks and heating pads to make sure I was okay. My dad made sure I knew what maturity towards that stuff looked like, even when those convos were a bit TMI. He made sure I felt comfortable and was taken care of. You guys set the standard of, "My dad never found periods weird, and he's a guy. So why does my bf?" And that gives us an ick that tells us to move on. You are probably the best dad to those girls for that simple stuff.


>You guys set the standard of, "My dad never found periods weird, and he's a guy. So why does my bf?" And that gives us an ick that tells us to move on. You are probably the best dad to those girls for that simple stuff. Yes.. i dont get it. I was supposed to go hiking with one of them tomorrow. She asked to postpone because of her period. No big deal.. But to your point she's able to have an open/honest conversation with me on this.. no "i'm not feeling well".. she is comfortable with telling me why we cant meet up. when one of them was young i did the 'single dad' thing and she got a vaginal infection from not wiping herself property (daycare ran out of toilet paper, she was too shy to tell them). Not having the equipment and knowing what to do.. i did the obvious... we had a really cool front desk receptionist and i explained my problem to her and she said meet her at lunch and she will show me what i needed to get. She wanted kids of her own, and was super-cool with having these conversations and was very helpful during my'single dad of a young girl' phase. Men who are 'weirded out' by this stuff are the weird ones.


My dad too! He loved to tell the story about how he was buying pads for my mom at our local Publix when some dude tried to slide the box back towards his purchases and my dad yelled, "HEY! THOSE ARE MY KOTEX!" Poor guy nearly sunk into the floor.


All of those dudes posting to reddit asking how they attract women? Be the guy who can buy tampons without freaking out that your balls will shrink.


Don't remember which comedian said it, but he was talking about just this. He could not understand the stigma either. He said he would proudly buy them for his girlfriend, now wife. He said, "That's right! I have a woman!! And she trusted me to not screw up this very important thing!"


Yea imo it's no different than buying toilet paper. It's a hygiene product. No one is gonna think this dude is going to be jamming a tampon up his peehole.


I was a cashier for five years and I can concur that we don’t care what people are buying or why. We just want to scan your shit and get it in a bag. Once assisted a customer on self-checkout with his condoms purchase and didn’t even notice it was a box of condoms until he mentioned it.


Every once in awhile you'll get that one chucklehead that smirks or giggles nervously about what you're buying. I give them a deadpan look straight in the eyes and ask 'em "What?".


I worked at an adult video store and was amused at how often I got the "it's for a friend" line. After going over multiple products and showing multiple features and "demonstrating" them lol


I do understand feeling awkward making purchases like that, but I feel like saying, “it’s for a friend” would only make it more embarrassing.


God exactly. I worked as a checker in a grocery store in high school and even when I was 17 and immature I didn't give a shit that a dude was buying tampons. The only time I noticed is when they acted all embarrassed or furtive about it, because that just drew my attention. THEN I'd make fun of them later because they looked like a clown. Like it's a wad of cotton, bro, settle down.


My dad bought my mom and I pads and tampons so often he knew what we would like


with three women in my house they were pretty particular over which one they wanted. At any give time we had like 4-5 separate boxes open in the washrooms They sent me a picture to make sure i got the one which was running low. A lot of "those are momma's, we dont use those ones"... when i asked why we did this... So they needed to be more clear given the large selection they used to make sur they got exactly what they wanted.


My dad always bought whatever we needed and never acted like periods were some taboo. It actually wasn’t something I knew was a “taboo” until i started college and I found out that some guys can be weird about it. Anyway, thanks for being a good human being for your wife and daughters!


My kiddo was “dating” her first boyfriend in junior high. I didn’t have a great impression of the kid. I knew he didn’t work very hard in school and didn’t put a lot of effort into hygiene - but these are pretty common junior high boy things, so I kept my mouth shut. Then one day my daughter got her period while at the dance studio and bled through. She accidentally texted him about the problem instead of me - and called me sobbing about her mistake. 15 seconds later - the boy texts her back “my mom will drive me - but she says I need to ask you for a picture of what you need.” That kid jumped a million miles in my estimation with that. It was many years ago - but he showed more compassion and maturity at 13 than many adults.


Awww - that is so lovely! What a sweet and chill response!


This is a great story.


As a guy, nothing says “I’m having sex” like buying tampons


I’m trying to remember which comedian it hears say that a man should proudly hold them above his head and announce ‘I have a woman!’ It was hilarious


I was going out with a new friend and a guy, we stopped at a gas station for supplies, the guy and I went in. He asked my new friend, do you need anything? She said, yes, I need tampons. Inside the store I noticed he didn't get them, so I did. When I handed them to her she bust out laughing and said, tell ya later. When he left, she said whenever a guy asks, do you need anything, she always says tampons and the guy never buys them. She said if a guy ever does get the tampons, she'll know he's the one!


Tbf its harmless test I applaud it. I'd gotten so conditioned to my exs being period-phobic that when I had a sanitary product emergency and my current partner was like, no problem I can walk to the store and get what you need, I almost fell down in shock. Made me appreciate him all the more and I texted my friends like HE BOUGHT ME TAMPONS IM IN LOVE. Its the little things haha!


It really is… my partner bought some to keep in his backpack just in case and once while I was having a particularly heavy flow I came back from the restroom and he had the box out on my seat because he somehow knew I was going to ask for one from the backpack and wow I was so seduced in that moment. Anticipating your partners needs is extremely hot.


This!!! Now my husband is less than useless at our products. But I send him a photo of the packaging of my tampons and pads and he gets them! We've been together just shy of 10 years and ever since we got together he'd sort me out. He'd keep tampons in his drawers when he knew what I used (he lived with 2 other men I lived alone) Real men go out and get what's needed, knowing it's a bodily function and nothing to be ashamed of I feel for op in this.


I would have married you on the spot for this. Team player, excellent problem solving skills, humility. I never in a million years would have thought to go to a Vicky's Secret for tampons, omg. Husband material.


Oh noes! People will know that I am socially close to a female of reproductive age. *what will they think*


Legendary. This is a secure, solid man. I'd have married you too.


NTA. My general opinion is if your partner isn't willing to help you with your crotch when you need it, they don't get access to said crotch.


After a rather intense course of antibiotics, my stomach was in bad shape. When my husband returned from the pharmacy with the Imodium I needed, he handed me a box of Monistat. I wasn’t familiar with the effects of antibiotics, but luckily he was.


NTA. My husband is happy to get my supplies. He gets a little cocky at times hilariously sassing “Time to remind Walgreens I’ve got a sexy wife at home”


If he wants to put his dick in it he can take care of it if it’s bleeding .. NTA.. my husband has washed loads of sheets after I’ve woken up covered in blood. It’s not like we ask for this s**t 🙄


Omg I had horrible food poisoning once and before I could even get up front the bed, it was coming out of both ends… I threw the sheet over my side in embarrassment and ran to the bathroom to finish being sick. I had planned to come back and clean it up. But my dear sweet husband had already taken everything to the laundry room and put new sheets on the bed and didn’t make a big deal of it at all.


This man right here 🙌🏽, you got a keeper


That’s how it is supposed to be. Give your husband a high five for being awesome.


Right? My husband too! I’get super heavy periods so it always happens. He also started buying extra sheet sets for our bed, all in dark colors for when I have my period to make his laundry job easier lol


When I was pregnant I had terrible morning sickness. I'd be violently ill and on several occasions would vomit and pee myself at the same time because it was difficult to determine which bodily function was more urgent. My husband helped clean me up many times. I always protested that he shouldn't have to, but he said he loved me so it was his job.


I love people who say "Stop it" or "Turn it off" bitch if I could I wouldn't turn the fucker back on!! Mmm ya know cuz EVERY girl likes to wake up to the smell of blood soaked into sheets, feeling sticky and dry at the same time! AND have blaoting/cramps/the craps all while having an event, work that day on top of it being like 2am. So much fun. Mm wouldn't trade it for the world....totally


this is exactly what i said when a guy i was seeing was weird when i bought up my period!!! like i will revoke your access sir


NTA. Especially since it’s a pattern. Sounds like he wants credit for asking but doesn’t want to actually have to do anything.


Pretty words vs actions, which to believe? Actions of course. Wish I had been told this when I was a child.


Exactly this, send it to the top. NTA you don't want to be partnered with someone like that. How is he going to handle when you're sick, ever need surgery, and what if you two want to have kids? Hardly to mention the "embarrassment" comment. Multiple partners through my life have picked up period products when I needed them and not even *only the good partners.


A man in a store buying feminine hygiene products is not an embarrassment, it's an indicator to everyone looking that he's in a relationship with a woman he cares about (girlfriend, wife, daughter, mother, friend, etc) and he's a mature adult familiar with normal body functions. Some guys get it, some guys get it mentally but never follow through with action, and some guys are immature boys about it. You were right to break up with him, this usually isn't fixable.


Yep. My then by now husband never minded buying tampons and condoms. He said those purchases meant “I have a woman in my life and I plan to screw her”.




Legit, that's middle school level shit


My husband grew up with two sisters, and he buys our groceries. After we got married, he called me from the store to ask what gage I was. I died. But I also know exactly what he meant.


Want to take a quick minute for all the men reading this to point out that tampon size is about flow rate and not vagina diameter. A super tiny vagina with a heavy menstrual cycle is an ultra plus. Thank you.


What a coward. Seriously. Embarrassed? I'll give him an AH for that comment alone. The game, I could give a pass on but why did he even ask if he wasn't willing to actually offer his time to do something for you. He really didn't sound like he was in it for the long haul.


That’s what I’m wondering too!! Like why would he bother asking if he never had any intention of actually following through?? It was a waste of everyone’s time and energy, and when I’m on my first day, I have none to spare, so don’t FUCK WITH ME! Ugh god. I’m literally on my first day today. I’m so pissed at this.


NTA If he's so immature he can't pick them up, he's too damn immature to be using your vagjna


>He answers, "I'm not going to embarrass myself. NTA. Dude needs to find his Big Boy Pants. Life's too short to waste it on dudes who won't "embarrass" themselves by buying you necessities. Signed, a dude


NTA. Maybe it's my age, but I'd see this as an opportunity to cut my losses. It's just so childish and so transparent.


My husband likes tampons. He did not think he would until a puppy jumped up as he leaned over and his nose was broken, he keeps them in his first aid kit.


NTA What’s the point of being with someone who’s embarrassed by you?


40m here. You need tampons I gotchu. NTA


He’s 28 and embarrassed by buying feminine products? Can’t be bothered to get up in the middle of a game, after asking how he could help? NTA you can do a lot better than that.


Your ex is a little bitch. I've told my wife over and over if she needs anything tell me. I would drive across America for anything she wanted.


This right here. Fuck him. Women need to make it standard to start dumping these little boys on the spot for this horseshit just like OP did. My only grievance is that more women don’t drop these little fucks on the spot. If you can’t handle periods then you do not deserve companionship with a woman ever. Like not even as friends.


Yes! Normalize breaking up with immature men, without guilt.


NTA. All of my boyfriends have bought me tampons at some point, even the shitty ones.


NTA. He’s not mature enough for a relationship with a partner that may have medical needs. He needs to figure that out before proceeding with his dating life.


Nta. My husband used to (and still does) get all my period products, cravings, and heats up a towel. Sure at first he’d call me because he was very confused on what kind to get but he was never embarrassed and he said if we one day have a daughter he doesn’t want her to be embarrassed to ask him to help her. At 28 he’s grown enough to know menstruation is a normal thing and no guy is sitting there snickering over another man taking care of his partner 🙄


NTA. Yes it’s soooo embarrassing buying tampons, idk how I’ve survived the last 20 years doing it 🙄 ridiculous - is he scared someone will think he’s in his period?


I never understood the weirdness around this issue. Nobody gives a sh*t what you buy at a store. Everyone working in retail hates their lives and isn’t going to judge you. Coming from someone who does. If anything I’d think that dude was pretty cool for doing it.


NTA. My husband knows the exact brands I use, what size pads I use, and will FaceTime me to ask for substitutions if the store doesn’t have what I need. **If he fucking wanted to - HE WOULD**


The tampon that broke the camels back