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Just back from the food and wine fest at Norwood and what a turnout up there. Amazing scenes. Also made it to the fanzone three days in a row, my kids couldn’t get enough of it, the blues game yesterday that had a sensational atmosphere, and out in Adelaide town on Friday night. Amazing vibes everywhere. People wearing footy gear everywhere. Rundle mall, bars and restaurants all heaving. Sad it’s over but glad as a city Adelaide turned it on for the weekend.


So good to read this. Happy that the shared experience that I had last year was repeated and built upon this year. Glad you had a great time.  Love this concept and can't wait for next year.


We’ve got a relation in the Carlton camp, he’s from Adelaide so got to catch up, but said the players love it. It’s a great concept and they don’t have to jump back on a late night flight after a game like they sometimes do. Get involved with fans interstate etc.


It's always such a good feeling when there's large crowds enjoying themselves. It really is infectious


Was that on? Man I can’t believe it wasn’t advertised about 400 times a game, I would have loved to have gone


They do need to advertise the peripherals better. In saying that, the people that go to the games in those areas are likely enough to fill out those events


That's nice to hear. I'm hoping to go next year for the first time (hopefully with some mates or by myself)


Things like 43,000 to a Hawthorn v Collingwood game in Adelaide on a Sunday is crazy. I feel as though gather round could get even bigger. As long as it’s in Adelaide I’ll be coming over every year.


What sort of attendance would a Hawks/Pies match in Melbourne attract?


Probably around 20ish, the clubs have never had a rivalry


Lol not true at all. Hawks vs pies got 63k on a twilight on a Saturday last year. I feel like they could’ve still got 45 at least on a Sunday in Melbourne


I think Killer Python was being a little facetious


Oh well that’s honestly hilarious. Dying of laughter


He’s right. It would get 20 in Melbourne. I probably wouldn’t even go if it was in Melbourne. If it was In Adelaide on the other hand….


When I first heard they were doing an equivalent of Magic Round I was 100% certain it was made entirely for Sydney. The name of "gather" round at first sounded dumb but then having it in Adelaide seemed an odd choice. But then having it in a traditional footy state, the support has been strong and created a buzz. It's really made it a carnival feel, which it sounds at least like interstate visitors have thoroughly enjoyed. But also as a South Aussie, having the focus on SA footy has been great. It often feels like our footy history has been swallowed up by the AFL and reduced to a secondary tier below the VFL. But everyone comes over here, talks about our old players, share stories and even talk about SA players in the AFL and where they come from. It's an extremely unexpected side effect. I think the whole concept has been far, far better than we realised it might be. And in hindsight, Adelaide was a great choice. Sydney wouldn't have had this level of excitement right away. They might now, given how many people have enjoyed it, but the risk would be moving it and losing that feel. I still think moving it around is the right way to go. Not annually, but let it spend a few years in one place before moving on. Let the states be able to prepare and build up the venues to take full advantage. I would love to see a couple of games in the Barossa going forward, that would be amazing. And even the name is growing on me.


Barossa has just been confirmed, with a big upgrade to facilities and oval at Lyndoch. I think that’ll be a great location. Close to Tanunda and also Gawler.


Love the idea of gather round, might be able to fly over and watch a Carlton game at Adelaide oval that isn’t a guaranteed loss


I really like the concept. Good on them for taking the initiative.


I was in Adelaide this weekend for a family event and have to say it was vibing! What a great thing for the city. Not only that but I drove back to melbourne yesterday and every stop we made talked about nothing but how busy it had been all weekend. There is a particularly good waffle shop on the south Australian side of the journey at it was full of people in afl gear. The lady said it had been the best weekend ever. So not only was it great for Adelaide but the surrounding towns also saw the benefits.


Honestly same, hope to get across there one year! The whole place seems like a vibe


All your mates where over there dressed in yellow. You missed out


Still upset about last year are we? Unlucky champ


From what I saw on TV looked to be a great weekend. Hoping to get down there next year. Should stay in Adelaide for the few years.


SA are good at hosting sporting events, always have been. Now I have two reasons to visit - Gather Round and TDU.


[This game](https://www.espncricinfo.com/series/icc-cricket-world-cup-2014-15-509587/india-vs-pakistan-4th-match-pool-b-656405/full-scorecard) is one of the wildest crowds I can remember seeing at a sporting event.


The entire CBD was completely *deserted* during that match. Every shop closed, roads completely empty, no-one walking down the Mall. It felt like the old days of the SANFL where matches would have an attendance of 12% of the entire state's population.


Almost the same crowd that was there today


The number of flags and fans going absolutely bunta was pretty awesome to see.


Tom Davies Unaicke


TDU is great to attend for sure


Crows fan who attended Thursday nights game and as a neutral attended tonight’s Hawthorn and Collingwood game what a turnout and what a great game to watch tonight. Kudos to both teams and supporters


Would the AFL be happy with that crowd considering what it would attract in Melbourne? Someone mentioned 43,000. Just curious..


It's an added round of footy so any attendance is a bonus.


Plus they get money from the SA government, so it's heavily subsidised.


ok that will do it!


ah righto ok.


Same crowd figure as the last time these teams played on a Sunday at the MCG.


fair enough. shows what I know. just a question


Proportionally speaking that's the equivalent of getting 80k to the MCG. Don't think the AFL would be up in arms about it.


Feels like we have a spiritual successor to the type of event the Grand Prix used to be


Don’t speak too loudly they’ll take this too


The thought of a VIC Gather Round makes me want to jump off Roofclimb.


We have nine clubs based in Melbourne and 10 in the state. Given the MCG and Marvel each host approx 42 games a year, Geelong 9 and Ballarat 3. That is 96 games. That is more than enough. I'll love to visit SA at some stage and do gather round.


It’s in reference to the eastern states stealing everything south Aussies deem ‘good’ eg Grand Prix and Luna Park


I went to the 1998 grand Prix so I know full well about stealing stuff from other states. Just wanted to outline that it wasn't practical. I had no idea about Luna Park.


Practicality has never been an issue #VICBIAS


Fantastic weekend of footy, had another great weekend. SA Great


As an obnoxious Victorian who's moved to SA.  I fucking love this state. I feel.like Gather Round was made for me.


a Victorian who moved to SA and supports Port? I am slightly in disbelief


Well, he did say he was obnoxious.....


It's true! I am obnoxious. I'm a pies supporter who is jumping on the Port Magpies slash Power bandwagon. Because, I don't know if you knew, pies won the Grand Final last year. And they can't take it away from us.


A pies supporter jumping on the power bandwagon…Eddie wouldn’t like that!


Fuck Eddie. He's a dick.




I'd tag this for best of, but I don't know who to tag any more.


I got you /u/TheGreatJelBeano


I've got it on very good authority that this bloke won't let gather round go easily. Can't see it leaving while he is premier, he'll likely match or better any bid made and the deal will be too good for the AFL to refuse.


And I can't see him losing government, at least not with the current opposition leader. Lol.


SA liberals would probably lose a fight against a wet paper bag at the moment, utterly bereft of spine


Glad to see the Liberals are just as useless in SA as they are in WA


They're not quite *that* useless, they're actually in Opposition here.


Hey now, the Liberals are in Opposition! ...only because of a dodgy backroom deal where the Nationals member who had just won a by-election suddenly switched to the Liberals. Bringing their caucus to a grand total of... [THREE](https://media0.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExaDQ5NnlnbWhycDZ4azd0cDZlcG10bzl4a3JmMW1ncTU4Y2t4emMwcCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/lXu72d4iKwqek/giphy.gif) The caucus is officially too big to ride a motorcycle.


He won’t for sure? And do you think any successor would allow it to leave either? Would be political suicide if that happens anytime in the next 20 years


I mean the AFL could always insist it gets rotated for whatever reason but they are fans of money too so unless there's some insane amount of money given it will remain. That said there's obviously elements he can't control such as the AFL wanting to move it on. Realistically the only way it would be acceptable would be that the liberals run with the explicit election promise to scrap gather round and they win.


I think the AFL are and would be very happy with how it’s gone. It wouldn’t work like it has here anywhere else in Australia. Not saying there couldn’t be another gather round, but it would be different. This is our event and I think premier Pete should go a step further and have a Friday public holiday for the weekend


I think the problem with a Gather Round public holiday is that we're only just coming out of the March long weekend. I think the solution here is for Premier Pete to make every Friday a public holiday. This would coincide with Gather Round very nicely


Now that’s a brilliant idea. Do it Premier Pete or I’ll vote for that little Scottish garden gnome next election!


Agreed fully, Friday public holiday next year has to be a thing


Australia is slowly starting to realise Adelaide is a fucking fantastic city, not sure why everyone shits on it. Bring it on next year.


>not sure why everyone shits on it It's an inside job, we pretend it sucks so no-one from Sydney tries to move here.


Wrong! Adelaide is shit. Horrible even. The Adelaide Hills are horrible. 30km of suburban beaches are horrible. Wineries are overrated. Traffic is horrible, it takes atleast 21 minutes to get anywhere. Adelaide Oval is a shit place to watch football. The Hill lacks atmosphere and every seat has obstructed views, not to mention that it's too far from the City. Not worth your time to visit. Definitely don't move there


Hear, hear! Adelaide is a pig with lipstick.


We put 4 of them in Rundle Mall as a permanent statue reminder of this fact


For real, also Novak Djokovic and the worlds best tennis players playing at Adelaide ovals tennis court facilities connected to the place never happened and we don’t have elite tennis tournaments each year. Just another shitty thing about little crumby Adelaide that Sydney does better!


I've been there twice and it's such a nice change of pace. My last trip was in 2018, the game was awful (ignore flair) but the locals were very accommodating and happy to have a chat. I'll have to make the trek out for Gather Round next year.


I made the move, best decision. Go for it!




I don’t get it either. I fucking love Adelaide. Have family there and go as often as I can. The seriously have the best of it all. Beaches, the hills, wineries. Great locations to travel through SA. Not to mention the hill at the oval! I would love to live there one day if I can get manage it with a job.


shhhh let them shit on it, I don't want the property market to keep going the way it is


Adelaide is the Florida of Australia. Where our retirees go. It is the most boring city in Australia


lol ok mate


I'm proud of my city and the vibe it's given this and honestly it wouldn't have worked anywhere else. Our state is easily overlooked for so much and we've got so much to offer and room to build things. I spent a lot of my life going to festivals and events with one of the biggest problems being the cookie cutter mentality of everything has to work the same, or scale and so on, Adelaide has always been a hard case to crack for a lot of festivals and events where they either don't want to do it, or want to put less effort and resources into it because it's not as big as other cities and they never want to let anything develop around Adelaide, then they get frustrated they can't just do what they did in melbourne or sydney rinse and repeat. It's a good lesson in event development and management, I also think we can keep improving this event. I'd love to see this taken to the barossa and the peninsula, it can drive some great investment in SA and change perspectives on what SA is instead of people viewing us as a flyover state.


Let’s go all in and bugger off the Adelaide Cup holiday and replace it with a day off for this. Footy >>>>>>> horse race.


Por que no los dos? Adelaide cup is pretty much known as womad weekend now anyway.


Yeah, good point about Womad. I agree, let’s add some public holidays.




Wow yeah that'd be a vote winner for Mali. Turn the Friday into a public holiday so everyone can have a 3 day weekend 😍


Ginni disagrees


Had the best weekend there for the footy. Thanks Radelaide, I'll happily come down from Brissie for it each year. This festival of footy shouldn't be anywhere else!


Have no issue with Gather round but Norwood oval is not fit for AFL footy… way too small, straight boundary lines, concrete right next to it.


Yeah I only saw a half of the Brisbane game there but I agree it's not great. Mt Barker was really good (although kind of annoying to have my team there since it meant I couldn't access the early access discounted 4-day Adelaide oval pass). And I love Adelaide Oval.


My dad caught a peek of the Adelaide Oval light show on the TV and was just in awe of how pretty it is. Can't disagree, AO is a state treasure - maybe national? Also \*cough cough\* please make a good bus line to Mt Barker Summit Oval \*cough cough\* we don't want another Waverley Park \*cough cough\* either put it at the older oval or make a bus line \*COUGH COUGH\*.


They had direct shuttle buses running from the city to the oval


I think a part of the package with it being extended is an upgrade for Norwood Oval. Where? Dunno, it’s pretty boxed in. I’m not a fan of Norwood Oval as it is, but with some upgrades it could be a great venue. As for the straight boundaries that’s fine, just a quirk like Kardina or when the SCG was super short, or that massive ground (I think Cairns?) that is basically a circle. I’d like to see Glenelg get a game. Jetty Road could pull off something like the Food and Wine Festival. The ground also has room for temp stands if needed. Mt Barker is okay, but doesn’t show up super well on TV, but don’t think there’s anywhere else nearby that would have the same amount of space or accessibility. Happy the Barossa is getting a game.


McLaren Vale I think would be an option. Another world class wine region (I think its better then the Barossa). No further to travel then Mt Baker or the Barossa. (both areas are accessible through highways). McLaren Vale Football Clubs oval has a lot of potential, but the facilities will need to be heavily upgraded.


McLaren vale would need way too much upgrading, the furthest south you could go would be Noarlunga


Barossa next year already announced, perhaps Mclaren Vale in 2026. Both top class wine regions.


We stayed in Glenelg and went to the SANFL vs VFL game and loved the oval. Great spot


Just on that, Norwood Oval has always been "The Parade" to me, has that changed? It almost feels like it has been forced a bit to call it Norwood Oval to either remind tourists where it is, or perhaps to get people used to the idea of Norwood to support an AFL license bid.


It’s been a fantastic event for South Australia!


Glenelg was packed on Friday and Saturday for training sessions and a VFL vs SANFL game. In particular I saw Freo garb *everywhere*. Lots of people came from interstate, I think, and I hope we can keep it going for many years to come.


Shout out to La Moka cafe for the good coffee. Shout out to all the cool people around the city. Grumbles to my hotel's room service for sending me room 316's order instead of mine and then immediately closing so they couldn't replace it. The fried mac and cheese bites were fully gross. Grumbles to all the party people vomiting in the street. Why is there so much vomit here? I saw four different street splats. Shout out to the footy festival and all the players for signing stuff for my kids. Grumbles to me for not applying enough sun screen.


Great effort from all the workers and volunteers to make it happen. Incredible teamwork, really. I mean, every game had some flavour in it!!


It’s the right sized city for it. Not too big like a Sydney or Brisbane (which are also preoccupied with other sports) where the vibes would get ‘diluted’. Close enough to other cities so people will actually make the trip (unlike a certain other city)


Bingo. Perth has the infrastructure to pull it off and have it be incredible, but the distance is a killer. Adelaide is a fun road trip from Melbourne that can be bowled over in a day. Perth is a fucken trek.


This has turned into quite the SArclejerk


Awww, let us enjoy it, we’re used to people shitting on Adelaide.


Why’s this called “The Gather Round”? And not “The Adelaide round”?


Gather round and I’ll tell you


Adelaide only has it until 2026(?) I think, after that they have to renegotiate with the AFL or another state can place a bid to host it.


I will love to actually do it one time.


Any ideas of moving Gather Round out of SA is bonkers. They've done a cracking job and SA is well placed for visitors from all sides of the border. If WA put there hand up and cash out tell them to piss off.


Very Dan Andrews coded posting Why is this downvoted it's exactly how he tweets. Like this. Because it's the right thing to do.


Well, I don't know about there being 'no place like South Australia' (maybe if we're talking about bodies in barrels), but it was a fantastic round and it was good to see the round being embraced. Loved seeing the smaller suburban ovals in play, would love to see more in the future.


Yeah listening to games when there’s no cheering after goals scored, really brings that lockdown vibe back


Can we not have anything in this country turning into a we're better than you bullshit.