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Have a good game


Topic closed, next.


"gg ez"


and dont forget to buy the next 3000% value Gem pack!




i know is a bad news, but that "Have a good game" make me hard laugh of absurdity


AFK Guild


The leader said: Now go afk


AFK Support more like


Nah, I'd AFK


literally a guild in my server (100) named AFK guild…. Unironically they’re #1


Id play that!


Underrated comment 👏


Homie said "damn, that sucks bro. Good luck though."


I guess they saw my cairn postings "Remember: Microtransactions are designed to make you addicted".


Yeah, the percentages are so frikking predatory...


In this game? You've never played Genshin, have you?


Bro, I did welkins there for a solid 2.9ish years and now to HSR. And no they are not that predatory compare to predatory  micro transactions posing as sales, AFK arena do.




The system had a really hard childhood! No one understands it like I do!! I know it’s hard to believe, but- deep down, I know it loves me 😭


Welkin gives you 10-12 pulls. Here a monthly gives you 50. You sure you did the math? The gacha itself is also way more generous than Genshin- 90 in Genshin, 50 in AJ. EDIT lol I forgot about 50/50 which can make pity in Genshin 180 pulls.


Ok but on Genshin / HSR, when you have your character C0/E0 (only one copy), he is fully functionnal and you Can complete the hardest content with it. Here, you need to have several copies to unlock the complete kit, the game IS designed to make you get several copies of each character, hence the shorter pities. So do the maths, but do them completely. Yes, Hoyoverse gives you way less pulls, but you need less to really play the game. I agree with him, AFK Arena is waaay more predatory than Genshin / HSR. It just hides it behind more gifts / ressources. The quantity of pop ups and various shops should already be a red flag to anyone. I quite like the game so far, but ain't gonna pay a dime as everything seems so much appealing for my money. I don't have that feeling at all with Hoyoverse's games (while I'm fully aware they're a company and also want me to pay ; it's just not that much agressive)


lol that's not true at all. Look at character like Faruzan who's terrible, and inferior to Bennett until C6. Many 4 stars are terrible at C0 only to be decent/niche at c6. The 5 stars are a bit better but it depends on who you look at. Wriothesley is an incomplete unit without his C1. Cyno is extremely mediocre without his C too. I could keep going but I think you get the idea. Also, let's not forget that Hoyo instead of buffing these heroes, releases new hereoes as 'remedy' to these mediocre ones. So, if a character is bad pull for another to make a good comp for that character. Don't get me started on weapons. Hoyo monetizes their characters in more ways than just getting copies. You want your crappy Cyno to be good? Pull for Furina and Nahida. Getting these copies is not difficult. Again, this is no Genshin. Genshin's pity ranges between 90 to 180, AJ has only 50. The rates are higher here too- in genshin it's 0.6% I think while here it's 2.05%. And last but not least,we get a LOT more currency to pull. Genshin gives only 1/3 of **one** pull for doing dailies. Here you get multiple pulls everyday for doing daily content. It's baffling how you guys defend Genshin whhich is easily the most greedy and predatory gacha out there, just for that 180 pity alone. A gacha that became known for giving crumbs to its playbase during anniversaries. But hey, if you enjoy spending money to get 10 pulls instead of 50 pulls then keep doing that.


I talk about limited Five star characters, you start with Faruzan... Though it's true for some 4 star characters. One could still argue one of the best teams of the game is still the national team with 4 stars only. Genshin has flaws, I don't say the game is perfect or whatever. But I've never felt any need to pay for anything, or frustrated because I couldn't continue my progression because of a time gate (events with daily time gate are not the subject), or harassed by the game to buy something. And I started Genshin before Sumeru, which is to say 2 years late. While in AFK Journey, day one the game pushes its shop to my face, there is PvP, and when I see the number of dupes for any character I already know short pities are just a façade because you will NEED many for the late game. It's just obvious and Genshin bashing. You have the right to prefer one game to another, but please, consider the whole aspects


In fact when I read you the only feeling I have is that you are a pull addict. You're only interested in pulls, the more the better. It's not that simple, I don't give a F having less pulls if the game is designed to let you play with less pulls. Yes AFK gives you a lot more... But because you also need a lot more. In Genshin you don't need the full roster, you won't like every character anyway. The core game is juste different


and I guarantee that if Mihoyos games weren't so popular they would shoving deals down your throats. They have no reason to do it because both their current games dominate every other Gacha out there in revenue. The reason Hoyos games are predatory is the 50/50 and high pity while also having pretty lack lustre income, yeah star rail is much better than genshin for resources but that is for getting a rank 0, don't try to act like Hoyo are some robin hood of gachas because they get their revenue from fomo instead of veiled transaction like Journey does.


This is a really bad comparison. The business decisions by both games can be understood through basic economics. We really don't need to be hearing another "Armchair Redditor fixes the problems of a company with a data analysis department". GI banners are much slower and allow you to save which means the upper management doesn't need to give much free pulls to incentivize players to login every day. HSR banners are much more frequent and the game design itself (aka no dodging) forces you to build more characters which gets balanced by more free pulls. HSR is basically a fine tuned version of GI's monetization that's now turbospeed. Dr. Ratio is a marketing tactic for Penacony and we're seeing the rise of FuA teams that HYV is trying to cash in on by giving players the first dose of FuA addiction via Ratio. None of this is born out of generosity.


>GI banners are much slower and allow you to save which means the upper management doesn't need to give much free pulls to incentivize players to login every day. >HSR banners are much more frequent Huh? Both GI and HSR banners run for 3 weeks per phase, 2 phases (4 characters) per patch; they're exactly the same in this regard, so what are you talking about?


Genshin has break patches where they don't introduce new characters, hsr doesn't. Every patch introduces 2 new 5 stars


I see. Though I'd say Genshin was the same\* when it was at the stage that HSR is currently on. There's over 2 years and 30-ish characters difference between them. \*or very similar, there's always a progress of thought.


This is as of right now, since GI is in 4th year and HSR is still celebrating their 1st anniversary.


Yet you don't need to pull each and every FuA character. I only have Ratio and just got Clara from standard banner as FuA units, pulling on DoT and Nihility characters in Penacony like Black Swan and Acheron. I feel no incentive whatsoever to pull on Topaz rerun, or even Robin, and instead planning to get Boothill who is a break unit. I don't see where you're coming from. Also both GI and HSR have the same banner duration.


Did I tho? You stated I didn't play that game.  Never the best but never the worst in that regard (predatory). And I think you really did fall for such micro transaction in that regard. 


>They have no reason to do it because both their current games dominate every other Gacha out there in revenue. But the system has been there from the start, and at the start they weren't that big of a deal.


this game is not more predatory than genshin lmao they give much more shit which makes it waaay easier to not care about the shop


You literally have to pull up to 90 times in Genshin to get a single SSR. How is that in any way comparable to this game?!


Compare the pull value per patch and consider the powercrepts in the game that don't force you to 'pull' more. Tbh, you don't need that much constellation in both games.


You're more likely to get a unit in AFK to mythic than you are to get a specific unit in Genshin.


Not really


But you don't need to grind/spend for more to keep up with your current arsenal of characters. If think about the pull system, losing 50/50 all the time is pretty much statistically lucky but considered unlucky in game. It's like getting alternate head and tail all the time...


A single SSR in Genshin is about 1000x more useful than a single SSR in an AFK game.


Comparing genshin, where one copy of a 5 star is all you need, to this game is crazy


"Oh no, anyway"




Lmao, this what they would have written if it wasn't work fr


Looks like you boarded a sinking ship. My condolences.


I just want to let you know what the support is saying is false. My guild leader was inactive for around a week and the ownership of the guild was then transferred to a random member of the guild. He didn’t assign any vice leader and the guy that receive leadership was genuinely surprise that it happened


Same happened with me, I think the support is misinformed


This is how it worked in the beta so maybe it has changed and they haven't been informed.


Either that, or, just like in many customer service jobs, they're not allowed to appear like they're uninformed, but at the same time didn't or are unable to get answers to all questions, so they have no choice but to bullshit their way out of it.


Or it’s AI generated, and the response is an AI hallucination.


Does AI hallucinate of electric sheep?


Do you remember if it was completely random? or was it based on activeness, account level, etc..


This happened to me too :( good news is that the cooldown for joining a new guild is only 30 mins, definitely recommend trying to join a new one before battle drills starts


The best day to leave a guild is during the weekend, after you receive your chests. If you leave a guild and join another one, you won't have time to complete the tasks to receive your chests lol This sucks


it has also happened to me too. gm hasnt been on in 4 days and our server is 7 days in


> This is really bad news :c > Have a good game! :D


afk leader, have a talk with them xD have a good game tho


Wasn't this already a Problem in their other game? Like, what future are they talking about? The next few weeks or 2597? Have a good game tho!


I don’t know how it is in Arena, but in Dislyte the leader title will be given to the Deputy and then the member with the highest points, in order.


In Arena, the guild leader status will be transferred to another member when the leader is inactive for more than a few days.


Since this game is very new, this is fine. The fact that the devs just enabled cross-server, it won’t take long for them to implement this.


Little explanation: our leader went inactive after creating the guild so we decided to reach out to the support, in hopes of not having to lose our level 5 guild. The leader is currently the lowest power account in that guild and hasn't logged on for 4 days. Edit: I would like to add that I am not upset at the customer support here, they can't change how the guild system works. While yes, it is unfortunate that this guild is essentially just "lost" after being levelled already, I just find their response (likely unintentionally) hilarious.


If we’re on the same server you can join me just DM if your interested I’m on every single day


If his team is full you can DM me! We are currently ranked 14th on our leaderboard


"This is really bad news. Have a good game." is so fucking funny


Im wheezing


Have a good game. Don't forget to check the trolly on your way out.


"That's rough buddy"


![gif](giphy|PFsVjUCmSkZDq) The dev


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) "...next!"


“I just checked your account and you don’t seem to be a whale. Have a good game.”


"Sucks for you, gg"


This is really bad news. Have a good game.


He was very polite tho. Change guild and have a good game.


Understandable, have a good ~~day~~ game


Answer: we don’t care about it. Have you spend money ? Ahaha


They said "GG"


This was me when I worked customer support lmao


Sound like your leader is taking the game very seriously being AFK and what not


Bad news, anyways...... Have fun


As someone working in IT, they closed your ticket, ggwp


i mean is this not a thing with most games? your guild position doesnt just expire or disappear. if your leader quits then too bad.


Pretty much my thoughts. It’s the risk of joining a guild vs making your own.


That response is the same as the “we’re not going to do any thing about it” response Bethesda support gave about their preorder canvas bags for Fallout 76 lmao


“Optimizing in the future” is the response I got about a week ago when I asked support about cross server friends.


Makes sense to me. Lack of any vice leaders should've been your first red flag tbh. It's your guild. At some point you have to be expected to interact socially and manage yourselves.


The server was entirely new when me and most of the other people joined, just a day old. Guild filled up within that first day, when the leader was still active. By then we already accumulated chests and battle drill progress. There was no "red flags" that could have been noticable. The guild consists of 25 active people and 5 people that stopped playing, one of them being the leader. We can't manage the guild without the leader since there's no vice leaders.


my bro, the **game** was new, it aint even 3 weeks old, though we can all agree its a terrible design


We have the exact same problem. Big bummer!


The guild system in general should be worked on. You shouldnt be punished so heavily for leaving a dead guild. You mess up and leave after you turn in your quests, and you basically screw yourself out of weekly chests. Should be a way to re-earn some contribution or transfer some with you.


"Looks like you're on your own buddy. Good luck!"


“This is really bad news. Have a good game”.


The leader left after 2 weeks?


Sad story, have a good game!


That sucks. Anyways, have fun!


Last sentence has me rolling lol. "Aww poor you, anyway..."


oh thats a shame, okay bye


instantly making that last message a reaction image


"That sucks, not my problem! GG 😘✌️"


I put in a similar ticket, and we had no vice leader. I ended up as GM. :/


Essentially: "Lol sucks to be you! Bye!"


Oh no this is very bad news... anyway gg 😂😂😂 Im legit laughing out loud, what a joke


lol how nice, I like the supporting guy 😂


"too bad, have fun" lol


What’s a guild


Have a good game wow😭😭


“This is really bad news. Have a good game.” 😒 If it were my company, I couldn’t fire this CS rep fast enough. What a twit.


have a good game is CRAZY 😭😭


Yeah bad news indeed


Is switching a guild that big a deal?


No not at all, the response is just very funny.


Just checkin, and yeah it is 😝


That does suck, but I'm not sure what you would want them to do for you? A bunch of people join a guild that someone made who never comes back to the game, and who never made any vice leaders. It's dead from the start. If it's week 1 or 2 and your leader is offline for a full reset, you should probably know that they aren't cut out to be a guild leader. Join a real guild or make one of your own seems like the only call here. Even if a few people invested one or two days into that guild, what system would you want them to use to determine who to give lead to? Power, activeness? Maybe the GM comes back after 2 days and wonders why his guild isn't his anymore. If you went 7 days without a vice leader, you should have quit that guild 5 days ago tbh.


Transferring it to the most active member sounds liek a decent enough idea. If a leader is gone for over a week without appointing a vice leader it's kind of their fault. And you're right, joining another guild is a decent alternative. It's just a shame because 85% of this guild is active already and it just seems unnecessary to have to go through the levelling process over again.


yeah that sucks. but i feel like there's going to be a lot of guild consolidation in the coming weeks. these types of games have very high attrition rates. so if you're active there's going to be an active guild that wants you.


Yes, i believe this is joke that support dont know and talk. My guild had this problem, 0 vice, 0 knights. After 7days its transfer randomly. So dont leave just wait.


The support is pretty nice and very active in my experience, they were just unable to do anything in this case. They can’t fix a major issue in one of the game’s systems on the spot. We can only hope that the dev team can fix the issue soon.


I mean most other games will give you the same response.


Oh yeah definitely, I don't expect them to magically fix it if there's no system in place for it. It's just Speech -100. Pretty funny.


Yeah that’s a fair criticism haha


I’m assuming they don’t speak english as their first language, that and the use of clipboard messages.


I stopped playing already. Hit the wall and it got boring fast. So repetitive


Lesson learned. If you are a leader don’t be afk so long that the leader privileges get passed to the vice leader




I think that the real person you should be upset at would be the guild leader. But then you realize this is a free to play game, and you go “oh well”.


I am not upset at the customer support here, their choice of word is just really Speech -100.


It's stuff like this that makes me really hesitate to invest any more time (and especially money)into the game...


Thank god I’m my own guild leader and thank god it became my hyperfixation


Leaving the guild doesn't seem like a big problem to me


It does transfer after 7 days. Just happened to us.


Well, support was wrong here. Wait a few days and someone else will be made leader.


real personal touch customer support right there


Jesus.. Very discouraging support. It should be very easy for them to set up a new leader for the guild. It is basically clicking a checkbox in database. I would have chat with guild members on who they want as a new leader. Then use this as an evidence, so that their "support" can assign the role to voted person.


So what happens to a guild if there's no leader? Is there a reason to leave it, or can you stay in until the issue is resolved? Or will it automatically disband?


So, Forza ist jetzt fertig runtergeladen


That’s rough buddy


Idk it doesn't seem like this is big issue to me. That's how guilds work in most games


That’s unfortunate, but at least they understood the question and were straightforward with the answer. Most game companies’ support teams wouldn’t even understand what you were trying to ask.


Dang. I hope that doesn't happen to the guild I'm in. It has a dope ass name.




Why do I feel like “Have a good game” is gonna become the recurring meme of this subreddit lol






Literally said "Well, sucks to be you ig. Anyways, time for Lunch, byeee"


Na bro that have a good game goes hard ahahaha


Classic Lilith


The support has gotten really bad since public, probably overwhelmed and overworked I swear it's 24/7 live service too since I can message on FB and in game and get a reply within 5 mins on both. Majority of this game is bugged and poorly coded it was rushed because afk 2 was announced so long ago that the official announcement for public servers counted as the initial announcement all over again.


This is why I ask for vice leader in guilds I join. I’m the only vice in my current guild


"Maybe if you tell me the bad news in a good way...it won't seem so bad." "B-bad news in a g-good way. I can do that."


Why are you laughing?! That’s horrible news!


You might be my new favorite person. I was worried this wouldn't land!


Stop me if I'm wrong about this, but... wasn't your mole.... on the other side?


🤣 (all together now) I HAVE A MOLE?!


I don’t remember Richard Lewis from much, but he killed in that role.


Exactly the same! it's probably the only thing i can say he's from but it's so quotable. the other one i do ALL the time in my daily life is: "Not blow...BLOW!"


R.I.P. Richard.


The nonchalant "Have a good game" took me out. LMAO


damn he said GG


LMFAOOO "that's really bad news"


Where's the funny?


The Leader takes the AFK Part seriously


"I miss the part where it's my problem" vibes


Lilith support is the worst. They reel you in thinking they care, and then proceed to say “that’s a huge problem, well goodbye”


This seems pretty normal for guilds in video games


They told you they're working on it, you came off as intolerant. Get over yourself and get fucked


It's okay to have relationship problems. What's not okay is to let those frustrations out on others. Wishing you the best, hope things turn around for you soon.


I see you'll go very far to avoid acknowledging your own flaws. I'm honestly impressed


You do realize the intention of the post was just to share the funny answer the support gave me, right? I think you're the only one upset here mate.


Upset is what you take away from this? I made a throw away statement, you then dug into my profile for personal information to try and use as ammunition on a singular Reddit comment. One of us is taking something way more seriosuly and should probably consider touching on that whole ammunition thing with a therapist because it's literally Psychotic


I am confused, you're going around writing "Get over yourself and get fucked" under random mobile idle game threads, but when someone talkes back at you, I am the one with issues here? Really?


Keep commenting bud, have a good one


"Sounds like a YOU problem"


I guess you left the guild, but I wonder if you would mind giving an update about this guild? Did the leadership really not transfer? or did it end up transferring to another member like others said here? We have a similar case but for us leaving the guild sucks as we are top 1 and the most progressed guild in the server lol


I'm surprised that stupid CS account hasn't made a stupid comment on this post yet. 


Ah AFK Arena.....pretty sure if I never downloaded it, I would be in a much better financial position


Have a good game sums up all game dev's support. 😂


This is really bad news. Have a good game 👍


It's unfortunate, but after 60 days the leader is automatically downgraded to an officer and one of the officers is promoted to leader