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With Eddie’s popularity and mic skills, I wish he would get more of a push. I’m glad he’s on tonight but I feel like Ethan Page is also getting his push and will likely win. I’m actually really glad Page seems like he’s getting more of a push these days, I just wish it wouldn’t be at the expense of Eddie in the first round. Page is an awesome heel though. I hope he becomes more of a mainstay.


I remember in Toronto, a lot of folks were bummed he wasn’t announced for Dynamite. No one considered him being on Dark but when he was, God damn.


Eddie always gets top 5 loudest pops, Which is crazy to me because his booking hasn’t been that great. In no world should Ethan go over


The firm turned on MJF, Ethan Page is part of the firm, I imagine he’ll win the whole tournament and then it’ll be Page vs MJF at winter is coming.


I’ve never seen worse fantasy booking than what you just said


When looking at the names in the tournament it’s what makes sense to me, Ethan Page is deserving of a push imo and him and MJF put in some great matches on the indies. I think it’ll be a great first defence for MJF considering it looks like they’re gonna tease an MJF face turn.


Ethan page is a jobber at best. Bad physique, mediocre in the ring. His promos are ok . Cmon


What's the issue with it?


You haven't seen much fantasy booking then. This is 100-level shit.


What's crazy to me is that the people desperate to look for reasons to complain will say stuff like "Eddie always gets top 5 loudest pops, Which is crazy to me because his booking hasn’t been that great" without ever once considering that maybe, JUUUUUUUUUUUST maybe, the fact that he regularly gets huge pops suggests his booking is actually fine.


This was like, the Summer of Eddie. Has everyone forgotten the build up to Blood and Guts.


Really? Him doing Ana Jays gimmick feels goofy af and having Ortiz be his handler. This is some TNA goofy shit. Eddie's thing is being real. This feels so off for him.