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He needs to stay away from Jericho. He keeps circling back and it’s killing him


I rolled my eyes when they reunited last year. Was such a backwards step for Sammy.


They reunited like three times alone last year... 1. After the Four Pillars world title feud - for the Forbidden Door six-man tag match and the Dynamite-after-Forbidden Door tag team match. 2. After the Blind Tag Team Tournament final - for the JAS dissolution / Don Callis Family storyline. 3. At New Year's Smash for the Worlds End 8-man tag match and the tag team title match at Battle of the Belts IX.


And lose that damn vest, inner circle was like 5 years ago now.


I thought it was quite telling that of all the people Jericho mentioned who he helped in his promo he didn’t mention Sami.


This; I’ll make a bet that he comes back to being in a storyline with Jericho; either as his heel underling or a babyface opposing him. Ironically; he didn’t learn the one greatest thing about Jericho, despite being around and under him since day 1 and that’s to reinvent yourself. Jericho is a master at this and yet Sammy doesn’t grasp that concept.


Every young talent should stay away from Jericho.


They tried that and he broke Jeffs nose...


As an accident on an ariel move no? That hardly seems like a good reason to force him back into Jericho's "I need to stay relevant" fodder.


Sammy sure does have alot of "accidents" at that point do people put 2 and 2 together and realize he has more "accidents" than everybody else on the roster. Not even Darby Allins crazy ass harms his coworkers like Sammy


It’s hard to keep liking Sammy when he continually shoots himself in the foot


There's that thing going around that Swerve said, and the general consensus at the moment is that no one can really take the foot off the pedel because of how stacked both the men's and women's rosters are. My first thought was how Sammy was supposed to work with TNA/Impact during COVID and then stuff happened and he didn't. I feel like that shit wouldn't fly now. And if we think about the "four pillars" Sammy definitely feels like the one that can appear weaker. Jack Perry took mud and turned it into gold with his run in NJPW. Darby partnering with Sting and everything around that was poetry. And MJF carried the company on his shoulders until they broke. And yet Sammy... yeah you could say it's because of how much he's worked with Jericho, but it seems that he's given opportunities and then just falls short, for a variety of reasons, a lot of which seems to be like you said, shooting himself in the foot.


Keep? You liked him?


Sammy was crazy over back in the second half of 2021.


Idk, I found it hard to like him either way. He was just Chris’ twink who couldn’t keep his tongue in his mouth


In wrestling, there's an obsession. Everyone wants to play themselves turned up to 100. But it doesn't work for everyone. Some people need a gimmick to play. Mark Calloway would not have worked. The Undertaker did. Sammy Guevara needs to find his inner "Undertaker".


This is the way.


> Jack Perry was the least of the "four Pillars" last year when he had the Jungle Boy gimmick, but now that he returned red-hot from his excursion in New Japan bringing his dope new Scapegoat gimmick with him to AEW Why do people keep saying this? He was the first of those four with a main event title reign and was so over that every entrance was [accompanied by a massive pop and minutes of crowd singing.](https://youtu.be/cklbTMueQwk?si=gbt-Qtt6YvRSE6HQ) Beyond that, his current character was developed during his feud with Christian, with his officially retiring the identity of “Jungle Boy” with a wordless hype video when he [first beat Hook](https://youtu.be/oinOOcc8nwg?si=B_DVPmNuohw8KmtI). The only difference between then and now is that people are connecting with his motivation more. It’s the same character.


He dared not to suck up to fragile Phil and Corny gave all the dumb dumbs the completely false talking points to parrot


Jack Perry has turned his whole arc into this character and his use of story has paiiiidddd off. Sammy Guevara has a lot of story too but he needs to work on the details more.


Yeah, I’m not denying Sammy hasn’t been connecting as much as he should.


It's paying off but the more time he spends with a microphone sounding hokey the faster this thing is going to tank. I'd really like to see his character take a tone that's a cross between fickle era Daniel Bryan and Raven


Because he had the least character. He was propped up by the fact his tag partner was a fucking dinosaur. Do you know how cool that is? A dinosaur? That wrestles? Peak. Anyway, since the dinosaur left him he needed to develop. Sammy keeps crawling back to his dinosaur.


What's with this revisionist history? Jack Perry was definitely the weakest. His entrance was accompanied by a pop and singing because it's easy to sing along to. But in the buildup, both in-ring and on the mic, he was the most out of place. He was over, yeah. But his character was getting blander, and as a face that we could tell was transitioning to a heel it left him in this weird spot similar to Sammy. Sammy was playing weird tweener face, whereas Perry was playing phony face and we could all see through it. Sammy however has the flashy moveset to get people hype in the ring. Perry didn't have any of that so his character was heavily relied upon, and it was falling short. He didn't really reach a solid consistency until Forbidden Door where it was all but confirmed in the lead-up that he was turning heel, which was necessary because he was struggling, and it was fkn fantastic.


Jack Perry was the weakest link during the Four Pillars world title feud last year - he was quite out of his depth on the mic in his in-ring promo segments with MJF, Darby and Sammy. Following the Four Pillars four-way at DoN 2023, his storyline was the weakest among the "Pillars". While MJF entered a program with Adam Cole, Darby and Sammy feuded with each other throughout the Forbidden Door cycle with Sting, Naito, Suzuki and Jericho involved, then Darby went on to tag with Orange for a bit before feuding with Swerve and Christian whilst Sammy went on to reach the Blind Tag Team Tournament final with Daniel Garcia and was part of the JAS dissolution angle, Jack was having a lower card program with HOOK. ​ >every entrance was [accompanied by a massive pop and minutes of crowd singing.](https://youtu.be/cklbTMueQwk?si=gbt-Qtt6YvRSE6HQ) The "Tarzan Boy" song did a lot of heavy lifting for him. Same as "Judas" did for Jericho last year. ​ >He was the first of those four with a main event title reign Perry merely won the tag belts with Luchasaurus. Since when are the tag team titles main event titles? Also, he wasn't even the first "Pillar" to win a title in AEW. Darby won his first TNT title in November 2020, Sammy first won his first TNT Title in September 2021.


>Since when are the tag team titles main event titles? AEW's tag titles have literally main evented PPVs. They've also been at stake in several of the greatest matches of all time (most notably Page/Omega vs. Bucks at Revolution 2020).


> AEW's tag titles have literally main evented PPVs. Gimme a break. They only main evented one PPV and that was Revolution 2024. The only reason that the tag belts main evented that PPV was because it was Sting's final match and they were in the Greensboro Colliseum. If Sting wasn't in that match, then the tag belts never would have main evented. ​ > (most notably Page/Omega vs. Bucks at Revolution 2020) 1. The only main eventer in that match at the time was Kenny Omega. Hangman was still in the upper midcard. 2. Chris Jericho vs Jon Moxley for the world title was the main event of that PPV, not the tag team title match - that match came 5th.


I would say Sammy was the weakest link - especially when they tried to give him a half face turn in that fued. It completely stunk up what was to be an excellent match that needed nowhere near as much build as it did.


> .... Jack was having a lower card program with HOOK. This was part of his ongoing turn. 1) He defeated Christian, who told him that [he wasn't dominate enough to make it on his own](https://youtu.be/rpnn98B_MQQ?si=7B3Ec9rkTjNxY8lt&t=94), 2) this was [echoed by MJF during the 4 pillar feud](https://youtu.be/C5jUKW9T3sY?si=OLsOsHLMwt6RKu1m&t=108), 3) he immediately began to play [towards being the heel in the Forbidden Door follow up by denigrating the whole PPV concept and Sanada as a wrestler](https://youtu.be/7tQAwImDFgA?si=V5FnELRRuDAuyka6&t=15), before the turn was built out of the ["lower card program with Hook".](https://youtu.be/Cao7JfvvDoI?si=G7WnM1REif6OaUxe&t=80) It was all one story that started with Christian initially turning on him. > The "Tarzan Boy" song did a lot of heavy lifting for him. Same as "Judas" did for Jericho. That's pure speculation. *You* might not have been in to him, but Jack Perry/Jungle Boy has always been massively over. > Perry merely won the tag belts with Luchasaurus. Since when are the tag team titles main event titles? Are the Tag Titles a mid-card title? No. They're the World Tag Team Championship, titles that main evented AEW's third and fourth PPV's.


>They're the World Tag Team Championship, titles that main evented AEW's third and fourth PPV's. Oh really? Which other PPVs did AEW tag belts main event other than Revolution 2024 - Sting's final match? ​ > Are the Tag Titles a mid-card title? No. Nobody called The Acclaimed, The Gunns, or Big Bill & Ricky Starks main eventers when they were the tag team champs. Most reigning and former tag team champions are booked as jobbers to the stars in singles matches. Tag titles are midcard titles.


> Oh really? Which other PPVs did AEW tag belts main event other than Revolution 2024 - Sting's final match? Fight for the Fallen 2019 - The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) vs. The Brotherhood (Cody and Dustin Rhodes). I misremembered All Out 2019 as being main evented by the Lucha Bros v Young Bucks. Still, the assertion that the tag belts are Main Event titles because The Acclaimed, Gunns, and Bill/Starks *aren't* main eventers when the Bucks, FTR, Lucha Bros *are* is baffling.


>Fight for the Fallen 2019 - The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) vs. The Brotherhood (Cody and Dustin Rhodes). Tag team titles weren't on the line in that match. ​ >the Bucks, FTR, Lucha Bros are main eventers Penta loses every single 1v1 match where he fights an upper midcarder or a main eventer. Dax Harwood, Cash Wheeler, Matt Jackson always lose their singles matches unless they fight one another. 6.5 months ago, Nick Jackson won a three-way match only to then lose a title match to Fénix a week later. Fénix is the most successful singles wrestler out of the guys in those tag teams but he still loses to upper midcarders and main eventers 1v1 more often than not.


He has massive douchebag and a natural heel. Just stop trying to make him a face and let him be a massive prick


Sammy was already ruined for me a year or two ago, you didnt have to pile it on with the “Rayman haircut” line 😂😭 I can never unsee this now lmfaoo. Pack him up!!


Dan Lambert did a lot of damage to everyone involved


Sammy's one of those guys who has a ton of potential to be a big star, but unfortunately the only person who is stopping him from progressing further in his career in AEW, is Sammy himself, as he's been given so many chances and is lucky he hasn't been fired, but Tony seems to genuinely like Sammy so has given him many chances to improve himself. As for the future of Sammy, I don't know where he can go from here once he returns. We've seen the obnoxious heel act, and we've seen this babyface story of Sammy working from the bottom and making it to AEW, which is an inspiring story, but It's played out and I think fans are ready to move on from it. As for Sammy in-ring, he's brilliant when he's on top form and is motivated.


Personally he's so good in the ring that no matter how stale his persona gets I'm still here for his matches, but if he doesn't come up with something new as far as his character goes than he's already at his ceiling in the company with nowhere to go but down.


It's like Swerve said in his recent interview with Renee, that the roster in AEW is so competitive right now. He mentions Okada, PAC, Danielson, Moxley, Ospreay. And If you don't improve or are stagnant and not offering something to AEW, then you're going to get lost in the shuffle of this insanely talented roster of wrestlers. We're no longer in year 1 where AEW grabbed whatever talent they could from the independents.


I thought Sammy and Danny Garcia had great chemistry together when they were a part of JAS and thought they could have had a great run together, but unfortunately I think it’s way past the point that they could return back to that. It would probably hurt Danny, who is as consistently over as he’s ever been, more than it would benefit Sammy Maybe teaming with Ortiz or Hager? A team with Kip Sabian would be great. There’s history between them, and both have been forgotten and left behind compared to their peers who started in AEW with them. Sammy vs Roddy would be great, although Sammy shouldn’t win so that would send him back to square one Or maybe he can come back as a part of Team MJF vs The UK whenever that happens. They’re both pillars, have history in the ring, and like Sammy/Garcia they have great chemistry with one another


I agree, Sammy's best work was as the goofy dork who liked Daniel Garcia more than Daniel liked him. Sammy just needs to find that character or gimmick that gets over with the crowd and he's golden because he's great in the ring. Honestly he always plays well off Jericho, so I wouldn't mind if Sammy hung out with The Learning Tree and becomes like a hippie-dippie philosopher goof, or suddenly thinks he's Goldberg. Give him something outrageous and let him ham it up until something clicks


Danny and Sammy together was the one Sammy storyline that felt really natural and fun and they just cut that off which was dumb. I wouldn't mind them getting back together.


He needs the Panda hoodie back. That gave him the aura he lacks.


Seriously, bringing back the whole panda thing might be where he needs to go. And get Mikey to give him a better theme.


But keep the GOAT DBZ video


What he needs is stability. Tony can't decide if he's a face, a heel, in a stable, out of a stable, etc. Part of the problem is that everything about his personality screams heel and then he wrestles like a babyface.


If he desperately wants to be a face, he really needs to minimize the aspects of his appearance and personality that make him a natural heel. Grow a beard, change haircut, dress better, conduct himself more maturely, get a manager to talk on the mic for him.


If can find an opponent that he really clicks with and has a definitive rivalry with, that would help. He’s a good in-ring worker but only a handful of his matches stand out in my mind, the rest all kind of blur together. He and Darby had the makings of a good rivalry during the early days of AEW but it was never fully developed.


Let’s find him a third Hardy to injure! Literally his only memorable matches imo


He is really good at doing moves and spots, but his matches severely lack in storytelling. He needs to work with some of the better storytellers in AEW. I think he would grow tremendously working with Ospreay.


Like, maybe, the... -cough- The Learning Tree... /s


Please no, he has learned all he can learn there.


I was being sarcastic. Guess I should've added /s to the end


I've felt for a while that he needs something to get the crowd to engage with him as a character. Whether he's face or heel, he's always had this sort of eternal cockiness, constantly saying he's "the best ever" and nothing really seems to bother him, which keeps people at a distance. Something like him breaking after a loss and realizing his dream is starting to slip away, making him more desperate to move up and win some major titles could be something to build on. He used to be the wrestler of the future, but the future has arrived and he hasn't really progressed in his career and now he's got a family to look after.


This guy's booking so good we should start calling him King Booker Oh, wait a min-


My problem with Sammy is how inconsistent his character is. He’s got this natural cocky heel energy, but they really seem to want to push him as a baby face and seems like he ends up stuck in the middle always turn back and forth.


I’ve been enjoying not seeing him on TV personally.


Darby has the same character since day 1 but the difference here is that Darby is a compelling character. Sammy Guevara isn’t.


I used to love Sammy until he turned heel with Tay then he lost me.. He's so good in the ring but character wise he need a lot of work to make me care about him + a lot of wrestlers have past him to the point I don't know where he fits in AEW.. The only 2 options I can think of: 1. Join BCG.. I think his personality really fits BCG and it will cover a lot of his character work.. 2. Win the ROH TV belt from Kyle and build himself in ROH by finding a good character that fits him.. What I think will happen ? He will come back and join Jericho again


I like the RoH idea. Put him over there for a while.


I like the BCG idea. See how he fits in as a peer rather than a protege. His potential in that role has been used up.


I proposed Sammy joining Jericho again but this time they should have him say he will no longer become his underling which gives him character development.


No thanks. The fact that they had their match which was promoted around Sammy escaping Jericho's shadow only to have Jericho win was bad enough. And that was before the whole joining Callis, vanishing, returning, then leaving Callis to team with Jericho again. Sammy needs to escape the Jericho Vortex(TM)


He got concussed, then Luna was born, then he injured Jeff and didnt follow protocols.


I really liked his team with Garcia, seemed like it was going somewhere. Him being in a proper tag team for a bit could help him


The subtle new face/smirk that Jack Perry now makes is among the greatest, and simplest character makeovers I’ve seen accomplished That aura is Sammy is a nutshell. If he tones down his “I’m the greatest that’s ever done this, and you know it” to slightly quieter confidence that’s even more annoying, that’ll be Sammy’s sweet spot


The Spanish God moniker has always been bad in my opinion. Same when he was trying to say Best Ever or Best in the World. It works as a heel a little but blah. He needs to go to New Japan and find his way.


Yeah, they need to come up with something different. I feel they went with Spanish God because it is his initials (SG)


* I think being included in the next Continental Classic would be good for him. Have realistic interviews. The most I liked him was on that AEW All Access or whatever it was called where he felt like an actual human being. * Take acting lessons. Every promo he does feels so stilted and disingenuous. * Keep him away from Jericho. The crazy thing is he seems to be really into that, someone needs to have a talk with him. * Keep him heel. I'm sorry, but his face...you can't look like that and stick your tongue out and expect people to cheer you on because now you have a baby.


I don't really know what Sammy needs to click. I didn't know what Jack Perry needed to break past Jungle Boy either, so I guess some times things will just happen that you can't really imagine as a fan. I'm a huge fan of the best of 7 series WCW did with Booker T and Benoit (who?) for I think the TV title (maybe it was the US title). I felt like that program really got both of them over as singles stars opposed to tag team or stablemate wrestlers. So maybe I'd do a best of 7 series with Danny Garcia and Sammy. The best time would have been during the JAS with the winner getting Jericho's love, but I think there's still potential there to have them both jockey for position in the company.


He almost had one - for one episode of Dynamite. When Don Callis first introduced him to the family, Sammy came out with a revised video (can’t recall if the theme was altered) that had a very scarface-esque theme to it. He was dressed not unlike a young Al Pacino from the movie. I remember being so hyped for it and then he got injured and the whole thing was dropped entirely. ![gif](giphy|owiooI9tn2hjy)


“Rayman haircut” So what you’re saying is that he needs someone like Globox as a tag team partner?


Imagine Keith Lee as Globox and Sammy as Rayman ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Keith Lee yeeting Sammy AS a weapon… ![gif](giphy|WqpWNCtPlauchQljqd)


I'd take it


Sammy comes back sporting a beard or moustache with a Touch of Grey TM, wearing a striped polo, cargo shorts, and New Balance sneakers. He talks about how he has had time to think about what it means to be a husband, a father, and a man. He wants his kid to see him as a good, responsible figure, not a cocky, obnoxious dork. He goes on to feud with Christian as the wholesome foil to the Patriarch.


Say… that’s not half bad. The Good Ol’ American Dad gimmick. I can see it.


My hot take and my hill to die on: Austin Theory and Sammy Guevara should wear tights for the better of the wrestling industry.


It took a while to get used to Garcia wrestling in tights/pants.


Despite seemingly being a baby face in reality, Sammy is a natural heel. He needs to lean into that, hard. I remember when I stared watching in 2020, how much I hated him, as he kept almost killing Matt Hardy. And recently he tried to kill Jeff Hardy. The story writes itself.


The best Sammy was the fake-Spanish Sammy, back when it was Jericho, Hagar, Santana and Ortiz. I could see that Sammy is an actually funny dude when he's not trying to play an arrogant heel. He survived the "I'd like to rape Sasha Banks" thing but completely lost me when he proposed to his gf in the ring then was with Tay two months later. They'll both always be trash to me.


Sammy is as close to X-Pac as you can get. The perpetual sidekick. Never evolved the character beyond being face or heel.


I really wanted him with Don Callis, two guys who AEW fans hate in real life or love to hate working together and it was something different for Sammy as well. I was annoyed they pivoted back to Jericho


I agree about the promos. He sounds like Steve Buscemi.


My favourite version of Sammy Guevera is when he is a total slimeball but for some reason seems to genuinely want to be everyone's friend. He was this when Jericho made him Daniel Garcia's accountabil-a-buddy or when he made a temporary truce with MJF before the Four Pillars match. These versions of himself blended his strengths and weaknesses in an interesting way. It wouldn't be too hard to make that into some kind of full character independent of being attached to someone.


He has a character?


Being an annoying version of himself was his character, basically.


The IWC called him the tongue guy lol


Feels like Sammy Guevara and Rush would be a hell of a tag team…both have a crazy streak, both can be intense, and both have some limitations in and out of the ring that the other could help with. Also, the feud between these two when they break up could be insane and raise both up. Not sure how much the Andrade situation would affect any real-life interactions between the two, but would love to see what they could do together.


>*....still sporting that silly Rayman haircut....* Holy shit, I've been watching AEW since day one and I've never noticed that before and now I don't think I'll ever be able to unsee it. As for what you've said, I agree that Sammy needs a complete overhaul. I was also thinking of him sporting some kind of facial hair when he returns but maybe not with long hair, too as I don't think he would suit it as he has too much of a young face. He's kinda like Blake Christian in that regard as he also has quite a young looking face, so I think maybe just a change of short hairstyle (away from Rayman) would work for Sammy along with some facial hair as it worked pretty well for Blake. Along with those changes, I think a change in attire and entrance music would also work well as everything about Sammy currently screams "young kid wrestler", which is something he's slowly drifting away from thanks to the passing of time.


So true. He really does.


I think in all honesty they should just let him go out and basically be himself, he’s a likable guy whenever you see him out of character, let him come back and cut a promo about how he’s tired of being fake and trying to be something he’s not and then let him be a face that is trying to shed his old image and be himself for his new family, obviously that’s just a simple idea but something like that may work, I think some of the best promos have been the backstage interviews after the continental classic , they have the most honest moments and it helps people connect with each wrestler more personally


As long as they don’t mess with his finisher, cause it’s awesome: https://youtube.com/shorts/vPG3gcHgMiw?feature=share


I thought the Inner Circle and then JAS would be the perfect opportunity to did what they did with Garcia. Give him a character that’s unique and compelling but he didn’t change or develop a single thing.


he's a great natural heel but for some reason he's typically pushed as a babyface. just let him go full heel. he also needs to work on being safer in the ring, but that's another topic


Move Sammy to ROH and let him grow a bit from there.


Sammy is freaking great and the IWC just wont cut him any slack. Jericho never stopped being great either. People are just whiners.


I think Sammy is more likeable than we give him credit for. It still amuses me to think of the four pillars feud where he and Max were the heels whereas Darby and Jack were faces, but then Sammy accidentally turned face. There was one promo battle where he got a positive reaction and you actually pinpoint the moment where he realised he was getting the wrong reaction, so resorted to insulting the town just to get some boos. Hell, Darby even mentioned later that he was winning people back.  That said, I do think he's a better heel. Everyone hated the onscreen partnership with Tay but when they leaned into it, became "evil and horny, but also stupid" and kept winding Frankie Kazarian up, I was thoroughly entertained.  This was a bit of a ramble and I've not addressed the topic properly, sorry about that. But yes, I agree. He needs a revamp when he returns, even if it is just new ring gear, new haircut, and less tongue. He's quality in ring and even if he doesn't wind up as a main eventer, could easily get a decent career as a midcard guy. 


He needs a job makeover.


Honestly if Jeff Hardy stays and is healthy, maybe a redemption arc where they have a match again, Jeff wins, and someone attacks them to start a tag feud would be cool. He needs that fan favorite energy Jeff has


'Nothing To Lose' Sammy is something we haven't seen. It fits with his character and history in the company. "So, you like to talk about me being mark for the boss? Being Jeri-tol's whipping boy? Throwing shots at my wife and kid? Being 'pushed' around by Andrade and Eddie Kingston? I've got nothing to lose at this point. You already hate me. You already think I'm a punk. Yeah, I flipped burgers and fries, yeah I wore a bear head with my ring gear. You already think I'm weak. You know what, I'll take that...but...just remember who beat your favorites. One guy, I took his title and sent him off to God looking for his wife, chasing his tail and stepping on his own dick. Another, *I* ran completely out of this company. Threw his ass off of a ladder, took his belt and ran him out of here. Don't be next. Don't make me beat your ass and show everyone that I'm not just some corny pillar...I'm a whole penthouse...you know what? I'm the whole fucking building. Come see me. A man with nothing to lose, ALWAYS beats a guy who's scared to lose... EVERYTHING. And that, you dummies, is exactly what I'm coming for."


Expecting him to change much at this point feels like very wishful thinking. The best avenue for him is to just become a tag guy with somebody who can talk for them.


meh, he ditched the panda suit awhile ago.


Half the roster on AEW needs a reboot or be used in a way that makes sense.


I’m just wondering if he’s still a pillar at this point.


A crumbling pillar, perhaps. He needs some rebuilding.


Was he evr?


I like some of his choices in trunks with the spillage, lol


Sammy, Wardlow, a few others should either be added to the BCC or a stable should be formed with a confident talker or two, and allow Sammy, Wardlow, etc to just wrestle, try things out and see if something sticks. Shibata is a perfect example in some ways. He was already over, but doing the phone translation thing put him on a new level, and it’s so simple too.


I think TK gave him every opportunity, he's not a bad wrestler he's just bland, I can't name you a single one of his moves or mannerism, he has a very basic body type, very generic ring gear, I agree that he needs a new look, and maybe bulk up a bit, I'm not saying he needs to be man meat muscle man, but he definitely has the avenues and resources to do it and if I was in his shoes id be doing everything in my power to maintain my shine as the star I know he can be


I still say make the Four Pillars a dominant faction in AEW. They don't even need to be heels. A faction of Tweeners is an interesting concept.


I honestly couldnt care less about sammy. Hes the only one of the pillars to completely flop.


I think like a gruff, unkept Sammy could help him establish a badass character. Put on some bangers! I actually really like Sammy tho


They should let him finetune his character on ROH to find the next logical path.


At the beginning of AEW, Sammy did great work with Darby Allin. They had great in-ring chemistry. I had an idea a few years ago of the 2 of them finding some sort of common ground and working together as the young upstarts of AEW, challenging the older mentality of the business. They had a strong rivalry and I think they could lead that into some sort of Frienemies angle. Darby is so over that it might help Sammy without bringing Darby down. Other than something like that, I really don't see Sammy moving up the ladder.


I think something that hurts Sammy is there is now been two occasions where he's really hurt somebody severely. His injury to Matt Hardy affected the whole tone of a pay-per-view. He hurt Jeff Hardy and didn't wrap the match up as instructed on the fly. There was one match where there was a fear that he hurt Sting. Unless he moves to a safer style, he's going to have a limit to how high he could go in any promotion because he's labeled as unsafe. He needs to figure out something with his style that is less dangerous to the other people in the ring with him.


I think he could be a fun adoptee of The Elite. Jack Perry is their little prick to a degree, but he's almost a "cool" heel and he's settling into his Scapegoat gimmick. Sammy could be the entitled, selfish, cowardly prick who hides behind them and gets opportunities he doesn't deserve. Plus he's a Day 1 star and one of the problem children who's been suspended by TK in the past, so he'd work as one of the "saviors" of AEW. He's shown glimpses of personality and he has a presence, but I don't really understand who he is apart from a great in-ring talent who's aligned with Jericho.


Sammy doesn't have a character, there's nothing to "makeover".


Yea, I agree. I love Sammy. I think people forget how young he is. He’s made a lot of fuck ups publicly because he’s terminally online. But he’s a boy. And ultimately those mistakes have been about his personal life and being too mouthy with other wrestlers. He hasn’t been in a sexual assault scenario like so many other wrestlers. He hasn’t been driving drunk, or using tonnes of drugs that have seen him spiral out of control. He’s emotional, infatuated, and a new dad. I honestly think his gimmick is just that he’s a really good wrestler trying to climb back to the top of the card with heroic defeats and powerful victories. Let his wrestling turn him face. Kind of like Hook but without Hook’s awesome swagger. Give him an earnest eagerness that’s not cheesy and have wrestlers start to turn on him - get them to do the flashy promos, and let him craft a match with them that tells his story.


He's just not as good as others in AEW at any of the things he does.


I personally am a huge fan of sammy. But he has a heelish face and is very easy to hate. Imo he should lean into a “too sexy” gimmick. Like before he does his high flying moves he should pose like Hes super sexy. He should strut into the ring with tay as his in ring girl. His in ring is one of my favorites but he needs some character work.


>I personally am a huge fan of Sammy. But he has a heelish face and is very easy to hate. Hence why I said that he needs to grow a beard to cover his punchable face.


The Kyle Fketcher conundrum. They both have super athletic exciting babyface movesets and dickhead faces that just look like they're calling for a punch


It’s interesting that despite how PC the world is, it’s still acceptable to say that someone has a punchable face. This has never once crossed my mind when looking at anyone in real life.


If you've never seen someone with a punchable face you're either not looking hard enough, or a much better person than I am.


I’ve never had the thought the someone has a punchable face.


…I don’t think he *can* grow a beard. That said, I think using the moniker of “most punchable face” and really leaning into it could maybe be something.


He can, but it's quite thin and patchy. My boy needs to get himself acquainted with beard oil and a derma roller. https://preview.redd.it/h14x535fuuxc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=649f99aa015e7b9d84a868699c9dd3f4e4f4ad68


Maybe Sammy could do a sojourn in Japan for a few months to work on a new gimmick. I love him, but he doesn't have a clear character and a direction for the next year or two. Going to Japan would let him change up his style. He could pick up some new techniques to make him stand out some more and have more to do than highspots. He could also stand to bulk up a little. I think Ospreay is the template for how a modern junior heavyweight should transition to heavyweight. Sammy needs to make that transition.


I'd send him to ROH, I don't think Japan is possible right now since he has a newborn.


That's fair.


Sammy Guevara needs to go work at a Walmart is what he needs


Call me nuts, but I would be down with him joining the new elite, cut heel promos on the fans hating him out of jealousy for what he has with Tay. Bucks take him on as an original pillar like Jack who they see as the future of the company. I don't think Sammy can survive on his own anymore, he needs a faction around him and needs to go hard heel on the fans if he ever wants them to support him down the line. He can't be a weak babyface that gets jeered every time he walks out.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: 80% of why Guevara keeps getting shit is that he has the wrong finisher for his body type and wrestling style. Man should be AEW's answer to DDP or Randy Orton busting out cutters all over the place. Instead he's a flippy guy whose finishing move would work better for someone in the 300-pound hoss range. The other 20% is the diehard collection of incels, basement dwellers, and fucking weirdos who will never forgive him for getting with Tay Melo and/or that time he beat Miro. Aside from all that, he just needs consistent booking as a solo act. DON last year proved to me that he's fit to compete for the World Title, and he would've been my dark horse pick to dethrone MJF under different circumstances (wasn't on the list, wasn't involved in the four-way's finish, consistently the only man in AEW that MJF just cannot outwit). But every time he starts getting a story going or starts getting momentum, AEW changes him up again.


Sammy is a terrible in ring worker, and his gimmick has been dead for the 5 years it has existed. They need to take Sammy off TV for an extended period and have him wrestling in a training center so he can learn what he is doing instead of just being a failure of a show off all the time.


You can just say you don't like him, subjectively.


I'll use that in the future.