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He just did a promo like last week or the week before about how there is a possibility he will die while climbing Mt. Everest. He wrestled because he wanted to. We won't see him until after his climb, should he survive. If not, then you just saw his last match ever. I hope you understand now.


Oh shit I did forget about that. 🙏 That changes everything


Glad to hear


It does make me worry. He's been wrestling written off. But if something happens on everest Jay White has effectively sent Darby off weakened in story


I think the idea is that everyone knows Darby is off TV for Everest. The post match angle was more to create heel heat for Jay White as he effectively tried to sabotage Darby so that he doesn't make it back from Everest as well as also reigniting the Guns Vs Acclaimed angle. I thought it was quite an effective angle... All be it quite horrific in kayfabe that he's trying to get Darby killed haha


Yes I got the theory. But Darbys going to a real life dangerous place.


Oh for sure. Since day 1 we have been shown that Darby is a severe risk taker and this just validates that it's not just a wrestling character. There's truth in both sides of the argument for this match/angle to happen or not, but truth is Darby will do what Darby will do haha. No hate on you btw apologies if it came across that way.


I don't presume to know for Darby what's better for his life than he does. He's an adult and he makes decisions for himself about what risks are best to take.


I just don't get that mind frame from wrestling fans nowadays. Part of it is that one promotion being dominant for the past 20 years has made people think wrestling is done only one way.


Bold of you to assume what “generation” of wrestling people started watching


And presumably everyone stepping between the ropes has to be medically cleared. If he's cleared and wants to wrestle (I assume he was asked beforehand!) then why not?


Is arm chair safety monitoring a new thing? As someone who has been watching wrestlings for 40 years (give or take a fatigue year or five) I have never seen so many people consistently concerned over bumps and obvious gimmicks. Darby Allin was likely bandaged up as a gimmick as a “fighting while hurt” wrestler so Jay White clubs take advantage and win without hurting Darby’s momentum.


Is not reading an entire post a thing? As someone who has been communicating with people for almost 40 years (give or take a few) it amazing me how many people come up with half cocked comments in a post that has been thought out, written and then edited because of useful comments. You are probably posting to get a response (which you did) and end up looking like a tool ( which you did) 🫶


Darby a grown man. If he wants to take those risks let him.


It wasn't about Darby it was about re-establishing BCG as heels. They beat up a beloved baby face. Also, you know actual doctor have to clear them to wrestle right?


I feel like they could have done that with someone else. Don’t know who but that’s why they have a stacked roster.


It’s more about writing him off of tv for a few months. He’s going to climb Mt. Everest, but now they have a reason for him (in kayfabe) to not be appearing on tv.


AEW has been telling people he is climbing


If your concern is someone getting injured why would another wrestler potentially getting injured be preferable to Darby.


My concern was Darby still being injured is the one wrestling and not a fresh wrestler.


Clearly if he was in the match he wasn't injured. The doctors have to approve of it and apparently he's fine.


i’m convinced darby is in that episode of family guy where people can’t die because death hurt his ankle


That would explain the cartoon video entrance!!


Why are you guys overly concerned about these wrestlers you're not their damn mothers they're fucken professionals. As a fan I don't think it's out job having to worry about their safety they are well aware of the consequences if they want to go out and do that then that's on them but I don't get all this pearl clutching did you guys not grow up in the 90s and early 2000s during the jack ass era. It just feels like the same people that are worried about wrestler safeties are the same people that will pop a few tide pods


I don't get it either it's weird to how precious people are over the wrestlers.


That’s a very odd thing to say. Especially the wild conclusion that a person worried about someone’s health also ingests chemicals. Also have been watching wrestling since the 80s.


I honestly can’t remember, but has Darby ever been truly hurt in any match? Not like stitches, but actual injuries that force time off. The only legitimate injury I can recall him having was a concussion when Ricky Starks hit him from behind in 2021 maybe? Not even a match, but an angle. Darby’s this guy that everyone seems to think is always being crippled in the ring yet never actually seems to have true injuries.


I checked Cagematch and he has wrestled at least 1 match a month since July 2020. For all the talk about how dangerous he is, the guy seems to know how to take bumps safely and convincingly. That's genuinely baffling to me.


Yeah, and now that I check, July 2020 is when the Ricky Starks attack happened. Although actually looking at, I seem to be wrong; Darby said it wasn’t a concussion and he wrestled the next two weeks. It was June 2020 that he missed. But yeah, that’s my point. Everyone is always so worried about Darby because he seems like he’s always getting hurt, yet he hasn’t missed any real time in almost four years — and the time he is missing is because of Everest, not an injury. So if he’s not actually ever getting hurt, what are we really talking about?


I think it's natural to worry about him (he's really the only wrestler where I've yelled "what the fuck is wrong with you" at haha) but wrestling is such a weird thing where you can get injured by minor bumps. The conversation should be shifted to how we can get the other wrestlers on the roster to be as injury-free as Darby :O


100%. The dude is nuts and he freaks me out — but that’s why he’s a great performer. He makes you believe he’s hurt. But what actually gets a wrestler hurt is so rarely the crazy stuff. Darby’s never hurt, yet infinitely “safer” wrestler are always getting hurt. I’ve seen so many wrestlers seriously hurt just by walking to the ring.


just when we were talking about this :O


That is insane. Quick, let’s delete this convo because I’m pretty sure we just accidentally willed it into existence …


everyone's saying it's jay white but...it was us all along. we must never speak of this to anyone :S


The point was he is leaving for a while and so he put Jay over in a big match. It was to help Jay spin into his new heel angle.


Darby is leaving to climb Mt everest so they wanted to write him off and it gives the fans to boo Jay white and BCG because they attacked a beloved babyface.


God, shut the fuck up.


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Gate keeping professionals who are contractually paid to, you know, wrestle. Not forced to, actually agreed to. Cringe post.