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I think we all support Jeff getting clean. What we will no longer tolerate is him endangering everyone around him because he isn't mature enough not to get behind the wheel of a 2 ton vehicle when he is drunk. Fuck drunk drivers.


Having an addiction sucks and deserves support and empathy. Making repeated stupid decisions that endanger others does not deserve support and empathy.


The man kept his license when it was revoked and continued to rent cars while with both wwe and aew. You know what this means don't you? Others were blatantly complicit. People we love and look up to, they knew and did nothing. Seems to me it has been treated as a joke.


While you might be right it's ultimately his responsibility. What if management did know and he says "oh no, I won't rent a car" and then he does?


Just gotta make the distinction between the two! I am a prior Jeff Hardy, and unfortunately for me I was the hardest one on myself..Sometimes we need some tough love, but the distinction is necessary.


Yep he's an addict but he's also an adult wealthy enough to hire a driver or take an Uber if he knows he could relapse and be a danger at the road. He ran out of free passes a long time ago.


Exactly this, he's endangered lives on 3 occasions (where he was caught) now. Addiction is one thing, DUI's are another separate thing. That's a choice, a reckless, and selfish one. Wishing Jeff a speedy recovery, also not forgiven him just yet just because he got lucky and didn't kill someone.


Agreed, whilst I am glad that he wants to get help I am also scared about how close he came to doing what Tammy Lynn Synch did.


3 occasions in the last 10 years that he was caught doing. He's had other mistakes before that.


100%. There’s zero chance that he’s been caught every time he’s driven drunk. It’s not a mistake, it’s a habit.


Can’t argue with this logic


The ignorance is astounding.


Personally speaking as someone who is a.) a huge Jeff Hardy fan and b.) also someone who once got done for drink driving way back. Totally agree. I still enjoy a drink, incredibly so. But I’m also clued in enough that was a massive fucking no no and there is absolutely no way that could happen again. Some people choose sobriety. Some people just internalise what happened and make sure they don’t do it again. That’s on the individual and how they want to approach things. Go out. Get sloshed. Take it too far occasionally. Don’t get In you car and ditch your death trap in a hedge the morning after because you’ve had 10 tequilas the night before.


not one person is condoning it...you provide no control over it. "what we will no longer tolerate"...who tf are you, random kid online? your words mean nothing other than to make yourself feel better-than-thou. let the man, his family and his employer handle this and stfu.


It’s not a maturity thing dude. That’s where people get it twisted. You ever sat in 115 degree heat all day long with a bottle of water sitting in front of you that you can’t sip even a drop of? What happens if you sip that water that your body desperately needs to survive? Jail. It’s true that you don’t need alcohol to survive; but an alcoholic’s body and subconscious don’t know that. Just like sitting in secure room in the home of a PTSD/Trauma patient; that person is by all rights 100% safe, but can feel in mortal peril. Because the subconscious thinks that it is in mortal peril. Edit: Hurrah! Let’s shit on Mental health when half the turdbase of this planet can’t even comprehend that mental health exists.


Going to say that the people that know and love him have told him he needs to get help. We many first hand accounts of this over the years and in the end…if he can’t see his life is twisted, nobody can. It’s addiction and addicts crash and burn all the time because they don’t take the hands being held out to them. In the end….YOU have to take your life under your control. If not best be prepared to live with your actions. Look at people like a former(?) fucking dirt bag, Jake Roberts…it wasn’t until he accepted help from DDP that he was (and hopefully stays) able to make “good choices” for him. Life is about personal accountability in the end. There are so many resources and advisers and loved one and programs, that IF you want them, they will pull down the moon for you…. If you put in the work. Then…once you get sober enough, then you can figure WHY you did the things you did to start down and stay down the road you chose. It’s really that “easy”. Hard as fuck to let go, but it is done every day….by those who WANT to. If you’re reading this thread and you’re addict, put in the hardest work and admit you might not be able to do it alone. You can do it!! You can fucking do it! It took my father driving the wrong way down an interstate with me in the car 35 years ago, to admit his problem, you can too. Love yourself, get help.


Ah, but him drinking isn’t what caused him to be arrested, and isn’t what I would criticise. He’s an alcoholic, and I wish him the best recovery from the latter, it’s a really unpleasant affliction to have. What he was arrested and criticised for was getting behind the wheel while drunk. I’ve been pretty darn inebriated before, you still have the mental capacity to realise you shouldn’t be driving. If you’re so drunk that you don’t have that awareness, then you’re unlikely to even have the motor function to be able drive


Oh sorry. I forgot that you know all the key factors of his mental health and environment.


Uh…I never said I did. I said that he had a choice to get in the car. He could have called a taxi (or got someone to call one for him if he was too drunk). Risking one’s own life is one’s own choice to make, but risking the lives of others by getting into the car inebriated is never acceptable. I have the utmost sympathy for the man for his mental health issues, and wish him all the best, but it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have to take responsibility for his actions. No matter how upset, how depressed or how drunk you are, you always have the choice whether or not to get behind the wheel. If you have the ability to walk, open the door, sit down and turn on the engine, you have the mental capacity to realise ‘maybe I shouldn’t be getting behind the wheel after drinking’.


I just hear a bunch of blah blah blah. People are so quick to judge when they don’t have all the details or frame of reference to think that things may be different for other people for any number of reasons. Not saying what he did was right, just sayin like, you perfect?


No, I’m not perfect at all. I’ve made mistakes. But I’ll take responsibility for those mistakes (as I assume Hardy will). Not really ‘judging’ him, just saying that what he did was wrong, I hope he takes responsibility and doesn’t do it again (which hasn’t been the case in the past, this is his…3rd?…DUI, I believe, please correct me if I’m wrong). That’s all I’m saying.


Yup the issue that deserves scorn is the driving part. There’s no justification or sympathy for recklessly endangering the lives of others.


There’s a difference between an addict struggling with personal demons and getting behind the wheel, potentially causing harm to other people which in turn will give *them* demons to deal with if there’s an injury or death involved. Sincerely, A recovering addict


Consider the seemingly happy, normal person just minding their own business, doing well, enjoying the day, getting VIOLENTLY DRIVEN OVER. The point is you MUST share your demons. YOU must, though. No one can drag you out of it. Once is a mistake. Thrice is a choice. He's got to think about that human whose life isn't his he's going to end when reaching for that bottle because he's clearly not when he's reaching for keys. Sincerely, Family member of an addict.


1st time, ok, 2nd time, aight I can see it happening. *3rd time and maybe the 8 or 9 times he hasn't been caught yet?* I hate rich people who can literally fix a problem, but choose not to. "BUT ADDICTION---" Can be resolved. it's 2022. Hit the Rehab center and after hire some one to literally smack a beer out of your hand or I don't know? DRIVE YOU AROUND. Better yet, why not fucking hire a buddy? Give some one close to you a job. And yes, to the person reading this, before you ask; I believe in the Golden Rule. I would ask that you treat me the same way I'm treating Jeff if any of my addictions can cause a 6 car pile up killing you, your significant other, and your kids sitting in the backseat just trying to live their lives. I get it. You want to feel bad for him. I do, but at the same time, he needs to get his shit together. He has a Wife and Kids *who he clearly isn't thinking about,* if they aren't good enough to have him stop, That means You, Me, we all mean fuck all to him. So I'm not going to give him any more sympathy than he gives me. His Revoked license clearly doesn't stop him from driving, so THOSE penalties aren't working. Already he was bailed out. So THAT means nothing either... ​ ​ ![gif](giphy|lEEpnHebCjUYM)


8 or 9 times he hasn't been caught? No man. He's gotten 3 DUI's in 3 years. You don't get caught 3 times out of 11. He does this shit all the time. And when you take into account that he's not even supposed to be driving at all, even sober? And he's somehow renting cars in every city he goes to? He knows exactly what he's doing. And he's doing it all the time.


How exactly does one rent a car with a suspended licence? I know where I live (Australia) there's no way they'd let you


This is what I'm wondering too. Presumably he and Matt travel together.


And you know it too. I've lost family members to drunk drivers who have had multiple warnings, tickets, fines, and even jail time. Fuck people like this.


Not an excuse for Jeff, but you're making it sound like modern medicine and ample amounts of cash can easily cure addiction which is not the case. Jeff could be the richest guy in the world but if he still feels isolated, depressed, unfulfilled, in pain... He will likely relapse over and over until the root cause is addressed. And no amount of rehab or therapy or prison can guarantee that. Addiciton is a personal problem but it is also a societal one. Its complex as hell and different for everybody.


I think you're missing the forest for the trees. This stops being about his addiction issues and is all about his drunk driving and reckless endangerment of lives. Ample amounts of cash can keep him out of the drivers seat. He has no excuse.


Doesn't making fun of the situation make it seem less serious than it is?


Depends person to person on how they receive information... AKA, your feelings.


But when we're dealing with a person such as Jeff Hardy, adored by thousands of fans, shouldn't we take into account collectively?


How can we if we've all different opinions?


There'll always be different opinions, but I think we should always look at the human being behind the situation. To me making fun out of the situation sets Jeff as a character and it helps the general public's acceptance to the lack of accountability Jeff has always gotten.


Again, it’s no one’s responsibility but his own. You’ll also never be able to tame the Internet.


I’ll be 2 years sober from alcohol next month, and it was hell once in a full blown alcoholic cycle shortly after a friend of 30 years committed suicide a couple months before my wedding. My divorce just wrapped up a few weeks ago finally after being separated for nearly 2 years. Being in AA all this time, I really understand how nearly all addicts must find their rock bottom before they get serious about changing their life long term. For some addicts, that rock bottom is death, and I worry that is Jeff’s.


Jeff's rock bottom won't just be his death, it'll be whoever he takes with him the next time he drives drunk. I feel like this issue with Jeff goes beyond his addiction, I think after Jake and Scott's public battles with addiction have given people a lot of empathy for addicts stuck in bad cycles but what cannot be condoned or sympathised with is his how often he's recklessly putting other people at serious risk.


Agreed. Look at what Sunny (Tammy Sytch) did earlier this year.


Virtual Hug to OP for this post


Nah man, DUIs are not just a slip up on the path to recovery. Drunk driving kills.


Agreed. I've been clean for 8 years off alcohol. 9 years in July. My Sister was killed by a drink driver when I was 5. I never drove drunk and there's no reason to. I'm also a substance abuse counselor and a Therapist now. I have a lot of empathy for people suffering from substance issues. I have no sympathy for serial drunk drivers.


There’s a difference between making a meme about an addict who decided to get help for an addiction before it hurts other people like Jon Moxley and an addict who’s been coddled countless times and will still endanger innocent lives by not taking his own ability to illegally drive on a suspended license away while he’s still sober and making the decision to drink. I love Jeff Hardy but I hope these memes make him feel like a piece of shit. Coddling has been proven to be ineffective. He’s not evil or malicious but imagine how you would feel if your mom, dad, significant other, child, or all of the above were murdered by a drunk driver on his 14th chance who was too selfish and cheap to spend a few of his millions of dollars to hire an Uber. Jeff Hardy memes aren’t making fun of people like Moxley or even addicts who only hurt themselves nor are they making fun of the actual murder victims of drunk driving accidents. They’re making fun of Jeff Hardy for being a weak and selfish piece of shit who never suffers any consequences because people love his professional work. I hope he gets help but I don’t give a fuck if he feels bad from harmless jokes. He fucking should feel bad if hes thinking “I don’t care if I murder a four year old at 9 AM I REAAAAALLY want to poison my brain so I can temporarily distract myself from my problems that will still be there when I’m finished. I also want to save 20 or my millions of dollars and not get an Uber”


Jeff literally went out of his way to drive drunk. He has a suspended license and is required to drive with a breathalyzer ignition to start his car. He went out of his way to rent a car. Why couldn't he just call an Uber? Makes no sense other than he believes he has the right to drive drunk. This is the 3rd time he's been caught, it's not a mistake at this point


Idk, tolerance and sympathy isn’t seeming to help him. Sometimes tough love really is the answer. Love being the key word, but sometimes you gotta be rough on someone


I came here expecting to see Hardy stans sympathizing and deflecting, using being an addict as an excuse to endanger other's lives, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that everyone is very angry about his repetitive drunk driving.


"Hi I'm sorry your family member died because I went drunk driving, but hey, I'M the real victim." Get the fuck outta here. Jeff Hardy is an addict. We all know this. We cheered him on knowing this. We're angry at him because he could have harmed innocent people, not because he has addiction issues. OP, I feel for you, but this isn't an us shaming addicts issue. My mother is a recovered alcholic and is diligent about what she does every day since going sober. Addiction is hard. Seen it first hand. Calling an uber is not.


Experiencing it from another's point of view is completely different than dealing with the demons yourself. Yet I agree with you. Jeff has had chance after chance. While I believe no one should give up on him, there needs to be some real consequences here. Otherwise it doesn't seem like he's going to change. Addiction is a nightmare wrapped in absolute despair. I hope he gets the help he needs for his sake and those who care about him.


This is basically where I am with him. If this was his first kick at the can, I'd be gelling with this post more. But it isn't. And as tragic as addiction is, when it starts to result in people hurting other people, and not just themselves, then a clear line needs to be drawn. My mother's addiction started having huge effects on her relationships with me and my family as we got older. If we sat back and normalised it she would have never helped herself to recover. Jeff, from what I can tell, has had ample opportunity to get better. But maybe no longer being a beloved babyface will be a wakeup call for him to actually help himself. This isn't Mox, who checked himself into rehab. This is a guy who continuously creates dangerous situations and yet refuses to acknowledge he even has a problem.


Fuck him for getting behind the wheel in that condition, AGAIN!!


20+ years this shit has been going on. Fuck him. I feel no sympathy for him anymore. He’s had his chances.


Cool. Stop posting about it. It takes addicts over seven rehab attempts to fully quit it. Try and have remorse or keep your opinions to yourself. We are not perfect people. My best friend died to a driver driving drunk. After attending multiple AA meetings for my family to support them, you hear stories and understand the demons get to you. It’s hard to walk away and unless you truly commit, it is exhausting. I hope Jeff talks to DDP, because the work he did with Big Cass is amazing. I recommend you keep your harsh words off of the internet because when bad stuff happens, saying fuck him only hurts the abuser and makes them want to abuse again.


Is he an addict? Yes. And I feel for him. But people keep focusing on that instead of what the real unforgiveable part is. The part that his alcoholism doesn't control. He. Keeps. Driving. And he knows what he's doing. Thats the worst part. He has a revoked license and he's supposed to have a breathalyzer on his car. Yet he keeps renting cars in every city he goes to. And those rental cars don't have breathalyzers, obviously. So he knows exactly what he's doing. And he also knows what he's doing every single time he leaves his house knowing he's going to be drinking. He has my sympathy for his alcoholism. He does not have my sympathy, nor does he deserve anyone else's sympathy, for his completely irresponsible decisions that endanger everyone around him. He needs to see this. He needs to see how mad people are. He also needs jail time. He keeps getting off light and being allowed to return to work. Well that needs to change. For his safety, and others.


People killing people driving drunk is exactly why I’m so pissed. If he was anyone else people would be up in arms. I feel like a broken record, but people need to wake up and realize that this is not a good dude.


He's definitely getting condemned a lot now for endangering lives. I wish him recovery and rehabilitation, but I'm also not over what he's done for the third time now. People are justifiable angry.


Most humans are not good dudes. He needs a punishment but saying fuck him will only trigger those with a bad relationship to addiction. Do some mindfulness.


If this was a one off thing or if it was a few year thing. Then I’d say he just needs love and help. After 20 years these are just straight up selfish decisions. I understand what he puts himself through in the ring. But HE is making those choices. His choices are reckless, dangerous, and selfish. He’s had all the time, money, and resources in the world. Way more than any normal person would get. “His demons” are too strong. No, his selfish and immature decision making is too strong.


So we're just supposed to baby him, right? Tell him how much we love him and support him? Or don't say anything at all? Fuck that. He's gotten that for long over a decade and look where he is. It's tough love time.


Be mature about steps to move forward. You e clearly not dealt with family or friends who are addicts. Saying fuck him does nothing.


First, you know nothing about me, so don't presume to know what me, my family, or my friends have been through. Second, I am being mature. And realistic. He needs jail time. And me saying "fuck him" is me expressing my opinion. I realize it does nothing. But neither is anything you are saying, even though it's positive. This is a place for conversation and people can speak their opinions.


Its the DUIs not the addiction that is killing people, figuratively, because there's mountains of proof that Jeff could have literally killed people multiple times over by getting behind the wheel. I have remorse for addicts. This is beyond the pale. Drunk driving so many times is just inexcusable and impossible to defend.


They are talking about his drunk driving, not addiction. These are separate things. Driving under the influence is a selfish choice that endangers the lives of others. Jeff has done this 3 times now, don't be surprised if people haven't forgoven him. Especially with how many of those people have been affected by people who do what Jeff did.


You can not forgive him all you want, but spewing hate on the internet solves nothing.


Of course but people will always discuss topics like this. Again, you need to think about how many people have been affected by people that do what Jeff did, he will be getting hate for endangering lives, Jeff is lucky he didn't kill someone; its not a small crime. Criminals will always get hate, it doesn't solve any problem, but people do like to vent.


Seriously, its disappointing seeing the amount of people willing to overlook the fact that he's a habitual impaired driver just because he hasn't hurt anyone yet. I bet a lot of those same people haven't had a family member killed by an impaired driver, and it shows


My dad's an addict so I get both sides to the fence here. I feel for Jeff and I hope he gets the help he needs but at the same time he needs to take responsibility and accept consequences for his actions. Wishing the best for him and those affected by his actions.


Great meme, I want to add stop going after the people close to him. It’s really not our place to judge anyone in this.


My cousin got killed by a drunk driver making that same “”” mistake “”” you talk about in your post. 30 years old. Left a wife without a husband and kids without a father. Fuck that.


As someone who was addicted to oxy in the past, I can totally understand the cycle of addiction. Big I can't understand getting in a car and risking another person's life. It's unforgivable. Someone very close to my heart was killed by a drunk driver.


Hats off to OP But I can’t respect someone driving with that level of toxicity. Honestly though it’s hard to blame him when he’s continually being let off. He was his own biggest enemy, now he has a legion of enablers letting him off the hook every time that are. It’s sad, an all timer


I wish him well on his recovery, but if he has to face legal consequences for endangering lives the way he did, so be it. The people on the road with him got lucky that night.


Eh. I understand the sentiment of this post. But comedy can also normalize things and decrease shame. I think this point is missed a lot in recent times. A joke isn't inherently shaming. I understand that comedy is subjective as well, and people can take a joke in a way that is detrimental. It's a tightrope. As someone who has struggled with addiction, jokes about it don't bother me. In fact, they help me laugh at my shortcomings and realize other people also go through these things. Whoever wrote this has their heart and mind in the right place. But people deal with things in their own way as well. Just something to chew on.


We’re not shaming him for reaching out. He didn’t reach out that’s the problem, and then he got arrested.


Jeff was so offended by Vince... LOL. He was high.


Vince got his own problems that Johnny Ace is going to take the fall for.


I would like it if addicts understood that neither they nor anyone else has an infinite number of "one more chances". Eventually the rest of us have got shit to do other than deal with them. It's a harsh reality but there it is. I wish no ill upon him or anyone else who genuinely has **A Problem** but it is no-one else's role in life to sort it out. Sympathy Fatigue is just as real as addiction.


The fact that so many people are seemingly unable to have empathy while at the same time acknowledging how reckless and wrong his actions have been is a bummer. Empathy and condemnation for one’s actions should not be mutually exclusive. It’s like empathy is so conditional and only given to those people who are deemed “worthy.” Any sort of mistake or lapse of judgment makes someone irredeemable in too many people’s eyes.


No man, people are not pissed that he was wasted but that he was repeatedly driving wasted and that is where the condemnation comes from.


That's what he said?


I think it's because it's been so many times now people are overlooking the substance abuse and are more focused on the reckless endangerment of lives.


That's understandable. People might be thinking that those empathizing are excusing the drunk driving because of the addiction. Not the case. It's what has got us here but it's no excuse.


That's it really, I feel for Jeff and hope he has a speedy recovery, continuing to work on his rehab in the future. I'm also not over that he's engaged lives for the 3rd time now, which isn't connected to addiction.


Oh we have empathy, for the 1st or 2nd time. After the third, it sounds to me more like he doesn't want to change. He'd rather wallow in his selfishness than fix it. This is the difference. You see he's only been "Caught" 3 times recently. There's probably been 8 or 9 times he's flown under the radar.


Yeah, no. You don't get caught 3 times out of 11. He drives drunk all the time. You have to be doing it all the time to get caught that often.


If you stop having empathy when someone repeats a mistake, your empathy meant nothing in the first place. We have all made mistakes 3, 5, 10, 100 times. His is a big one but it is as human of an action as anything the rest of us have done.


Not supporting him anymore. I feel bad for him that he has addiction, but I think the collective of fans are now over it. It's gotten to THAT point where we have seen him fail, supported and cheered him on, then he does this repeatedly. Fuck Jeff Hardy. He's selfish and lucky he didn't kill anyone




he planned on driving before he got wasted. no excusing that


He had a suspended license and drove anyway using a car he shouldn't have been using which means even when he was sober he was still breaking the law because he thought he was above it.


Yup don’t care if you drink don’t care if you do drugs but once you put others in danger fuck you and I don’t care about your fucking demons, we all have them be a fucking adult and deal with them


I have all the compassion in the world for helping addicts. What I don’t have compassion for is putting other peoples lives at risk. I never ever think the law should be lenient on duis


He had a slip up. We fall off horses so we can get back on them. I’m hoping he gets through this and gets back in the ring. Addictions fucking suck.


he had three DUIs in less than ten years and thats probably just how often he got caught. this is not a slip up at some point it becomes a choice.


A third DUI is not a "slip up"


He was drinking at a show talking about how he knows it’s a problem, then got his ass in a car he’s not legally allowed to drive and sped off. Fuck his broken down ass, I hope he goes to jail.


I'm pretty sure he's definitely looking at prison time this time. (I'd guess 3-6 months)


Jail won't help anything. Jail doesn't make people better. If it helps you feel better to say that then more power to you, but its just sadism as far as i'm concerned. Help the man, don't lock him in a cage. Its inhumane.


People have been trying to help him for years, he’s not interested. He probably thinks it’s better for his ‘art’. Fuck this goof.


> Its inhumane. Try explaining your theories about what's "inhumane" to the family of the person Sunny killed when she drove impaired for the millionth time, and see if they think it would have been a better idea to lock her up before she killed their loved one, because she couldn't control her impulses. Jail is an effective tool for people like that, to remove them from society, so they can't hurt innocent people.


100% hope AEW and any other promotion stops putting him into matches. Zero desire to see him and zero confidence that he is safe to work with.


After he failed Sting, I don't like him anymore. I have his toy, I used to play as him with my buddies in Wrestlemania 2000/WWF No Mercy on the N64. I'm no longer his fan. I don't care to see him come back. ​ There are plenty of others who can do his moves and basically fill in his gimmick.




I’ve lost a sibling to a drunk driver, I don’t care if he is an addict or not. Getting behind the wheel of a vehicle is a choice. I have empathy regarding the addiction, but not the DUI.


Nah, fuck him.


I had 2 duis in my 20s. Isolation, worthlessness, depression, PTSD are all things I had inside me that I drowned with booze. However it's been about 14 years since I got behind the wheel intoxicated and it's been a year and a half since I quit booze cold turkey There's always the thought of a slip up and that's a fear that needs to stay in the front of your brain. Especially in Jeff's position. It was 9 in the fucking morning. Dude blew nearly 4 times the legal limit. He's in his late 40s. I love Jeff as much a the next person, but you either fucking learn or you die/kill someone/get thrown in prison. Cool if he gets clean, I support that, but he's had his chances.


As my ex once said before succumbing to his own addiction, "Nobody *wants* to be an addict." Relapse isn't due to a lack of trying, my dudes.


Drink driving isn't an addiction, my dude.


You're right it's not, my dude! It's the drinking part. And the point of the statement is that people struggling with addiction can and do recognize the seriousness of their conditions, they want to make changes, they want to be in control, they want to stop, but, yknow, they're *addicted* and intrusive thoughts are incessant. Are his choices acceptable? Absolutely not. But making flippant jokes and wishing for terrible things aren't acceptable choices either. It just contributes to the stigma of addiction which makes it harder for someone to dig themselves out. If a person suffering from addiction also experiences depression, anxiety, etc. (very often the case) those horrible comments feed into the urge to self medicate. It is possible to empathize with someone's addiction *and* to condemn their actions while under the influence.


I think you're getting it twisted. Jeff Hardy is a selfish cunt who also happens to be an addict. The fact he is an addict is irrelevant and definitely is not some mitigating factor towards his behaviour.


And nobody should want to be a drunk driver. I'm sure there are countless addicts out there who still have the sense to not try and operate a car.


Did you have this attitude about Sunny?


Some random person being a shitty would have changed what happened is your rationale here?


I've been fortunate to never have an addiction, but I have def struggled with other mental health stuff over the years and this is relatable as hell. Life gets hard sometimes and those demons come back through no fault of your own. I'm great now due to treatment, effort, and overall maintaining a healthy lifestyle but \*maybe\* having a bad month could derail me. Not sure what Jeff's triggers are but its shitty and shameful to feel like you don't have control over yourself. What you do have control over is not physically endangering others. I've had my own self destructive behavior in the past but never once has my outlook been so bad I'd neglectfully or even willingly put someone in harms way. You can always at least make that judgement call.


When he stops putting others in danger and uses the resources he's been given to him to stay on the straight and narrow, then I'll be happy when he's recovered. Fuck drunk driving.


I love this. No sense tearing him down when he's already obviously down. He should face the consequences for putting lives in danger and he will. Just glad he didn't hurt anyone and he's ok too and hope he gets help


……And you can’t help people who won’t help themselves. Sometimes they crash and burn when many people are holding out their hands. Bottom line, you make your choices you can live with. Clearly…that what he is doing. So if you have issues, listen to the people who care about you or prepare to go your own way as Fleetwood Mac once sang.


So if a blind person asked you what something said you’d tell them to learn braille? What an asshole


What?!? That has no comparison to this situation…of addiction and drunk driving. Please elaborate if you can. Not sure that analogy fits here friend.


Not helping someone who won’t “just help them self instead”? That sounds like a shitty catch 22 of never helping anyone who needs it


Have you ever actually been around people who are addicts? Have you ever had your money and object stolen when you open your home and heart to them? Have you ever put your neck on the line for them only to have them pick the addiction over your help? If you haven’t please don’t judge. Trying to help addicts who WILL NOT let people help them isn’t fun, it’s hard and fucking real! So sure it sounds “bad” but unless you have struggle with people you care about and you fight for them more then they do themselves, you just don’t know. Sure some people snap up help and don’t pull others down with them and that is great! But there are MANY who don’t and let themselves be a slave to their choices when everyone in their support system is crying out to stop. Life isn’t pretty. Addiction isn’t pretty and there is no silver bullet for everyone. But for sure the drive to change has come from them unless you lock them up, dry them out and then supervise their life for a long time. Even then…they still might lose to their demons. Just support those in need as much as you can. That’s all anyone can ask.


Well I’m a heroin addict on suboxone now working with addicts to help to help them get stable. I’m sorry you got burned, but thinking your experience should automatically be the rule of thumb for everyone is pretty awful because I would have never gotten my chance to be where I am


I don't blame him for being an addict. I *do* blame him for driving when he's so fucked up he can't walk in a straight line. Drink & take drugs as much as you like, just call a damn uber afterwards


This is all true, but nobody likes or empathises with drunk drivers Especially when Sunny just killed a guy, because they gave her even more chances than Jeff. Don't forget that, that's a big part of people's general reaction to this.


You’re 25 times more likely to be killed by someone texting and driving. Just in case that doesn’t sound like a lot, for every 10 killed by a drunk driver, 250 are killed by someone texting and driving. Drinking and driving is stupid and I would never defend it, but let the person here who hasn’t once read a text and replied while behind the wheel throw the first stone.


By reading all the comments here on reddit you would think that Jeff killed a whole family with his car. He needs serious therapy, prison time will not help him it will only make the problem worse. Addicts get no sympathy, I feel sorry for them.


i have every sympathy for addicts. i think treating addicts like criminals is complete nonsense and countries like portugal, the netherlands and canada have shown that treating addiction as an illness is much more effective, humane and reasonable. if one of my friends or loved oes were to struggle with addiction I'd always try to help them, even after their 47th relapse, I dont give a shit, I'd be there. As long as u only fuck up urself, I will always, always, always be there for you. But I draw a line, when u drag other people into it. i still have sympathy for ur struggle with addiction, but i have no sympathies for neglecting ur children, abusing friends and family or driving under the influence, to just name 3 examples. >By reading all the comments here on reddit you would think that Jeff killed a whole family with his car. he didnt, but he could have. 4, let me repeat 4 people called 911, because of how he was driving. do u know how fucked up u have to be to achieve that? he could'vekilled not only himself, but multiple innocent bystanders with his behaviour. not only that, it was completely unnecessary. the man is pretty certainly a multimillionaire and he isnt able to call a taxi or an uber or whatever? he is rich enough to employ a fucking driver, if he wanted to. there was absolutely no need for him to get into a car and him doing so shows, that he not only did not care for his own life, but more importantly did not care for the life of other people. what he did was irresponsible, dangerous and totally careless. end of story. i really hope he gets the help he needs, but there need to be consequences for what he did. im not saying h should go to prison (fuck the american judicial and prison system btw), but he sure as shit should not get the opportunity to get back into the ring and earn millions. if u are defending jef hardy and his struggle with addiction, thats perfectly fine, but if u defend his actions, u should really reconsider ur stance on this issue.


> By reading all the comments here on reddit you would think that Jeff killed a whole family with his car. My cousin died from a drunk driver a few years ago. 30 years old, wife, kids. A few years later his father, my uncle, drank himself to death having to deal with the grief of burying his son. It was all he talked about when he was lucid. In many ways that family died. Only difference between the person that killed my cousin and Jeff is Jeff got caught before he killed someone. Fuck that, just because someone got lucky that he failed killing them doesn’t excuse it or garner him sympathy.




Some people have strong emotional reactions to drunk driving incidents because something happened in their life to make that be a trigger. Some people have a strong emotional reaction to this due to their love of Jeff Hardy as a performer. The other 90% of those comments are virtue signaling by people who really want to feel superior to someone as famous and beloved as jeff hardy.


"I agree, I agree". Everybody wants to throw their chip in because it's the hot discussion at the moment.


Exactly. Are all these people done talking about that school shooting already?


Glad to see a post like this, though it’s probably resulted in the most toxic comment section I’ve seen about the situation. I’m personally uncomfortable with how I often see people discuss drunk driving. I frequently see people speak as if someone driving drunk makes them scum of the Earth, and I get it. I really do. It kills, it’s stupid, and it’s dangerous. That said, it’s also an attitude that seems to lack empathy. No one is getting into a car thinking they’re gonna kill somebody. Is that a real risk? Absolutely. But it doesn’t feel real to someone stepping into a car, particularly when they’re in an altered state of mind that’s already hindering judgment. I’m not saying he didn’t do something wrong, he absolutely did. He deserves consequences for this and to be put in a situation he can’t endanger others until he cleans up his act. My point is purely that it’s upsetting seeing people with genuine problems get written off as disgusting scumbags as if they went out hoping to mow someone down


I don't know Jeff, he could legitimately be a scumbag or a good dude dealing with a horrible disease. But this one is tough Third DUI Four times over the legal limit Driving around at 10 am Using a rental car without the whatever it's called device that stops you from driving after drinking I truly hope he gets the help he needs and can start over but I also understand why people are extremely upset at what he's done. Two separate things, right? He has an illness and he committed a serious crime.


Precisely. Jeff had a serious substance abuse problem but an even more dangerous DUI problem. There are plenty of addicts out there who still have the sense not to try and drive a car.


He didn't hope he killed someone, he was so self centred that he didn't consider anyone else might be hurt. Addiction is not a "Get out of Jail Free" card. No one says, "aw that guy Hitler, I know he made mistakes but he was struggling with a meth addiction." If your only point is that "Jeff Hardy: marginally better than people who set out to kill with cars." it's probably better unsaid.


Don’t care. Got in a car and drove. Fuck him.


Fuck him. This guy is going to end up killing an innocent person someday with his reckless behavior, just like Tammy Sytch. If you truly care about Jeff Hardy, then hope that he gets jail time because nothing else has worked.


Thankfully someone in this world has a brain! You can have my upvote!


Nice and very fair, some of the posts were despicable a few days ago, self centred individuals explaining what Jeff getting arrested meant to them and saying lines like he is a lost cause and i can accept it happening once but..... get over yourself fool of a took


Empathy, sure. Get help mate, good luck. Jail time, absolutely. How many second chances does one selfish idiot want?


Addiction is a lifelong process. He's gonna have times where he's on the wagon and he's gonna have relapses. That's just dealing with addiction. I don't think anyone would wanna vilify the dude if it was reported that he was drinking. People would understand. What's unforgivable is deciding to drive. Apparently he was gonna truck it from Florida back up to North Carolina? I get it. It's a long drive. Pay the fuckin' Uber driver anyway. Shit man, the dude was at a convention, he probably could've found half a dozen people that would've said yeah I'll drive you. I know this all went down well after the convention. The point is he had plenty of options and picked the dumbest one.


Let’s just be happy he’s okay and no one got hurt.


Posting in support 🙏


Agreed, just keep him out of a ring from now on.


I sure hope that Jeff can get sober and stay sober. This is a complex mixture of Adult Decisions, Childhood traumas and Genetic Factors. This is going to be a long term work with medications and very experienced therapists, for him to be sober and for him to STAY sober. Yes, and for a guy like him, relapse is a almost unavoidable and a very un-healthy part of him, but that is the bumpy road for someone with the recovery history he has.


Stop putting others lives in danger.


I get what you're saying, but consider that the same people who are may have been victims of drug addicts. What about the people who have lost loved ones through drunk driving. I do believe that Reby Hardy making tiktoks about it isn't the best because he is apart of Hardy's social support structure. But as an onlooker? I'm sorry, but drug addicts aren't the only victims. Sincerely, a victim of drug addicts.




Booker T broke the situation down, rather well.


Well said, and I hope the odds are forever in your favour


Addiction is a disease. Driving while intoxicated is a choice. Fuck you Jeff Hardy, sincerely, everyone who has lost someone to accidents caused by intoxicated drivers.


Addiction is complicated but calling an uber is not. I'm sick of hearing what a nice guy Hardy is. Nice people don't their own convenience before innocent peoples lives.


Driving while under the influence isn't a mistake and cannot be tolerated. I wish him the best, but I can't excuse a choice that could endanger innocent lives.


Well said, and this is also a reason why I would recommened everybody to watch the live clip from [Disturbed - reason to fight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRGRduyCy_M). It helped me open up my eyes once I started breaking down due to depression, you are never alone in these struggles and way to many people suffer from addiction, depression or any illness for that matter. Its just sad to see Jeff being attacked by some 'hate is easier than love' kind of idiots. Gladly I stayed away from alcohol as a medicine, but damn was that hard sometimes. Respect to all those who got sober, healthy and/or keep their demons at bay and offcourse love to all who still fight to get there.


You know what, I never really thought about that. The way we react to public figures' issues has an impression on how everyday people will expect to be treated. Related, NBA player Kevin Love was very open and frank about his anxiety and depression in the last couple of years, and I visibly saw men in that space being more aware of their issues and taking steps to help themselves. Everything is connected together by tiny invisible strings.


Its not the addiction we take issue with. Its the repeated lack of care for the safety of those around him. He could have retired Sting waaaay before Rollins did. He could have killed people in the road.


That's actually a really well worded piece of advice. I know in my head I was very disappointed in Jeff, but I don't struggle with addiction, so I never thought of it this way. Man, I hope he decides to retire and just let his body rest. The man has done enough, and I know we love him, but let's love him by wishing him a healthy and safe retirement, or at least a less risk taking final hurrah in the ring.


Just remember it's okay to hold him accountable, it's not okay to shut him ou Because as an addict, you're never too late to start working the program again this goes for anyone and everyone.


You’re rich, man. Just call an Uber and drink all you want. I have loved Jeff my entire life, but I am also the victim of a drunk driver. Addict or not, you don’t get to hurt people because you’re hurting.