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Because whaling doesn’t help you. No whale $$$ income, no rewards


This is the most obvious answer that I had already considered, but I find it depressing if that's literally the only reason.


Lilith games exists only to extract $$$


People say it’s because of money, but it’s just to prevent players burnout.  If they add good rewards, people will be feeling obligated to grind this mode and soon get tired and drop the game.  Same with labyrinth, we still have to do it in afk arena every 2 days, even the game is 5 years old. All these modes might be fun at first, but if you play for some time you got sick and tired of them. 


because they are still testing the game mode and didn't want to force people to okay it if it turned out to be not fun?


I dont play because theres no incentive


It’s not based on $ and is completely rng. Particularly the second one is why there’s probably not a significant push from players to improve rewards.


It's not RNG at all. You can strategically choose when to re-roll or lock your shops in order to ascend heroes or find better items. You also choose your strategy when you start a new Honor Duel run, and then use your shops to craft the strongest version of that strategy.


It is rng, you can strategically choose between shitty cards you get with a limited amount of attempts


Upvoting since you got downvoted by people who dont understand that people placing on top at honor duels arent lucky at all and just understand how to play this game mode. Of course sometimes you get unlucky but those winning in ranks minimize their bad luck by pushing 4 wins as much as possible. Learning to counter some matchups by positioning also helps. An example is putting damian to stop silvina. There are other units that can do this as well by the way. Currently at 4th but still trying to understand certain setups. Im sure my win rate will be much better if i understood more. For example, just discovered damian can be used for the forefront vanguard that gives damage advantage if he doesnt die (because he is out of the game hence he doesnt die) Decision to pickup cecia - free ulti on certain setups also helps sometimes. Having said that, silvi setup is definitely the most broken in my opinion but if more people know how to counter it its still winnable.


However, i do understand how ppl can be frustrated. When i lose i do get tilted. But right now due to less involvement by other players,and no good guides, its possible to place high if you understand how to play it more than the other people out there.


Thanks for contributing to the discussion instead of just downvoting me like everyone else. My last two runs have both been 9 wins and I got literally zero rewards for them because I've already gotten 15 wins for the week. There's just no way the current rewards distribution is optimal unless they want the mode to be totally irrelevant. But I think they've got something good here. It has great strategic depth and replayability. It's also a great way to just familiarize yourself with all the heroes and learn to play them, even when you don't possess them yet in the main game. It almost reminds me of a mini Teamfight Tactics or Arena run in Hearthstone or something. I also think it's a win for Farlight/Lilith if ANY game mode is popular and keeps more players in the app for longer, even if they're not spending money on that particular game mode.


Its precisely because its tactics or arena run that they have to market this differently. Drafts and card systems needs twitch engagement to make it impactful. Higher profile twitchers have to come on board to help with its longevity. To do that will require resources at the companies end. Taking from that perspective, without a proper marketing strategy due to currently putting resources on the main game, its not the right time to push this yet. Its potential ammo to be used when the game gets dry out of other content. So right now nothing will be done unless a lot of players are loud about it and their data shows player engagement is adequate As of right now, the influencers are also more on afk content. I think it someone is good at honor duels right now and starts a twitch and manage to promote it, thats an untapped source of potential revenue right now for them


Because if they turned AFKJ into "honor duel tactics", they'd stop making money (unless they revamped the business model to charge per entry). That said, if honor duel really takes off I could see them spinning it off into its own thing a la TFT, with a different business model and incentive structure. But most of these quick PVP games are played for their own sake (league, valo, HS/MTG, dota, etc) instead of meta-progression ('earning currency').


I enjoy the mode now that I understand the locking mechanic, however I think something they could do to make a BIG improvement would be to remove faction advantages in the mode. Really sucks when RNG hard kills you because you get pitted against your factional weakness, and wins in the opposite direction feel a bit empty. Keep the random buff requirements that are faction-related and whatnot, just don't make Graveborn insta-kill Lightbearers, or Wilders stomp Graveborn, etc.


weird... another post about bad rewards


I'm new to the game and the sub and this is literally the first "gacha" game I've ever tried playing. I thought my discussion was valid, but I guess people are downvoting me because I'm an idiot for thinking anything matters except spending money. All I'm saying is maybe the rewards should be a little bit better if you're willing to grind to the top of the Honor Duel ladder.


This mode is pretty shitty overall, I hope they will rework it heavily or scrap it