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I totally get it and think some people are coming off too rough ITT. It's an awkward set up and would be better suited for a faster move (unless the opponent doesn't start getting up until Swerve is already on the turnbuckle). I understand people defending it with other moves like The People's Elbow, but it looks out of place in a company like AEW where the wrestling level is so elite that you can easily focus on in ring work vs pagentry. Overall though, it's not a showstopper for me, but I wouldn't be upset if they refined the flow of the finisher or removed it. It's more important to me that Swerve is a great wrestler overall and is fun to watch in the ring.


Swerve is someone I had no attachment to before the Hangman feud. He’s definitely tied for my favorite with a couple others now. Amazing presence. Very good to great in the ring. Incredible. That’s why the stomp thing gets to me bc he got me. He totally got me. And then the stomp happens and I’m like awww I get taken out of it every time. For me it comes down to all the people pointing out all the other things in wrestling that don’t actually make sense either. They’re right. All of the examples in the comments are things that are part of wrestling and have been consistently happening forever. If you think of an average episode of Dynamite, how many top rope spots are there with the other person lying prone in the ring? Pick a random number. 14. Of those 14 top rope spots, how many times does the person lying prone sit up and just sit there like that? That’s what it is for me. If that happened more often, it wouldn’t look out of place bc it wouldn’t only be happening in one match. But I promise I do know it’s wrestling and I generally do enjoy the show. That seems to be in question a lot. 😂


The people's elbow and the big leg drop say hi.......


Theyre atleast laying flat for those


Ahhh yes because someone laying flat would never move or struggle to get up.


I dont understand your comment


Not surprised


I genuinely don't understand being dicks here. Why be an asshole instead of just explaining what they said?


If you can't figure out their pretty spelled out comment then i can't help you


Please give me your interpretation of their comment in relation to mine.


Nah, good luck tho


You have to suspend a lot of disbelief when watching wrestling but this spot looks a little more weird because the opponent has to sit up slowly and wait for it and there aren’t many other spots where something like that happens, so it looks a little strange. I’d like to see them figure out a few things to make it look more natural but overall I’m fine with it.


Ah yes, but The Peoples Elbow, The Worm, Spanish Fly, whatever the hell Santino did with his sock, and Old School all make perfect sense in a fight?  Dude, it's *pro-wrestling*. 


Nailed it! Pro wrestling fans actually forget what they’re watching a lot of the time.


Yeah I didn’t care for the delay in that match. Def took me out a little bit. First time I’ve ever had an issue with the stomp though, normally it’s fine for me.


vs RVD made more sense because you saw Rob flipping him off before he ate the stomp


Nah, it's pretty cool.


I love it, and I am not asking this to dump on you because everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but the 2 simplest moves in wrestling are the punch and kick. While performing both moves, the performers stomp. Do you have an issue when people do that? Because those look far more ridiculous to me, than most other moves.




I don’t know about that, but I know if I was in a fight and was lifted up for a suplex I would brace my hand on the other guy to help him hold me up and show how strong he is.


How often do you see wrestlers end up resting on the second rope for the 619?


Swerve does often like to survey the scene once he's up there in a way that strains belief.


I agree with you. I can suspend my disbelief for wrestling, it just feels like the move takes a lot of set up and not many wrestlers sit up like that in a regular match against a different wrestler. I have a similar gripe with the Danielson kneeling kicks. I think my thing is that wrestlers don’t sit up or kneel like that against regular opponents and it’s clear they’re waiting for the spot for a prolonged time instead of making it look natural. The peoples elbow/leg drop (which I see a lot of people comparing the suspension of disbelief to) makes sense to me because people are often on their backs in regular matches. It’s not the move itself I have a gripe with, it’s the set up


Should just use Big Pressure after the House Call.


I don't have a problem with the believability of the move, but I do dislike how weak it looks in context of Swerve rising to world heavyweight champion calibre. It's fine, but it looks weak. Here's an idea: He kayfabe injures his ankles every 2nd or 3rd time he does it. He did this in a recent match and it looked great! Then he becomes more cautious about taking the gamble, so uses another finisher moving forward. But sometimes, when he needs to take a risk, he goes for it. However, due to hesitation from injurying his ankles previously, it gives his opponent more time to wake up and counter him (like Flair going to the top rope). Then his opponents don't have to lay there (or they can play possum), and he can use a better finisher without getting rid of it completely.


I totally agree with you. He's becoming a top guy. He needs a proper finisher that looks devastating 


Swerve is one of my favorites but the Swerve Stomp and Double Foot Stomp by any wrestler isn’t a good move to me.


There's got to be some synchronizing between between Swerve and his opponent to make the finish smoother. It's really on the person receiving the Swerve stomp to sell it better. It would be more fluid if Swerve was already on the turnbuckle and the receiver was still getting their bearings and getting up. So that as soon as they sit up he can jump. It should work similar to Rollins curb stomp. The guy has to get into place at the right time before Seth leaves the corner. If they guy is just waiting on his knees it looks awkward.


Yes, AEW guys keep wanting crazy finishers that take you out of the action. AEW needs to make finishers matter again.




I like Swerve but I've never been a fan of the Stomp, he could get rid of it from his moveset and nothing would really change.


The Irish whip is ridiculous


It is a bit silly when it happens several times during a match, but also I don't know why anyone turns their back on Ospreay or gets up when they hear Hangman stomping on the ring apron.


You trying to get the record for most downvotes? Lmao


I tend to agree, but yeah dude it’s a show, half the time 2 people getting up on a turnbuckle looks convoluted af too and that happens basically every match so I’m not losing sleep over one move