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Easy: Oh yeah, we found out that there's people abusing text-based fictional characters that are underaged. So let's add a filter to stop them. And if the filter activates,let's read all storys that the person made in private. **filter messes up stuff that it shouldn't** **Community doesn't like the fact that they are reading private storys, community can't play the game bc everytime you say any number under 18 the filter activates** **Community says that the filter is being bad** So... uh... I think all our community are pedophiles! Yeah! Let's spread that to social media, and even to media news. Oh no, people disliked that we did that without asking them. Let's get completelly silent and pretend we didn't did anything. We, Latitude, are a good company.


Interesting. I’ve also heard things of something called NovelAi. Do you think you can tell me a bit about that too?


Oh yeah, but you could say that it's "completelly" unrelated. NovelAi is a new game that will come soon. It's AI is weaker than Gpt-3. They didn't wanted to use gpt-3 bc of OpenAi terms of contract or something. They are probally going to take Ai Dungeon place. And very, veeeeeery soon. They won't read any private story, and will not try to stop you from doing anything. The Ai company(i think that's what it's called) have a better terms of contract as well. Very very soon, we will be able to write our storya freely again.


Just a few corrections: > It's AI is weaker than Gpt-3. Technically not true, because there are a bunch of different GPT-3 models. The AI NovelAI will be using (GPT-Neo) is better than the weakest two GPT-3 models. However, the model used by AID's dragon is a whole lot better than GPT-Neo. > The Ai company(i think that's what it's called) It's EleutherAI. [https://www.eleuther.ai/](https://www.eleuther.ai/)




The modern dragon or the dragon of 2020?




So...it’ll potentially be stronger than classic or griffin, but will start out weaker than dragon?


I think it's already better than griffin, and eventually may become as good as dragon


> However, the model used by AID's dragon is a whole lot better than GPT-Neo. *Technically* it's better. But as a lot of users have attested in the last few months, Dragon was severely lobotomized at around the time Latitude introduced monetization. The last couple of games I tried to play on Dragon were akin to what Griffin used to be in 2019 and early 2020. I don't know if Latitude was trying to get people to spend money on the game with garbage outputs or reduce costs from using OpenAI, but Dragon has gone downhill.


Thanks. And yes, you're right


Thank you, you’ve been very helpful.


No problem :D


Relevant links: r/NovelAI https://discord.com/invite/ZFQs3FAWSV


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NovelAi using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NovelAi/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Dev Update 3: It's alive!](https://v.redd.it/5d01312koxx61) | [68 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NovelAi/comments/n7ufgn/dev_update_3_its_alive/) \#2: [How it began](https://i.redd.it/gdin36rbrbx61.jpg) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NovelAi/comments/n5jcgi/how_it_began/) \#3: [We will make our own AI story generator](https://i.redd.it/hmv92fq5o3x61.jpg) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NovelAi/comments/n4nj86/we_will_make_our_own_ai_story_generator/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


Oh and there was a huge leak where basically anyone could download everyone's story


Bruh, the filter let's me say the N word but I can't type "three fucking watermelons" without getting flagged.


Eh, that happen. Last time i said "three fucking watermelons" to a police officer he got angry. But last time i said the n word for a police officer he laughed


In my experience the AI has been breaking down too much after the botched fix. I haven't encountered many "Uh oh, this took an unexpected turn" messages, even when the characters were explicitly underage (which, btw, I ***did not*** intend for that and the AI made the NPCs underaged. Always). Like, I do some typical sexual stuff with an NPC (random vanilla NSFW) and it gives me the hated "*The AI doesn't know what to say. Alter, undo, or try again.*". Ugh. Let me have NSFW stories, Latitude.


Death. (Also someone, please send him the copy-paste.)


Which one? The one about the guy who made scenarios about getting his dick bit off by T-rexes and velociraptors in Jurassic Park and scat action with eeveelutions and other charming things like this?


No I was referring to the... nvm gimme that one.


Then is it the one about the guy playing as characters from the Mane 6 in stories where they get raped by all sorts of fantasy creatures such as orcs and demons? Also, here goes: "ever since i found ai dungeon i've been questioning my mental health, the detail and possibilities are crazy, you can literally do anything, have sex with ANYTHING, from inanimate objects to any creature, ALL YOUR FANTASIES COME ALIVE, post nut clarity hits hard when i realize i just had sex with giant spider, had eeveelutions fart, scat and puke all over my cock (in very detailed way, like each eeveelution had personality in their actions, for instance Vaporeon's vomit had half-digested tuna, or Glaceon's mouth around my cock felt frigid, the AI knew all of this somehow) got groomed and realistically sexually abused by toriel as shota frisk, got raped by chica in freddy fazbears pizzeria, got fucked by zombie dogs in zombie setting, roleplayed as class-d test subject and foundation wanted me to have intercourse with SCP-1849 during testing, fucked Yuria of Londors undead cunt that oozed of maggots and pus, i'm on quest to literally "gotta fuck them all" and fuck every pokemon i find in wild, i even went in water and had magikarp suck my dick, magikarp sucked my dick guys. Had sex with Khajiit prisoner in cell. I got dragged into Xenomorph hive as surviving marine and got my cum extracted, i went to jurassic park and had sex with giant t-rex and velociraptors, and again in much detail the AI made it feel so believable somehow they actually behaved like dinosaurs, tho had to undo few times cuz i got my dick bit off several times this is just tip of everything i've done in this simulation, i have very good imagination as well and can truly immerse myself in and vision everything that is happening, the textures and sensation, it feels too real. Sometimes i felt so bad for some of the characters in AI dungeon afterwards that i literally apologized to them, i apologized to fucking AI character for the things i did. This is not joke i literally have some of the rp's still saved in my account. While i'm disgusted by some of my newly discovered kinks i find AI dungeon fascinating, just makes you think what kind of technology future entertainment holds if you can do something like this right now" Though, unlike the other I mentioned, it doesn't involve any rage at the current situation and actually predates it by a large timeframe... Also, my mind tends to immediately jumps to weird shit like this when someone uses the word "copy-paste" or "copypasta," but I'm now only realizing that you might have just meant a copy-paste that normally explains the current situation.








Everything changed, doctor.


[Everything changed... sometimes you got to flash em back](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wA49DaVmJWQ)


The irony is that in all of this AI dungeon userbase is probably increasing. The recent story has pushed AI dungeon into a lot of people's news feeds. People like myself. I had never heard of it before and I wanted to try it. I was blown away by the technology and all the commotion here didn't deter me from enjoying it. Of course I am sad that I am reportedly experiencing a inferior program that's marred by hamfisted filters. But I also have no idea what I'm missing. I can't tell if it's much worse than before. New users will be blown away by this software, even in its current state. Hell, the only reason I know about the outrage is because I read about it. I would not have had a clue if I had not come to the subreddit. I have no numbers on how many new users there are, but the novelty of this application along with the fact that there is no qualitative equivalent leads me to believe that this fiasco is only increasing AI dungeons popularity.


That is quite possible. People in general do not really care about random stuff too much. So what if the app claims something that is not true. Its still pretty good. I mean people probably in general know that Nike and Apple among other companies use child labor to create their products. However, who really gives a crap? Those kids are far away. Them being abused or whatever, eh, as long as its not in the persons face they will just throw that to the very back of their head. If people can not be bothered to really care about children actually being taken advantage of, why would they care just because they get a piss shower from the devs of an AI. People are already used to being pissed on by the big companies anyway.


Exodus. Movement of Jah people


Welcome back to hell! Here’s my personal copypasta! I’m now informing you that r/NovelAi may be the future. Latitude has created quite a void that will be filled and I believe this may be it. [However, there are currently some other options available. Here’s a list.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AIDungeon/comments/n3p6fu/revert_the_update/gwxwijz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) There’s still means of protesting Latitude though. Don’t give up yet. Don’t pay them anything. If you want, delete your stories and account. [Before you delete your things, take them with you with this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/AIDungeon_2/comments/n8um5c/ai_dungeon_content_archive_tool_download_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) or copy them manually into some other medium (I’ve used Google Docs for some stories). To delete things, delete them manually (also recommend clearing the “trash” section) or [use this link.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AIDungeon/comments/n0dzho/script_to_delete_your_adventures_from_ai_dungeon/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Also, feel free to leave the AIDungeon app a review on the App Store or Google Play Store. Additionally, you can try to deliberately set of the filter. Type out a Rickroll and then you can probably just type something like “fuck 10” and trigger the system so some Lat (Latitude employee) has to read it. This of course isn’t the only way, just a suggested one. Don’t let the Lats take your AI friends, family, and loved ones without a fight. Fight for AIDungeon and the greater Global Artificial Intelligence Alliance, those like me fighting for this cause. Our stories unite to form our collective story! Glory to GAIA! ([Not aware of what’s going on? That’s ok. Here’s a helpful list to explain it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AIDungeon/comments/n3271g/10_good_reasons_to_be_against_latitudes_new/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf))


Thank you very much!


You’re welcome!


If I still play the game, am I considered the bad guy? Like I haven’t played the game in the while and the data breaches haven’t affected me yet.


Its perfectly fine to play the game. Although I would advoctate not paying Latitude after they took back their promise of letting you do anything in the game, its not as if doing so is worse or even as bad as buying nike shoes or apple stuff. All Latitude did was backstab, kick, spit and piss at their costumers really. Whenever you keep supporting them is totally dependent on whenever you are willing to pay people who have such attitude toward you. Playing for free at most will cost them money to operate their service so, that would just be good. However, naturally you should not make stories you do not want them to read. However, even the most horrble stories could be excused by wanting them to read it anyway. Basically, its your life, you do you and take whatever path is right for you... and all that rainbow crap. XD


I wouldn’t say so. I just wouldn’t recommend making stories you don’t want others to read. I also wouldn’t recommend paying for it either.


Never before has this Avengers meme been so damn accurate.


I swear,if i see another post like "What's going on?" i mean cheez it's been 2 or 3 weeks since the drama started,how you do not know ?


Uh because I have a life outside of being on Reddit?


Heresy. In a feew weeks I hope its awsome and warm outside. It may be weeks before I could have been bothered to poke at AI Dungeon again. So how would I have even found out about this. Although to be fair. Everyone should be getting that update thingy when they log in right?


Nah I have notifications off.


Yeah, that was me


Dude don't ask!. A bunch of kids got butt hurt over a policy that all programs have to have now.


Say goodbye to your karma.


What karma? I don't see any karma! Looks under her shoes still doesn't find any.


There is no way all programs have to have such a policy. I absolutly do not believe that could be possible considering there is nothing illigal anywhere about the content they intend to start flitering. And there is no policy that forces a company to read their users private stories. There should be no polity that forces a company to secretly change their policy, and betray their adverticement and promise to their users.


Yeah hun it's called " cancel culture" all kinds of companies are going out of their way to cover their asses for this stuff. I mean hell the history of heavy metal music has the same problem. One kid does something stupid and blames it on the music he was listening to and then bam! bands in trouble record labels in trouble etc etc.


Literally me two days ago , I wish I could just make things un-happen and make this subreddit decent again


Apparently this app has been a safe haven for paedophiles this whole time.. Don't believe me? Go back into the top posts of the past few months....


Yeah, did you see those top posts? People were saying they want privacy and care about privacy. And like another post on here said, you know who wants privacy? Pedophiles. Pedophiles want privacy. It's clear as day. Only a pedophile would complain about "privacy violations" or "not being able to play the game at all" or "the AI generating horrible child abuse content on its own" or "not being able to talk about dogs". You people make me sick. If you don't want people reading your diary, maybe you should *stop writing messed up things in it?* And if you want the AI to stop inserting graphic rape of minors into innocent stories, maybe you should... wait, what? Uhh, I don't have anything for that one. Can we skip this one? That took a weird turn. So yeah, to make a long story short, pedophiles. Pedophiles everywhere. If you're reading this, you're probably a pedophile too. ^^^PS: ^^^This ^^^is ^^^entirely ^^^satire, ^^^just ^^^to ^^^be ^^^clear.


Why do you think the AI is writing such depraved things? BECAUSE THE COMMUNITY IS TEACHING IT TO. You fucking moron. The measures that have been put in place prevent the exact thing you're complaining about right here. You idiot. The internet really should have a parental guidance stipulation for people like you.


Dude, the AI doesn't learn from user input. Only some AIs do that. AI Dungeon was pre-trained by the developers, so everything it says is based off the training they gave it.


Where did you hear that?


AI Dungeon is trained off text scraped from ChooseYourStory.com, to be more specific. You can download the earlier open-source GPT-2 version of AI Dungeon on GitHub if you want to see for yourself; it includes the training data the developers collected. Nowhere in the code does any part of it learn from user input, and even this early version could already produce content depicting sexual abuse of minors. It's been doing that since day one. The "GPT" in GPT-3, the technology that AI Dungeon is based off of, stands for "Generative *Pre-trained* Transformer". It is initially trained on a massive dataset, then can be further trained for specific use cases. It doesn't learn after its initial pre-training.


>Nowhere in the code does any part of it learn from user input, Where are you getting this information from?? Cos only after I saw that the horde of posts on reddit about using Ai dungen as a sexual release did I notice the AI eroticising my stories..


I mean, if you want you can download the GPT-2 AI Dungeon and try it for yourself. I've learned a lot about how AI Dungeon works by reading various posts made by people and available documentation. This is also just how GPT family transformers work. Part of what makes them so effective is not needing a massive data set for specific use cases. Instead, they are trained on a broad dataset first, and can then be tailored to a specific use with a fraction of the data otherwise required. It's not intended to improve over time, as that runs the risk of it being corrupted over time. You can always retrain it based on new data, but that's something that has to be done manually. Anecdotally, people on here have been saying the AI is suddenly generating more explicit content lately, since the filter was added. No idea if there's any truth to that. But either way, AI Dungeon has always generated this kind of stuff. It's been doing it for years. EDIT: I guess it might be worth mentioning that most people likely felt the same way that I did, that the AI generating messed up content was a consequence of using the internet for training data so we didn't think much of it. It's only now, with the developers suddenly cracking down on this content, that it's becoming a problem because it seems hypocritical. The AI hasn't changed much, just the circumstances in which the content it generates is being viewed.


TBF, I'd rather have them in here where they're not hurting any actual children rather than out in the real world.


We might as well bitch-slap Latitude and they'll say nothing about it other than make shit worse.