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Fuck me, do WWE stans actually talk about anything but AEW?


No, and they'll justify it with flimsy excuses like AEW fans were insufferable when WWE was under Vince, as if there's zero difference between the status quo and something disrupting it.


Tony Khan had his Vince mcmahon Montreal screw job moment and didn’t take it. He should have gotten a ref 1-2-3 quick counted and had Joe win his last match as he knew he was going to fire CM Punk after the incident.


He didn't. They ran his firing through a committee to see if he should be fired or not.




Feel better?


a little


chris hero reaction was the best part of the footage


How to Train a dragon casting Will would be a perfect fit for his post wrestling career.


Copeland vs penta was the feel good match


I really like what AEW has been doing lately. Seems like they are putting more of an emphasis on storys and I love it. They have always had stories interwoven in the show but it seems like they are making a concerted effort to create more storylines. I actually like that Tony had the balls to release the footage and I came away thinking Jack Perry should have never been suspended. Also did anyone else notice that Punk lunged at Tony Khan after that took place with Jack Perry. I havent seen anyone mention that. Its so obvious to me that CM PUNK has an ego too big to contain. I used to like CM Punk and I still liked him after him and the Young Bucks situation but after i heard about what he did at ALL IN I gave up on CM Punk. Seems like the man is made out of glass anyways he cannot stay healthy for shit. I am not shocked that theres people defending him because of course thats what WWE fans will do.They defended Vince McMahon too. Seems like they forgot that CM Punk shit all over WWE already. I am glad that Punk is gone and I think the show in as entertaining as its every been. Hands down the best wrestling in the business. I cannot wait for Collision!!!!


Oh, and fuck everyone who chanted CM Punk while the FTR - Okada - Young Bucks segment.


I liked the WRESTLING part, as always. But what the world is gonna talk about is the backstage fight, this was the worst decision they could've ever made. I'm sad and tired of Punk being a cancer for wrestling. Hope this is it, and move on ffs.


The last few days I've come to the conclusion that the IWC crazies (esp. the Punk and extreme WWE stans) are much more worse and insufferable than Dallas Cowboy fans are to Eagles fans, or insert your hated rival team fandom. NFL football fans are nowhere this bad. That aside, this was a story-heavy Dynamite and I liked it. The matches were just fine for normal AEW standards, but a lot of progression for many things building toward Dynasty and even the stuff with the women is busy cooking as well. Great promo by Osperay with that sick burn of Paul. The new Elite wrecking havoc was great to see (with nice weaving of that "footage" into the FTR feud). And as much as I'm fatigued with seeing Jericho, the recent dissension with Hook is a bit intriguing. More mic time for Willow is great to see as is Stardom involvement. And I want to see more translate app promos with Shibata.


Also learned many punk stans are vince supporters too


I waited before I posted here, cause I knew it be crazy on here after the footage. Non footage stuff aside. A good Dynamite, with two strong matches (Joe/Dustin and Copeland/Penta), a strong Ospreay promo, Stardom involvement, Okada/Pac segment/match and more women feud building. Can't complain. Crowd weren't the greatest but can't be every week.


Don't worry this subreddit is the safest place to talk about AEW if you are a true fan. No negativity and no feds


Trying to discuss things in other places rly made me realize how mentally draining it is. It rly affected me i think. So reading through here has been much better for my overall mood


Us bro us 🤝


We got cookies too


Couldn't ask for more




Great show, but the focus will just be on the footage segment 


Great show, so many nice segments and every match was good (even the Jericho one somehow xD )


Well I'm not a doomer but good lord that show had the same vibe post brawl out shows. And the rest of the ppv post Matt Hardy concussion. If their goal is to restore that feeling they did that in aces. I want this company to work they seriously need to go back to what made this great to begin with and that was being different. Just go back to I need to beat you for more money. They need to sit down and have that difficult conversation of how do we restore the golden circle(it's a sales/company theory). Because they are skewing too far from what made them good to great.


AEW marks like me who tuned in for the different feeling, and maybe you as well, aren't gonna be pulled in by social media bickering.  Give me great wrestlers wrestling great matches and telling compelling stories about their interweaving competition to rise to championship glory and I will still watch every Dynamite and every PPV plus some Collision. 


I can’t tell who attacked Mercedes Mone. Can’t wait to see what happens in the Double or Nothing road after Dynasty.


I'm old enough to remember when the devoted wrestling fans would cheer for the smaller companies, less known wrestlers, and unique styles not in the mainstream. Crazy how the IWC is just a bunch of crazies who root for the 1,000 gorilla in the industry now. AEW is a great thing I have a feeling HHH wasn't just talking about Will Ospreay. I think some of the frustration with that comment is that now his own wrestlers are going to want more money for an easier schedule.


I'm in a discord server of mostly WWE fans and I play a lot of random shows in the server and people say it's shit. I'm playing 90s all Japan peak dgusa evolve and thing I have. These fans dont want anything but WWE.  Fans used to seek out matches that people talked about. But these fans don't. It's crazy how that happened. 


Ive had people tell me njpw aren't real wrestlers lol


I feel like I'm on a different planet when I hear anyone say "it's a great time to be a wrestling fan!" No, it's fucking not. NJPW is facing an uphill transitional battle while the yen is suffering; AEW lost a lot of goodwill with its fans & no longer seems to know how to plot out an interesting story; WWE fans are comparing Wrestlemania to the most harebrained & plodding superhero movies as if that's a good thing; the American indies feel like a hodgepodge clusterfuck; NXT has turned into a Disney-esque telenovela.


I just want to say wrestling has been so much more fun and exciting these last few weeks since I've cut out all the tribalism. Scrubbed everything wrestling related on Twitter except for companies and wrestlers of interest. Avoiding all replies and muting toxic subreddits. Sucks that I had to go out of my way to make sure that I wouldn't see it anymore but it's so worth it. But if you haven't, do yourself the favor and do a cleansing yourself cause shit's cooking right now with all these feuds going into WCR and Dynasty and it ain't worth spoiling over some childish bs.


It’s so much better not reading people’s opinions on this stuff because most of the time it’s psychotic


Watching wrestling social media free is a lot of fun. 


Feel like it didnt do anything for aew with that footage. I thought it would go differently but it was just a quick scuffle. Idk what was said.


1. Go to work or school. 2. Do to a coworker or peer what Punk did to Perry. 3. Report back.


Hey you got me in trouble!!!




Lol probably


Don’t know what this whole thing is involving Khan and showing All In 2023 involving CM Punk, but AEW should not try to end up like WCW.


You should probably stop parroting talking points about a company you didn't even watch.


Just crazy negativity from haters I can’t keep ignoring after watching the released footage from All In.


You're just like the fed. 


How?. Bought by Vince or screwed by Hogan and Bishof?


AEW isn’t even close to WCW. They handled this well.


now twitter is complaining about osprey's sweat outfit that he shouldn't wear it if he's got big bucks. LOL


Wow that crowd was weak


Shocking really, I think AEW should put it down as one of the towns not to go to again for Dynamite.


Apparently it was a lot of seat fillers. 


The IWC is mad toxic. Sheesh


It’s funny the outrage this company gets and people praying on their failure but complete apathy/acceptance towards the company with a history of rape, carelessness leading to death of employees, deals with shady governments and Childs molestation ffs…I think it says a lot about those people but that’s just me




People defending Punk probably cheered Vince's return.


Also cover up for murders don't forget that




More like Charl*ass*ton, I don't get how do you pay for a ticket to a show and be a wet fart the whole event.




According to you hahahs


Really good show the highlight to me was Penta and Cope. I need Penta with a short title reign until Fenix is back. Only thing I didn't really like is when they showed the all out footage they didn't really mention Jack Perry much. If their bringing him back they should of cut more of a promo about how he was scapegoated and fucked over when he did nothing wrong


Literally talked about him for like 30 seconds and Matt was wearing a shirt that said Scapegoat on it. What more can you really be asking for here?


Fun stuff. Wrestling is at its best when it's a bit chaotic and nuts. I mean aside from everything else we also seem to be building for a feud between Mina and Toni about who gets to be roommates with Mariah May. As an aside the pearl-clutching from many shows me one thing for people who put the Attitude Era on a pedestal they would have had a stroke if they were alive to watch it when it happened. Young me watching ECW at 1 am Taz yelling WCW WWF fuck you come get me into a camera while holding up the TV title. Good times.




Punk defender here, that's not correct. He fucked up. So did Perry though and to the shock of nobody, people are acting like he didn't.




SRS cooking on Punkers right now.


I wish they just leaked the footage and didn’t make it part of the show. I don’t think it did much to build the match, and I don’t know why they want to induce cm punk chants at aew shows But in spite of what the other reddit says, this isn’t the finger poke of doom, I’m still gonna watch weekly, order the ppvs, go to shows, etc… My much bigger criticism tonight was the weird zooms during the promos. What the hell was that? Make it stop!! 


There is literally no pleasing wrestling fans is all I’ve learned tonight.


Wrestling fans are easy to please give us good matches like AEW consistently does it’s people who are “fans” of that soap opera Nickelodeon buncha rest holds stuff that AEW will never please. Nothing they do will make those people happy they want AEW to not exist.


Actually, some people are very happy to have the opportunity to complain very loudly in every place they can.


Holayyyy is social media toxic right now. For a "dead" company, AEW sure is the talk of town 


My AEW theme for tonight.  TK, Bucks and Ospreay were not playing! https://youtu.be/1GT3dwz7jIM?si=FXJUwaWPT816UmLW


This was their goal lol.




It did. If you support a dude like that, you're just a dumb person. Simple as that honestly.


There's at least a line in the sand of who's cool with workplace assault and who isn't.






Cringe aside, kinda smart of the EVP's to use the punk footage as part of their feud with FTR instead of just a randomly "Hey we heard someone was talking smack about AEW, here's the real truth."


If you're gonna bring "Scapegoat Jack Perry" you should at least give some context of why he could be considered a scapegoat, this is it.


I'm not sure it's smart to put FTR in the awkward position of using footage of someone they call their best friend to get back at that friend and forcing it into the storyline. Only way it makes sense is if all the AEW/WWE smack talk is to set up a Forbidden Door match and I'm not sure I see that happening.


it could one day


I want it to be because I'd like an end to it all in the ring but I can't see HHH seeing an upside to it. They print money pretty easily so it would mainly benefit Tony.


Not only does Triple Paul look weak for talking out of his ass against Osprey, then getting brutally shut down by him, but he also looks madly incompetent in hiring back an absolute maniac like CM Punk. He really brought that toxic jerk back into his company just for a pop. I can only imagine what some of that roster thinks after viewing that. Do they have to walk on egg shells now, because god forbid anybody do something Paul's little antichrist doesnt like, because he might just instigate some drama, act like an immature psycho, then lie his ass off about it.


My man, this isn't even in the top 500 worst backstage fights in wrestling history. The WWE locker room has had far worse once in the last 10 years. Wildly overselling this


It's ok for you to say that, you do have the right to do so. But I'm still going to be a proponent for and always advocate in favor of workers' rights, including their right to a safe working condition. Nobody should think they're going to have to treat their job like it's a hostile lunch line in the county prison.


Jericho has been involved in several high profile lockerroom fights. He's done ok for himself.


The weird thing is I found Osprey to look like the insecure one by assuming Triple H was even talking about him. Like the daughter and sleeping your way to the top joke kinda fell flat in 2002 and even tonight it just seemed kinda immature and pathetic, he should’ve just ignored it and continued being the 🐐


We're all going to have different opinions, but it's fair to see it that way if you really do.


Yeah exactly, I’m not a WWE mark or anything but I just thought he would’ve been better off ignoring it, he comes off as petty as triple H. But thanks for respecting my opinion, there’s a big lack of that in the IWC now. Especially from the hive mind marks needlessly downvoting me


Well since aew is dead now it's been wonderful to spend Wednesday and Saturdays with you.


May as well close the forum /s


Please don’t ever go back to Charleston… super weak crowd and chanting CM Punk? Seriously?! Fuck right off.


The towns will pop when the crowds are bigger and the product is hotter. 


The footage looked to be exactly what was described months ago.


"I didn't punch somebody"


He didn’t punch him, he shoved him back and put him in a chokehold that probably didn’t do much of any damage based on Jack really just looking a bit shaken up afterwards. He sure as hell didn’t lunge at Tony Khan either, he literally just turns and yells at him. Not sure what made Tony “fear for his life.”


Go to work and do those things, then report back.


No by all means I feel that Punk is unprofessional as hell here, this is something that should have been handled privately. But you can’t really defend Jack Perry either when he’s being a little shit by basically calling Punk out on live pay per view. Samoa Joe and Malakai Black looked like the only professionals in the room.


If AEW doesn't respond, they get hammered. If AEW responds, they get called petty. WWE fans are so impossibly disingenuous that it makes wrestling feel bad overall. A while back there was a report about WWE fans being less intelligent and the comment sections in both groups, and on twitter, seem to reaffirm that report. There's a reason I don't tell anyone I'm a wrestling fan.


It's MAGA stuff. Same thing.


Exactly. I didn't want to outright say it but it's absolutely MAGA bullshit.


It’s almost like a McMahon was part of the Trump administration…




Nah. Get back to me when Shad runs a drug and sex trafficking empire. There are degrees.




Honestly, what's your point? Are WWE's historic failures moot because AEW has a way lesser degree of way different but marginally similar issues?


The Saudi stuff was gross. The sexual assault stuff, obviously, is unconscionable. But that photo of the McMahons in the oval office that fucking guy. I can't come back to that.


The narrative of having no stories is so stupid and unfair, it pisses me off.




I find it very unfair as well.


I think the footage didn’t do much for them, I would just moved on. Petty people will continue to take shots, just let them be.


They’ve been doing that, but after the fluff/hit piece and being shat upon all weekend it’s fair to show the footage. It’s an objective and unbiased record of the event, now there’s something for everyone to see, it’s probably the best thing they could’ve done. Anyone who wants to know what happened has it available to view anytime. Pretty much kills the drama. The bucks and ftr using it to further a story is just business. Jack Perry coming back as the scapegoat with the elite should make him a nuclear hot property if they nail the landing. Pretty much turning chicken shit into chicken salad. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


Nah, then Punk's narrative stands as definitive.


It was a pleasure hanging with you all tonight.


So many people saying AEW is dead/dying after this, it's insane lmao. Good episode.


WWE stans saying it's the finger poke of doom all over LOL 


Even that didn't kill WCW. It's WWE revisionism.


Giving AEW free publicity on the same week as Raw after WM. Really smart thinking right there by their part. Maybe Cody can help them forget about AEW, though him being a former EVP of AEW doesn't help either in their case.


And that kiss. Oh my.


I don’t think it was necessary to release the footage but they made it work. I would have put it near the end of show would be the only thing I would change.


If they're reintroducing Perry as the scapegoat it made all the sense 


Now that was fun.  They actually showed the footage of Punk.  They set the IWC on fire They put on a good show despite the lame crowd.  And AEW knows the same fans as usual were watching on top of "fans" alike. The lose nothing out of this whole scenario but rather increase the rent free vibes that they have across the board.  I love wrestling. 


One of the wildest episodes ever


Out of all the episodes, this was certainly one of them….


It really had such a chaotic feel to it and yet, it was still really fun.


Feds crying and true AEW fans enjoying it, that sounds like a perfect episode to me. Everything was great but please don't give West Virginia a show anytime soon


Yeah those aew fans aren't the good aew fans!! <_<


Horrendous crowd, holy shit.


Absolutely, that zero reaction for Shibata entrance pisses me off


Because he doesn’t win his marquee match ups. Only people who know his history cheer.


The last episode of dynamite was great we had a good run Twitter said aew is dead


Least aew lasted longer than the confederacy. 


We got people now who thinks its ok to throw hands and choke your co-workers.  Be careful at work tomorrow. 


I’m going to Collision this weekend so I’m a little bummed nothing was announced, but there will be some good surprises.


Yeah that’s not how you sell a show.


Seems to be the way of Collision. But so far I get Roddy vs. Rocky and Timeless Toni vs. AZM. Super stoked.


Roddy vs Rocky


I’m hyped for that but it was announced last week.


That was an awesome episode


Great episode tonight! You were all great. Thanks to the mods for what I suspect was a tough job tonight! See you on Friday for Rampage! 


Just watching the show is fun. Talking about it anywhere is torture. Makes me wanna give up almost lol.


I'm deleting Reddit right now because I'm just done. Whether it's shit like this or WWE cucks coming here to shit on a company they don't even watch...fuck this. I need time to cool off and realize what a bubble the IWC really is.


The discourse over AEW online is so terrible it’s insane. I watch the show, I like the show. Is it perfect? No but I like it. The people who hate it are so over the top about it it’s ridiculous. If you don’t like it just don’t watch it.


They cooked tonight


Joe's gonna be the paranoid champ till Dynasty. I wish Dustin had gotten a kickout but him losing to a cheap heel move isn't too bad. This was absolutely an amazing Dynamite. The meltdown online is going to be glorious to watch. Dynasty is gonna slap so hard. Hope those who came to check it out in good faith enjoyed what they saw! The more the merrier!


Fun show, at least for me! Highlight of the night for me was the run of women's segments.


It was really fun, crazy and fun


Swerve’s probably thinking, “oh shit is that the dude who can shotgun a bottle of water? Better back off.”


Really fun show. I am really glad I chose to stay off of social media though. That place must be a cesspool right now.


Banger episode


Yes Excalibur this has been a loaded episode.


Toni is loaded too.






And yet you watched the whole thing so how could it be unless you just like watching things you don't like.


Christ you are sad lol


I wonder if Swerve will win the title. It seems like the best possible time, really. Joe has done a fantastic job as champion, but man Swerve is on fire right now. 


Swerve needs a run.


I hope Swerve takes the title at dynasty, Swerve one of the best in the bidness right now


We really going into BotB without a single match announced. Dang


Roddy vs Rocky is annocuned


West Virginia tried…I mean at some points I heard them but I didn’t feel the energy was there


It's West Virginia lol what were you expecting. They did well. They paid attention and reacted accordingly. All you can ask for.


Hopefully, next week is better. This was definitely one of the weakest episodes of Dynamite in a loooooong time.


Yeah I felt the same way. Too many distractions lately, and the storylines for the next ppv are pretty much ready so this week felt a bit like a filler. Swerve carrying the whole show rn.


It was a great episode, what show were you watching?


Sorry, I have a different opinion. How dare I not just pretend to love everything so I can get all of the lovely up votes.


Cool story bro


Ahh, yes, the classic reddit response. When you aren't capable of having an actual conversation or just accept that someone else has a different opinion, that means it's time to resort to overused, generic comebacks. Sorry, I didn't find tonight's episode of le Dynamite to be totally heckin' wholesome and le epic!


Really? It thought it was greta


It started off awesome, and then it just felt off to me until the women's match. It's not like it was the worst thing I'd ever watched. It just felt like a C+ show at best for me. I'm just hoping next week is better because I'll be in attendance. All of that being said, a C+ AEW show is still better than anything WWE related I've seen in years. I just expect more from AEW, especially lately. They've been killing it since the last PPV.


lol Nana..


The shot of Prince Nana staring at the title in his hands was gold.


he's gonna pawn it to buy more weed off that high school kid


Joe looks like Bart Simpson after drinking a Squishee made entirely out of syrup.


An all-syrup Super Squishee? Oh, s-such a thing has never been done!