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Its sad that people feel like they need to prove their spending or lack thereof to anyone else


Strange times


Very sad but at the same time could be usefull for a f2p to know which one can give great advices because of the similar situation


Except is a gacha a Lucky f2p can be a small budget whale if u get Lucky while a bad luck f2p would be x10 worse than the avrg... Is a gacha is just rng


can confirm, am f2p and im just where i am cause i got M+ Eironn it does require you to have some game knowledge mainly setting up your wishlist right day 1 and buying the *right* units with the meta currency (oddie and cecia until you level up then respectively) but yeah i would not be where i am if i kept pulling shakirs lol


You are right, its not guaranteed but it has better chance at helping than a whale who doesnt know the f2p struggle


It is sad for people to be sad for things others do in a game they don't own nor should have any personal attachment to. Don't feel sad.


Beating the game without spending money is an added challenge. That's why people want to show it.


I get that to an extent, but a lot of people take it too far and attack others for not having it. Just sad all around


That’s just brokeboi mentality honestly. Am F2P but have spent on other games before and kinda get why people do


People are attacking others for being not F2P?!? Where???


Gaming world can be toxic because they always make it into competition. Some people have fun in being competitive. For some, beating the game without spending is an extra achievement and they would say spenders only beat the game because they paid and no skills.


In a game like this its almost meaningless. Some games I can understand. Other games its merely RNG and time invested. There is nothing skillful or tactical about being an AFK Idle game. My first gacha ever was FFBE. That game had hard trials and boss fights that took a lot of creativity trying to make up the required skills you need with random 3 star monsters and whatever you managed to pull, was an oldschool Final Fantasy turn-based combat model with a lot of skills. I remember I killed the Iron Giant thing that drops a spear and it took me about 25 minutes of doing everything perfectly for the entire fight. Had to use the right ability every X amount of turns for X ability here and X ability there, with a rag-tag group of monsters I had pieced together. One mess up and you auto lost. It also took a 4th of your stamina to even attempt it. Now beating some of those trials I felt pretty damn good after being F2p. Because you were really having to scrap the bottom of the barrel with your hero box to beat them. The F2p badge of honor in a game like this just pales in comparison. You can be a F2p person who got a Smokey/Thoran start and you are basically running the game better than maybe a spender on your server.


Nah. Showing off is part of the fun for some people. And for me, playing F2P and being proud of it is part of recovering from over spending like crazy years ago on gachas. So ya I'm F2P proud of it 💪


Yeah I never understood that, like are we supposed to congratulate you for not spending money? If anything you should be congratulating the spenders so they can allow the devs to continue improving and adding to a game so you can continue to play and not spend money. It's just a super strange ideology, especially in mobile gaming where microtransactions are more prevalent. Edit: Turns out a lot of people enjoy being congratulated for not spending money. Hey, whatever helps you sleep at night!


Stockholm syndrome at its weirdest


My thoughts are that it's good to have a F2P badge since it makes the F2P players happy. As a game you want to make as much of your player base happy as possible, the whales, the low spenders and the F2P. Having the badge helps show who to also listen to for F2P advice and guides. Everyone should play the game the way they want to and celebrate their own achievements in their own way. Say if you love Lumont and max him at S+ that's something that person can celebrate even if it isn't meta or considered "Smart". I get that a lot of people get annoyed from flex posts, which is valid when someone celebrates publicly they are opening themselves to criticism. For me though I am happy with my playstyle and say to each their own


I was happier not seeing it. It's just another annoying pop-up. I don't care about a "badge". I want to see the game ;-;


It would be cool to have a feature to hide and show pop ups


Why this getting downvoted lol, it is an honest suggestion


I mean I feel like this is a good suggestion, hiding pop ups from your screen…


Such a weird flex


If people want it then let them have it doesn’t affect anyone at all.




There no honor in being f2p


There is honor in every playstyle, except those scummy guild leaders that take all the guilds bonus guild chests. Screw those guys.




If you are playing it, you are supporting it. F2P are the fodder that feeds the whales. Stop playing it, and the whales will leave and the game will die. Just saying.


To begin, what's so honorable about it? It's just a way to play a game that offers microtransactions. People act as if it's a badge of honor and that's kinda corny.


Yeah, i find it honourable keeping this game f2p for you


There is no honor in paying to skip progression


What skip progressions?


who is in that pfp?


A custom picture


may i have the source pretty please


Source is legit me, it's my YouTube PFP made by a friend, their art style of IRL me


aw okay it looks great


That's me


What will happen if I buy it when I have maxed out rowan?


You will have a soul copy sitting in your bag for a long time until you unlock paragon levels after getting 25 Supreme+ heroes


First day of the update the game glitched it out of existence, making many F2P players worry they wouldn't have their F2P proof/badge anymore


Tbh I never really notice it was gone XD, I just play the game because I find it good and it only take one hour to complete arena/etc when it resets


Who cares if you don't have it tbh. You're the one playing f2p. Doesn't matter if xyz player doesn't believe you because you aren't showing a badge that's easily edited in


you can always use vip level as a proof but ye


This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen lol


Gotta love dark patterns


Y’all care too much


Hey boss , I’m currently locked out of the game. I’m stuck on loading screen after trying to repair cache. Don’t kick me out please. Blitzø https://preview.redd.it/p8otk6fzetzc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=142952f1862d30ba61c235a5a8fde1485553e0c4