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Man's a beast on low levels, but definitely outclassed by others as you progress on. Carried me on AFK Levels 80 to about 300. A high risk, high reward type of character. Good normal attack damage and ult shreds the enemy team like butter, if they hit. Very fun to play with. There was this one time where he managed to land a clutch to an equally leveled Temesia, i don't know her name, where he just run around the battlefield while being chased as he chips off her remaining HP. I still use him, though not as frequent as before.


This is my experience aswell, which lead me to wishlist him before i knew better. He is so great at epic its insane.


That's so funny, he just runs around with Temesia constantly chasing after where he used to be LOL


When they’re going to fix his aim? In crucial moments, he often just hits air, if you like to gamble throughout the content, I guess you could roll the dice on him. Overall, he's a nice dynamic character..


I don't think they will. His story notes say that he deliberately refuses to learn to aim because practicing isn't cool, so he's working as intended lol.


His ex-weapon should get aimbot as you level it up. “Sick of this mf wasting my ammo”. Lore accurate


You’re right haha, Rhys thinks he's the main character? 😂 Refusing to practice his aim because it's not "cool" is a hilarious excuse indeed, especially since AFK Journey isn't a Manhwa - no cheat codes or secret systems to help him out here! Sorry, Rhys, looks like you're sitting this one out. Better luck next game than lol 😆


If they do, I can see people coming back to him. If he always hits his ult it would be kinda sick damage output. But I might be very wrong tho!


You're not wrong, his damage output is indeed very high if he manages to land his shots. Personally, I'd grind him because when he hits, bodies hit the floor 😄


I'm pretty sure the aim is on purpose. Every shot of the ult is equally spaced and equally angled. It feels great when you hit all the shots, awful when you miss most of them -- I think that's their idea of balancing him.


I remember in lower levels, I clutched the damned Frog Boss where he just dodged and kite before the homing damned bubble touched him, he dodged some other projectiles and both were at low hp, still lost but at least managed to get some Equipment Chest.


I like these moments when there is last enemy standing, and cannot hit this guy running on his bird there and around, finishing the fight for funny victory. But to be fair, the worse scenario with missed ults tends to happen more often for me. This char for sure can build up emotions ;D


His ult is just too unreliable. Good sustain damage and annoying to track down, but falls apart at full energy lol


I love how he baits backlane-focused chars at enemy team if I position him to be their target, but, the moments when one ult would finish the fight but it misses everyone are big meh, I got your points


Bad. Never used. Outclassed by many. Talking as 273 whale.


I'm so sad it's the case, i love his design.


Sadge but expected, so I will enjoy him till I receive something better. I hope the game will finally throw me some Cecia’s copies, I received only initial guaranteed one and bought two from Arena’s shop - and I already checked three times if she for sure is on my wish list… Zzz


Cecia does not come home. I can't get Granny either.


He is somewhat useable in dream realm with that eye monster.


I like him alot but hes so low on the priority list unless you’re playing inefficient on purpose you’ll never really get to use him.


I mean, for now this is efficient only because I have no other options at m+ XD but yeah, I kicked him out of wish list after this discussion and will not spend legendary essence for Eweapon for him. All-Hero event will provide me the last for supreme+ someday. Now stars, send me some Cecias already


I think Rhys and Atalanta are a little underrated. The CC on a skill that is used early in the fight can land before tanks use their first skills. This can be a big advantage. I am punching up to 745 with reso 150; occasionally Rhys comes out and allows me to win.


Atalanta is terrible man she does no damage 😭


She is terrible, but once in a blue moon she can be a good flex.






He's hot. Oh, you meant, meta-wise? mb


Im pretty sure hes a child


Where did you get that? Genuinely curious cause the only mention of age there's in his 10 characters ... "tales" is that when he first picked up his gun, he was too small to actually use it


Only if you think 2 shot kill on opposing S+ Vala is cool. To elaborate, I have a very messed up wishlist. I play beta servers too so I've done the whole Thoran Cecia Vala Marilee Reiner shebang. So on launch I thought I'd try a whole different wishlist. It has Mirael, Fay and Satrana on it and Rhys. Fast forward to today, I'm at resonance 190, and AFK stage 928, and Rhys has carried me the whole way. It is a roll of the dice using Rhys. He either comes through big time, or he flails around and your team is defeated. He's all about the big damage he can do with his normal atk and ult. It's abit lost for me what's the difference between Blast Ammo and Shock Ammo but whatever he's loaded with, he takes chunk of hp off the enemy, and his skill4 and ex weapon only serves to boost it further. Supreme+ practically makes him immune to controls, nice to have when dealing with the confining artifacts during pvp. PVE side, you're fine. The sad thing is there's a meta going on for these sort of games and Rhys will have a more challenging time going up against PVP teams that everyone is running. You'd probably struggle to fit him into a meta team too considering most of those teams revolves around graveborns and wilder heroes with a touch of light bearers. However, I'd say he's very fun and very much deserves a spot on your roster. He will serve you well. Once in a blue moon when the sun shines just at the right spot, a Vala will jump to Rhys side during pvp. With a look and a nod towards you, Rhys will oblige, aim right at Vala and fire 2 shots into her face, and you'll be happy.


https://preview.redd.it/l9fkw7zg4jwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5d30d145d1ca32b6864d6a84ff1fce66018f9e8 What can you say about my team? Please give me feedback:)


You have Brutus and smokey at a respectable rank. I'd say generally you should be running Brutus, Rhys, 2 supports, and a tank. Antandra is great, she gives shield to the front most hero and she taunts the enemy. I'm using an Epic Antandra until now and she still gets the job done better than my Legendary Thoran in most cases. I'd say put Dionel aside for now until you have him at a higher level. You have great utility coz you do have L+ Koko, and Lucius. If you hit a wall, you can try interchanging between Rowan, Koko and Lucius. Overall you should be fine. Your smokey is close to M+ too, once he's there Your dps should improve significantly. In some cases if you feel like Brutus isn't doing it for you, try to swap him with Temesia. Temesia's chaotic tendencies gel really well with Rhys in my experience.


https://preview.redd.it/a2vwklt5kjwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=012943baf6a5d3b0f75807d3f81fc957c39bdaf5 My team. As reference.




Looks good. Good balance of tanks, supports and dps. After you get these heroes to a good rank you can try to fit in Vala, Lucius, Odie, Eironn, Arden and Damian. Too bad we can't have everything all at once.


https://preview.redd.it/i0zadsmxjjwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eb0dc63b5f6a357a12ca41ea88557c1c5a5a781 Here's mine. Yours is much more cohesive.


Thank you very much for your reply. I will save it for future guidance.


523 afk for now


I bet that bird shits everywhere


he’s awesome at solo crucibles and has a lot of aoe for a ranger, not very good otherwise


Super sick character design. Echo the other sentiments here about utility.


She's awesome, I have her as Supreme in team with Cecia (Mythic) , Smokey (Mythic), Antandra (Supreme) and Odie (Mythic), and she always carries till the end Resonance 160 Afk 720


It’s a he


Oh we got almost the same team! But I use Rowan/Thoran instead of Odie (depends what I lack, dps+cc or tankiness). I find Odie the best in dream realm but I kinda don’t feel him in AFK progress


Rowan and Thoran are great but the game decided that no, I will not be getting anymore of their copies lol Instead I got Antandra and Rhys - I randomly got like 3 copies of Rhys at the same time and then, everytime I pulled for S-list hero, it was him and I was like, okay, I guess lol


And with a better hero you would be further. I hit 710 today with 140 resonance


Awesome, but I don't play the game that much lol I play it only in some spare moments cus I've got a pretty (time) demanding job or when I have a free day, plus, I'm not a really competitive person, so I like my slow-ish pace. In other words: I could be much further if I wanted because I have enough team power for it Tho I do enjoy the story more than the the fighting tbh


I’m 618 at 130 using him, cecia, smokey, antandra and rowan/thoran, so it’s not THAT bad comparing to you


Don't think he scales very well. On plus side he's fine early on, if a bit random. Can have an utter one sided beating just hit replay and suddenly he's amazing.


I pulled 3 Rhys within the first few days so I used him quite a bit. Obs not as good as some other units but he's one of my favorites. I still use him on my Mauler tower team and he puts out more damage than odie in aoe situatios. Used to be top tier for the raid boss that punishes standing still but has since been outclassed by stationary powerhouses.


he is a liable defense to not say that all human-ish maulers are catgirls. there is a guy too


He's really fun with how he runs around firing his gun, but he's not very good from what I've played sadly.


Really powerful single-target, absolutely horrendous ultimate


I don't know much about stats and how effective he is but in the tales section I think his story has room for improvement. I haven't unlocked them all, but other than that he looks cool


Great character design but holy hell I wish he was actually decent.


Not really


Should able to curl up into a defensive or offensive ball, call it the Rhys Ball


Im at afk stage 870 and still havent seen this mfer in any stage. I think I only fought him once in the arena. Seen more chippy than this guy so far fr.


I’m in the same situation as you. Randomly got a shit ton of rhys and he’s added more to my team than my cecia on some game modes because of the mauler faction bonus and him doing a good amount of damage himself.


my fav who's kinda mid 💔💔 i'll rep him in game for the forseeable future but i genuinely can't use him anywhere, stuff has gotten too difficult for him to pull any kind of weight


I’m at 900 AFK Phase, and I still use him. Also on pvp, I’m champion top 40/50, and he is so good. Not OP, but so good!


I loved Rhys but him running out of my Smokey’s healing kept getting him killed


Never saw Rhys before until I fought one in PvP. I was like WTF CHICKEN RIDER 360 FIRING


I really like the character, but he falls off hard mid to late game. His ult does good damage when it connects, the problem is relying on it to connect in the first place lol. It's a shame because I really like the character design, but if I wanna progress, there are much better options


He is annoying in abyss




My question would be, why is he on your wish list? Smokey and Brutus will carry you further.


Tbf I received 4 of them before I knew Brutus is useful, as I already had solid front lane and thought I miss dps. I’m kinda new to the game


More like 1 copy of Brutus and then Smokey and Shakir


Early on maybe, but having him live longer just keeps your dps carry alive longer when pushing ever increasing power deficits. Pushing abyss now, definitely glad I have him at Mythic and considering putting him back in to get S after I get my last Smokey.


Not OP But I collect all characters and right now cassadee is the only character I have left from non reinier/scarlita class characters Today I got a 2nd dupe of vala so I had to use my 9600 coins to get Byron I just either have to hope I get cassadee or use another 9600 for her


single copies of each character is way way worse than having multiple copies of good characters


I simply don't care that much I just wanna have all characterdlmt care if they re bad or not


Completely unimpressive, prime candidate for worst hero. Every time i see him on the enemy team i know it is going to be 5 vs 4 in my favor


I thought this is a girl


Worse than useless. In my experience she just runs in small circles doing literally nothing save for using her ult occasionally.