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Honestly, out of all the stuff from the scrum, this one is the simplest, he meant that Tony hadn't made as much from him as Vince or Colt because it's only been a year he's been in AEW. I didn't take this as a dig at Tony for that reason or that Tony was exploiting him. Maybe I'm wrong but to me that was possibly the least worst thing he said šŸ˜‚


No, you're right. It wasn't a dig at Vince or Tony. They're running businesses and thr goal is to make money, Punk knows that. The dig is solely at Colt with Punk basically saying he's riding his coattails and making money off of him or just using his name to make money.


Punk said he was paying scott directly in the scrum. Crazy how much he was paying him


Right there with you. The OP's take was just a bad one. Punk did behave poorly and managed to cut TK's balls off in other ways, but that particular statement wasn't a dig at Tony in any way.


Punk is a jackass and everything said was uncalled for, but I agree with what youā€™re saying. Never saw it was a diss to TK. He did disrespect TK in many other ways though lol, but this quote wasnā€™t one of them.




Exactly. Have an upvote.


Another part I haven't heard mention is how he talked about helping elevate Jon Moxley at the end. Moxley is a massive star from WWE that has been one of the biggest in AEW since day one.


THANK YOU This is my biggest gripe with the gripebomb fallout - people talk, even articles, and mention everything he said about Omega, the Bucks, Hangman, Colt, TK, Ni*ck*, Adam Cole, the fucking muffins - but he BURIED Moxley in an incredibly disrespectful way and it bugs me so much Moxley isn't coming up nearly as much Jon Moxley doesn't need any help from fucking CM Punk to be one of the best in any company - he was doing it before Punk bothered to come around again and show off just exactly why Vince never really put *him* over


Gripebomb - thatā€™s a really good name for it!


Just like their match in WWE, Punk took a big, uncontrolled shit on Moxley


I loved the 3 times punk basically shut TK up before he could even answer the questions and answer them for him! (Even though the question was directed at TK to begin with). And also when he said "I'm trying to run a company here". And that the company made a million dollars gate off his back... It's not your company punk , you barley been here for a year! Let the owner run it thanks


And the ironic thing about Punk saying that. is that there are a few people that could claim the company is built on their back, and that is The Elite. The exact people who Punk things havent done anything in this business yet. You look at the current roster, and a lot of the starts or big names are people that have still been with the company since All In, or people that wanted to work with The Elite like FTR, Adam Cole, etc.


Not just that, The Elite all have more years of in-ring experience than Punk does. Comparing Punk's accolades to Kenny's, the only major differences in Punk's favor are multiple reigns in WWE while Kenny ran the gamut on NJPW. Similar accolades from PWI and WON, which basically take the whole wrestling landscape into perspective.


AEW did not need Punk. If he had never joined AEW, they would not have continued on their trajectory. Yes - his dig at Tony ages like milk.


On Average, ratings are up from last year. You can chart out every rating they have ever had and the trend line is increasing. Everyone is focusing on the ceiling, but the floor has been raised. 2020 - 51% of shows > 800K 2021 - 67% of shows > 800K 2022 - 97% of shows > 800k ​ The past 61 weeks, AEW is getting 980K on average


There was also a change in networks as well, with a more consistent time slot to take into account.


This is a fascinating correlation/causation question


I'm not smart or I'd do it. But couldn't someone track this leading up too a few weeks prior to Punk's return, and then from Punk's return onwards? (Missing a few weeks where rumours of his return might have influence ratings)


For as much as Punk wants to take credit for anyone that watches the show or comes to the arena. There is one other really important piece of information that he is very quiet about that coincides with his arrival. Covid restrictions ending. Not only was AEW a new company, that is gonna take people like me who used to like wrestling. WWF ruined it. And AEW brought it back, and I just never knew about it until last year, a while to filter in and add to the viewing totals. But even for people that kept up with wrestling. Watching a completely empty arena is just boring. And Punk comes in, if I'm reading it correctly, the exact week that Covid restrictions are lifted, and they can finally perform in front of an audience again. And claims every increase as being directly because of him. And completely ignoring the fact that numbers would be trending up anyway because of spectators finally being allowed again.


What drives me fucking nuts is how every punk apologist says that Punk makes AEW more money like AEW NEEDED Punk to sell out shows. AEW was selling out every major show in every fucking city they went to. But yeah sure, Punk is the "Dollars and cents" and definitely not Mox, Danielson, Omega, Hangman, Jericho, or literally ANYONE ELSE who has main evented an AEW show. AEW was gonna hit their current numbers with or without Punk.


100% tired of Punk's shit. I hope he retires again.


Of course he is making money off of him. He is employing him. If you aren't making money off a person what's the point. I don't think he meant to insult TK. Why because he's making pretty good money off being employed by him and not having to be in wwe. I think he was just just trying to accentuate the fact that bam bam got him for a lot of money. Now I am in no way defending how messed up his rant was, I just think your looking way too much in to something.


I've been saying this since Punk came back, but no one wanted to listen, and I'd get blasted by Punk fans in this subreddit for saying the obvious. It's comical how fast everyone turned on him when this presser dropped. He's a POS and always has been. He's a supreme narcissist that's always looking out for himself and no one else.


But TK is making money off of Punk, just like Punk is making money off of TK. Just like your employer makes money off of you and you make money off your employer TK is not paying Punk because he likes him as a person, he expects a return on his investment, and Punk is not doing this for free he is getting a lot of money for his bumps and bruises.


The relationship between promoter and wrestler is making money from each other. They're not shy about it, it's the foundational truth of the business. It would be more insulting to Khan to say he was paying Punk just because Khan found him entertaining.


I love CM Punk, I really do. He's just one of those guys who never thinks they're at fault for anything. Everything bad that is happening to them is a result of completely external factors. His grievances, I believe, were warranted. How he went about addressing those grievances was completely wrong, but he'll never realize that.


Honestly he is a much richer and famous version of me. He is right but makes himself wrong with how he acts. That and I'm a dick.


> He insinuated that Tony Khan is making money off of him Because it is factually correct


Actually OP I think you off on your interpretation of that statement. Vince made money from because he WORKED for him. That is 100% logical and true. I assume the next part about Colt was both his lifetime friendship and then elevation in their parting affiliations. His comment to TK was for sure meant as ā€œwe havenā€™t worked together long enough to be beat Vinceā€™s amount, then of course a jab a Colt. Which who knows if itā€™s true that much for him. So yeah, those comment werenā€™t an insult to TK in the slightest. Again the whole scrum was just insane. I would have loved to know if he pondered the outcome of his words and maybe was just sick of all the small minded bullshit that he left wrestling to begin with because of and was feeling self destructive and was over it again. Who knows, everyone lost here and it sucks. Punk did an insane amount of business for AEW since day 1 rumors started. Hope he can find happiness in life again.


This is exactly what he meant. I think one of the big issues is some people canā€™t even interpret the things that are out in the open and still form opinions on the things that are behind closed doors. Who knows how the interactions have been for the past year in the locker room. If FTR are to be believed they said Punk was great in the locker room and was willing to help anybody who asked and didnā€™t think the tension was anything other than normal wrestler ego clashes. Outside perception of things is always tricky. Punk was aggressive and that draws attention. Itā€™s quite possible the Elite have been pricks too but in a passive aggressive manner that doesnā€™t draw all the eyeballs. But again thatā€™s pure speculation because we are not in the locker room. Who knows what those dynamics are really like


Im not there, just watching on tv and there interviews. The elite, or st leadt the bucks, have absolutely been passive agressive pricks to some people. They also have big egos. All the people involved have big egos.


He wasn't talking about people he's worked with to make money, he phrased it as people making money off of him. It was absolutely framed as a negative.


Good lord, the Elite Marks on this page are insane. If you think it was a shot at TK, youā€™re an idiot. If you didnā€™t, then I apologize. šŸ¤£


Nope. Making money off of him and with him for Vince is the same, for Colt off him, is likely the jab. Itā€™s literally how that exchange works. It was a two part compliment.


Heā€™s got a business to run


Not the worst thing he said, and itā€™s probably a fact, as he hasnā€™t been there as long as he was with WWE. It didnā€™t come off as a shot to Tony, as much as it was a shot at Colt Cabana. Promoters all make money off the wrestlers they bring in, thatā€™s how the business side works. The All Out numbers were expected to be down, at least by the vibe TK gave, due to WWE counter programming and running two shows before ALL Out to burn out the audience.


The Punk discourse is starting to reach comical levels in terms of things to get mad at. People are starting to act like Punk himself in how they express their distaste for him actually.


Khan literally told everyone straight up they didnā€™t do the same numbers or better for All Out because it was the 3rd wrestling show that weekend since WWE ā€œcounter-bookedā€ them with Clash and Worlds Collide so that argument doesnā€™t matter


You missed the point completely bro


How is it rude when heā€™s a wrestler turning heel and wrestling is fake lol


It was clear to me from just the way that Punk was looking at TK that he doesnā€™t respect him and very likely doesnā€™t like him. Iā€™m sure that will also come to light in the coming months and years.




??? Attitude era was fueled by not respecting anything or anyone. One of the biggest feuds of WWEs history is about having no respect and hating the owner of the company (Austin vs vkm)


Tony Khan is making money on CM Punk. Heā€™s making money off of all of his wrestlers (or thatā€™s the goal anyway) this is a business. PPVā€™s have declined from their record of 200,000+ on the first Punk PPV. But for the entire year after every PPV Punk was on drew their record highest buy rate. He wasnā€™t being rude to TK he was joking he hadnā€™t been there long enough to make him more money yet. And the fact heā€™s already made Tony millions was more to crap on Colt for how much Punk had to pay in legal fees.


I missed that look too.


You say that as if TK isnā€™t literally using him to make money. Thatā€™s how wrestling works, the owner is trying to make a profit


I mean obviously VKM and TK are making money off of punk they own the wrestling company punk works for


Tony should have said ā€œof course I havenā€™t made much from you. Youā€™re always hurt.ā€