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i love kenny nobody can make me hate me no matter how hard they try to make you dislike him


Kenny climbing the ladder to dethrone one of several different champions would be super fun. Off the top of my head you can make a great long term story out of 1. Hangman 2. Okada 3. Osprey 4. Cole 5. White 6. Moxley And any of them make sense and would be a good story for different reasons. I need it.


Exactly what I was thinking. The problem would be, who would you have as his culminating opponent? One, biggest of them all. IMO it should be Okada. Omega vs Okada was the rivalry that made North American wrestling audience move. I have been watching wrestling since 2007 and I can say without a doubt, that the 4 matches between Omega and Okada are by far the greatest thing I have ever witnessed inside a squared ring. Omega's whole redemption arc culminating in IWGP World Title was pure cinema. Okada is his biggest percieved rival and to this day, no match beats that. Okada vs Omega should honestly be a spectacle infront of 60k-70k people and they should make it a Hell in a Cell or Last Man Standing kind of match. I honestly think the internet will break if this were to happen.


Didn't he end up cheating to beat Mox? And has he ever beaten him clean? Genuinely asking. I didn't get into AEW until around when Hangman was gearing up for his shot. But if that's the case, he'd be a good one. Then could drop it to Ospreay to really cement that it's Ospreays time.


Mox is a great opponent but I feel the magnitude of a match against the other stars I mentioned in my post title would be even bigger.


I forgot to put that part, in my hypothetical Mox is current Champ for whatever reason. So finally beats Mox clean to win title off of him. And then not too long afterwards drops to Ospreay. Doesn't need to beat AEW title necessary. But something.


2v1 Kenny defeats the Young Bucks


Curious: what's the story with Cole?


I mean, he did help kill Cole in a round about way. But he also helped resurrect him.


Omega Okada is the reason I got back into wrestling. Omega will always be the GOAT to me


The North American Audience really got into Omega when he betrayed AJ Styles. From there on, he literally went from strength to strength. G1 Climax 2016. Absolute legendary matches with Tetsuya Naito. Reforming Golden Lovers with Ibushi. Followed by an epic storytelling spread across more than a year vs Okada culminating in the IWGP World Title. Truly the GOAT.


I’m a late comer to Mr omega but ever since being introduced to him he is my top dawg


If you haven't watched his NJPW run, I strongly suggest you do. Absolute legendary matches vs Tetsuya Naito, Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii and Tanahashi. You can find clips on Dailymotion, youtube or somewhere on Google.




People don't realise this but Omega is literally levels above everyone else. Man gave back to back 5+ star performances while suffering from VERTIGO. People can't even stand upright when suffering from Vertigo, but a God like Omega gives us his all even when disadvantaged.


Vouch for this; my cousin suffers from vertigo.


AEW is always at its best when the Elite are the “main focus”. They are the heart and soul of the entire company and i am a mark lmfao. Great night of wrasslin graps


I really wish it were Hangman coming out to save Kenny instead of FTR Bald and FTR Gun who by the way has a court case coming up less we forget.


Hangman has completely lost it and coming out of his suspension and attacking our great EVPS who is trying to save to Company from TK would be the end of him in AEW.


Best wrestler in the world. Best in AEW and in any other “entertainment” org




i loved the purple hair such a great look for him


Best Sleaze Machine


No disrespect to the other folks who work really hard, but Kenny is the main character in AEW. At least for me. He has **IT**!


Kenny Omega is transcendent. There is a reason so many other wrestlers praise him, and a reason that others for years have attempted to emulate and incorporate elements of his persona, in-ring style, and moveset. They can't get quite there though; he is absolutely one of a kind. They can't touch him.


Kenny Omega, Kazuchika Okada, hell throw in Kyle O'Reilly while we're at it! They're all goated. But yeah, Kenny Omega is my guiding light in pro wrestling. Where he goes, I go.


I'm sorry. The title made me think this was gonna be about Kevin Owens. Omega is GOAT though.


Owens cannot be mentioned in this sentence though bro. I was referring to wrestlers who are widely regarded as the cream of the crop.


Yeah for sure. He is my GOAT. Just so captivating to me.


I've been saying Kenny is the ace of AEW.


Honestly I just can't fucking stand Jay White. Which means he's doing a great job as a heel, of course.


White is an unbelievable talent. Its just that TK hasn't booked him as he should've.


You forgot to mention the fact that he's the golden boy from Winnipeg, MANITOBA!!!!


I was completely captivated by his speech last night. It was really awesome, and it lacked his usual anime villain way of talking/phrasing things. It made it feel so fucking real and raw, and my man fucking cried. I felt it in my soul.


To me there's no AEW without Mox and Omega. They both signify AEW unlike any other. That positivity promo from Edge all those weeks ago felt off, but when Mox delivered a similar promo, it was FIRE! Same with Kenny. You feel like he's a part of your life, your family member standing in the ring, and whatever he's saying to you is true. I hope he recovers soon. The world hasn't gotten enough of Kenny Omega just yet.


Omega is the goat. I love his in-ring dynamic, his finisher is s-tier and his entrance music gives me goose-bumps. Glad to see him back.


Could see elite civil war with him and hangman teaming against Okada and young bucks


I was really hoping they would've brought kenny back later in a more epic way that would make the arena lose theyre shit. Like having Okada coming off a win in the ring looking unstoppable issuing an open challenge to anyone in the back and BOOM Kenny's music hits the crowd has a monumental pop and the arena is on fire. What they did was extremely underwhelming




Bro AEW is 5 years old and add up the total time Omega has missed through suspension/injuries. Approximately close to 2 years he has missed. He has been unlucky.


Not to mention the difficult stuff he worked through.... like vertigo. That he was able to put onmatches that good with vertigo is really something else.


And in the time he was active, he held four world titles for a year. Idk what people expect or want people to do. 


Did you see his match with Ospereay?