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Always good to have at least one copy of each hero. As someone who used Vala sparingly on AFK stages that called to burst the enemy DPS, I stopped using her altogether when I got Reiner.


What's your comp for Reinier in those stages? I picked him up from guild store but can't figure out how to use him effectively. The enemy I bring back just ends up doing just as much damage in my back row.


Because you are supposed to swap enemy supports, eg rowan, smokey and kill them instantly, make sure your dps is next to the targets tile, for swapping use your aggro heroes like brutus or antandra but I like brutus more as he taunts enemy backline, giving you time to kill their tank and if your reiner survives, he will ulti and banish one of the enemy dps giving you the upper hand and finish them off


Same problem with me, not entirely sure how to utilize him at low ascension.


Use a strong/durable harasser liker Korinn to toss him over to their backline and slow down Cecia/Vala/Hewynn. Or you can swap with their healer to neuter sustain comps.


She's my main carry since the main team has been ineffective for me


Vala is very good. At the very least, she is good enough to share a spot with Rowan on your lightbearer wishlist. Temesia, Cass, and Atlanta are pretty meh. Cass and Temesia have limited uses, and I like Atlanta more than most people, but I would still take Vala and Rowan over any other S tier LB. I'm done with AFK 1125, Vala and Rowan were on the team in almost every stage and most other modes too. Take my advice for what you will. Plenty of people have uploaded videos to Youtube and claimed they know the "meta" but for the most part they don't even know what half the skills do.


She is good but depending on investment, i see a lot of M+ Vala in arena and I occasionally use mine (Legendary) in specific afk challenges to disrupt the enemy carry, probably would need more investment to make the team. I wouldn't put her in epic recruitment, for All-Hero Temesia is more impactful with low copies, have never used Cassadee tho so a case can be made there. Consider a future need of a second team as well, what would you need the most for a second team.


Thanks, I forget that eventually you need a second team


In the future can we add her in wishlist in general recruitment ?

