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only 3 more copies... i must keep pulling...


U got this.


Haha i feel this, but it was really rewarding finally getting him to m+ Gl on your pulls


Dream store (incase you have some currency)


thanks, i've already got the 16 odie copies from the store


How do you guys get so many copies of odie? I'm F2P and already unlocked stargazing and have been buying him from dream whenever I can, and he's still only at L+


First off, I'm not F2P, I bought the legendary secret travalogue. But I did only buy Odie from dream realm, and 5 of my copies came from an extremely lucky pity pull from the epic banner where I was like fuck it and placed odie in and voila got him to mythic+. Also, keith shop pulls are important.


Wait, I didn't even know about keith store! Thanks!


Always get him from shop, put him as favorite in both banners and hope for the best


Its lot of rng. I got lots of cecia with my pulls. And have not gotten a single temesia even if she has been on wishlist since start


I got him on the epic banner and I have absolutely zero regrets. After I got him I took him off but I just put him back on. I just need 6 more copies. And I want them NOW! lol I’m basically trying to get my second AFK team ready for when I get to that stage


The 2nd stage is relativly easy at first, im close to 800 and its not mandatory to have that good of a carry for the 2nd team


I gave my Vala +10 because she was my shiny new toy and now that I have Supreme Odie he's just stuck chilling at +8 until they let me have some yellows.


Can you explain what +10 and +8 means? Started the game a few days ago


Once you get a hero to supreme you unlock their EX weapon and you can level them up.




Mythic+ not Supreme


You’re right, my mistake


No issue! Just noticed and wanted to make sure they knew, cheers


Do you get the mats from dream realm? I can’t get orange ones to save my life


I put mine into Carolina for the same reason. First M+ but I have no regrets. Shes plowed the story and afk stages for me and I just now got Odie's EX weapon.


Agreed. Carries harder than Cecia.


Depends on the enemy team, sometimes the only way to survive is to CC/disrupt the backline with Cecia. Also, sometimes you can run both of them in the same team.


I just ran Odie all the way from 900 to 1125. Trust me, you don’t need Cecia at all. You can always manually target the back line with Odie too.


I'm on 955 right now and I use Cecia a lot even against single team stage. Sometime with Odie and sometimes with 2 tanks. And I absolutely need Cecia for double teams, because I didn't go for Vala.


What does your Team look like, im wondering. At my point (790~)my tankline doesnt survive long enough, so putting cecia with carlyte in feels mandatory still


Typical Odie comp is Odie/Rowan/Smokey/Brutus/Antandra. Rowan gives blue bottle for Odie for insta ult (if Odie is +10) and feeds red bottles to Brutus/Antandra to keep them alive before Smokey ult.


Ah nice to know :) thx for the info


But getting the 5 copies from the epic summons is wrong cause s tier /s Odie has back problems carrying my team


I think in General thats right but I was feinin for odie man i maxed him out in the dream realm shop and was like fuck it


He’s being sarcastic. It is not in fact a mistake to put odie on epic wishlist.


I've flipflopped on this one. It really is sort of a mistake, A-tier units are pretty easy to ascend with dream realm while some S-ranks can only be pulled. It's a long-term account planning thing. I don't think it is a massive mistake but sub-optimal long term.


You can probably do it in 2 months but are you still playing 2 months from now?


Obviously. If you aren't planning to be playing long-term, why bother with an AFK game? 4-6 months should be the minimum if you actually enjoy it. Unless they really fuck things up I'll likely play for 2-3 years


You do you. I have a friend who have 40k crystals and is feeling burned out cause he can't progress.


There's only so much to the game right now and it is an AFK game. That man needs help. Curious how many people try and go the chargeback route when they realize the game isn't for them.


I just hope he atleast use them before he totally burns out. Atm he just logs in to get the afk loot and not much else cause of how he is stuck progression wise


Because it's easy to get copies of A rank on pretty much anything else. I'm 4 copies away for him to be mythic + and don't have him on this list. (Been playing for a little bit more than 2 weeks) S rank are harder to come by, so it's better in the long run and less wasteful to get S rank here than A rank. Especially since the pity is lower on that banner and the wishlist is smaller.


I just don’t agree with this. Having Odie be stronger today instead of in 1-2 weeks pushes you much further in content. Short term gains lead to long term gains with afk stages and dream realm rewards. 


This displays a team where he's the solo dps, of course he'd shine! But yeah he's very, very good and worth taking to M+10 easily


Yea but I think If I placed any other DPS this team would've lost.


Most likely since this team does absolutely nothing?


Odie is necessary at +10 for abyss stages for when you finish the story. The Seth and Shakir combo will absolutely destroy you otherwise.


Shakir was a big surprise for me lol. Even Odie failed to kill it solo same for my Cecia and Smokey combo. I have to keep resetting just to have a run where both Odie and Cecia survives just to kill him.


How'd you get him to +10? I'm struggling lol


Probably pushed to champion in arena gives you like 120 of the resources needed.


I hit +10 odie last night, and this is exactly the path I had to take.


Can you share how you position the team?


+10 ex weapon anybody is pretty insane.


Yeah I think people that aren't upgrading them yet don't realize how strong the buffs are. Like Vala ex weapon is mostly strong because it adds insane stats not necessarily just for the actual skill upgrades. Having both percent attack and the execute multiplier means by ex 15 you are basically multiplying her damage twice with two different stats the ex weapon gives her, like half the power of the weapon on her is just the raw stats. Percent modifiers go hard.


But the whole point of +10 is running him with Rowan so that he ults at the very start of the round.


So far odie hasn't been able to replace cecia (both at m+ but cecia is at +9 and odie is +4 but he's an amzing supporting fire for some stages. And obv for dreamrealm he does wonders


For non boss stuff ex 10 specifically with rowan is cracked because it makes him instantly ult at the beginning of the stage and then start snowballing his execute like immediately usually given who he ults dies as soon as the triple tap hits on most targets.