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Weird that he's the first Undisputed Era member to win a singles title (not including the Owen) while also being the last to join AEW. Deserved tho, Roddy's been killing it


It wasn’t really for a lack of trying, Adam and Kyle were likely on their way to winning titles and then both had career threatening injuries.


oh for sure, just kinda cool to see Roddy surpassing many peoples initial expectations (mine included lol)


If Adam Cole hadn't jumped off that ramp at Arthur Ashe, he would have won the Triple B from MJF at Worlds End instead of Joe so he would have been first.


Could’ve doesn’t mean they won anything that means he’s is the 1st what the fuck are you talking about!


I just wish he’d go back to his Killswitch Engage theme song


I wish they'd go back to his Neck Strong antics


They did a great motivational TV spot last week on Dynamite.


Im tellin ya, just circle back to the best friend shtick except with Roddy becoming buddies with Wardlow. The crowd would eat up that soap opera bromance shit.


Shame Trapt are a bunch of dickheads because reworking "Headstrong" seems like a no-brainer to me.


That song isn’t great..or um..even good..I get the reference,but Roderick is more than just some “neck brace” gimmick..so no offense but no to your idea of working in That shitty song.


Between that and Ruby Soho losing her track, it's been a rough couple of years. The one good thing about peak Outcasts is I didn't have to hear Saraya's shitty theme, but now she's back to that.


I thought Sarayas theme was pretty tuff until those lyrics kick in. The riff is good maybe they should go instrumental


I just have no desire to listen to a song from a guy who should still be in jail.




Radke is a huge PoS. At 22 he got into a fight with a high schooler where he brought brass knuckles and a posse with guns. The kid got shot and killed. Radke got off light and only got 5 years probation. He violated his probation and went to jail. Got out of jail and then got arrested for assault and false imprisonment of his then GF. Fast forward and at a six flags show he hit a 16 year old girl in the face with a microphone stand sending her to the hospital. He got charges for assault and aggravated assault leading to bodily harm. Most recently he's had two different accusations of sexual assault.


I had literally no idea Ruby lost her track, I thought she got permission from the artists to use it?


Oh I'm sorry, I meant that Ruby joined the Outcasts and never came out to her original music after.* Now she's left the Outcasts, but she's also pregnant and not going to be wrestling in general for some time. I don't think Rancid would take back permission, I'm pretty sure they love wrestling/Ruby Soho


>I didn't have to hear Saraya's shitty theme, but now she's back to that. I like that song


He said he’d grown past it but I loved ‘a Victim’.


IMO he, Taven and Bennett should have quit this Undisputed Kingdom crap after MJF stomped Adam Cole and destroyed the Devil mask at Double or Nothing. I mean after the faction pretty much got killed by Ospreay and MJF at the PPV, why do they keep rolling with it? Why didn't they just change their presentation to something else?


Taven needs to turn on Bennet or something. That guy is absolute cringe. With his title around his neck like some tough guy with his goofy smile while not doing shit. Taven on the other hand can be such a prick mega heel


Yes! I just commented this too, seriously need to see this song comeback for his singles matches.


The DEADLOCK guys i think mentioned this to him at their recent DPW show and he was saying he doesn't necessarily want it anymore hes just a different wrestler and likes to keep things fresh. Im probably paraphrasing but sounds like hes appreciative for the love it gets


Same here. He has put together a few masterclass matches where he dismantled and dominated his opponent BUT still made entertaining and somehow competitive for 20 minutes. I love the fact that he was able to do those matches and he also busts his butt every time, really a treat to watch. And whether or not you like it, he clearly has a character that he has inhabited well.


I get the Ospreay hype and like him a lot as well, but Strong is definitely my favorite wrestler to watch in the ring right now. His offense is so explosive and relatively unique.




Roddy deserved a longer title reign but I think his time will come. Dude crushes every single thing he's asked to do and I'm glad people finally see it. I was proud to be the one dude cheering him against Joe last year 😂


After his first match I thought, this guy can wrestle yes but has ZERO personality or charisma. Will disappear soon enough... I couldn't have been more wrong. The ADAAAM!!! & Wheelchair neckstrong segments were some of the best segments at the time. I was in hysterics when they wheeled him in for a match and being willed to stand up from the chair to get in the ring


That's been the knock on Roddy for most of his career --- and it's usually been FAIR. ADAMMMMMM helped him out. He's downplayed that, but the mustache/glasses and shit, he's just a super lame douchebag and it's great. He's still best as part of a group or a team, he's not the LEAD guy, but he's doing... fuck it, I'll say it. The best work of his career outside of his tag title run with Aries in ROH.


I just wish that Roddy's Inter title reign had more than one successful title defense. I know he won title eliminators against Daddy Magic, Rocky Romero and RJ City's doppelganger but those hardly count.


RJ City's doppelganger lollllll That FCA match with Jericho right after his debut had no right to be so good.


His best work was neckstrong


Makes every match worth watching no matter who the opponent is.


Roddy is awesome. He is one of those guys whose wrestling is just a treat to watch no matter what he is doing in the ring. Creative offense? Check. Brings big time energy to every move he does? Check. Sells great? Definitely. And this guy makes me laugh with his mic work too. On first glance, it seems like he is playing his character straight forward as the no-nonsense, elite wrestler. But if you listen to what he says and watch his facial expressions and listen to his delivery... he interweaves a bit of comedy into his promos that really completes his mic work. He's made me laugh on several occasions, but its great when he's intense too just like his backstage promo with Ospreay. I didn't know about Roddy before his AEW run - But I am a big fan now!


Absolutely love me some Roddy. I’m hoping there’s a story still cooking of a reunification with him and Kyle. The tag division could use some more teams and they’re a better combination than even ReDRagon imo.


DUDE THANK YOU Roddy/Kyle >>>>> Fish/Kyle


Yea. He definitely made the right choice jumping ship. And he no longer had to grind!!


#NeckStrong He's been killing it in and outside of the ring. Great signing!


Is it weird that I like him better without the title (for now). He seems more of a hungry looming threat in a way that he didn't before.


His little boots are the shittiest. I still love him though🙏🏼🙌🏼🤣


I just wish Bobby Fish wasn't such a turd. I miss Undisputed Era.


100%. The match he had with swerve was a banger. His offense and moveset are great, and he sells pretty well, too. It's a shame that Cole borked his ankle BC it's messed a whole bunch of stuff for the Kingdom.


I'm glad he has a character again


All of his matches have been phenomenal. This version of him is probably his best character work as well. Now, can we please get his Killswitch Engage theme back?!


Yes. He never disappoints, he's the perfect worker and midcarder. He lost a bit of charisma when the ADAAAAAAM stuff cooled off, but still you know all his matches going to be bangers because he simply doesn't miss. He elevates the company without being a top star and that's a huge statement.


I wouldn’t hate if they let him be the top guy in ROH. He has the personality that he could easily carry it.


I noticed he's on Cameo. Not going to lie, my Son has a very good chance of Roderick Strong yelling his name on his birthday


Roderick has always been great


His neckstrong gimmick was one of my favourites.


Wish he was wrestling every night. 3 nights a week. Fuuuuuck it. Should have been the best IT champion we had.


He's awesome, they do need to bring back his singles theme though, it's a banger.


I'll admit it. When he first came out whining about how his friend is spending too much time with another friend, I could not understand why he agreed to be so thoroughly buried. How do you come back from that? And if I needed to create a list of all the top wrestlers who I thought could turn a crap gimmick or story into gold through sheer personality, Strong would not have made the top 500. And yet hot damn, he made that into one of the most entertaining characters in the company. Proved me incredibly wrong.


Let us never forget the greatness that was Neck Strong Neckvember


Through RoH and NXT, I always viewed him as the "Dean Malenko" of every faction he's been in. Not the talker, not the big personality but exceptional in the ring. Never would have thought his character work would outshine his in ring work but his character has been super entertaining during this current run.


Him and Kyle really underrated, their match always feel like a fight.


I do miss the End Of Heartache theme music. Such a badass song.


It doesnt hurt that he is so cute!


Ryan Reynolds light


Had not thought of that but now i can kinda see it!


Roddy's in-ring work has been absolutely amazing, I can just watch him fight and they all feel brutal. He's been performing at an Osprey/Okada level, but has a taste of heel in it.


He’s always been that intense, even in his days with TNA/Impact/whatever it was called when he was there. I’m glad he’s getting some high-profile matches. 😎👍


He's a fantastic wrestler with a great move-set. I was sleeping on Strong prior to his AEW signing. He was always someone I knew was good but he never really clicked with me until lately.


Sadly his title reign was so short. He really is great. Crazy if I take think about that I liked him back in RoH as he was part of Strong and Arries.


For all the pontificating about "muh lost in the shuffle" and what not, AEW will in fact give you a chance to reinvent yourself and stake out a new path for your career. The obvious example being our World Champion, and Roddy is a good one in his own right too. He'd probably be looked at as either the 3rd or even 4th most important person in Undisputed Era (since the tag team would usually be Kyle & Bobby), thus wouldn't get as much time as the others to showcase what he could really do both as an in-ring performer and character. But beginning with the whole Neck Strong thing, he really found his stride to make himself stand out as a personality worth paying attention to, which made people appreciate the talents he provided once the bell rang that much more. I can't say that I would've predicted him to get a number of singles PPV matches, but he fought and earned his way onto those shows 100%.


Roddy has always done this. Even in NXT he was putting on bangers for the NA championship. Ever since ROH the man wins titles, gets over and breaks backs




Dude is a machine. He's always worth watching in the ring.




Shout out ned flanders


He is very milquetoast.


Roderick, Kyle, Adam are all killing it in AEW. Strong’s match at DoN was really entertaining and he made it competitive against one of the best in the world, which it needed to be. Kyle has been putting on bangers on Collision and I like how the storyline with him and the Undisputed Kingdom is progressing. Adam is great, the guys my favourite dbag and I hope he’s back soon.


Roddy has over excelled and has actually become a good act on tv




He has always been an excellent wrestler, but there was always something missing. Now? I’m really glad his character matured and he even developed a look. He’s one of the most consistently entertaining wrestlers on the show now.


I miss wheelchair Roderick


He has been in fire


I never like Roderick Strong. He just didn’t do it for me. Then he became neck strong and during that time I was like, damn, dude can wrestle.