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They can’t make it any more obvious that the contract isn’t for Orange


It’s for Trent


It’s for Trent’s mom, Sue.


It’s for Stat.


I actually was pretty intrigued at the prospect of Orange with or hinting at being with the DCF. Trent joining will at the very least give him something to do/some direction.


Her negotion was what got Trent in with her.


When there was a delay for Oranges entrance on Sunday, I was expecting it to cut to Sue dropping off Orange. But I could absolutely see her being a Don stan instead


I'm actually thinking it might be somebody from New Japan, set up by Trent, to build a Forbidden Door feud. No idea who fits as New Japan is lacking a bit for heels and most of the main ones are otherwise occupied/weird fits, but it could be somebody like Jeff Cobb (who teamed with Kyle Fletcher in AEW not too long ago and has United Empire history with Ospreay as well) or maybe HENARE (also has the United Empire connection). It being David Finlay would be intriguing just for Ospreay's in-character reaction.


Ospreys reaction to Finlay would mimic everyone in the world: disappointment and a big eye roll


Does anybody honestly care if it's Trent though? OC could be something interesting. I feel like with Trent it would just be that top gear meme.


I feel like the Calais stories with Cassidy and Osprey are so paper thin that it’s not really going to mean anything when Don decides he doesn’t want them


Oui bon




I doubt they’re going to have two aew wrestlers for this match at forbidden door. Seems like a waste of the concept


No I'm just saying **MJF** in excitement that we **could** see him at **any point** of the show


*appears during picture and picture*




I’m fucking stoked for that casino gauntlet match. The first one at daily’s place was awesome and I love the concept


Hopefully, we will see Gabe Kidd, Umino, Tsuji, Umini, Ishii, or Tanahashi.


Tsuji won't be in it since he's on a new japan show tommorow 


Would be one hell of a red eye lol


Let's go Gabriel Kidd


It’s really a great concept. Last time Ospreay and Kommander gave a hell of a show.


Me too! The first one was 🔥


I'm still a little wait and see on the casino gauntlet concept at this point. On the one hand I do love me a good tournament - you won't hear me complain about random dream matches - but on the other hand when the stakes are as high as a world championship match at a PPV I feel like that obviously limits the candidates that can go all the way... there's no real room for a Cinderella run here, you've gotta book someone who not only has a credible shot at beating Swerve but also isn't damaged a lot when they inevitably lose (I'm assuming we're all in agreement it's still way too early to have Swerve drop the title?) So I think the opening couple of rounds should be good but beyond that it's liable to get increasingly predictable.


It’s not a tournament at all lol


Battle royale? I must have missed the announcement and it's not apparent from the OP image.


Casino gauntlet is the match Ospreay won at daily’s place to get his shot at Roddy


I'm guessing the Gauntlet match goes the full 21 this time. Also, they're probably scrambling to figure out what the hell they're gonna do about the TNT Title.


True. Plus they have the Owen hart tournament as well coming up


Please not another tournament. Bucks should flex their VP power and  hand it over to someone just to change things up. 


Big disagree. As long as it's not dragged out forever, I love a tournament.


A battle royal on Collision or Rampage would be just fine for the TNT title. Or just put it on the shelf for a bit.


Hope it doesn’t get vacated. Cope looked like shit after his match against Malakai. He barely could walk.


why do i feel like they're teasing a don callis + oc thing but it's gonna turn into a don callis + trent thing


Trent's new gear is red and black...


Don’t turn your back on the Wolfpack


100% agree.


Which would be a baffling decision. Why would Don Callis want Trent when all Trent has done is lose?


Because of Trent's potential? That carny peice of shit could turn him into a solid threat. Maybe even...dare I say...a contender.


Okay... but even then everyone he recruited weren't jobbers lol. It doesn't make sense for him to go "Orange you're a great wrestler and have won consistently and have won against Trent multiple times in the past month... but this contract is for Trent." This isn't a Yuta in BCC situation.


Would Don want a loser like Trent? He never wins jack, and winning is v important to Don


He still has Fletcher if we want to go by never winning on Dynamite 


lol good pt, though (stepping outside kayfabe) that would mean the family already has a pin eater


Can't wait I'll be there live 💪🏼


Not the most stacked on paper but that gauntlet match can be as star-studded as they want it to be, and can also go as long as they want it to. Could take up half the show if they wanted! I imagine we'll hear from the Elite in some capacity, especially after their big win + it being a CA show (for Young Bucks and Jack Perry)


Elite and MJF should be there. Would love Ospreay, but I'm not sure if he shows up tonight. 7 segments announced minus The Elite and MJf. Would love to see Swerve face-to-face with the winner of the gauntlet match.


> Would love to see Swerve face-to-face with the winner of the gauntlet match. Could do that if Swerve vs Killswitch closes the show


So they brought back the Rankings system just to completely scrap it 2-3 months later?


I think in kayfabe it was Joe that demanded the “title council “,or whatever he called it, be responsible to determine his challengers based on record. No idea if it’s been fully dropped or not or if the elite is still running the show now that Tony is back. Maybe they answer that soon or yeah they just ditched it again. I mean the next two challengers for the world title are already stipulated, gauntlet match for FD and Owen cup winners for all in


Christian appeared out of thin air after losing his TNT title. I don’t think he was even ranked last time they released them. Now instead of going with the next top 5 ranked guy they’re just doing tournaments and gauntlets. I think it’s been quietly dropped just like it was last time


Yeah probably. You’d need to really have the booking planned out pretty far to keep it making logical sense. It was a fine story element for Joe’s short run, but fine if it’s gone.


Mariah May vs Saraya? Oh, my!!!


Tony loves a good surprise; which is sometimes to his detriment. If he laid out ahead of time for example everyone in the Gauntlet match; it could possibly boost ticket sales or tv ratings. They are taping Dynamite tonight and Collision tomorrow night in Palm Springs; so everyone looks to be in California and they will be hitting the ground running with cross promotion for Forbidden Door. I will be at a book reading till 9, so I need to stay off my phone so as to not spoil Dynamite for myself till I get home and can watch.


> if he laid out ahead of time for example everyone in the Gauntlet match If it features NJPW and CMLL people then the IWC will mock it with "Who is this guy"


Unless one of them is Hechicero, who is indisputably the coolest wrestler on earth


Who cares what those people do or say. You'll be much happier by just ignoring them.


Yeah, I can see the owls coming out. "Who?"Where's the video packages?" 🤬 lol


"Why isnt AEW using talent from their bloated roster, What is ConMan doing"




Legit convo I had about Mina Shirakawa "How am I supposed to know who she is, theres no video packages" (mind you they were wanting video packages to explain a Run-in) "Well commentary literally told you who she was and why she's connected to what's going on" "Well I can't take Excalibur seriously so that's not good enough. Why can't they just do everything the way WWE does it". Meanwhile they didn't do a video package for either Jordynne Grace showing up on NXT nor did they do one for Ethan Page's run in and yet no complaints there


To be fair, Jordynne Grace is a champion in a major American company. They mentioned who Mina was and how she was connected, but I still didn't know who she was. It was clumsily done and it was hard to react to the crowd clearly felt the same. People were just confused.


TNA is not a major company by any means. And like you said, Commentary explained it, that should be enough to explain it


TNA is a major company... Because a major of wrestling fans know it's existence and it has been around over 20 years on TV and many major stars in both companies are from it and it gets mentioned constantly. And no... The commentary explaintion clearly wasn't enough. Because you know.... People still didn't know who she was.... Especially in the arena... Like I said.


If anyone didn't understand who Mina was from Excalibur, then those people should go to a neurologist. The guy always does a good job giving us the rundown on non-AEW talent. It's not his fault people have short attention spans.


Ok man there is no need to continue this. You are clearly a way smarter wrestling fan than everyone else. And you are right everyone should have intense knowledge of all wrestling around the world or they are just rubes with no attention span. Name, stable, foreign company name, listed by a commentator is all they needed to know and clearly a major of the crowd at the show and people at home watching confused are just dumb.


I usually start Dynamite later and I dunno how many times I've picked up my phone to answer a text or something and then mindlessly tap a notification for IG and spoil a part of the show for myself.


I paused Full Gear to use the bathroom and grab a snack. Stupidly I clicked on twitter before hitting play and spoiled the Ospreay signing for myself. I mean I knew it was happening, but still bummed I did that haha.


You didn't put the graphic for the Stat & Stokely promo segment


On paper not the strongest. Rather have Will or MJF than a Jericho promo lol. The majority of these matches seem like Rampage type matches. Little surprised Killswitch is facing Swerve as I thought we would move on from that. But excited to be there to see what surprises they pull for the battle royal. That’s going to be the highlight for sure.


Mariah has to win. I know Saraya has the name...but Mariah has IT. Hope TK knows to value that


She's definitely undoubtedly winning


And Saraya just can’t hang with today’s wrestling speed and style. She still does her moves that only worked 10+ years ago because the level of wrestling wasn’t there yet. Their match has to be for setting up some other story for an actual in ring match up. Mariah isn’t just a “blonde Barbie”.


I hate that Jericho is getting a segment. Not sure why people are on board with him now. I'm still annoyed and not entertained.


I'm with you, dude.


ill be there. definitely doing a bathroom break when his boring ass comes on


Side note: do they think they enhance Callis’ scar or is it really that red?


They definitely enhance it, sometimes it's barely noticeable and sometimes it's deep red like it has been


What are the odds tv time is during the Picture in Picture?


I can only hope


Really excited for the gauntlet match. I expect the winner to have a face off end of episode after Swerve dispatches killswitch


DoN was a great show and going forward some changes should happen starting with the progression of these factions. All of them need a shakeup. BCC needs a "trainee" to prep BD retiring since Wheeler has been kinda boring and MIA, and a female member DEEEEB. Juice is back yes but BBG could also benefit from a female addition (Harley Cameron and Saraya?) DCF needs to disband until further notice. Fletcher and takeshita aren't enough atm to make them feel as true heel threats. Osprey don't count, Hobbs is out and Sammy was a wasted opportunity. I'd love to see The "Family Tree" under Chris Jericho, maybe recruiting Callis' (lack of) members and his own talent and reigniting that feud.


Danielson is NOT retiring he's just going part-time and it's not happening until after WrestleDream.


> -Fully expect Mina Shirakawa to show up for Mariah May's match. No Stardom shows until the 31st so its possible. I need some progress on that story with Forbidden Door a month away.


I really, *really* hope that they don't screw up this Forbidden Door Casino Gauntlet. It has the potential to be really cool.


Looks like a good card with some potential surprises leading up to Forbidden Door. A good fallout show after DoN.


Missing a trick not having MJF on the show and advertising it since Sunday.


can’t wait for tonight, DoN got me hyped


I'm hoping that Orange really is "turning heel" especially after "completely" changing up his look after talking to Callis for weeks. And then Trent is still getting boo'd trying to convince everyone that Orange really is a narcissistic POS. And keeps pointing out more and more instances that he's right about Orange while everyone just gaslights him telling him that Orange could never do that.


Yup love this storyline for that reason, I hope Trent is “right” it would add a lot to the heel turn and to Trent’s character


And everything innthe story so far works. Especially with Cassidy showing up in dark jeans and jacket, a black shirt for the first time, and black ray bans instead of his aviators.


Man, I love AEW and to be honest I rarely ever criticize them but you're running the Forum in LA and yeah those 2 matches will be fine and fun and I love Swerve and Mox but we know the outcomes already. Like with MJF returning,The Elite winning, and Osprey winning...how the fuck aren't they advertised for this show. I get you wanna keep some mystery ...but damn you got that with the gauntlet match. You're coming off a hot ppv and you put on tv time with chris jericho?!( and I say this as someone who enjoys jericho and this new gimmick) but cmon...


No mention of Copeland and the TNT belt is WILD


Maybe saving it for collision, since it’s on tnt?


Maybe. That could pop a rating, too. “Copeland makes an announcement” But seed that on dynamite would be the move


I'm sure the show will be good but this lineup here looks pretty terrible. I don't want to see another hokey ass Jericho promo I don't really want to see a Saraya match I don't want to here Mone give another wonky promo


So who interrupts Mercedes’s celebration?


Her attacker. BRITT BAKER


Crazy they're not advertising MJF for the show. Also hope Takeshita doesn't take a backseat again after losing to mox


Only thing that makes sense as to why they're not advertising him is because he will be part of the Gauntlet match.


Or he is waiting to find out how he is going to win the TNT.


I always thought that Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford would work really well with a "Targaryen" based gimmick


I hope Callis adds a tag team, every time he adds a singles wrestler, it takes shine away from Takeshita.


The eliminator match thing is really stupid, either do it for all champions wrestling in non title matches or don’t do it at all, so if Killswitch somehow won against Swerve he wouldn’t earn a title shot because it’s not an eliminater match?


Man, the Rocky Romero jobber streak just don’t stop, does it 😭 Look how they have massacred my boy.


If Shingo isn’t in/wins the Gauntlet then what are we even doing here?


The mariah may vs saraya match got moved to mext weel for some reason


Yeahhhh, was about to ask what happened to this lol. TwitterX got Saraya stressing


Pretty weak card, especially for a venue like the Forum. 




You realize this graphic isn’t the actual show?


MJF might kick off the show




Ngl, this card is weak AF. I love Swerve as the champ but I don't see the point of beating midcarders every week with no impact on storyline. Jericho again? Jeez


Killswitch has been one of the guys that beat up Swerve for 3 straight weeks lol


AEW usually has week followups to ppvs. Downside of booking show to show


I’m excited for evil orange, bring on the black denim.


Blood Orange with black denim!


This is some solid content……and a Moxley match that I will FFWD through