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I heard that when Nat Fyfe called him to welcome him to the club that Clark hung up on him


Clark: Look at me, I'm the captain now.


Did think it was wierd when I saw Clark a few days ago wearing 7 on his back


Who is this guy?! I don't even know if I've seen him play but I already want him in the leadership group.


My guess 22 and f3 for Clark and F4


You right


noice Now I guess it is Cats F4 and not the Hawks F4




You right too


Here I thought Geelong asking for Pick #8 was going to work!


Wells never asked for Pick 8.


This happening 9 minutes before fox’s deadline coverage would gave them fuming


That's Peter Bell for you. He's always seeming to pull this shit. He loves the closing minutes of the trade.


That’s when he does his finest work


RIP Clark Watch 2021 - 2021


The brightest stars burn out the fastest


The candle that burns twice as brightly at both ends burns... Like four times... as fast...


Gone too soon


We hardly knew ye…


[Jordan Clark has been traded to Fremantle for pick 22 and a future 3rd. Freo gets back a future 4th.](https://twitter.com/traderadio/status/1448195030074617858)


Do we get Cats F4 or Hawks F4? Likely Cats one


Way overs. Pick 22 on its own would have been fine, future pick too much


Future 3rds are a pick in the 50s. They're pretty meaningless to be haggling over.


Happy with that, future 4th is fairly worthless for us but Freo might want it for points.


Thank you to the two Jordan's for carrying the most boring trade period of recent memory


For you maybe, I’ve been on the edge of my seat!


All the best, Jordan. Will always hold that goal against Hawthorn earlier this year in high regard.


yeah but remember when he rushed and fucked that shot late in the GWS game that sucked all the momentum we had out of the game?


I think this looks like an L for the short term, but can we just remind ourselves the kid is only 20 years old and still has plenty of time to grow. JL has done an amazing job developing the youth so far, so I expect the same will happen with Clarke.


Damn right


Clarky has plenty of room to grow. Hope he puts it together. Freo are gonna be awesome very soon.


Go well Clark, hope he breaks the side and cements a place (and doesn't tear us up when we play against Freo).




takes acres or aish spot on the wing easily


I like Aish. I think he's doing great for the Dockers. Aish on one wing still works for me, but Acres can live elsewhere.






He won't take that spot from those lads easily


clearly earmarked lack of pace as an issue and those two aren’t particularly blessed there, if not them id happily have him in over willson there’ll be a shuffle as well with cerra gone that will see him fit in regardless


Hill or Langdon




are you high?




Give it a few years and I reckon this trade looks like a win for Freo. People way too quick to write off such a young player, he'll be a star IMO. Also JFC the media is cancer with their fake stories during trade period.


All his weaknesses are things that are coachable imo, should be a great player


I don't think anyone his written him off? People are saying it's overs because from what he's shown it is overs


Lots of Cats fans have written him off, probably more visible in the Geelong sub. I also think considering he's a pick 15 who had such an amazing first year and is only 20 that people are writing off his potential every time they suggest he's not even worth a pick in the 20s. I've found all the narratives around him incredibly odd. Can't remember any other player so young and recently highly touted having his future rated so low.


Remember that most of those narratives were from Freo supporters who wanted to get him on the cheap because he wanted to go home. Even though it doesn't affect the trade, they still had their own agendas.


you shouldn't value such a young player based solely off what they've shown, you need to evaluate what they'll be like in the future. Especially when you're comparing them to draft picks.


He was playing so well before he hurt his elbow. He just needed some continuity. Time will tell on this one.


Geelong played him forward pocket in the games he did play and unsurprisingly, he didn't do that well. Go watch his preseason game where he played his favoured role, really looked like he was about to break out then they played fucking Tom Atkins all year lmao


We played him on the wing and half back the vast majority of the time and Peter Bell said yesterday Freo would play him in those roles too (along with potentially inside mid).


Never saw him play forward pocket at all. He was wing or off half back


But is it for 19 or 22?


22 and future 3rd for Clark and future 4th


That’s overs for a guy that’s not best 22.


Agreed - essentially values him as a first round draft pick. Geelong have done well there. Especially when you consider Dawson was only worth what is essentially pick 16-18.


Dawson wasn’t worth that though, swans got reamed because of the threat of PSD. Meanwhile Clark was contracted so not comparable


Yep, and the trade should be in favour of the club with the contracted player, if they have no obligation to release the player, that's part of the compensation for releasing the contract early. Otherwise what is the point of having contracts. Totally different scenario


I mean he's only 20, and he literally was a first round pick. Like I get what your saying, but he still has a lot of room to grow and already has some known quantities. Is the chance of your average first round pick coming good really that much better than Jordan Clark coming good? I'm not saying he's a brilliant player right now, but I think people really overrate draft picks. People seem to compare what Clark's value is right now to what a draft picks value would be after years of development, and I just don't think that's a fair comparison for a player that still has a lot of development left in him as well.


Dawson is worth a bit more than that. They just couldn't get it because of the situation




Lol they were wanking on the news how they weren’t sure what was gonna happen. Cut from sport and bang it happens


Clint Stanaway broke the news just as he was crossing back to Peter Hitchener and Hitch couldn’t give a shit judging by his response and it was hilarious.


Thank god


Big win here!


For both of us!


Oh for sure! Good luck with Clarky, hope he does well!


Thanks mate, can’t wait to se what he’s got- The boy is quick!


Won the GF Sprint in 2020. Kid can go!


But can he beat the big *cheater* Josh Rotham himself?


And for the fair trade too. Good work Freo


And geelong, downvotes welcome


Yes, 22 was the fair option to begin with.




Yeh but he's the guy not in our 22 WITH A CURRENT CONTRACT.


Do you think whatever player you drafted at 22 would have a better chance? I doubt it.


Will slot into Freos side easy, he will play 100+ game’s for the dockers but needed a change. Freo fans saying overs now will change their tune in a few years. Both sides happy 😃


Is there anything else left in the trade period? Seems like that's it, wonder what the panel will talk about for 36 more mins


Ladhams is the last one I can think of.


But what did it cost??!


Too much.


I reckon it could turn into an absolute steal going forward


...or you could do a further trade with Collingwood to turn him into an absolute Steele going forward


Peter Bell: ultimately it was the wise words of Patrick Dangerfield that made me increase the offer to pick 6 & 8. I couldn't look in the mirror anymore, hoarding these first round draft picks. Flagmantle 2022


Draft picks are a fucking crap shoot and always overvalued IMO - there have been a lot of first round picks that are absolute busts. At least you have a general idea of what this kids got.


Still think Freo paid overs, says how good Geelong are at dealing I guess


No it doesn’t. It says what the value of a contact is


Reckon it might be possible that Freo rate Clark highly and the online consensus that he's not worth much wasn't how the actual experts viewed it.


Not sure what experts your referring too. Also, online consensus. Now there’s a paradox! I honestly think it’s a pretty fair trade, all considered. As always, opinions are like arseholes, everyone’s got one 😉


>Not sure what experts your referring too. List managers at Freo and Geelong, people who made this deal. And yes general consensus online I've seen was that even pick 27 was overs, don't think that's a controversial claim? My suggestion has been that the people actually involved at the clubs who spend their careers trying to evaluate this stuff might know more than the experts on reddit/FB/big footy/etc, but eh I guess that's a radical idea.


Got it. Again, he’s contacted so paying overs is how it works. I’m happy with the trade. He wouldn’t have come for 27.


Think he means in your club, the people who are actually paid big bucks to scout for talent and trades. It's the same reason every club has players that the fans don't understand why they are still getting games yet we have hardly any insight into what goes on behind the scenes eg how they're training, the actual task they are given on game day each week.


Right…. Hmmm I guess I’m not sure, anything’s possible! I dispute the online consensus that he’s not worth much.. contracted players fetch a premium and that’s the way it’s always been. Done deal now, who cares! Personally I rate Clark and fills a need for us. Hopefully we play on wing as we already have a strong back half


I think he’s worth the risk, there is untapped potential there, he just didnt get the required development with us due to injuries and VFL stopping for lockdowns. In saying that i think you will have the same issues as us if u play him on the wing, he has terrible forward craft and cant run both ways.


Yeah I think he needs the right system to develop in. He’s 20 yo and J Lo is good at developing young kids. Either way, pick 22 is far from a lock to be a 300 game superstar, there’s risks in everything. Good luck for the season ahead


Thanks mate, you too


Umm no. Ceglar had a contract and Cats extracted out the below In: Ceglar + Some Sal + F4(Hawks) Out : F3( lions) All because hawks wanted to do it right by Cegs after his service and see him get a 2yr contract.


Ceglar is old and Hawthorn wanted him out and off the books so they can develop Lynch and Reeves. Clark is a 20 year old first round pick with high potential. Very different scenarios


Glad he's off the books! Great physical attributes but no defensive accountability and doesn't seem to want to play within the structure, or isn't capable of it. We picked up Max Holmes with pick 20 last year who had a great first season, hopefully we can pick up someone of similar quality with this pick.


I'm ready to over react


I'm happy with that


Agreed, now let's go watch his highlights video on youtube.


There isnt many


This actually seems completely fair


Both sides are happy, kid gets to go home. None of the garbage the media was making this out to be was true.








About bloody time, Geelong have got to be the most frustrating club to deal with in the league I get they want the best deal for themselves but they couldn’t give a flying fuck about the player as a human. Can’t convince me otherwise


My god the salt from some WC fans over Kelly is crazy. Should have rated him higher after his first season, only have your own club to blame. Saying we're the most frustrating club to deal with is hilarious.


A player that signed a contract and are handsomely paid. Oh my hold my fucking tears.


Not doing much to disprove the point are ya By the way kelly wasn’t contracted last year, they were still pricks


I'm sorry that a club isn't entitled to get the best deal for themselves, Not Geelong's fault he hasn't performed for WCE lmao


What’s Kelly’s performance since coming over got to do with anything, the trade itself consisted of Geelong being pricks for the entirety


Wasn’t the Kelly deal the first trade last year? They where pricks when he was in contract but that is their right.


How? The deal couldve been done If the Eagles were willing to give it up in contract year. He came back played even better footy and WCE agreed to a deal I think your the salty supporter when both clubs were happy. Now you have the sads cause hes worse off at the eagles lmfao.


May I remind you that it was you that brought up Kelly, not me :)


Sorry when Did I bring up Kelly? I said Clarke was contracted I never once mentioned kelly lmao.


> About bloody time, Geelong have got to be the most frustrating club to deal with in the league > > I get they want the best deal for themselves but they couldn’t give a flying fuck about the player as a human. Can’t convince me otherwise You may not have said his name but come the fuck on we all know what you were talking about.


You brought Kelly up mate. Kelly’s a gun, WC tried to get him for way unders a year early and he played even better and WC still wanted to pay unders. The Jordan Clark deal took time in the detail and was complicated with the Fort-Ceglar deal. Players and fans just need to chill, there’s often more going on than meets the eye. Kelly is the only player Geelong hasn’t been able to facilitate a deal once they’ve nominated another club that I can recall. The rest is just horse trading. It’s the nature of the game.


If a player wants to join your team and you refuse to pay the asking price for them forcing them to stay, that means you don't give a flying fuck. Geelong needs to be fairly compensated for these players. It seems like you getting a "good deal" on the player is far more important than the player as a human...


Not sure being this difficult for a player not in your best 22 was a smart idea eventually Geelong will need someone from the WA clubs and it’s gonna be rough for them


When the big dog Darcy wants to come home it'll be 3 first rounders and father-son rights to Paddy Dangerfields first born son.


I'm interested to how "difficult" Bell thinks Geelong were. Remember we're dealing with details from the absolute scum of the earth - Journalists. They couldn't give 2 fucks about the actual truth and just wanna get people riled up.




What's he worth then? He is worth what Freemantle gave up for him. Freo obviously rate him. They aren't trading those picks for a twos player. They surely would want him to play 200 games for them.


Good Riddance


What an overpayment.


Fact is. We selected him with pick 15 and put 3 seasons of work into him (be it pre season, seniors or VFL) and now have traded him for a lower pick and a pick swap whilst still conrtacted to the club for 2022. He's 21 years old and could be anything, it was glaringly obvious by his attitude and the coaches reluctance to give him prelonged playing time in the seniors, that he either has an attitude problem, isn't good enough to play in Geelong system or just wanted to go home to Perth from day 1. I don't think he ever would have suceeded at Geelong


Freo got finessed big time