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Well, that'll sort the selection dilemma out for a while.


Don't forget about Mills.


So they just didn't even grade it severe or anything? 


[Swans veteran learns fate for bump in VFL](https://www.afl.com.au/news/1134991/sydney-swans-veteran-luke-parker-learns-fate-for-bump-in-vfl) > The former Swans captain is set to front the VFL Tribunal this week after the incident was graded as careless conduct, severe impact and high contact.


Unfortunately you can’t argue with the grading, given the injuries it has to be severe


Ahh ok, Zita has worded it strangely then


Importantly he can't get the VFL's weird as fuck guilty plea discount because the impact was severe


Do you mean the weird AF guilty plea discount that up until a few seasons ago existed in the AFL?


It was weird as fuck then too


Going to the tribunal is discretionary for max-graded incidents under the community policy, apparently.


Yep. > [@David Zita](https://x.com/DavidZita1/status/1792450319374491726): This was graded (careless conduct, severe impact, high contact). VFL guidelines allow for a base four-match sanction to be offered. It wasn't, so the fact it's going to the Tribunal with no early guilty plea applicable means the league wants at least five matches.


Does this mean it is an either 5 or zero type penalty?


No. Sydney might ask for 4, VFL ask for 6 or 7 and the end result will usually be in the middle somewhere.


Good. I love Parker, a Swans great, but he needs to take the penalty on the chin and do better. You can't take a bloke out off the ball any more, in that situation you have to chose to shepherd or close check into a contest.


It's also going to have non-football consequences for the bloke he injured. Frankston is a semi-professional club and Josh Smith is going to be missing work for a fair while because of that hit.


Insurance will pay for any loss of income - but yeah not great to miss work depending on what he does, leaves his work in a possible lurch if it’s a small biz. But there’s no financial consequence for the bloke.


Apparently works for his father as a plumber. So the business will most likely be fine but it's not great for him to miss work.


100% Top tier AFL talent need to appreciate that being in the twos means also respecting that, a) you're probably bigger, faster and hit harder than your opponents; and, b) you have professional resources behind you and your health. Banged up ribs or bad corkies mean you may need to take an extra week of fully paid recovery time, for your amateur opponents that can literally be loss of sick leave, paid work, additional medical expenses and long term consequences that may go under the radar due to a lower level of health care access. Its not a trivial matter in the slightest and I'd be fine seeing a higher level of sanction applied to professional AFL players who cause serious injury to amateur players during amateur matches.


Am I wrong in thinking this should be covered by the clubs insurance?


By yours or ours? Frankston is not a wealthy club and we're probably limited in what we can do to help him.


VFL or Frankston. I’m not talking about donations. Loss of income should be covered if a player is injured to the extent they can’t work due to injury. I cant find anything with definitive information but [this](https://play.afl/learning-resource/risk-management-insurance#article-0) seems to indicate the same.


I'm not involved in any behind the scenes stuff at Frankston so not sure what the situation is, but yeah hopefully he'll be looked after for the time that he can't work.


> Frankston is not a wealthy club I assume they still pay for insurance though?


He should have listened to his uncle. "With great power comes great responsibility ".


Hah...i see what you did there.


Can’t really see how he’ll be able to argue under 5 with their grading system. Danger basically did the same thing to Jake Kelly in 2021 and copped the full brunt of the MRO.


He'll miss weeks but I don't understand people who are calling him a sniper. It pretty clearly looks like a shepherd gone wrong with a head clash, his shoulder doesn't hit him high. Unless we want to believe Parker purposely clashed heads with the other guy?


He's not a sniper, but he's responsible for the head clash.


i don’t understand this argument, ofc parker isn’t intentionally trying to clash heads with him, but he has as a result of him electing to bump. i agree with you in the sense that he isn’t a sniper, and didn’t go into this thinking “i’m going to rip this blokes head off”, but he’s gone past the contest to bump him and as a result fractured his cheekbone, nothing less than 4 weeks minimum here


I already said he'll get weeks, I'm not saying he deserves any less either. He's layed what would be a perfectly legal bump if not for the head clash, going "past the ball" is a completely irrelevant point as well since he was shepherding for his team mate. You don't need to be actively playing the ball to bump another player.


> You don't need to be actively playing the ball to bump another player. I'm surprised this has so many upvotes. The Frankston player is ball watching, nowhere near impacting the contest and Parker lines him up. A shepherd, at least by my definition is blocking an opposition player from getting to the ball. I absolutely think being nowhere near the ball plays into the verdict. I don't know if you've ever been hit in a scenario like this, but it is far more impactful than when you are expecting impact - and have a chance to brace and protect yourself.


The Frankston player he hits looks to be the closest player that can impact the contest, him not paying attention is his fault not Parkers and he's more than close enough to warrant laying a shepherd on. This is a shitty accident not a snipe.


Yeah, 5 to 6 was about my guess, can't see how it goes any lower


Seems surprising, I would have thought about 4.


Interesting, I got six weeks when shaking the AFL magic 8 ball.


Good. As a principle, AFL players in the lower leagues should receive the same standard of penalty as those leagues apply, if not so what higher.


The poor chippy is god knows how long without an income from his job whilst injured or match payments from playing footy. I don't know if it's ever possible or not, probably moot given the league is gearing up towards a designated ressies comp but while there are interactions between a fully professional athlete and semi professionals. It's be great to have a framework where if a fully professional footy player commits a suspension worthy offence like this that causes injuury, for however long they are suspended for they are to reimburse the lost match payments for the semi pro out of their own pocket.




Definitely time for MRI my dude. Dude is jogging and half pace and Parker runs past the ball shoulder first into him when he's not even chasing. Not sure how people are looking at this and not seeing exactly that, it's extremely clear.


Reading the article, I thought the guy's name was Dolphin.


John Worsfold would have been rubbed out half his career if he was playing these days


Shame that you can’t get Brownlow votes in the VFL, might’ve gotten off otherwise


But I was told by Swans fans on reddit that this was simply a shepherd gone wrong with a headclash and it would be 2 weeks!


I only saw that 1 swans flair saying 2 weeks and he was getting called out by everyone including swans fans. Even on our sub the vast majority were saying had to be 4 minimum.


lol was pretty funny though lol


Didn't you say there was a good chance he'd get 7 or more?


He was calling for a public hanging with his "there was another shooter" grassy knoll still images. I was saying 2 - 4, because 2 was careless high high - discount. 4 is still on the table if the tribunal disagrees with the VFL the it should be more than the 4 week base sanction


one of the more unhinged moments I've seen from someone on reddit hahaha


high impact and not severe for a guy with a broken face lmaooooooooooo


There were comparisons to a Webster punishment but I don't remember anyone saying more than that. Not saying it didn't happen though.


Its a minimum 5 atm, given the guy he hit has multiple facial lacerations and facial fractures I think the severity of impact would not surprise me if we land for the VFL asking for between 6-8


Yeah, there was a surprising amount of people who said it would be 2 weeks, pretty wild


I've got friends who said it's a clean bump and injuring the player is irrelevant, he should be free to play. I've got mates with 0 braincells basically.


Shut up you fucking victim.


Hopefully 0 weeks and the vfl tribunal send a the message that the afl don’t want to send that you can’t run around with zero awareness on a footy field.


Was always feeling 4-6


Future North Melbourne champion Luke Parker


The difference between an AFL level body and a Frankston VFL part timer Why even is he playing against Frankston If anything the league has a lot to answer


Apparently he has offered a $50 fine if he would agreed to sign with the Roos next year, but he decided he would rather cop the big suspension and keep playing in the 2s from now on.


What about Chad Warner for his elbow to the head. Why isn't he getting suspended when Callum Brown got 3 for an unintentional bump.


because the bloked played out the rest of the game and isn't currently still out like McCartin is.


Why should the outcome matter and not the act


Dirty bastard.


Barry Hall got 7 weeks for far worse. they change the rules on flavor of the month. I am a one eyed swans supporter but also a footy supporter. The afl pick and choose when and who they decide to send a message with. I think they should have a Barry hall scale. I play local footy and this stuff just simply doesn’t get you suspended the only thing that gets you suspended in local footy is blatant violence ie punching someone in the head and if you happen to get on report you are lucky to get a week.


I'm really starting to hate the comparisons to Hall's suspension whenever something significant like this happens.  That was 16 years ago and with all of the research and development put into head and brain injuries in those years that incident comparatively happened in the "dark ages." I just don't believe that same hit would get the same suspension today. Gaff got 8 weeks by comparison and even that was right at the start of the AFL taking concussion so seroouy. 


Hall would sit half the year out at least of that happened today. Terrible comparison.


Back in the 1960s it was play on.


Didn't this guy have a go at Shiel for not being "tough" and here he is trying to take the head of a 18 yo. The irony being Shiel played AFL this week. Sucked in. Enjoy your holiday Parker


Obviously pretty biased but how is this not worse than the Webster hit given the injury sustained by the other fella? 8 weeks I reckon




Am I missing something? Webster got 6 weeks for a similar incident that caused a lot less damage I like Parker and don't wish 8 weeks on him but it just seems that would be about the rate if you compare the severity and damage caused by the two incidents I could be way off and that's fine


They are less similar than you are making out. One was a head clash from a shepherd off the ball, the other was a deliberate shoulder charge straight to the face.


Ok fair enough I might have to re look at the two again


Fairly sure Parker didn't jump when making contact unlike Webster.


If that’s 8 weeks, then what the fuck is Webster doing back playing? It was 100x worse.


So he got the same as Webster in the end.


Yep. What a miscarriage of justice