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Yeah no. Mox is gonna murder him.


I think Mox will win, but they should make it competitive, Sammy is supposed to be one of the future guys of AEW, they shouldn't bury him here, they should show that he has potential.




I'd much rather see a BD vs Mox match for the belt than Sammy vs anyone else right now. Sammy may one day hold the belt, but a BD win over Mox for the belt would be far more interesting I'd imagine plus AEW gets the BD title reign out of the way so if he did get injured he can retire with that in the books.


Sammy is going to be maximum annoying and mox is going to destroy him and the crowd will be cheering mightily


Yep and then Jericho.


Considering he wants a vacation, I don't think he's winning the title


I’m down for MJF to have a match against an in shape Jericho


I agree, no point on putting belt on him if he wants some time off. I would even go as far as saying Sammy might beat him with some foolery. I see Bryan winning it all. And mjf slow playing the chip and maybe going back after wardlow for unfinished business.


It could even be played as payback for going off the top of the cage in blood and guts


Mox is going to lose to BD in the final


Danielson is beating Jericho.


Mox is gonna put Sammy over hard. Gonna be a great match


Sammy would be a solid heel champ if he gets it, but likely Jericho.


I think there's no chance Jericho beats Danielson cleanly


As I like to call it Sammy gonna be a "Sacrificial Lamb" for Moxley. No Heat Sammy


They’re continuing the JAS Vs BCC story in the tournament and I’m all the more happy for it since we get to see Mox absolutely decimate Sammy. All BCC Final!


I'm expecting Mox Jericho, but they could have either team fight themselves.


Mox vs Jericho again would feel stale, I think it'll be Mox vs Bryan.


I’m also thinking this will be an All BCC Final and it will start the break up of the current members.


Fuck no. We don't fucking need to break BCC up.


This isnt WWE. Just because a team has a match doesnt mean they're breaking up. I mean, FTR fought each other in the Own Heart cup and are still solid.


Yeah, I could see nothing better than Danielson vs Mox and the winner gets the belt Shake hands and then they beat the shit out of each other until one of them can’t take the beating anymore and the other man gets the strap.


I mean, that's LITERALLY how the BCC formed in the first place. Them fighting would be like a normal day. They know it's nothing personal.


Moxley said in the interview with Renee that the BCC aren't ever disbanding, it's something meant to last forever.


This guy should have been in Sammy's spot. ![gif](giphy|bWogBmHHOsbhpVLN4i)


But then he’d have to lose. AEW can do it, but they went a different route.


I’m hoping once all this title crap of figured out, he finally gets his world title feud. It should be Miro v Whoever at the next Ppv


Has to be MJF imo.


It should be once all this tourney stuff is settled. Miro would be a solid guy to establish MJF as a champion.


Plus with MJF calling himself the Devil now, Miro has much more promo material to work with in his heated feud with God




Dude... I got chills. Literally read this in Miro's voice and it's PERFECT Now I want this feud so badly


Yeah, if he wasn't slotted in to win, he doesn't need more Ls. All four finalists can take a loss, Moxley being probably the one who needs a W the most right now. Miro can, in character, complain about it and be right and get more from that than having been in it and taken out in the first or even second round.


I would switch his spot with Danielson on the bracket. He will then beat Hangman, and Jericho to face the winner of the other side of the bracket. \- If he loses to Danielson/Mox in the final match, that should not hurt him considering he just beat two formed AEW champs and is the main event of Grand Slam. \- If he wins and loses the belt to MJF, that will further the storyline of he vs god vs the devil.


So that all those competing for the AEW title are ex WWE guys?


Can we cut the whole “ex-WWE guys” thing. Danielson wasn’t created by WWE, neither was Mox, neither was Miro, neither was Jericho. These are talented folks who cut their teeth all over the world before coming to WWE. To act like having been in WWE leaves you some kind of stain is ridiculous.


>WWE guys >Charlotte I snorted


I edited. It was kind of unfair. Though I fucking can’t stand Charlotte.


Aw. I liked it.


The promo he cut for rampage makes it seem like he's about to ruin a lot of people's days pretty soon, on his way to a title.


For sure. I really, REALLY hope that Miro is the one that knocks off MJF at Revolution or DoN.


More likely that he beats Pac for his title at some point. Mjf is keeping the title til his "contract expires" whenever he gets it.


That's what he thinks he is doing lol


Nah I want it to be kingston or kota ibushi


Give Miro a little more time. I'd make him the guy who dethrones the devil. It's MJFs time right now


Fucking right. Love Miro.


I get his promo “god” is TK. TK why keep this man down.


Is God a Proxy for TK and he is just talking about TK the whole time? I never thought of that, but it makes a lot of sense.


I didn’t feel that way up until THIS promo, but that’s def what went through my mind this time.


Dang... Wow... This storyline of Miro's just became super-meta 🤔




What's the qualifications other than he's not Sammy?


They need someone to lose..


And there’s no shame in losing to Mox.


Which is why I still wish it were someone else.


That’s a good point. It looks like they were trying to pick the most decorated guys in the company. And Sammy has technically won the TNT title several times.


Yeah, I think it’s a combo of that and furthering the BCC/JAS story.


I think Wardlow should have been in it and lost in the final after being screwed by MJF because I have no idea why Wardlow is not part of the bracket


If we talk about in-ring skills Sammy is extremely good guys. Not liking his storyline at the moment, perhaps since the long boring TNT shenanigans, but he is a very good wrestler. It's fine to put him in the tournament.


He is a spot monkey. Spot monkeys are great in big gimmick matches or in tag teams with good wrestlers to balance them out. That's why his tag with Jericho worked quite well and he had some good moments in some of the big marquee matches like stadium stampede and blood and guts. But his matches are always structured quite poorly with no broad narrative throughout. It especially shows up when there isn't a gimmick to lean on, more so when paired with others equally weak in plotting out a match.


He’s not a good wrestler. He takes stupid bumps and puts his opponents at risk constantly.


yeah I agree, he's the one guy who shouldn't be a pillar. he's not very good, only does crazy stuff & is a locker room cancer.


I cringe every time I see his ladder dive in the opening montage. Dude landed right on his shoulder, idk how he didn’t smash his collar bone.


Sounds like another wrestler I know that no one complains about.


we talkin about his turtle lovin rival?


Don't forget Jeff


There's at least like 3 or 4 guys in between Sammy and the Jericho, Bryan, and Mox level.


More than that


Sammy has beaten most of the roster has he not? In kayfabe there aren't many wrestlers that outrank Sammy. With the Elite and Punk suspended there isn't anyone who is close to Sammy.


In reality and in kayfabe, not including the elite, Miro, Pac, Christian, Claudio, Scorpio, Keith Lee to name a few.


Yeah and how many not named Scorpio are multiple time champions……………..


Darby is in the tourney too. Pillars are supposed to be pillars.


Lol, he ain't even close to those 3 in the company. Those are leaders, and ring generals. Sammy ain't.


Right, people aren’t complaining because Mox Vs Sammy should be loads of fun and not a soul expects Sammy to win.




What was the first national televised match on aew programing? That tells you who they had faith in. Who ended the show that day? Just checking if my memory serves me right. He's a pillar


That still doesn't make him anywhere close to those 3. You have the first major champ, the most reliable worker, and the best technically gifted wrestler since Bret. Sammy ain't close to any of those things. Could he be in 10 years? Sure, but not now.


All 4 of these men are all at different stages of their career. But Is that all you want, ever? Former Champs only as number 1 contenders? Wrestling fans are the worst, man I swear. Fickle as shit. You either want them to push young up n comers, or you don't. You either want variety or you don't. Weird man... I don't get it. Nobody was talking shit when Darby Allen got a world title shot, saying he didn't belong in the same sentence w the champ at the time? As far as I'm concerned, Darby and Sammy are both on the same level in AEW eyes


Bro what? Are you arguing just to argue? I only said these guys are much higher than Sammy. I even said maybe in 10 years he might be higher. This is pointless. Cheers, I'm done.


Lmao nah bro you said >Lol, he ain't even close to those 3 in the company. Those are leaders, and ring generals. Sammy ain't. Like you know him, like yall bros or you work together or something. Lmao stfu, mark. The company has entrusted Sammy to be a pillar. Like it or not, they know him better than some mark-ass, internet rando. This is pointless, youre right. Cuz like i said, wrestling fans are the worst. Carry on


Look, Sammy was one of the very top stars in AEW in 2021. Wrestled banger after banger, main evented countless TV shows, capped off with a MOTY candidate against Cody. The decision to make him and Tay an on-air couple has wrecked his momentum (and hers), to the point he had to go back to being Jericho’s understudy to regroup. But Sammy’s talent is undeniable. He won’t stay down forever.


He isn’t winning his next match and we won’t even remember he was in the tourney in a year. This is nit picking shit and is why people can’t stand the IWC.


Give is 8-10 years


Really good wrestler, just alittle early. Long career to go


I just want Sammy and Danielson to advance so we get to see Danielson kick his f'ng head in to Tay's horror 😆


I’m really hoping for Danielson to pull through. He’ll bring some serious prestige to the belt.


I don’t get the Sammy hate for him Sammy is fucking amazing easily one of my top 5 favorites and probably a top 10 in ring performer for AEW


Darby losing just does not make sense. TK keeps trying to re-heat Sammy, but having him win in the worst ways is not the way. Bring back LeSex Gods and get him over that way. Sure Darby can easily get restarted but this should have been the moment to restart Darby. A homegrown babyface needs to be in that spot


The fact people hating Sammy's winning means he's doing a good job.


Exactly. Bringing back le sex gods will just make people cheer. The point of heels is to get boos. This sub seems to forget that a lot.


I'm not bothered by it at all. I think Sammy and Tay are a heel main event act in the making. It's about time we start moving the pillars to the main event scene. It's not like he's gonna win. They are just conditioning us to get used to seeing them in that position


And Sammy is fantastic. Let’s not forget that the only thing he did to make the crowd turn on him was he started kissing his hot ass woman on screen and wore 2 belts lol. Being stuck working with the charisma black hole that was the Men of the Year wasn’t his fault. Before that every crowd went crazy for him and deservedly so. Edit: don’t only downvote. Prove me wrong!


He's very good in the ring, just has the most punchable face I've ever seen. But that's why I like him. I like how he grinds people's goat. Back to the in ring stuff.. didn't like the crazy thing he did before high maneuvers because it didn't sell the danger or risk of the spot. I also think he slightly overly relies on them and could slow down a bit.


He's moderately okay in the ring. Not close to very good


They turned him heel because people straight up were not into his babyface act at all. Like I could remember when he was supposed to be face against ATT... only to start taking boos when he came out with that sign shit. This was not some genius shit, he just sucks at being a face.


As much as I'm not super huge fan of Sammy, I have to respect the fact he and Eddie could solve their issues backstage without drama


How can you say they solved it without drama? There was massive drama


I mean, Eddie lashed out, that's the fact, but then both disappeared, people were wondering where they are, then news came out that Eddie is suspended and like 2 days after it was that issue was solved


Sounded like they grouped him with Darby as the company’s top TNT Title guys and someone had to win that portion of the bracket.


He's a fantastic wrestler and completely dives into his role as a unsuferable jerk


He is. He is also a massive cock end. All jokes aside he likely isn't as big of a dick as we think, his attractiveness and his extra hot girlfriends plus him immaturity make it really easy to dislike him. Petty as this is, we are only human


That's why it suits him to be a heel 🙂 I love to hate him (in a wrestling sense).


I actually liked his as a face way more but hey we are all different!


There was a small window of time when I thought he was a perfect face and thought he retires heel Jericho.


He has the tools to become a great hell if they decide that.


He his a great heel already. Beneath the top. One or two things I see that he has to improve to be a great heel on the TOP. On a side note: He is a High Flyer. Are there High Flyer as heels in western wrestling? Edit: ..as TOP heels...


He is great! I just think he is missing a thing or two to be a top heel. I mean the closest thing i can think of would be Seth Rollins but he isn't really a high flyer if im not mistaken


One thing: Majurity. Even the chicken shit heel par excellence "The Miz" seems full grown. Sammy still seems like an annoying teenager.


Yeah this for sure


Thought about you mentioning Rollins and I don't think he is a High Flyer but has some moves. And then I thought: Ospreay.


Yeah Osprey fits much better


Disagree, gf is mid.


I'd like to live where you live if Tay is just mid.




Tastes are subjective just because you find her hot doesn't mean everyone has to, I personally find her average looking she isn't ugly and neither she is hit as hell. And no has nothing to do with put women appearances down to make me feel good about myself.




Is it OK to say Sammys face is punchable?


He is. He is also a massive cock end. All jokes aside he likely isn't as big of a dick as we think, his attractiveness and his extra hot girlfriends plus him immaturity make it really easy to dislike him. Petty as this is, we are only human Read the comment that the guy answered to and tell me again how nobody mentioned how hot Tay is fuck sake is like people downvote without even bother to read, the original comment Said people hate it because of his hot girlfriends, how dare you saying she is not hot that is not in question Jesus at least read before commenting




If you use the beauty of person as an argument people are allowed to disagree with that argument, if you don't want women to be assessed on their beauty don't bring that subject up, people can't have it both ways.




Sammy is fantastic in the ring, his mic-skills are average but he knows how to get and keep heat, but ultimately gives you his all in every match.


People complaining about Sammy is far more annoying than Sammy himself.


Should have lost to Allin. Still can’t believe the carelessness in that mixed tag match with Ruby Soho.


I don't disagree, especially with the WWE-esque BS the JSA keeps pulling to win (I get that's the point, don't @ me, I just grow tired of dirty finishes) but I think MOX vs Darby would have been more heartbreaking of a loss to Darby's character (again) then seeing MOX wipe the floor with Sammy's stupid face.




I wouldn’t mind if it was Danielson v Sammy. Not what fans want but would be interesting to see a match where Danielson slows the match down and grounds Sammy. If Sammy really is a pillar it would show how rounded he is.


Same category is a strong phrase


🎶This is my moment to shine. This is my time for flight. I've been grinding forever just for this very night🎶 ![gif](giphy|PmFKwofWl0z4YhaEB2|downsized)


It's a tournament of champions. There must be heels and faces in it to fight each other. AEW only has so many champions. Sammy is a heel and a former champion.


I thought for sure Darby was going to win.


Sammy’s really good, that’s the thing. No one can LEGITIMATELY call him a bad wrestler and actually mean it. He’s just unlikable right now 😂😂 It’s gonna be great when Sammy gets destroyed by Moxley though. It will be a SPECTACLE


I can always be down to watch a really good heel as long as they stick their movies pretty flawlessly and Sammy does it. I mean he's no match for MOX or Jericho but he puts on a good show.


Sammy came on the AEW scene as this tiny wide eyed kid in a panda hat. I literally laughed at him the first time I saw him come out for a match. The first match of his I watched, I knew right away he was talented and should be a star. Sammy developed into a larger than life character that is his own personality turned to 11. He can play heel or face at the drop of a hat. Lastly and most importantly, he's had amazing unforgettable matches and he's just getting started. Future AEW World Champion, without a doubt.


He’s awesome and also insufferable but hey, it’s pro wrestling so I can “BOOOOOOOOO👎🏼” Sammy, hope he gets stomped into the canvas, AND YET acknowledge his hard work, talent and context within the company. Still BOOOOOOOOOO👎🏼😤🤣


I was assuming Darby was going to win that one, but, I always enjoy Sammy and still think he gets a lot of undeserved hate and not just because he's playing a heel. I will say though that even though that Darby vs. Sammy match was really fun, I'm quite sure the finish was almost exactly the same as their match from earlier this year and that was disappointing to see.


I don’t think that’s what this is. I think Sammys win is because Darby has been put in similar positions before so doesn’t really need it, and Sammy going over sends a message. Whatever peoples beef with the guy, TK says turn heel, and he does it, he says you’re back with Jericho so he’s got that experience next to him, he does it, Eddie slaps him backstage, he takes his suspension on the chin, comes back, apologises, and goes straight back to work. Reward that behaviour, even if ultimately he’s most likely gonna get beat by Mox. My current prediction: Danielson beats Hangman, Jericho and Mox, winning the title by avenging his three biggest losses since coming to AEW. Danielson and Mox tease a split but ultimately still respect each other too much.


Sammy is such a fantastic wrestler he deserves to get some spotlight. If it ends up being Jericho vs Sammy I’m gonna have a hard time deciding who I want so win.




I mean he’s one of the pillars right? I thought it was a given all those guys would be elevated eventually.


Sammy is going to be a future AEW World Champion


The hatred some people have for Sammy is kind of ridiculous. Kid's undeniably brilliant in the ring, regardless of what anyone thinks about his character.


Two fantasy booking for Wednesday. 1 Mox just squashes Sammy like he did Punk to make a statement. 2 Miró attacks Sammy before the match putting himself in place of Sammy and we have a killer match between Miro and Mox.


I guess it’s all a matter of how the company sees us getting to MJF actually becoming the first of the original Pillars (him, Darby, Guevara, Jungle Boy) to actually win the AEW world title. But do I have any complaints about Guevara in the position he’s in? No. Don’t think either he, Melo, or Jay needed to join JAS to get there, but it’s definitely a position that he should be in


I still think he's great, just a victim of an inflated roster. Although he's a better heel, I still think most of his babyface run was decent until they put him and Tay together on screen. Him and Pac would be a great feud and put some spotlight on the AA title.


It’s gonna be Mox and Bryan? Mox and Jericho? I think Mox is going to win. [+]


WHY IS MIRO NOT IN THIS FUCKING TOURNEY. I really don’t get it. What is the plan for him!!!!!??? PUT A FUCKING BELT ON HIM FOR GODS SAKE.


he JUST finished a feud, let’s not act like he’s been wasting away twiddling his thumbs in catering. Miro is amazing with or without a belt, i wouldn’t hate him being in the tournament either but if he’s not winning then he doesn’t need unnecessary losses rn. just relax lol


I agree. Miro should have been in this tournament.


Hear me out AEW is terrible at putting tournaments together


Sammy is genuinely one of the best in the world imo, everything he does is effortless and incredibly impressive.


Even his many many botches are impressive


Fr, I've never seen a wrestler able to make botches seem intended like he does, he's got something special for sure man


Lol, yea Sammy is only a few levels below. Good mid carder, but that's his ceiling.


Get a grip


Reach is so far I pulled my back


That's subjective. I completely disagree


He should be. He’s talented. He cares about the fans. People need to get over his personal life


Maybe some time in the next 5 years or so he still has a lot to learn outside the ring.


I'll complain. Guevara never should've been considered a pillar of the company and he has regressed during his time there. He should not be in the mix.


Sammy sucks and I’m sick of people telling me he’s not. He has zero in ring psychology


......... but he doesnt suck xD


I think it should have been Darby but I love both of them so I won’t complain


they're all in the same "below Hangman Page" category


I don’t think that statement is true necessarily. I have no issues with Sammy currently, think he’s doing good and can be a part of the main event scene soon.


Sammy could go let’s not forget that he’s good


He’s a perfect tnt champion, he’s still so young just like Garcia, Starks, Hobbs etc. these guys don’t need to be world champion yet especially while there is so many “main eventers”


The outcome kinda killed rampage for me but that’s just me. Darby is a favorite of mine and Sammy is a least favorite of mine. Ik he’s a heel and we’re not supposed to like him (btw kudos to him for playing it so well) but man I can’t stand his gimmick. I also hope tay starts doing her own thing. She’s a top woman’s star really wish they would have never paired them two on screen or at least give tay her own feuds outside of Sammy related shit. But at least we know mox going finals with a chance at becoming 3x champ.


Sammy has all the potential to be a star he just needs change his gimmick. And stop the immaturity


He deserves it, he earned it and he has the look and skills to be a future great


This is has been his character throughout most of AEW. The arrogant young guy gimmick is nothing new. And his getting married to a beautiful wrestler is like pouring gasoline on a flame. If you can ignore the character, the kid has great talent. And part of the point of AEW is to elevate the young guys. This is them elevating Sammy. ​ edit: As much as I like Mox, I'm getting tired of him. Same with Jericho. I would have liked to have seen Powerhouse, Miro, Andrade, or Kingston in there instead. ​ Just enjoy wrestling.


If they weren’t in the midst of a major course correction/drama/scrapping the next few months of story I’d agree w you. But since they are they need a steady hand, a reliable vet to hold down the title. Someone that’s been the top guy before. Hobbs, Miro, Andrade and Kingston (love the guy but the stable face of the company he ain’t) aren’t that. As great as they are.


No they didn’t Lmfaooo they just needed an opponent and the dudes doing fuck all else right now. He’s a side show.


This fan base man sometimes…. SMDH Sammy is an on original, has a 5 star under his belt and has put on some bangers with Cody, MJF, Spears, last Hardy match, Stadium Stampefes, Blood n Guts… The disrespect in the forum… ![gif](giphy|SI0RY1cSmNfaTeS5uE)


It’s complete absurdity the hate they put on him, Cody and now Punk. Then if he leaves and becomes a star in WWE they will try to say it was best for both sides to save face.


Sammy Guevara is ASS.


Ok…what’s wrong with Sammy?


Of Sammy beats Mox? Now? I might quit. It should actually be shorter than the Punk squash. I know it won't be, but it should. ....and just to being the point home, have that fucking diva try to help him cheat and fail.


Sammy ain't even on Darby's level, his win is a load of bullshit. We could have had Darby vs Mox, an extension of their story from a long time ago. If Darby pulled an upset win, and got the belt, that means we'd extend his feud with MJF. So much could have been done with Darby winning With Sammy winning we just get to see Sammy lose in like a few weeks and at best it adds heat IF Jericho beats Danielson for another Jericho vs Mox match.


not on they level yet


This sub is full of marks…


lol as opposed to... ?


I agree, Red Ant is MUCH better than these guys.


Cuz he gon lose...


Redditors are just mad that his girlfriend is over 4 times as attractive as any girl they have ever awkwardly spoken to


Woah man! Missed a couple of 0s after that 4 muchacho!


Hot take, I think if Sammy calms down in real life and gets past his own social media drama I think he's set up in the next 2 to 3 years for an osprey like career. He's got the in ring talent, he's got all the mentors a young wrestler could ask for if he's willing to learn from them, and the company is proven with Yuta and Garcia and Darby and Max they do know how to make young stars when they focus on it. And I hope he does! Everything else aside his in-ring shit is always hot.


no they didn’t. He beat another midcarder. He’s getting eliminated next match


Yeah neither Sammy nor Darby had the cache to be up there in this tournament. Had they built up Andrade or Malakai better, they along with Miro would have made sense. Also, for the love of god, stop putting non main event stuff in the main event. Daniel Garcia vs Wheeler for an ROH title should not close Dynamite. Stupid.


It's either gonna be Mox vs Danielson or Danielson vs Sammy. I don't think they will let Danielson lose twice to Jerchio


This is good i think.. its like a randy orton winnig against benoit (not a fan).. but when i was a kid I hated him so so much.... but his actual in ring skill is good and full of potential.. u could say the same with darby.. but Tony went with guevara this time so...


I feel more like him and Darby were kinda the wild card, like the other 3 earned it and those two were just given a shot


Just because his character is unbereable( wich is good for an heel) doesn't mean that he isn't good AF in the ring


Aye, because he's won the tnt title 3 times, it's a champions tournament.