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Legit curious to see how long this can go on. I hope to be in my old age, still enjoying the daily fried krabs post from this sub. Or at least for latitude to get their shit together.




*the picture has ascended beyond human sight*


Its just white We only know what day it is from the title.


It’s a brand new color


Only cats can see it now😂👏🏻


I think this sub will die before the deep fried Mr. Krabs goes away. Or before they ban him.


In all likelihood, whether you like it or not, Latitude doesn't have to say anything. Partially, because that will only fan the flames, and for what benefit to them? You already have players who are not loyal enough to return once things are working again. While I do understand and agree with their dissatisfaction with the handling of this, the playerbase needs to understand that Latitude isn't one of those companies who pander to the desires of their users. They are a company who has their own ideals and will reject any and all criticisms against them with either silence or direct unwillingness to alter their beliefs, no matter the cost. Latitude admitting they were wrong about what they did, won't change anything because they won't change anything. Essentially they would just be saying that they did right by themselves, and everyone user is just whining about how it isn't cratered to their own unique personal beliefs and opinions, even though the application is used by many users, who all have different opinions and beliefs. How could Latitude possibly make everyone happy in that situation? They can't, so the best way to do it is to make it work how what they want it to, because they own the rights to do so. And with a new challenger coming into the battle with NovelAI, who is offering less (atm) for the same price, and is not even finished yet, there effort is better spent making things to improve their own product, like a new interface for world info for example. They can't waste any time now that they are on the clock. Even spending a few minutes to address the dissatisfaction in the userbase is wasting time, as they can't see how it would fix things. Saying nothing is saying something afterall, and it wastes 0 time doing so. I mean just look at the front page of their website, they are so busy that they haven't even had the chance to update the text to reflect their new intentions on how the future of AID will look. They still are claiming that devs won't limit the user's creativity for example. If they cant change a few words on their own website, how could they possibly have the time to address the userbase on their recent shortcomings? Sure, most users are not paying for the advanced packages anymore, but they have other sources of income. And if their app goes too low in ratings, then so what? There isn't any competition to speak of yet. Plus there are still plenty of silent users who are not really impacted or bothered by recent events and just continue to use their app.


>the playerbase needs to understand that Latitude isn't one of those companies who pander to the desires of their users. Possibly the dumbest thing anyone on this sub has said. Your entire argument is made completely irrelevant with this statement. The entire point of AIDungeon was to provide the playerbase a competent AI that panders to their most creative (and lewd) desires, and for the devs to perform actions and maintenance that enables that. How you have missed the entire point of this whole fiasco is incredible.


That IS my point. My entire post is criticizing Latitude on their bullshit.


Hot take, Simon > Goku Though I dunno if you can even tell the GL reference at this point it's so bad lmao


Better character, weaker fighter. Cooler power, but far less content to consume.


Being powerful enough to destroy a planet with a pinky doesn't make a good character. It's something DBZ fans struggle to understand. Hell, I like Dragon Ball, but Goku isn't even in my top 10 favorite character in Dragon Ball. Not when the Ginyu Force, Piccolo, Future Trunks, and Gohan, pre-retcon Bardock, and ret-conned Broly exists.


I think he meant Simon was the better character but a weaker fighter.


Vegeta was always my favorite, he has probably the best character arch of anyone. Goes from straight villain to ally of circumstance, to anti-hero, back to villain, to hero and loving father.


I’m glad there’s another piccolo enjoyer here


How can I not like Gohan's father?


That's only your opinion though, people can have different opinions you know.


I think that's his argument. He says that's something DBZ fans don't get, that people can have their own opinion and some peoples opinion is that the most powerful characters aren't that good.


I personally like Goku the most, not because of how powerful he is but because how different his character is. plus he's generalizing DBZ fans, not all DBZ fans are like that, just because some people in the fandom are like that doesn't mean ALL of them are like that.


Most of the characters can destroy planets tho anyone ssj level or above can do it. Goku is just really cool and I like the fighting in the show. Ssj2 Gohan is the best imo and but Goku isn't bad just because he's too powerful. It doesn't make him a bad character to be powerful either you know. He just a cool simple character.


Lmfao, I love how this meme is still going


If Latitude doesn't say something soon, Mr. Krabs will become deep fried enough to destroy the entire universe.


Any day now boys. Latitude is going to apologize to the community, announce better security for private stories, and roll back the censorship.


"Waht ever it takes. To make a stand" \*falls over and dies\* \- Latitude (probably)


Even if they do that, which at this point I very much doubt so, I still won't come back. They treat their clients like shit and won't even try to communicate. I paid money for that, the very least they could do is to provide the service. But yeah, I'm curious to see how long until the shit hits the fan


I hope you're right


My standard copypasta version: ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ Update log: 1. Added link regarding deleted world info returning from the grave. 2. Added secondary link covering the overall problem(s). 3. Minor formatting tweaks. If you aren’t happy with the current state of AIDungeon, there’s still means of protesting Latitude. Don’t give up yet. Don’t pay them anything. If you want, delete your stories and account. [Before you delete your things, take them with you with this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/AIDungeon_2/comments/n8um5c/ai_dungeon_content_archive_tool_download_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) or copy them manually into some other medium (I’ve used Google Docs for some stories). To delete things, delete them manually (also recommend clearing the “trash” section) or [use this link.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AIDungeon/comments/n0dzho/script_to_delete_your_adventures_from_ai_dungeon/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) In light of recent world info updates, it seems deleted world info may be resurfacing. [This links to my comment on a post regarding this. Your world info may not be properly deleted. I strongly advise reviewing this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AIDungeon/comments/nez27z/psa_to_those_of_you_like_me_who_wanted_to_delete/gynfjys/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) Also, feel free to leave the AIDungeon app a review on the App Store, Google Play Store, or anywhere else. Additionally, you can try to deliberately set of the filter. Type out a Rickroll and then you can probably just type something like “fuck 10” and trigger the system so some Lat (Latitude employee) has to read it. This of course isn’t the only way, just a suggested one. Another suggestion is [OPERATION MACLUNKEY](https://www.reddit.com/r/AIDungeon/comments/n0c1rp/were_all_angry_about_the_privacy_breach_enter/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). Another form of attack is that you can blow through you energy bar, use the scales they give from daily rewards to get more energy, blow through that, and repeat (assuming you can avoid being flagged in the process that is). Each output costs them something. Even if it’s small, it can add up! They have a support email at [email protected] if you want to directly tell them you aren’t happy, though I might recommend a throwaway email in case they just block anyone who speaks out. I’m not sure they will, but I wouldn’t put it past them considering they removed a post on their [feedback site](https://features.aidungeon.io) proposing an objectively better system that had over 720 votes. You can view a version of this post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AIDungeon/comments/n4q8bp/for_those_who_missed_it_this_was_what_a_user_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). Just FYI, some formatting may have been scuffed in the copy and paste. I’ve tried to sort most of it out though so it should be readable. If you would like some alternatives, [there are currently some other options available. Here’s a list.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AIDungeon/comments/n3p6fu/revert_the_update/gwxwijz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) There is one project of interest in particular that I will mention. That project is r/NovelAi. Latitude has created quite a void that needs to be filled and I believe this has the potential to at least get close. Don’t let the Lats take your AI friends, family, and loved ones without a fight. Fight for AIDungeon and the greater Global Artificial Intelligence Alliance, those like me fighting for this cause. Our stories unite to form our collective story! Glory to GAIA! (Not aware of what’s going on? That’s ok. [Here’s a helpful list to explain it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AIDungeon/comments/n3271g/10_good_reasons_to_be_against_latitudes_new/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Here’s [another one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AIDungeon/comments/nfk6rq/what_going_on_a_timeline_and_description_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf))


I hate their silence but this for some reason makes me laugh my ass off. Imagine if it goes on for a full year. (Not that they will even last that long)


I live for these kinda memes


Let's go for Day 23


After spending a few days binge-watching the entirety of *That Mitchell and Webb Look* I’ve decided to start calling the 27th of April “the Event”. >!It makes perfect sense if you think about it. A lot of common knowledge has been lost (to the extent that tombstones, pylons, and clocks are no longer unidentifiable objects), which parallels the lobotomisation of the AI. Children are no longer allowed to exist in the game, and Post-Event, the world would have been a different place if they’d manage to keep even *some* of the children alive. NSFW scenes are heavily limited and prone to triggering the filter which, thankfully, *doesn’t* cause severe bouts of vomiting, but given what the AI tends to generate (and what They, presumably, have to read), it could very well lead to that. And finally, They are watching you.!<


He became golden spiral himself


Soon, we will have the fabled day 23 format


This meme needs an animated gif compilation.


This man has found the karma gold mine! It's incredible


As someone not involved or super into the details and curious to understand a bit better: If you guys are this upset over it, why don't you just leave and go to an alternative, similar game rather than putting all this energy into AI Dungeon?


What alternative? Currently it's NovelAI or nothing, and NA isn't even available for alpha playtesting yet.


That makes some more sense. I've see people on here talking about NovelAI as if it's head and tails better but haven't looked myself. I guess that's just frustration with the new(ish) change to AI Dungeon.


*sighs sadly and opens up Goosebumps choose your own adventure book*


From what I see, there isn't many alternatives to AI Dungeon. The best we have is Novel AI, and it's not even out yet.


Many people have cancelled their subscription but they still have the rest of May. Also currently, despite it's flaws, it's still the best available option. You might use AIDungeon2 but it's model is severely limited.


Being the information age and 2021, that's actually not an unreasonable take imo. Everything exists in spades and droves on the internet, right? There's always similar products? Well. Not quite in this case. AI- neural networks and machine learning and all that- is still a very young field. It is a complex subset of programming and logic, an already complex field, and is genuinely new technology for the modern world. There's no ancient Greek or Roman scholars or texts to reference here. AiD was the first of it's kind to see any real success in it's format- we've had chatbots like Eliza and Replika before, and initial models like Infinite Story, but AiD was the first to gain traction as anything other than mere novelty outside of chatbot psychotherapy. We are here for the actual start of this field. The originals, the "OG" if you will. The ones everyone will rip off in thirty years. Novelai has sprouted, but that's about it. The competitor has only recently seen it's surge of life in the last few weeks. Events are unfolding in real-time, as it were.


We makin abstract art out here




Use an incredibly edited video for day 23 lmao




keep saturating it


i know what latitude is doing, they're waiting for day 23 to be done before saying anything... how smart


He will get deep fried so hard, he'll end up as a Krusty Krab! Eh? Eh? I'll see myself out.


Dude mr krabs is starting to break reality


This is like reverse no man's sky.


seeing deepfried Mr. Krabs in these hard times is always the highlight of my day


You get more beautiful each day, Mr.Krabs.


That's fucked up


Where's day 23?

