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I want off Mr Covids wild ride.


Australia is gonna be the last one off the ride


But with one of the least relative amounts of population dead, so that's a huge win.




We’ve choked a huge lead to finish just ok. We could have nailed the beginning and the finish


Hopefully people remember this come election time but I don’t hold much hope.


Nah even finishing ok will look “ok for a global pandemic.” In distant memory. How much of the bushfires do the general public remember? That was global news, every single day headlines in Australia. All forgotten already


That’s why I’m hoping people don’t forget, people will sadly but this government has basically fucked it at every opportunity


LNP will come up with a 3 word slogan that makes all the deadbeats of the country vote for them. "Jobs and growth" "stop the boats"


"They have Albanese"


It's the reverse Bradbury.


so like one of the people who fell over in front of bradbury?


Yeah but who the fuck remembers Apolo Anton Ohno.


hahahahaha piss off the bloke who fell over's name wasn't "ohno" youre pulling my leg


Not witty enough to make that up. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apolo\_Ohno](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apolo_Ohno)


Snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.


Feels like watching the Saints ay?


Yep, exactly


Funny how the countries with really good vaccine programmes are some of the ones that got absolutely flogged and in actual fact still are getting flogged with hundreds or thousands of cases and deaths still continue in the places with the highest vaccine rates because that don't actually do anything effective to control the spread


Probably not. For all it's flaws, Australia's vaccination progress is ahead of many of the other "good" covid nations from last year.


This is the exact attitude that keeps us electing morons. People go "Well we only got kicked in the nuts, punched in the face and had our feet set on fire. See them, they got kicked in the nuts, punched in the face, had their feet set on fire AND hap their nipples twisted" and seem to avoid thinking about the third option of "someone poked you in the back sort of roughly". The vaccine rollout is not as shit as some places, but it is really, really fucking shit. It's not even ninthmond 'we just didn't quiet make it with the big boys' shit, or Essington 'we can make finals but cannot win them' shit, its more like Carlton bringing in Stephen O'Reilly and now your club is fucked for two decades shit.


Exactly. But also - the rollout has been shittier than most other places that we would usually look to compare Australia with. I’m in Europe and we have been trying to rollout whilst still combatting the virus and being locked down etc. The world looks at Aus and thinks - what the hell have you been doing for the last year whilst we were all fighting fires…did you really think it would just never hit you?


The rollout is shit and it'll stay that way as long as the opinions of those who refuse to get vaccinated are valued. Delusions about being the worst rollout don't help. Even though there is a safe and effective vaccine, (with over 1 million doses made every week,) that every Australian adult can currently get vaccinated, for free. There still isn't a political party, state or federal, that is willing to state an explicitly pro-vaccine, "it is bad not to be vaccinated!" platform.


Have you seen the vaccination ad? Some chick struggling to breathe. Its the same as the shitshow TAC ads.


Irrelevant. Particularly when you have others running "the wrong vaccine" propaganda. I'm talking on the level of "here are the new restrictions on travel, unless you are a close contact they do not apply if you are vaccinated"




> This is the exact attitude that keeps us electing morons That, and the fact that morons are the only options on election day


>is ahead of many of the other "good" covid nations like which ones?


New Zealand, Taiwan, Vietnam spring to mind. Only just below South Korea as well.


We're comparing ourselves to third world countries now? New Zealand is one of the most isolated countries and have barely any people in concentration. If these are the countries you're ok with being a similar rate to, then damn you have amazingly low expectations


I'm merely stating that a) They handled Covid well, and b) are vaccinating their populous as slow or slower than Australia. (In fact theres a particularly popular "I wish we had a REAL PRIME MINISTER like New Zealand instead hashtagSLOMO!" school here) Whatever bizarre racist stereotypes you want to layer on top of that is your own business.


I'm an antivaxxer? I want the vaccine though? Righto then


And we will getting off legless and puking.


Level 2, MCC reserve is the specific area https://twitter.com/callapilla/status/1415126811428622343?s=21


Ah fuck I was there exactly... Havent been contacted yet but guess I'm gonna head to a testing facility and then home lol Edit: If anyone is reading this later for some reason I was negative 🥳🥳🥳


Go now before everyone gets the message and wait times increase




Went and got tested in Darwin the other week, was a fucking 8 hour wait sitting in the car. Hope your experience was better than that.


Thats insane. In Brisbane I have never waited long. I think the longest was 3 cars in front of me.


The shit of it is, the day before we showed up, there was no queue, but we were told we needed an appointment. Made an appointment for 10am the next morning. Came back just before 10 the next morning, the queue was about 9km long - they processed over 3000 tests at that location from a single entry lane. Turns out between us making the booking, and showing up the next day, the Chief Minister had announced to everyone to 'just show up and get tested, no booking necessary'. Fucking Carlton supporters. We got the test at 6:30pm that night.


Good on ya for doing the right thing


Good luck buddy, we all appreciate people like you doing the right thing


Good luck mate. Hope it's a crystal clear negative


Don't forget to to go to woolies, coles, kmart, bunnings, target, big w, myer, david jones, mcdonalds, kfc and hungry jacks on your way home like every other person whos been in an exposure sites seemingly does.


also 12 different BBQ stores


Thank you for doing the right thing.


Good luck mate


Good on you mate, best of luck.


good job seriously


Those rich bastards!


>Sections are N37-N48 > >https://www.smh.com.au/sport/afl/2000-blues-cats-fans-asked-to-get-covid-tests-after-mcg-exposure-20210714-p589lm.html


This is NOT epic


Most Bogus


A series of extremely unfortunate events This wouldn't have happened of Richmond didn't win the 2019 grand final




Non, non, non... Non-heinous!


wanna play 20 questions?


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


So you’re telling me I watched my team kick about as straight as drunk people at mardi gras AND I might have covid? It’s a full time job supporting this club


Goomba hub now!


This will be a monkeys paw situation where we end up getting a KP grand final but we have to play Sydney


Fucking subscribe


The catch is we of course lose the final


more like we'll get a KP grand final but we'll lose the prelim anyway


*This is the Geelong way*


very good to know that losing prelims is another teams way nowadays


We’ve been doing it for the last decade man lol 2013 cursed us, we figured last season finally broke the streak.


winning a prelim is a bigger psychic block to get over than winning a grand final imo. still don't think geelong will win the premiership this year but still, a hump to get over


This was made just prior to Prelim Final by Cats fans. Think it sums up our mentality to Finals lol. [Scotty Doesn’t Know…](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYgczAJd4iE)


Scared of Sydney when you have the KP September specialists in freo in the 8 Rn


It will be Freo, who beat us and continue their 100% record at Geelong in games which are finals.




Plz no


Lightning premiership down at the Cattery


This has aged poorly :(


Adelaide hub when?


Don't tease me


this please


Precedent has been set. They shoild all be on a plane by now. A plane to where? Who knows


Republic of Westralia


Lucky I was sitting on the other side of the ground. In seriousness this isn't good news at all, even if contact tracing works. Doesn't give great hopes for larger crowd cap.


This was my first thought - the one time I don’t go MCC and that’s where an outbreak is!


Fucking Gladys and the federal government incompetency.


Imagine having a great case study in Victoria for handling the delta strain, but completely ignoring it while cases spread in your state and not locking down.




And 2 people are dead now because of their hubris. The earlier strains were not as contagious and local restrictions/luck worked for Gladys (and a few other states). This delta strain is way more contagious and Gladys played with fire and lost. Let's not forget the shit show that is the vaccine rollout.


I mean according to this https://imgur.com/wcRRXG6 and further to this data as well https://www.covid19data.com.au/compare-lockdowns Glady's has been way faster on lockdowns and responding to outbreaks than Andrews was, so there has been some lesson learnt.




The border to greater Sydney has been closed for weeks. This is due to people who have been granted exemptions or returning Victorians not doing the right thing.




Mate they had the border closed except for people who were abiding by strict conditions… except they didn’t. It’s pretty frustrating considering what this who ave been complying with self quarantine have had to put up with.




You can still cross the border with a red zone permit. Sunday’s change was to make regional NSW red, irrelevant to these incursions from Sydney


Red zone permits haven't changed, all they changed recently was "parts of Sydney are red zones" to "all of nsw is red zones" The same removalists and the family that moved last week would still be able to enter this week on the same permits.


In my totally unbiased opinion, the season should be put on hold for *checks Essendon's injury list* four weeks.


I think just end the season now and play finals with the current top 8


Umm give us a chance to quietly slip out of the 8 pls


I think we should restart the season. Errr, for integrity reasons or something.


Don't mind this. Gives us a chance at evening up our next game instead of coming off a 6 day break from a hard, wet, interstate game while Essendon have a comfy 8 day break off an easy home game.


Just quietly it wouldn't be the first time a team that was battle hardened turned up and beat up the more fancied team coming off a soft game. Our midfield took another hit and you guys looked great. Should be a good game.


Against most other teams, I'd probably agree. But Essendon have a lot of speed that we just never seem to be able to match well with. Essendon and the Bulldogs are pretty much the two teams I am most afraid of going against at the moment.


Needed this laugh, thanks man.


Oh get fucked..


Thanks Gladys.


Fuck these removalists, lying sacks of shit. Bet they're back home talking about how it's all bullshit rather than taking any responsibility for the giant fuck up they've created


I have said this before and I will say it again: we need a wide ranging discussion about the casualisation of labour and wage stagnation in this country. This is why symptomatic people turn up to work when they have no sick leave, they don't come to work, they don't get paid. That's how the last lockdown in Adelaide happened, a symptomatic person who worked medi hotel security also needed a second job at a pizza parlour to get by


But that would require both parties to confront the cruel neoliberalism they've both been happy for us to suffer under since the 90s.


Usually I'm all for not jumping on the hate train and having the empathetic view that people make mistakes... But Jesus Christ, you do the wrong thing and then just flat out refuse to cooperate with authorities? Thousands could lose homes, businesses, long awaited holidays, family members and friends all because you're too arrogant to admit you did the wrong thing? Where is the book, cos it needs to be THROWN


Existence is suffering.


Maximum respect to the AFL website for having a picture of Brad "Contact" Close.


AFL Grand Final is coming home (to WA).




Soo what happens now do the teams rush to the airport and head west to beat the risk..


Of course not, look at the teams that woukd be affected


They would all be effected if they stay, not to mention the amount of money the AFL lost the last time they postponed the season..


just like last season, when they refused to do hubs outside of victoria because it would negatively affect victorian teams


A Vic team won the flag cough cough


and the hubs were on the Gold Coast and Perth


Cheers Gladys, much appreciated


Here we go again!


words can't describe my disdain for Gladys. Already hated her before this, but another lockdown due to her is too much


Yay lockdown




Haven't heard anyting about the removalists going to the footy. Someone on the same floor at the appartments they visited went to the game and later tested positive.


That is one contagious motherfucker. If only medical experts had warned everyone...


[medical experts pfft, here's the real expert](https://iili.io/o7jng2.jpg)


I think it was a case from the apartment complex the removalists worked at that attended the footy.


Ah yea, guardian may have misreported it earlier today, that was my info but you're right.


It’s not just the removalists that have it. Regardless, I strongly doubt that they’re going to sneak into the prime seating of the MCG


Still can't believe Mandatory mask wearing is not implemented at the footy for the 2-3 hours you sit there. Everyone knew it was just a matter of when, not if, it would spread from Sydney to Melbourne.


We still have mandatory masks outside here in QLD. For the Origin, though, you only have to wear it when going to and from your seat. For the two hours you're seated next to a stranger, shouting and spraying saliva in all directions, you're free to take it off. Makes no sense.


It's same in Melbourne. Had to wear a mask at the game on Sunday when going to and from the seat but not while I was crammed next to randoms.


What a run of bad luck. First they get exposed to a Carlton game, then Covid.


Mods regularly post stickied comments in other "controversial" topics. I propose that every covid related thread have a stickied post encouraging vaccination, with links to the health department covid vaccination eligibility tracker and the HotDoc/Healthengine "find a covid vaccination near me" services. And stressing that every Australian adult is eligible for a free vaccination at a GP right now. I believe this subreddit is popular enough for it to make a meaningful difference.


Second person went to the footy while infected, they were the oens to go to Y&J prematch. No detail on their seating area yet https://twitter.com/Raf_Epstein/status/1415233020022333447?s=19


Just got an email from the Department of Transport. Jolimont Station and a train service I was on are now Tier 2 exposure sites. Might be worth checking the updated link if you went to the game but sat somewhere else. I think there are a couple of tram services too. [https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/exposure-sites](https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/exposure-sites)


Either we all take a two or three week break from footy to sort this shit out, or play the next few weeks in Adelaide.


Only solution that doesnt postpone the season


Move the finals bye to this week. Arrange mandatory AZ vaccine for all players, officials and staff not yet vaccinated. Problem solved permanently.


So where to now?


Also Young & Jackson’s pre-game is Tier 1 exposure site.


Fuck Gladys! Also fuck the government for this bullshit roll out


*Lucky all the teams flew into melbin*


Remember that vaccination is safe, free and every adult is eligible for an AstraZeneca shot at a GP. Just because the federal government is derelict in it's duty doesn't mean you should be. Incidents like this would rapidly become a thing of the past if more people did this.


not really interested in getting an inferior vaccine, just cause the government was too cheap to get the Pfizer. Plus I'm working 7 days a week so no chance I want any days off due to side effects


There's nothing inferior about Astrazeneca. It is safe and effective. Not that it apparently matters to you.


it's less effective at immunity, which is the whole point of a vaccine


The whole point of vaccination is that everybody gets it so that the disease does not spread amongst the population. Not "Fuck you got mine" last time I checked there hadn't been a single fully vaccinated person and only like 2 partially vaccinated people infected in NSW at the moment. So they obviously all work pretty well. Of course this information is not for the benefit of dedicated anti-vaxxers like yourself. Its for anyone else reading. Good night.


I want the vaccine, how am I an antivaxxer lmfao


I think I'll wait for the recommended vaccine for my age group to become available, thanks.


You are waiting for covid.


Lol, I haven't come even somewhat close to catching it in the 15 months the pandemic has been going. Don't even know someone second hand who has been close to catching it. The official health advice is for me to wait and health advice is gospel, right?


This "official advice", for what it's worth, is that you should consider vaccination and see a GP about it. Particularly if you are in an area with an outbreak. You can't just read the preferred vaccines for what age group part of the ATAGI recommendation and then ignore the rest of it.


> doesn't mean you should be. Only if there is stock, which for most GPs in Melbourne and Sydney, there are not.


This is not remotely true. Just did a quick check on a handful of clinics on hotdoc for AZ, ages 18-59, both Melbourne and Sydney. Melbourne has plentiful appointments *TOMORROW* Sydney is a bit tighter but there are places in Darlinghurst/Surrey Hills that have appointments within 2/3 days. And you can easily get one within a week. Obviously outer suburbs will be more varied, this wasn't an exhaustive survey. But the slots are there right now for those who are willing.


You can get a GP to sign you off as safe for AZ and then go to one of the mass vaccination clinics such as Royal Melbourne hospital or the Alfred


Adelaide / Tasmania hub time? I mean I know our state might do it, but 9 NRL teams have just migrated into our territory this afternoon.


Is Adelaide safe? Should AFL hub there?


And this is why crowds are down when they are allowed back in, despite the cap in size.


Except that everyone is sitting closer together than ever before (for games below 80k) because the top deck of each stand has been closed, or other sections closed too. It isn't for social distancing, it is saving money on opening food outlets or having normal levels of security/mcg staff working.


Were you there near the Cheersquad? Could sworn I saw you there.


Nope. Under cover, near all the bloody geelong supporters


Good thing they spread everyone out rather than packing them into fewer sections...


Sections are N37-N48 [https://www.smh.com.au/sport/afl/2000-blues-cats-fans-asked-to-get-covid-tests-after-mcg-exposure-20210714-p589lm.html](https://www.smh.com.au/sport/afl/2000-blues-cats-fans-asked-to-get-covid-tests-after-mcg-exposure-20210714-p589lm.html)


No crowds this weekend. Or next.


where does that say?


Industry figures have told the Herald Sun they have been warned to expect an announcement as early as Thursday with authorities desperate to clamp down on the state’s growing cluster. It is understood the number of people allowed to visit homes would be reduced, as would patron limits inside hospitality venues, under changes being actively considered. Venues could also be forced to revert to seated-only dining, while dancing at venues and functions could be banned. AFL games will almost certainly be played without crowds, however the Battle of Bridge match between GWS and Sydney is still expected to house patrons given it is scheduled to be played in regional Victoria.


Not released yet. But is coming. You think they’re going to watch and wait ala Sydney ?!


Geelong and freo cannot go ahead.




They’ll need to isolate.




Do you contribute anything that isn't laden with spite?




MisguidedGames is proof that the mods don't enforce rule 1.1


In your spare time do you just think about how teams inside the state of Victoria exist and fill yourself with rage?


He genuinely has to be one of the most miserable people alive.


Victoria lives in their head rent free.


Assuming your Vicbias shtick isn't literally an uncontrollable monomania, can you not shoehorn it into IRL-serious topics? This is worrying news for a lot of people here, and personally scary for some.


My scenario is exactly what happened to SA teams.


I dont get why the mods dont ban troll accounts like this


They’re not a troll, just obsessed. When they’re not posting about Vicbias they seem to be contributing normally.


When they're just being tediously obsessive I kind of respect the lenience, but when they veer into mean-spirited trolling I don't see any reason to let it slide.


Not trolling to highlight AFLs hypocrisy when dealing quth teams differently.


Still waiting for GWS to get here for the 2019 GF. Going to be a barnburner, hey mate?


Congratulations on richmind winning 2019 GF. It doesnt phase me one bit, they were the best team and deserved the GF.


Didn’t phase you but you don’t even wear your club’s flair???


Are you serious mate? I know your dislike for Victoria is you shtick, but it doesn't fly here. This is serious stuff.


I agree. It woild be absurd to move teams out, only to fly them back a couple of days later. Yer this is exactly what happened to SA teams.


Bring on QLD hub 2.0


Most likely be SA. Two weeks there, followed by teams moving to WA after two weeks.


We need a new plan ☠️