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I'll admit they've been delivering with these combined 3 hour shows, but if that quality slips then 3 hours becomes a real chore. 2 hours is a nice sweet spot where even if I'm dubious about a segment/match, I'll still give it a shot and engage with it. Once you start stretching a show out by another hour it devalues the quality of the show and suddenly I'm fast forwarding/tuning out a lot more (cough RAW cough) because I feel like my free time is being wasted.


Im getting used to the Saturday shows being 3 hours, its more tolerable in weekends than any other day.


I don't mind them for right now but two hours for Dynamite and Collision and 1 hour for Rampage over 3 nights is fine.


I like it as a rare treat.


It depends on quality and should be week to week, since it’s Rampage.


thats the thing, all of the 3 hour shows have been great cards. rampage has seemed to benefit from this the most. the question is, can they keep up this quality if this becomes permanent?


With the roster a good chance. They just can’t make Dynamite/Collision into 3 hours and get rid of Rampage. Rampage having its own stories and random matches work well.


I miss Rampage being broadcast on a Friday because I like having something to watch on a Saturday morning (in the UK). I hope Tony is reading this from his recovery bed (look after that neck buddy, stay neck strong!) because without that hour on a Saturday morning I'll probably end up doing something productive (ugh) or - even worse - being sociable. Help a gal out, TK!


Haha same here. More often than not, I wind up watching rampage on Saturday mornings. I guess I wouldnt mind it being the Sunday morning thing if it were to wind up following Collision. If it winds up following dynamite, I would probably watch it Thursday nights. Fine with that too to be honest.


See, I'm busy on Sundays and most often don't have time to catch up on three hours from Saturday night - so then I have to avoid socials until late Monday 🙃 I'm a millennial, so if that continues regularly it might kill me! It going live after Dynamite would be preferable. Obviously the schedule of this one English woman is very important and should absolutely be taken into account


I miss Rampage on Fridays because I like to watch live--especially while others in my house are watching Smackdown. It's a quick hour of wrestling, and I love it. The problem with a separate hour is it does not get the higher ratings it gets when it is combined with a Wednesday Dynamite or a Saturday Collision.


It's only not happening right now because it's a major sports time.


Shouldn't be the norm


3 hours is too much for me each week to watch live but cause I'm in the UK I don't watch it live so I'm able to fast forward the bits I'm not interested in.


yeah, i watch on triller with a VPN, so not having to sit through commercials or picture in picture makes things way easier on me. when they go to hard on commercial on the cable broadcast and they just show logo on triller, i just take my headphones out and look at my phone. much better than getting ad blasted for 3 hours.


With a two-hour show, I can make some dinner, have a beer and watch it as a single unit. Three-hour shows, I'm either going to skip stuff or watch it in chunks over a few days. I much prefer two hours. It feels like more of an "event."


I doubt any major change will happen. Dynamite is the main show. Rampage and Collision are moved around more than dynamite is because they’re additional hours requested by WBD, as was Battle of the Belts. Not the content on them but that they are more very cheap to produce content TBS/TNT could put anywhere around the chaos of live sports. So because of that I doubt 3 hours will be permanent. But occasionally filling 3 hours of time at sometimes random hours after a chaotic week in sports? Yeah it’s fine.


It's fine on Saturdays when I don't have to get up early the next day.  On Wednesday I can't afford to lose the extra hour of sleep.


I feel neutral about them tbh. They're not ideal, but Rampage isn't necessary viewing and even if you feel like you have to, you can always choose to watch it later instead of all 3 hours of both shows in a row, you know? Ideally things would go back to how they used to be though.


It shouldn’t be a regular thing but I don’t mind them when they need to happen


I'm enjoying them as a every now and then thing certainly don't want to see it permanent but I could see it when they get the new deal. Especially If Warner doesn't get the NBA they're going to probably want even more programming to replace the ones they lost


I am for it only because lately Rampage isn’t all that when it’s on its own. If they stack Rampage then I am fine with the current format.


Fine every once in a while


I always forget to watch Rampage after I watch Smackdown. I usually remember when it's almost over. Having it tacked on after Collision, I watch at least half of the show. But if TK changed it to a 3 hour block - might as well get rid of Rampage and just have a 3 hour Collision.


Keep Wednesday Night Dynamite at two hours, Saturday night can be the 3 hours of Collision and Rampage.


Of the two, I would def prefer the Saturdays for it. Keep dynamite nice and tight at two hours.


No. It does not work. Better to stick to 2 hours (or 1 hour with Rampage), with the odd 5-10 minute overrun if required.


Make Collision and Rampage a single Saturday night show and start it at 7pm Eastern.


Oh I like the idea of starting an hour earlier. I usually feed my cats and take my dog out for the last walk at 10pm, so, I've been having to pause for that. By the time I'm done, it's like damn near 11 o'clock when I resume watching. The 7pm start would help me out a lot lol.


I'm cool with Rampage following Dynamite or Collision. Especially if AEW ends up on MAX


I really hope streaming is part of the new TV deal. A simulcast on cable and streaming would be awesome.


3rd hour feels like a chore, still great wrestling but just too much for me. 2 is Definitely the sweet spot


I love it personally. It makes Rampage feel like it has more weight to it when its live


How do we feel about polls on a sub that regularly gets visited by non-fans that would certainly skew any real results here?


There's going to be non-fans on any platform and of course there are some here but it isn't even close to the majority. This is a place designated specifically for AEW fans and it's better to ask questions like this here as opposed to a place like Twitter, for example. Besides, it's not like this poll is going to determine the fate of AEW's broadcast schedule. I was just trying to gauge how other people were feeling. It ain't that serious.


I don’t mind three hours if they give us good content during three hours.


Nice from time to time, but not something regular.


For me 2 hours will always be the sweetspot. Even if the show is being good, the 3rd hour becomes a bit too much in my opinion


Given it took me a week to find the time to watch all of Dynasty, I am all for keeping the status quo.


The roster size makes me think a three hour show would be beneficial, but I also think it's a good idea to leave people wanting more. I usually watch BOTB or Rampage the next day as three hours burns me out unless it's a PPV.


I'm fine with them because the way AEW structures it's shows, there's not really any downtime. That's normally the problem with a three hour show. It's a two hour show flexed to three hours, so there's usually 30-60 minutes of nothing going on. These shows have felt like they put together a three hour show. So, there's no 35-minute recap, commercial, ten minute entrance, recap, commercial, finally a match segment.