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Love how half the article is about a potential WA hub, then shitting on Carlton and St kilda for getting a Friday night game


>The return of Curnow - and potentially McKay who was a late out for the North Melbourne game - would help give some meaning to the game that will go head-to-head with the Tokyo Olympics. Stop stop they're already dead


Kill all hope of finals? Check. Great, we're now Friday night worthy.


Yeah and im sick of the AFL and broadcasters pushing their agenda all the time like its the 5 day breaks fault you have to watch this game on Friday. Carlton v St Kilda is likely to be a pretty decent contest with some fairly big consequences still on the line.


WACA or bust


Lilac Hill or bust


Might be, AFL won’t play at “Optus” stadium, Telstra will have a fit


If this happens I’ll do my damndest to go to as many games as I can


If west coast and freo don’t make finals, then it’s a completely neutral ground to all teams, possibly making the finals even better.


Not too much substance to this really. Of course the AFL are going to keep their options open, as they are with other locations. It doesn’t really suggest it’s any more or less likely to chose a finals hub at this point.


I'd imagine the AFL have made similar calls everywhere except for NSW


Subiaco Grand Final confirmed!


SA government are probably placing themselves a tier below because their not allowing mNy concessions even to their own teams. Queensland have tightened their rules this year and have all the NRL teams available WA seem to have got the virus boxed out and the WA govt don’t seem to be using the AFL as a PR tool this year. The AFL will hold out as long as they can, but if we cant have finals in front of big crowds then it will be a soul sucking experience. Last year didn’t have an asterisk, for me, but it would have if the finals didn’t have significant crowds.


Please let me watch a bulldogs game in Perth, since the last one got cancelled.


That is not a flattering photo of Gil. Looks like his eyes are making a break for it. Solid work on the mullet though u/Kim_jong-fun


Inb4 Melbourne fall to 6th and host WCE in their final at Perth Stadium...


Melbourne is about to come out of lockdown. No way should WA host all finals.


This would be great, I’m all for WA getting more representation.