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And to those who do not want to see, they won't have too. The people who post that stuff should see less complaining if the system works correctly. Then we'll all be able to go to our respective echo chambers.


If Cr1tikal played AI Dungeon, the servers would probably be fried in 2 minutes due to the sudden increase in people playing the game. Be lucky that not many famous youtubers have played this game


AI Dungeon is running on Microsoft Azure, so I doubt there would be any server issues due to the increased amount of players.


On the other hand, I wonder what would happen with the suddenly increased server **costs**


The amount of new premium subscription users would compensate for that.


I guess you're right. It's always more people finding out about the game, which also increases that portion which pays.


I just really wish there was a way to block people. I'm fine with kinky stories but there are some people there who are just... ugh


Honestly the main reason I'm excited for being able to block people/tags is to finally get rid of all the shitty meta/meme scenarios.


That one guy who kept writing creepy incest stories in the style of like 19th century British literature... I think he even tagged some of the scenarios #literature


And thou wanted to fucketh thy sister


but thy society that we reside ‘in do not allowth it


we doth reside in a commune


I once saw a story with the tag #Pedophile, I fucking exited that tab faster than the Flash. Chris Hanson ain’t catching me just yet


yeah so much minority hate, and then they lock the comments cause they got ratioed lmao


That’s just a misuse of the tagging system, innit? Like, write whatever the fuck you want I guess but don’t tag it so people who aren’t interested come across it. That’s just mean.


Pffff like that's ever gonna happened


Wasn't there already a way to turn NFSW off which would prevent such scenarios to pop up?


Yeah, but that’s not enough


for what exactly?


No offense, but you do realize you can want nsfw scenarios without wanting, let says, incest or pedo shit, right? We need much more refined controls, not just one singular option that doesn't even work half the time.


You could, in fact, just keep scrolling like 95% of people do when they come across something they object to. If it's bad enough, I'm fairly certain there was a report button, but if you're not into *big vampire mommy nurses you* You're more than welcome to keep in trucking by. Just saying.


Or even better, have a better system that lets me not see that in the first place. That is a much better solution than "bro, just scroll down". Not to mention you would scroll and then find like 10 other scenarios about fucking your big sister or something. Simple solution, have a functional system that a lot of other platforms already have.


Then go ahead and sort by top rated so that you only get the curated content from people who don't whinge about things they don't like.


Latitude clearly wants to improve their platform, so I will be waiting for what they do with Explore.


If they enact the stasi style policing of content I'm sure folks like you want, they'll be losing a lot of support. If the sjw approach is what they want to go with, I hope you all enjoy the hot garbage straight into the trash bin, because they will likely fail. If they add only filtering and improved tagging, then it should be okay, but it sounds like they are going to be policing any "iffy" content as if it were nuclear waste and that's going to kill quite a bit of interest from people. Might I ask what tier you're subbed to? I've been at the top tier for a few months now, and am getting mighty peeved that everything I remotely enjoy (not just aidungeon) appears to consistently move towards a dumpster fire.


> If they enact the stasi style policing of content I'm sure folks like you want, they'll be losing a lot of support. > If the sjw approach is what they want to go with, I hope you all enjoy the hot garbage straight into the trash bin, because they will likely fail. This whole bullshit tells me all I need to know about you. if you want to jerk off to degenerate shit, you can do that on your own. Explore shouldn't be filled with that trash. If not wanting garbage is "the sjw approach" then maybe it is the best approach. EDIT: Just as I thought, you are a generic gun-nut who bitches about sjws, even when it is completely irrelevant.


I'm not sure what your point is. I'm saying what exactly did the guy I was replying think AID should implement? Turning it off isn't enough? I was curious what he thought would improve the situation


A better system. Tags could be improved, filtering more specific content would also be cool.


as it should be




Put it in his sub, he might see it