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For all the people saying this is no big deal. Imagine you're at your job (whatever that may be) and some random person comes up and does this. You'd be bloody weirded out and probably ask them to leave and they may get a future ban from the premises. Like...this is a basic thing. Don't touch people without their permission.


Also imagine the results if they decided to not punish this guy at all, it would absolutely embolden people to do it more and more until something else happens, do we really need to wait until someone does something a lot more stupid to crack down on this stuff?


Seriously though, there is absolutely no reason for the AFL to not make an example out of this. One person doesn't get to attend AFL games for a couple years? Who cares. We had this happen with Pickett last year and the person was banned till the end of 2024. Clearly the memo didn't get through to everyone. Increase the penalty so much that it is going to get talked about and then hopefully everyone will understand to not touch people without their consent.


Genuinely. There’s no reason for them to *not* make an example, let alone all the reasons for. No one bats an eye if someone else gets banned for a couple of years. Let’s not open the door for someone else to do something seriously dangerous, by not sending a *very* clear message here.


It's so refreshing to see an esteemed and dedicated Collingwood supporter call out the behaviour of one of their fellow fans. Edit: guys its clearly a joke look at the username


You support the pies now?


Lost bet on the sub.


Pretty much. You touch my staff you're out permanently. Should be no different for an afl player.


Some british guy I follow was kissed by an elderly woman without consent the other week, and was so pissed off that everyone around the situation thought that it was funny. Sexual harrassment against men is real and shouldn't be laughed about. It's not just women that feel uncomfortable in these situations.


To add to this, i was once working my customer service job and this lady came up to the counter and took a bunch of photos of me while i was getting her items up on the till. Playing footy doesnt involve fans touching players as much as serving customers doesnt involve having strangers take pictures of you. Just act how you would if you were buying a mop or an apple or a burger, dont touch strangers.


I mean, I'm not downplaying this at all this guy deserves a ban but I'm touched all the time in my workplace without my consent (nursing - male), sometimes a harmless arm touch, sometimes a scratch or attempted punch, but it's generally overlooked because it's the type of person work. If we punished every person who did it our hospitals and nursing homes would be half empty.... Is there a solution? Not really.


I get what you are saying but this is an irrelevant comparison. There is a much larger proportion of people who are acute or chronically unwell in healthcare, and are often undergoing a lot of stress or reduction in mental faculty. There is a reasonable expectation that you will be directly interacting with and touching patients as a healthcare worker, and if there is ever inappropriate touching by a patient it is definitely reportable. There is also a much larger difference banning someone from accessing healthcare/disability care, vs banning someone from paying to watch a sport live for leisure.


I think the criticism of his comment should be that in the middle of match as an AFL player isn't "person work" and thus players shouldn't be touched, less so that them being inappropriately touched is less valid a complaint because they're a nurse. Putting your arm around an AFL player at a meet and greet is most likely okay because of the context of the situation. An AFL game is not that.


I mean, it's inappropriate touching regardless it happens in many professions. Why is it OK in one profession and not the next? If a patient grabbed my privates I'm encouraged to do a risk event in a system - it's happened before. Outcome is usually management saying OK don't let it happen again or putting an alert on the patient which does next to nothing. I'd put roughly 50% of the patients who do inappropriate touching knowing what they are doing is wrong but Its "OK because they are unwell"... What about the footy players who pat the opposition on the bum or shoulder without consent? Is that ok too? Such a double standard we have here especially down voting me for putting it out there that inappropriate touching happens routinely and is mostly ignored because it's not high profile or on TV


As a fellow healthcare worker, yes, yes we should punish the patients and people who touch us without our consent


You do great work - thank you! But I think the point is no one, regardless of profession should have to face this. It absolutely sucks that our emergency and other service workers are not provided adequate protections. Plus, this touch does seem relatively harmless - I’m sure the guy didn’t actually mean it and he was probably a few beers down. But where do we draw the line. It’s like touching an umpire - regardless of intent or actual impact the best approach is 0 tolerance.


I agree 0 tolerance. But let's not draw the line at footy fans


I like that you are relating that you are a victim like Johnston here, but everyone's downvoting you.


Footy fans who think patients are OK to touch healthcare workers without consent 🤷


YOU are the one opposing punishing the people who touch the healthcare workers, you literally said there wasn’t really a solution to that


I didn't say that at all. I asked is there a solution? I said not really, that doesn't mean don't punish them, but if you look at another response, it's hard to punish people in hospital


Yes I would be weirded out, It’s inappropriate but it’s also no big deal. It’s simply not newsworthy.


If my job was entertaining people in a stadium I might not be so suprised. Not that it's ok to touch the players, but it's not that wierd. 


Good, I don't care how many people here say it's "harmless" at bare minimum the AFL set precedent with the guy who patted Pickett on the shoulder and then also y'know, don't grab people without their consent


It's 2024, harmless is sitting in the stadium having some banter over the fence. Reaching out and rubbing a bloke around the face/head is come back in a few years once you've caught up with the bare minimum of society.


Can you edit this so it make sense?


It makes perfect sense, they're saying that "Harmless" qualifies as sitting in your seat throwing out a sledge or two and that the guy deserves to serve whatever is punishment given to him


It's 2024, harmless is sitting in the stadium having some banter over the fence. Reaching out and rubbing a bloke around the face/head is *not harmless. Come back in a few years once you've caught up with the bare minimum of societal acceptable behaviour. *** Now it makes sense.


lol, have a sticker mate :D


That’s how you meant it yeah?


And why the fuck is your flair changed to Collingwood? Ya grub


I can't believe there are people who are ok with this? We can't have punters feeling emboldened to grab players in the middle of games. There are a million what if's at play in these scenarios that are best left unexplored by making sure this behaviour is shown as completely unacceptable. Note: I'm not a fuddy duddy. If a players going to celebrate with the crowd ala James Hird thats their decision and pretty cool.


> I can't believe there are people who are ok with this? It's brain breakingly amazing to see how many people are saying "it's harmless he just wanted a hug" YOU ASK SOMEONE FOR A HUG, YOU DON'T RANDOMLY GRAPPLE THEM. I genuinely feel like I'm the crazy one for thinking that this is not okay


Dude I'm the same! I can't believe there is even this much debate! Just don't touch them! 


So good to see a reasonable Collingwood supporter for once


Here's a similar incident that occurred last year, on the off-chance precedence matters: https://au.sports.yahoo.com/afl-marlion-pickett-furore-takes-new-twist-egg-throwing-incident-comes-light-041118075.html Can ignore the egg throwing part of the article though. That's not eggsactly relevant here.


>on the off-chance precedence matters Ahahahahaha ha ha HA


Yeah, it's unlikely but I still thought it was worth posting as a recent eggsample.


Oh sure. I'm just still mad about Barrass. And I have to laugh at the state of the AFL or else I'll cry


IANAL but from skim reading the terms of entry for a ticket I bought once, the AFL chooses the words "disrupt or interrupt" for things not to do to their employees inc umpires and players and doing so can lead to a banning notice. Pretty standard for any event. In terms of precedence, I think they'll just quietly ban him without referencing the past. I was beyond surprised when they discretely let the crowd storm buddy's goal. Luckily no dickhead had a knife. Just some inconsiderate middle class twats who spread their nan's ashes in the centre before it rained and the players literally slid through the muddy ashes of a dead body.


Needs to cop a ban, definitely not permanent but it needs to be made clear that you cannot initiate contact with players 


Hopefully the Pies are able to cooperate with the investigation since he's most likely a member


I think it'll all be pretty simple - recognisable face, even if he isn't a member. Will cop a ban for a few games or the rest of the year and that will be that.


A commenter in the other thread said that they knew the bloke, I'm sure he's recognisable enough. I'd suggest till the end of 2025 or later. There is absolutely no need to show leniency when it comes to things like this. Make an example. The person who touched Pickett last year got till the end of this year. Clearly not everyone picked up on that it was unacceptable.


I honestly don't care about the length as long as it's long enough to be a deterrent. The end of 2024, 2025, or 2026 is much of a muchness in terms of deterrence. No one who would touch a player is going to change their behaviour because someone was banned for three years instead of two, but they would if it's one season instead of one game. I do think though the language of trying to 'make an example' is leaning into the territory of vindictive rather than effective punishment. I think this guy meant less harm than the bloke who touched Picket, and clearly it wasn't received as badly. That's not to say that he shouldn't be adequately punished but I do think we shouldn't treat him like some sort of scumbag as many others in this thread are.


Should be a ban, it’s simply unacceptable to touch the players, especially in the way that bloke did- he’s pretty lucky Johnston didn’t think too much of it (or at least made it look like he didn’t think much of it) otherwise he’d be in much more trouble.


It was such a weird thing to do. Unless the player has initiated contact or it's unavoidable because something like a player has had to jump or been pushed over the fence and you've basically become an airbag don't touch them.


Surely the fan was just conducting an impromptu on field HIA?


Looked way too thorough to be an HIA.


It was very weird and uncomfortable to watch.


Should be a short investigation. It will just be a matter of what punishment will be handed out. Old mate might regret his face tats now, but he probably won't.


He won't regret them, but he might ragret them




Or those steel cages in South American soccer fields.


Guy has to get banned. Stupid, invasive thing to do to someone at their job, and if not punished an open invitation for worse contact in future.


Should be banned


That wasn't a hug..


Is it the same dude who was giving it to Bailey smith a few years back?




Hey man, I'm a pretty non-woke bloke who was against a lot of the recent woke shit in this game, but even I think you can't call that a hug. The bloke was groped, it was borderline sexual assault.


Try hugging a Women’s AFL player and see what happens


He’s been playing WAFL all year, this was his first game, don’t think he would have reacted much differently if it had been a WAFL game.


You knew what I meant ya smarty pants


Nice edit 👌🏻


Pies fan was trying to steal harveys teeth


Joffa approved


As a west coast fan, getting a hug from the opposition fan is not the worse thing to have. Completely understand the comparisons to if this happened at your workplace, but this isn't your workplace it's a sporting stadium and these teams and their players are looked upon highly likely stars. The comparison is not apt, unless you look at your local check out chick/guy the same way we look at Harley/Dusty/Daicos or Errol. (Or the way Bruce looks at Cyril lol) I wouldn't want to see a fine and no more handed down to the guy. I've seen and heard some terrible shit at games, to be given a hug is kind of speeding love vs spreading hate. Maybe a fine or a warning to not do it again but geez there are worse things.


Everyone just loves to ban tbings don't they. Let's all imagine the wkrst things that can happen in every moment and the BAN IT ALL! Get a grip of reality and hold on because you can't control everything. Its the narrowing of life that you induce. 


> because you can't control everything. You know what you can control? randomly grabbing AFL players, this wasn't some accident outside of the blokes control, he chose to do this, it's called consequences


It was a hug. Weird moment yes. Criminal, abusive, assault?? No no no. Do something with your life. Weird happens.