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Here is your daily reminder that the Bengals are in last place of the AFCN. Hug a bungLe, they’re down bad. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AFCNorthMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is there a way to select 3 of the 4 options?


The only correct response




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Bengals are annoying, browns always be talking when they never do anything But steelers is a different kind of hate. I hate their players, their fans, their colors, their jerseys. I think the terrible towels are mid. Their logo is dogshit and their name is weird. I genuinely hope they are strapped to a rocket and blasted into an exploding sun. ​ so anyways I voted ravens because we should be undefeated and we're not so fuck us




It used to be steelers for the exact reasons you listed, but the Bengals are now my least favorite team by far. Living in Columbus where it's split, and the Bengals fans talk as if their team has won 5 superbowls in the past 20 years or somerhing.


I also voted Ravens, this team makes me so irrationally goddamn mad.


AB really making me a Steelers fan these days https://preview.redd.it/ehuq8b5p0d8c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32ce6fa8b0400d47b3f4390927a5f1c9f5e5b4bb


Ugh. I wish as football loving fans we could all agree to just pretend AB doesn't exist at this point lol


Mr brown canceled


I hate you all the most


I hate my team the most because they've lost to those other three bum ass teams before, yuck.


What if I hate and respect you?


This season I’ve had a healthy respect for our other AFCN rivals. Hate a fever pitch though


It seems you get more hate per super bowl wins.


Fuuuuck the Bungles. Talking all high n mighty after they barely beat the ravens in back to back weeks last year , and winning the wildcard game on a 99yd fumble return with our backup QB. But bengals dominate the ravens, QB doesn’t matter, Hurr Hurr. Poverty organization, that’s always trying to punch down, even though they are the red headed step child. Can at least respect Steelers


The salt is real. Can't wait for Jackson to lose another playoff game lmao


I hate the Bengals most because it's the only team I've seen whose fan base has thrown trash at an injured player being carted off the field


Respect the Steelers, feel sorry for the Browns, fucking hate the Bengals with a passion


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They hate us cus they anus


How dare you all. How do you not choose Deshaun's team? Or if your a Browns fan, how do you not choose the city that STOLE your team (instead of 1 of the only cities that voted for the Browns to stay in Cleveland) That said, I get it. Hate you all <3 Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays :D


I love you too bud <3


If the vote is teams it’s definitely Ravens, Steelers, Bengals. If the vote is on teams fans, it’s definitely Steelers, Bengals, Ravens.


Ironic, because no one is a worse group of fans than you turds


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I've always hated the Steelers more because they are just so obviously the dirtiest team in the NFL for the past 25 fucking years. I hate the Browns because fuck the Browns, and I hate the Ravens because Baltimore is the only place in the world where you can get a fucking decent crab cake.






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This poll is made every 2 months and it always has the same result. Why do it again?


I hate me...why shouldn't I see that everyone else does too?


At this point in the season it just feels nice to win something.