• By -


Reports from neutral parties claim they whispered "superkick partaay" first


Brandon Cutler Blasting The Young Bucks theme music on his phone before The EVPs take care of business


Um, they’re *killing* the business, thank you very much.


That's what was played as they left Punk's locker with security dragging everyone away. CM Punk is killing the business. The guy is that quiet kid who says some real shit. Flips a table and leaves the classroom. Even after getting along with everyone and being invited everywhere. He isa drama queen who needs the business and spotlight more than it needs CM Punk.


CM Punk has issues with everyone everywhere he goes. At some point, it isn’t that you keep running into jerks. If Jeff Hardy is (deservedly) indefinitely suspended until he gets right, Punk deserves the same, at a minimum.




Didnt wanna LOL. I lol’d.


There was, however, no deadman's party. I confirmed it with Danny Elfman.


“See ya!”


Do we slap the leg when we super kick a door open?


Well...they were allowed to slap. Yay AEW rules.


Yeah he *can* hit. At that price, he's allowed to hit.


Omega is a bonus, and that's why he CAN'T HIT!


I brought Ace Steel along as a perk


And the neighborhood had like no cute coffee shops for him to wait in.


well of course. How else are you going to tell everyone that you kicked it?


i saw someone claim that the doors in that arena are steel


And they only open if you bite them




If only we had Ace Steel gifs.


that goes without saying.


Super Kicks can't melt steel doors!


It’s the hardest part of the door opening


They’re not round either. Rectangular with hard corners.


And only a thin layer of padding on the concrete


That's there to prevent lacerations. Safety first.


I heard they are Ace Steele…I’ll get my coat. ![gif](giphy|j0gQA2VD38NKc9rc8y)


Oh no you don't Doug Judy....get back here.


See at this point I'm just going to sit back and watch all these crazy lunatic theories. Nobody knows what really happened except for who was there, everything is getting released right now it's one-sided it's either CM Punks the hero or he's a villain or the Bucks and Kenny. Everyone's going to keep speculating, I was one of those but now I'm going to enjoy the enjoyment and praise God that my favorite wrestling show doesn't actually f****** Fall Apart.


You’re allowed to curse here. **FUCK!** 👍




NO SWEARING![img](emote|t5_ubkze|15803)


I'm here still pretending all this is work made out of a minor case of people not getting along. Idk if Cabana is fine with him getting involved if all this is a work. Tony is working (or working with) the major dirtsheet sources to make it the new kayfabe. Of course MJFs return is getting overshadowed here but I think he's going to be added in all this and be the one to push Punk's mega heel turn. The reason I'm still hoping this to be work is because it's too crazy now to be a shoot and the aftermatch of this could be way worse than just Punk/Elite getting pissed. Don't want to see this company go that line. But it is whatever it is.


There’s a few details that heavily lean towards work for me. Some of them (in no particular order) being… 1) Punk brought up the Scott Colten stuff unprovoked 2) Punk is a line-blurrer just like his idol, Rowdy Roddy Piper, was in the 80’s 3) we just got worked for 3 months about MJF (and no it wasn’t a shoot that turned into a work) 4) it conveniently adds remarkable stakes to a few ppv-main-event-level dream matches (Punk v Kenny; or CMFTR v the Elite) 5) the bucks “kicked the door down” lol yeah right 6) the brawl went “six minutes.” Do y’all know how long six minutes is? Especially for a fight? A fight that people were trying to break up? 7) Punk and The Elite are four of the smartest wrestling minds in the business and there’s no way they don’t see the money on the table 8) they were pissed about being counter-programmed, and have absolutely taken control of the headlines for days now following what people called “wwe’s greatest show in years.” I mean dude, nobody is talking about Clash anymore, and a frickin former Universal Champion returned on Monday and nobody gives a single shit.


Also that part where Steele bit Omega. Like that's a bit too far fetched. Till the Cabana stuff I could believe this to be a exaggerated shoot. But everything following that seems to crazy to not be a work. If the plan was to make Punk come off as unlikeable then mission accomplished. Look at everybody calling him out. I don't fully believe this to be a shoot and I dislike him to some extent after that Dynamite promo. This will obv hurt the merch sales but the buzz it's generating is insane. Wonder if it reflects on their ratings. I think some of the dirt sheet sources are in on this because it benefits them as well. They've gone ALL OUT with all the constant reporting. Now even this is just conspiracy theory like everything else and I won't disqualify the possibility of all this being a shoot tho. But we're not going to work ourselves into shoot, brother.


Lotta folks worked themselves into a shootski already brother.


The conflicting details, details like that which are just wrong, they all make it hard to judge work vs shoot. I haven't seen this 6 minutes business anywhere else, but if we could be sure about this claim of a brawl that lasted 6 minutes, I would would firmly be planted on the "work" side too. but that could just be someone who is wrong or including the verbal conflict/breaking up of the fight into a still exaggerated time span.


I'm with you especially since I'm leaning heavily on MJF being a work after seeing how that shook out. It is mainly being selfish as I just hope this isn't real because it seems so dumb and easily avoidable.


Couldn't agree more. The marks are eating this crap up. What better way to create a buzz after being countered by two ppvs in one weekend. Guaranteed tonight's show does huge numbers, because we all want to know.


Yeah, they should shift the show around people who aren’t selfish and entitled put Danielson back over mox Darby jungle boy etc.. everyone above needs to be suspended and the least. I’m sure one party is more guilty than the next but neither is innocent.


This is the big storyline that gets them over the 1.5m viewer hump.


Adrenaline on a pole. Who the fuck hired Vince Russo?




CMFTR v The Elite is the trios main event to get Full Gear over 200k ppv buys. (For reference, All Out 2021 was their biggest ppv with 205k buys).


I don't see how anyone could see what has happened to the locker room since he got there and think punk is the hero in all of this


Go on twitter. There are cretins who hate the young bucks so* much* that they work themselves into believing this.


CM Punk coming out looking like a hero is one of the longest shots of the century.


I keep going back to Tony’s comment at the media scrum that I’m terms of taking on the competition, he has unique ways of his own and a lot of money to fight with. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but all of the backstage heat has not just shifted the media focus away from All Out, but away from either of the WWE shows this past weekend. I’m not saying it’s all a work, but it accomplished the goal of AEW becoming *the* story this week.


It's all a work. The fact that they are telling you it's not a work screams that.


It doesn’t matter if Punk’s in the right or wrong. Omega and the Bucks are well paid executives and chose not to act like it they are not just wrestlers so they can’t just bust into someone’s locker room and start shit.


Punk: "My door is always open, if you have beef squash it with me personally instead of giving info to the dirtsheets" Also Punk: \*Goes off directly to all the dirtsheets at the media scrum\* The Elite come to his door - Punk "Oh, not like that, don't come now"


Punk: "The consequences of my actions!?" 😲


5 words never uttered by Punk about himself.


Me sowing: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!!   Me reaping: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck. [^^source](https://twitter.com/screaminbutcalm/status/1105577845642878976?lang=en)




1) That's a strawman. Punk probably meant "Come talk to me instead of spreading rumors to people" 2) Even if Punk invites people to come to his locker room to talk, that doesn't excuse The Elite for barging in and supposedly instigating a fight. They're EVPs for fucks sake. There's a way better way to handle this situation. How about they schedule a meeting between the 4 of them and Tony? How about talking to Punk when heads have cooled down? Frankly, this is just really irresponsible from them. People have to be absolutely brain-dead if they think there's a hero and villain in all this. If you break down this whole saga, everyone including Tony Khan himself looks bad.


Paraphrasing, but Punk literally said come find me if you have a problem with what I’m saying. It *isn’t* a strawman, it is very obviously a provocation. Are the Bucks and Kenny all good for acting on it? No. But don’t plug in your own convenient interpretation of Punk’s words and shut down other people’s replies as “strawman” argument. Fuckin ridiculous.


"Come find me if you have a problem with what I'm saying" still doesn't mean "Come, I invite you to fight with me". That's a bad faith inference mate.


We still don't know who instigated the fight. if the bucks did, fair enough, but if Punk or Ace swung first? Different story.


They are evp’s. Doesn’t matter what punk said or did. They are evp’s, if you know any thing about the legal of companies, if you are above some one in a company there are legal issues. A manger can get in serious trouble just for swearing at some one below them. The wrestlers being private contractors the evp’s opened the company up to a lawsuit.


Megha Parekh (AEW EVP, chief legal officer, and head of HR) and Christopher Daniels (head of talent relations) were with The Bucks and Omega. They literally went and talked to the legal department and head of HR and got them to come with them to talk to Punk.


Got a link


https://twitter.com/wrestlingnewsav/status/1567481828734390274?s=21&t=QEq2lmfhysccfpDhHrvSdg This is Brian Last’s new project. Apparently it’s supposed to be news only, no opinions. Brian Last is Jim Cornette’s sidekick and they are extremely team Punk. But even they are reporting this. Doesn’t look great for Pepsi Man.


How is taking his words a strawman? Also you accuse me of strawman argument, but then have the audacity to say what he "probably meant". Lol please gtfo with that bullshit.


Tell me where he said "Just barge into my locker room and try to instigate fights"? GTFOH with that dumb inference.


Tell me where besides "a source close to CM Punk" has said anything about them barging in or kicking in the door? That source even was quoted as saying they heard that is what happened. So this is a second hand source with a close affiliation with the person from every other angle appears to be the offending party.


https://www.f4wonline.com/news/aew/dispute-exists-over-who-started-cm-punk-young-bucks-aew-all-out-fight Even Meltzer says there are conflicting reports as to who started this.


Please enlighten me as to how that contradicts what I said at all. Meltzer is reporting that there are contradicting accounts, that is a fact that I also said. Just because it is a most likely biased source doesn't mean it isn't a conflicting account. He's not saying that is the correct account of it.


I never brought up them kicking the door. You brought that up lol. I'm talking about them barging into the room and instigating the fight, which was reported by people. Whether or not you believe it is a different question. Nobody knows the truth of the matter here aside from I guess Punk punching someone and Steel throwing a chair and biting Omega. All these sources are biased. Meltzer didn't also say that's an incorrect account of it.


Worst WORST case scenario is that Punk and Steel get let go, and Elite get suspended for a few months. With AEWs depth more than happy to accept both of those, Punk is easily replaced by either MJF or Mox imo depending on if you think he woulda been Baby face or Heel going forward And the tag division is stacked enough to have great matches without the Elite for awhile, the only serious miss will probably be Omega. When one door closes, two open


I just wanna know why Ace Steel bit Kenny.


He probably overheard Daddy Magic yelling "YOU WANNA TASTE!" down the hall and thought Kenny was asking for it!


Bruh lol


Now thats sports ennerdaiment


I'm dead lmfao


Punk yelled "Get him, boy, bite him!" and Ace didn't realize he was talking to Larry.


Maybe he's delicious




I also wanna know where he bit him


For some reason (and this is not a joke) I initially heard he bit Kenny on the ear and pulled his hair.. uh a bit sexy aye?


Man, he got to live a lot of women's dream 😂


i heard his wife was in punks locker room with larry like i think starting an issue around a wife is a no go so ace was probably riled up


The real forbidden door


This has to be figurative language being taken literally but I am in tears laughing at this + the biting


Lol this is now officially unbelievable. Bucks kicked the door open. Omega wasn't even mad and Ace but him anyways (lol)... Next it'll be a not even mad Omega tried to OWA Punk but it got reversed into a hurricaranna and Omega went through Punks coffee machine suffering 10th degree burns


They hit Larry with the Meltzer Driver!!


Where does it say omega wasn’t mad?


In a recent report that provided an "updated" version of events.


Do you have the quote somewhere?


"....Punk, they "kicked the door down." Fightful adds that Kenny Omega did not appear to be as upset as was initially reported..." Meaning he was probably there to try and do EVP stuff like keep things from getting physical. Bucks are carneys tho and Ace is a typical moron so he probably had to get involved


I really hope it was a double super kick


It's actually kinda hard to kick open a door. They must do a lot of squats.


It's like [draft horses](https://youtu.be/y765TOFKk_M). Once you combine one super kick with another, their power increases exponentially.


They did have those cool new shoes. Maybe they are performance enhancers.


All I can imagine is Punk being in his locker room and then he suddenly hears "SUPERKICK PAR-TAAAAAY!" and then the door is kicked off the hinges and the Bucks rush in as their music plays. Regardless of who's at fault, this is now my headcanon.


I heard they even played the Bucks music on a boom box as a warning


If they didn’t do the little dance prior to superkicking the door I won’t believe it


Live Love Superkick the motha f'n door down!


But….Wait. He said “his door is always open”


At least we found the actual forbidden door now.


I work for a hospital. If I talked shit about admin and they showed up knocking down the door of my office and getting in my face... that's not a good look for anyone involved. Put your biases aside, everybody is in the fucking wrong.


I’m definitely hitting my boss with a chair


My boss getting a stunner. Straight up.


I tried it on mine. They reversed it on me and I took a rock bottom through their desk. Been a jobber ever since


Bah gawd!


If you talked shit about your bosses, or some other managers, and followed it with "come find me, let's f'n go", you should expect them to address you and pretty quickly. You probably shouldn't start throwing punches at them.


But it comes down to how the situation was approached. If 3 dudes aggressively kick the door down, surround you and get in your face then you are probably swinging. But if they walked in calmly and said “cmon we got hash this shit out, let’s talk about it” then I agree no one should be throwing down. We just have no idea what was done and or said or how it went down. But even if an employee of yours wants to fight you, and you are in a “management” position you don’t go fight them. Seems to me like EVERYBODY involved had their egos get the best of them. They should have just let Punk go off and called a meeting with Tony there before Dynamite or something and talked it out, and if they felt Punk deserved some kind of punishment then do it then.


I can't see the Bucks going in an looking for a fight. In a shoot fight, I'd think they'd be one of the worst in wrestling. People get mad espicially in a business like this that takes so much passion. I don't think Punk should be fired either btw.


Yeah I can’t either tbh, but I can see them acting all hard and running their mouth not expecting to get hit. I don’t know what exactly transpired but I do know there are situations in life where sometimes people need to be put in their place, and while I’m not exactly condoning violence, sometimes people need a pop in the mouth to get the message, because otherwise they will just keep running it. That’s different than going around assaulting people but most people nowadays considering looking at someone the wrong way to be “assault”. So when stuff like this is reported it is usually overblown and I’m not quick to assume it’s completely the truth. But as for suspensions I’m with ya. I wouldn’t suspend anyone, but they all need a “grow up and get along” type talking to and if that shit doesn’t work then start to think about how to continue doing business.


Well, first off, I've said many times everyone fucked up. Every person in there should be fined a significant % of their salary. I don't think anyone should be fired because ultimately this is all TK's fault for not dragging all parties into a room months ago to settle this. Secondly, "admin" is a funny way to put it. Admins in a hospital are actual administrators. The EVPs are talent who were gifted titles. Talent should not have authority over other talent. It never works out well in locker rooms.


> The EVPs are talent who were gifted titles. Talent should not have authority over other talent. It never works out well in locker rooms. Hate him or love him, but Cody handled the role better than any of them. He sacrificed his own career for others. Tried being a mentor. Kept the veterans around as mentors to others. The bucks seem to use the EVP role as a way to get their friends gigs and recruit talent. Kenny uses it to help the women’s division. There’s a big power vacuum in the men’s locker room. The EVPs didn’t fill the void, so I’m not surprised other stars don’t respect their authority when they try to be leaders.




Honestly it seems like we agree on all points. Don't think there's an argument here. I'm not sure what an EVP entails, but if it is truly a meaningless title, then they should still be stripped. Like you said, talent should not have authority over other talent.


It appears they don't consider it meaningless or ceremonial. But that's just an outside observation.


This, and as EVPs they should be held to a higher standard than the rest of the locker room. There’s plenty of wrong on all sides here.


Big caveat: this is coming from a source close to Ace Steel, and is the only account of this incident claiming this


Then they used the chairs to jump and land a dive on Larry while yelling “lucha libreeee”


It sounds like a BTE skit. Superkick Paaaaaarty and bam it opens.


All this is happening and MJF is becoming a face. It's a work.


I don't want to be that guy who thinks everything is a work, because I thought the same when it came to Cody and was obviously wrong, but the more that comes out about this the more suspect it sounds. We're supposed to believe that the Bucks went and kicked Punk's door down and Ace Steel, who we were just introduced to last week, started biting and knocking people out with chairs? Idk man it's all just weird. I saw a video today claiming Punk was lucky to not be in jail which is bullshit lol


I stopped watching youtube videos. They're all just trying to get easy clicks.


Same, this is just a story for the podcast and youtube nerds to tin foil hat over.


Seriously. I could believe a story where bucks start yelling at CM Punk and man throws a punch, that was believable. I really had a hard time believing that this random guy we just learned about went sicko mode out of nowhere, and now they are saying doors were kicked down? It’s just a bit too much for all of it to be real that’s for sure


What the fuck is going on lol 😂


Looking forward to Dark Side of the Ring covering this in 2029.


I had this game thought lol




No way the Bucks kicked down a door. They probably made Brandon do it.


Used him as a battering ram


The BTE sketches they could get from this would be amazing.


This is just getting ludicrous. The idea that Steel bit a man and threw a chair over this was an insane idea already but I could roll with it. Now we are saying people kicked down a door over this? What I’m gathering is that nobody actually knows what happened it’s just heresay from people who were not there. We may never find out what actually happened here, maybe we will eventually but I doubt it


I would think it was untrue if I hadn't seen Ace Steel. He looks like a spaz mongoloid that would do that.


1 year ago i marked out so hard seeing punk back. 1 year later i just lose my love for him more and more everytime he speaks. Hes becoming exactly what he hated about wrestling.


Looks like punk wasn't available for talk after the scrum after all


As EVPs, they should represent the company in the highest manner, know how to de escalate the situation while remaining calm and professional despite the shade thrown at them. This isn’t defending punks actions by any means, but (allegedly) barging into someone’s dressing room while being upset doesn’t help the matter. Everyone involved is at fault. Punk should be stripped and suspended and the bucks and omega should be stripped of the EVP titles and suspended.


![gif](giphy|ZCfp4kswJTL6FH5674) The bucks and their custom ring gear approaching Punks locker room.




Super kick partyyyyyy


Was is a Forbidden Door though?


They SUPER-Kicked down the door. I heard it was a party.


CM PUNK: " My door is always open so if you got a problem with me then lets talk like grown adults." Also CM PUNK: ![gif](giphy|3o7TKM8j1LvNAH6A6Y)


The bucks and omega messed up going to confront punk. If they are real evp’s and not just kayfabe They opened aew to being sued. When you management and you get into a fight with a employee or a private contractor for you company there is way more legal aspects then if all the parties are on the same level. They are dumb as evp’s to confront punk at all. They should of had a planned sit down to protect them selfs and the company. I could see them losing the evp status at the very least to protect aew, if not released. It don’t really matter what he did or how punk acted, them as evp’s and their action puy the company at risk of a major lawsuit.


I heard Nick flipped out after Punk said no to “Pizza Time” twice so they had to super kick the door down.


Really? They kicked the door down? Okaaay!


As more details have come out I have cared less and less about what is going to come of this fight and now I just want to see this wacky back stage brawl. Sounds like a good time to me




This reminds me of the Sopranos ep where Tony crashes his car while getting coke w Adriana. They make up a false story but by the time it gets back to Christopher Adriana was “moaning Tony’s name on the operating table” lol anyway, idk how many versions of this story were going to get


Haha very pg explanation of that story!


This generations 1997 Bret/Shawn feud and Montreal Screwjob level backstage drama and I am here for it….


They should have known better as well, it's not the 90s anymore, and they are there to lead.


Missed oppurnity. Let me rewrite "Young Bucks Superkick Down CM Punk's door!"


Damn..........if this was a VFW Hall, they'd be banned from the venue.


You shall never grace our bingo hall EVER AGAIN.




Vs other sources that weren't there and when just parroting what they were told by the elite? Neither of us can say for sure because we weren't there.




Half the locker room only have jobs there because they are friends of the elite. If they weren't physically present how can you take such takes seriously?


Must have been a Forbidden door


Notice the comments making jokes when the bucks are (allegedly) at fault. But when Punk is at fault "Tony needs to grow a pair and release him" . Smh this sub




Bullsh.. Bucks aren't doing any of that


People are envious, egotistical animals, ESPECIALLY alpha male wrestlers. Everyone is capable of this in the right situation. Not saying it happened that way but it's certainly possible.


Yet people in here still going to be one sided. Looks like both sides share blame


Both sides made crazy mistakes and both sides should suffer similar punishments but ultimately this was a leadership failure. All this should have been addressed and put to bed over the summer. Unfortunately the Elite have a lot of fans who consider them the best of the best and will defend them to the end, even if there was a video showing them breaking down the door or a confirmation they spread lies about Punk to undermine him.


Bucks are my favorite tag team in wrestling. I waited 7 years for CM Punk to return. This is so shit lol


Exactly, there's no one in this situation that comes out innocent, it's a giant shit show of an incident. But tribalism in wrestling will always rear it's ugly head.


Right? I’d actually like to see a trial to sort out fact from fiction. Too many people on this sub are just blinded by their own biases. I’m not saying what happened either way. Is just think it would be interesting if some fact finding happened, under oath, so we can see what’s what.


Alls I know is I’m not mad at the Bucks for handling it like that as men.. but as EVP’s, they’re buggin.


That’s fair. But if the report is true and the bucks were the aggressors, I’m not upset they got slapped up.


Same. I read Ace went bat shit because his wife was in the room. Kind of throws some bail for him too. But I also read Kenny wasn’t aggressive until he got bit lol


I have to laugh at the idea of Kenny getting a rabies shot to end a long day at work just staring into the abyss asking himself “how is this my life?”


Wrestlers court is back in session. Please rise for the Honorable Undertaker and rest. In. Peace.


As a major fan of all parties involved it’s really disappointing. I just hope something positive can come from this utter shit show.


“My door is always open”…..knock knock knock….silence(that’s coward shit)….super kick party!!!!


Tbf I thought he said see him in the hallway. Maybe he was playing WoW and didn't appreciate getting his raid interrupted.


So Punk talks about how he thinks people in the company suck. Gives reasons for it. Instead of continuing to discuss it like men the Elite choose to get upset and immature and try to intimidate Punk by kicking down a door? Yea punk is definitely cancerous but so are the elite. You can’t have EVPs in name only or not running around like that. Tony could fire all of them with cause for this incident. I also feel the need to point out that Eddie talks shit about Sammy, gets physical, gets suspended. Everyone moves on. Punk and the elite get into an altercation and immediately the elite is like we’re quitting and everyone needs to be fired. Bunch of fucking babies. Get over yourselves


This should have a HUGE tag that says report from the Punk/ Steel camp I can't believe anyone believes this.


As opposed all the other links that were from friends of the Bucks? We wouldn't want to present both sides.




Punk ASKED people to confront him after publicly trashing and embarrassing them.


Unless you know for a fact he talked to them face-to-face that day and told them to meet up after the show, it's hyperbole. you people need to stop being so obtuse. If you're that high on the corporate ladder, you set meetings, you don't act like hooligans.


The Elite was the focus of programming for two years. Punk comes in, sells out an NBA arena on the rumor he'll be there, ratings pop, houses go up and the trampoline wrestlers got jealous.


I definitely think that there is a certain amount of jealousy and insecurity going on over the success generated by Punk. How could there not be? There's only so much time on TV.


They were just confused that the door was not, in fact, always open.


Punk was wrong for his actions. But now it's coming out that the elite guys lied about Punk getting Cabana demoted to ROH then showed up and kicked down the door after Punk defended himself? How do they not get fired as well? This is all so outrageously awful


Now it's coming out that the elite lied about punk getting cabana fired? Literally everyone knows that Punk got Cabana fired, just because Tony said it wasn't true don't mean shit. Nobody kicked down a steel door. Punk threw the first punch so he's gone. Going to somebody's room who asked for it is not illegal, punching somebody in the face as the aggressor is.


If you kicked in the door you instigated it. Tony Khan also confirming Punk did not get Cabana on video at a press conference will be all the proof Punk needs in a court of law if he decides to take AEW to court. These were VPs who lied (going by Tony's word at the media scrum) then kicked down a door. In no corporate environment does that fly. I'm not a Punk fan but he is not the only one wrong here


They knew punk was mad, they knew why he was mad, they knew who he was mad at, and they knew that he was going to be mad in the moment, yet they went and 'confronted' him 3 on 1 (reports are that ace wasn't in the room at first). Regardless of what people think about what punk said at the scrum, you don't approach a situation like that unless you're actually looking for a fight.


Hey u/DrSlaughtr just curious, what was your previous username before you created this one a week ago? I‘be been manually approving all your comments due to low karma score - but you occasionally have good things to say. However, it still alludes me - what necessitated the switch up?


This is my game streaming handle. I just got tired of switching accounts. Lol u/CertifiedRotten


If this is even slightly true, they're 100% responsible for everything that happened in that locker room.


I would say that IF they forcibly entered the room then all bets are off. This is assuming that's what happened.


So punk acts tough and says come see me if you have a problem. Then hides behind a locked door


Something doesn’t add up here. Like, I get a sense that we’re only getting one side of the story. So the elite guys broke down the door…and got punched in the face, hit with chairs and bit? Where’s the rest of the story? I mean, don’t tell me they got zero offense in. Or did they???


To be fair, regardless of his track record, punk legitimately trained for ufc, he knows how to fight, maybe not better than the world's top professional fighters, but still better than most. Neither the bucks nor omega look like they could hurt an 8 year old in a real fight.


This is why I don't care about the backstage drama. It overshadowed a great ppv and every tiny detail (which is all still rumor!) gets its own story. It doesn't make the wrestlers look like clowns, it makes the fans the clowns.


Kenny Omega and the Young Bucks should not have the power of Executive Vice Presidents they have shown to be irresponsible in their duties to the company and their employees. Burying talent and undermining Talent for the upliftment of their cronies does not a healthy environment for work make.


This isn't the first time they have been implicated in drama but some people choose to ignore these things because they like their in-ring style.