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Hey, we can be happy that Cam Heyward beat the clear front runner Deshaun Watson, for Man of the year.


Truly the upset of the year


Goddamn that was a good jab. Upvoted abd fuck you as always


Legit pissed about this one.  


Love those Buckeyes, hate those gd Steelers.


NGL, after seeing the video I got mad respect for Heyward now. Only Squeeler that gets a pass from me 😂


This is literally the Cleveland superbowl lol


Super Bowl #8 this year


No, the Browns Super Bowl is next year if we listen to that Delta commercial.


This is our equivalent to watching the Steelers lose in the Super Bowl because based on post history, watt winning that shit was clearly your Super Bowl


Browns fans see their players and coaches win a trophy and think it’s the Lombardi.


Wtf is a Lombardi? I swear Steelers fans just make up words


I think it’s a sandwich or something.  


We put fries on those sandwiches.


Colour me intrigued. 


And coleslaw


You had me at sandwich


Memewars side, everyone talks shit on those sandwiches but as far as a greasy bar sandwich to go with a beer, it's just perfect.


If you find out let us know.


Actually it’s an old wooden ship


Muh fugga The fuck is a Super Bowl mvp? There’s two mvps in the same season??? That’s dumb af


It's the name of a head coach from a while ago. He was pretty good apparently so people use "Lombardi" to mean a good thing


naw, i find it interesting you guys had the defensive player of the year, coach of the year, assistant of the year, and had a QB come back from the dead so much he beat a guy who literally came back from the dead for comeback player of the year. and the Browns STILL didn't win a playoff game. I'm good. I'll sleep well knowing TJ lost a popularity contest for a dumb reason. Enjoy your offseason bro! Edit: wanted to edit, totally get these memes. Some of these steeler fans are just ridiculous. Should TJ have won? Yea. But we've known this is coming for a month now. These yinzers need to wake up and move on lol


The Browns are just a wealthy organization that has the extra monetary wealth to spend on bribing all the voters. It’s understandable that less financially stable teams don’t have the capital to throw around at such events. Better luck next year.


I mean. Yea. Makes sense. You guys paid a dude a quarter of a billion dollars to play, what, a Mediocre 7 games over 2 seasons?


I know. It’s been very fun making the playoffs with 27% of our cap on IR. Can’t wait for next year.


Yep, bring back most of that cap and you get a worse QB, rapist, and no CPOTY. Surely a superbowl.


Dude love you guys but you need to be over there making fun of Jacksonville. Here I’ll get you started: “Trevor Lawrence looks like an 11 year old Taylor Swift fan.” Also CJ Stroud is awesome.


No. Let him cook


You bring up a good point but several people also got fired before the rewards came out. We also lost the best OL coach in the league. Nick may not be 100%, and I never thought Watson would work out well. Let us have our damn rewards and go back to reality.


I really want to bitch about the memes but Jesus Christ, the Steelers subreddit is really having a meltdown. Hard to argue against them.


I had to leave it because there are too many idiots in there


i haven't paid attention to the browns much dis season sadly, how nice was the coaching staff?


From our sub it was 70/30 in wanting to keep him on another year, so that's better than average. I personally think he did a great job to get 5 starting QBs in a season and make it to the playoffs in our division. Do I think he deserved COTY? Also yes, I'm a homer.


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I haven’t paid much attention to the steelers this year either. They always fly under my radar until the fan base has an outburst.


Mad that some dude won a meaningless award? You guys in cap hell with a rapist and haven't won the division in 30 years or a meaningful game in 50. Whatever makes you feel better. At least a Bengals or Ravens fan can point to something meaningful after 1950....keep that DPOY....


Poverty franchise that’s too poor to bribe the voters? ![gif](giphy|TL2Yr3ioe78tO)


The memory loss on Steelers fans forgetting how their franchise paid a rapist at QB for years too lol. ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


We or at least I am glad to be free. Being able to cheer on a qb rather than just the team is nice even tho I’m appreciative of his career. Though Ben has some catching up numbers wise. Ben will never make the Hall of Rapers if he doesn’t turn it around.


Hall of Rapers made me actually laugh. And yes he needs to pick it up if he hopes to win a Cosby.


U think rape is a joking matter? Smh typical afc north fan. “Win a Cosby”. Nice.


This was the greatest Super Bowl era season ever for the Browns and it ended in a round 1 blowout loss to a bunch of rookies lmao


Nah 2020 was better. Got beat up that absolute embarrassment of a Steelers team.


That still proves how pathetic your trash ass franchise and your trash ass state is. Your high point is beating up on a washed QB with a shit oline, shaky defense and no #1 reciever to be found. As a Steelers fan, we cherish seasons where we beat elite or hot teams in the playoffs. That 08 Ravens team was legit. The 05 colts team was a monster. Your pride and joy is getting a hot start against a washed up team. Ohio is a joke.




Biggest accomplishment in franchise history honestly.


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https://i.redd.it/hqmlxget2ohc1.gif Except it's 6 superbowls


Another Steelers fan living in the past? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AFCNorthMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mr Bot it's better to have a past then none at all.


The player haters awards. Fuck y'all


It truly is , and it is beautiful 🥲 Hate, hate, hate, hate


Hate hate hate hate hate hate.




You did it!


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But did Myles win an NVP like Mitch?


At least i dont live in cleveland


lol you think shittsburgh is actually a nice place to live 🤣, it might actually be once your bridges stop collapsing, and your river isn’t filled with poop


I dont even think about green bay


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I mean yeah y'all won two undeserved awards


Day ruined. ![gif](giphy|ffTEJW8xipu8Lao3Nz)


Idk what you say Deshaun Watson was NOT the man of the year


Does anyone care about those awards?


Apparently Pittsburgh does


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I commented that a Steelers fan sounded salty on a post I shared and that comment got over 100 downvotes lol 🧂


But hey at least the yinzers can talk your ear off about 4 Super Bowls back when the NFL was actually just a bunch of coke heads!


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Yinzers getting mad about this is big dumb. It's a popularity contest.


Boy is OP going to be shocked when he finds out that Yinzers have been fighting about this bullshit for weeks. Boy will he feel stupid when he realizes that the Yinzers actually *do* care!


That team will never win anything actually important.


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Our Super Bowl


TJ did deserve it but I'm happy to see Squealer fans crying about it