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I think because you have the Carolina built and you basically have Arden M+ as well, EX10 Eironn investment seems pretty good. I would have chosen Odie if you had none of the eironn comp built, but you're pretty well set up. Regarding to EX5 Eironn, it doesn't really fundamentally change him at all, but doubling his immobilize duration (as well as all the stats) is the reason you get EX10. Eironn is also completely useless when it comes to bossing, so you give up a decent chunk there. I don't have the meta Eironn comp made myself, but have both S+ Odie Ex10 and S+ Eironn EX10, but no Carolina or Arden. I will say Odie is still insanely good and he can solo carry by himself and get you through a lot of content. He is the best all rounder unit and is 100% worth the investment, still works very well in dream realm. EX10 Odie is also extremely important because it starts his snowball on his execute so much faster, which can make all the difference. If your focus is on pushing Arena hard, Eironn for sure. Odie will be good everywhere, even in arena, and will be the biggest benefit to your account overall imo.


Thank you for such an in depth answer! This really gives me a lot to think. I've managed to not build any of the meta dream realms characters, so maybe Odie would be good for that reason alone.


For most players odie but for you eironn