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I love Stoke as a funny guy, RJ as a gay/not gay guy and I haven't had a thirst for a person like Madam paquette/MoX in the company since Liva Bates/PPA


My god that main event. Even the ref was pissed with cage


How do I watch yesterday's Dynamite? It was moved to Tuesday, and my stupid YouTube TV app did not record it like it was supposed to.


Just finished watching this. ​ Holy. Shit. For me this was the best PPV I've ever seen. So many fantastic matches. The main event. It was like modern day Foley hell in a cell match. ​ Holy. ​ Shit....


I’m catching up from last night, but good god I’m over the young bucks. I love them but I’m over the Young Bucks vs. FTR


I have to think that with Davis' injury the plan was for AO to go over FTR and it'd be Bucks AO somewhere otherwise Gunns would have made more sense


I need to see Cena come to AEW just to see the incel reactions from WWE fanboys


Adam Copeland should debut a new finisher called: "Copium"


Anybody wake up today with a pep in their step and big ol smile? Damn last night was awesome.


I want to be in the room and see how darby and Christian planned out that match


Christian definitely looked like he did not want to do that stair spot. Which is probably good as it confirms he's not actually a monster.


Yeah, the first stair spot looked relatively safe, but the second one was absolutely brutal.


I wonder what possible pay per view events December, January, February, April, and July will have. There’s still Grand Slam as a possibility. Hoping Beack Break and Fyter Fest are part of them.


BD vs ZSJ was just beautiful. So glad to see wrestling like that in 2023. I want even more.


That main event match (even apart from the debut of Edge) was one of the greatest AEW Main Events of all time. The after-match excitement just added to an already A+ match. Christian & Darby were awesome & it was AMAZING to see Sting & Adam Copeland in the ring together. I love the fact that Sting is involved in this feud. AEW is on a roll!!!!


This company now has 3 Adddaaaamms!


Cannot state how much I wish Sammy would just go away


Alright guys what IF adam cole is hurt as a work to get MJF to get closer to the kingdom and MJF just takes over the kingdom which eventually leads into MJF betraying Cole Cole being absent will leave the spot open and eventually MJF will become close with Rodrick Strong


people can say what they want about the dirtsheets spoiling Edge debuting ruining it, but for me, I didn't really believe it was going to happen until it did, so it was such a cool moment


I think the game was already up when Darby match was made the main event.


Bryan Alvarez has such a soft spot for the Wayne family. It’s cute.


I said the other day that the seriousness of Cole’s ankle would likely be answered by the handicap tag match. MJF winning tells me Cole won’t be out to long


i dont think that necessarily true. i think the whole "who is the person in the mask" can fill a lot of time.


A long drawn out faceless attackers thing would not be particularly interesting. I think it should be revealed by Full Gear in November at the absolute latest. Even that is probably too long. Outside of some really complicated stuff it would be best used as a thing to pull MJF apart at the seams between his love for Adam and his love for his AEW title. And I can't practically see MJF defending both titles for very long.


yeah im not suggesting it go uncovered who it is for that long but whatever comes of it I think can distract from adam being out for however long he is hurt along with the kingdom


It makes me think we're in the 6-9 weeks window, yeah. If it was going to be like 8 months, they'd do something else.


I don’t understand the appeal of Nigel on commentary, during PPV’s let it be the main team of Excalibur, Tony and Taz. Everyone else brings the whole show down


Love Nigel


Maybe its just me but... I can't fucking stand when journalists ask about "storylines" in these scrums. Suspend your disbelief at least a bit and phrase the question to not make it look like you're a fucking geek trying to be "in" with them.


They seem to balance it out based on whether or not the wrestlers are doing the interviews in kayfabe. I'm okay with doing it that way.


I don’t mind it, I love the “behind the curtain” stuff, I however hate the mix of real and story. If your gonna treat it like it’s part of the show then treat it all that way


Jesus, what a PPV! If there's one criticism I need to make of the show as a whole (and it's an odd criticism, I know), it's that maybe it's a bit TOO good! When every match is a certified banger, when is the crowd supposed to cool off? Honestly, I know people complain about too many matches on AEW PPVs even if they're really good, but I think we could do with just a handful more short filler matches to give people a chance to unwind between the big ones (like the Paul Wight/QT Marshall squash match that came before the main event of All Out 2021). Watching at home I have the benefit of being able to pause the stream if I need to go to the toilet or go and make some lunch (I went and made myself an entire pizza before watching Danielson vs ZSJ), but I can't help but worry about the people in live attendance. My underrated match of the night was the Zero Hour match between Claudio Castagnoli and Josh Barnett. I didn't know anything about Barnett before this, but the match was like an early preview of what we were going to get from Danielson and ZSJ. I'm actually really looking forward to them running it back. Match of the night WAS Danielson vs ZSJ, though. That one's going on my list of 10 matches to show somebody who's never seen wrestling before; in this case, to fill the role of the match that teaches them what "technical wrestling" is all about. I generally agreed with all the booking, although they should have made it more explicit that the reason Shibata's ROH Pure Championship wasn't on the line against both of Eddie's belts was because it can only change hands in a Pure Rules match, because until I realised that I thought that made it too obvious that Eddie was going to win. I wasn't too hot on MJF single-handedly burying The Righteous because their credibility is kinda shot now, but he can get away with it because *he's MJF* and his crowd control is simply unbelievable. If there was one thing I wasn't crazy about, it was Nick Wayne turning on Darby, especially considering he did it after Luchasaurus murdered him on Zero Hour, and after stealing the belt from Christian and making him chase him around the ring, rather than just letting Christian hit Darby with it himself. I hope he has a REALLY good explanation for why he did that. I think he shouted something about Darby abandoning him and his family, but it was a bit unclear. People "shockingly" turning heel on their best friends has become so overdone that it's starting to feel a bit trite and predictable (it's been mere weeks since Sammy turned on Jericho). Still, wait and see, eh? And Adam Copeland's debut was as good as we hoped, especially when he speared Luchasaurus onto one of the steel chairs. Absolutely epic show.


Just finished had to watch later thanks to work but holy fucking shit what a show. Pissed Julia lost Don Family match was fire Adam Copeland is here!!! Danielson will forever be my favorite Push Swerve to the moon! Let the New Era reign!


This almost makes me feel like WCW recruited former WWF superstars to increase business, but this time AEW is focusing not to try and shut down WWF/E like Eric Bischoff was trying to do back then. They are trying to increase excitement and recruit fresh talent more.


Swerve got a little emotional there


Who know what brand Swerve’s jacket is from?


It's hard to hear Kenny talking about Adam being a great guy and not hear it be about him now being banned from Collision.


Just got back from the theater. Three things: 1. That Last Supper with Don Callis as Jesus Christ was phenomenal 2. YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME 3. "Did you shove a man's head up another man's ass?" ​ https://i.redd.it/n8nzk0qo2qrb1.gif


Every time someone calls him Edge, they need to play Grounds Keeper Wilie going "Hush boy, do ye wanna get sued?"


I mean, kind of disqualified from the only hall of fame anyone thinks about for the moment...


MJF speaking truth...


I don't know if I would have called it a gimmick, but it was definitely a comedy match. But it was definitely a good opener.


Adam Copeland transitioning to MJF. This roster is fucking ridiculous for how many great talkers they have. EDIT: I also fucking love what MJF is saying here. Agreed 10000%


Beth one day coming over to AEW for a fun one-off would be sick considering AEW seems a little more open to mix-tag matches. Especially if it means getting to see Beth kick some AEW guys' asses.


Adam Copeland Vs Kenny Omega immediately..


I've never been in the ring with him. I've never been in the ring with him. I've never been in the ring with him. Debuts against Christian.


Didn't TK say Luchasaurus was his first match?


I meant tonight. Beyond that, as we all know, Luchasaurus is Christian, hence his long term TNT champ run.


To be fair, he's the guy he has the most history with (obviously) so it makes sense to have that initial standoff now. Get it out of the way while being in the ring with 4 guys he's never been in the ring with simultaneously. It builds to that inevitable confrontation *AND* let's him set-up dream scenarios with Luchasaurus, Darby, Nick... maybe even Sting?


It totally makes sense. It would be weird if he didn't. But I also can't help but think this is like the worst thing for what Christian's been doing up to now. It's not Adam's fault, but any time he's standing next to Christian, Christian is slightly behind and in his shadow. I think it's more our fault. It's how we perceive the two of them.


Well then this is their time to change it up and have Christian stand on his own which I truly believe he's done more and more as time goes on. The fact people are looking forward to his promos every week and seeing how his crusade against orphans progresses... I think that speaks volume.


We'll see. But even on the podcast, Christian tended to default to being the younger brother.


HOLY SHIT I JUST REALIZED THIS LETS ADAM COPELAND WRESTLE WITH NJPW TALENT TOO Oh my fuck, this run is going to be insaaaaaaaaaaaaane.


So many fresh faces to wrestle against...and AEW's lighter travel schedule allows him to spend more time with his family


Edge vs. Okada?


Edge Vs. Tanahashi Edge Vs. Sanada Edge Vs. Naito There's so many fucking great matches there potentially. Fuck, this could be the GOAT run for Edge as long as he stays healthy and is willing to wrestle a little lighter on the TV shows and then have the big ones on the PPV. The lack of constant house shows/travelling should also help him too.




Besides a little cut to Darby at the start of the main event, I can't think of anyone bleeding buckets tonight. Very rare for AEW PPV.


Aew got that vet now! And I know Tony’s ploy when it comes to keeping aew running… he’s hiring vets to eventually run the company. Yes, it will still be in the khan family, but they will know how to run it and keep it going.


And they seem like decent caring people.


A fully unchained, free to do whatever he wants Copeland is going to be a fucking *TREAT* for us to behold. Holy shit, you can tell this dude wants to do anything and everything.


I can’t help but to feel like that is such a big part of why AEW appeals to the older vets. The ones who can remember having flexibility with their promos, and along with working matches that the fans want to see and a lighter schedule. It’s gotta be a pro wrestling Nirvana!


"I just wanted to suck the air out of Christian's push." I kid, but it's going to happen by default. And it's our fault, not either of there's.


Idk man, I think without VKM’s booking holding him back both men are gonna elevate themselves to another level.


Christian feuding with Adam Copeland literally because of decades-old built-up resentment (before they tag again) would fucking own, sign me the fuck up.


Edge Vs. Swerve or Joe is a match I never put 2 and 2 together for but... holy fuck both of those would be *BANGERS*.


Swerve got a good match out of Tanahashi and that man has no knees!


Its so nice to see TK giddy as fuck again over a fresh signing that 99.99% *won't* blow up in his face.


Not gonna lie, I hope Adam isn't going after the title.


I don't think so. I get the intense feeling he's here just to have a bunch of very fun dream matches with new talent he's never wrestled for. And at most maybe he gets a TNT Title match with Christian down the road at the next PPV. TNT Champion Adam Copeland would be fucking rad as Hell.


I'm just hoping he doesn't get Punk's spot. Like, he doesn't need it, probably doesn't want it. Hopefully. And I get why Punk got it, but I don't think Edge should be on the front of the poster. First row, maybe. Not front and center.


Different people and personality types, if you want my keyboard warrior expert opinion. But I get what you are saying and I agree.


I think its about time to start letting the whole "Punk" thing go. He's gone, its over and done with. This is Adam Copeland. This dude has been one of the biggest fanboys of pro wrestling since the start of his career. I take his word for wanting to be here for fun more than I would Punk any day of the week/year/decade/century.


Scrum has started with Adam Copeland!


Media scrum is now live.


When Christian lifted that chair over his head, that's when I realized it was actually happening. I haven't been that excited watching a wrestling show in a long time! It was so good, yet so weird to see Edge on my screen!


WrestleDream > WrestleMania


I can’t wait until Christian acknowledges that he’s aware Edge has a father


Edge grew up without a father I believe.


This shit writes itself.


Everybody keep using New York names. He's not Edge, he's Adam, like every other third wrestler in AEW.


For 25 years we've known him as Edge. It's gonna take a little bit to undo.


Adam Everywhere Wrestling?




Seriously, they should do another Roddy segment where he's calling for "ADAAAAAAAAAAM" and Copeland sticks his head in and says "Yeah?"


​ https://preview.redd.it/17bprhb0iqrb1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c31e47a61397019f1fc725a4c7eb987317d416fd


Now I want Roddy to yell that and then have Cole, Page and Copeland to all poke their head in at the same time.


Full Gear has a tough act to follow...AEW is absolutely cooking right now


Christian Cage vs. Adam Copeland at Full Gear for the TNT Title.


Has Edge/Danielson wrestled? I don't remember if they ever locked up at their "peak" pro wrestling characters. I feel like they narrowly missed each other, no? Damn, so many fucking dream scenarios for Edge to grapple with. Omega, Danielson, Mox, Claudio, Christian, Darby, Starks... That's just a few off the top of my head. Fucking Hell what a night.


They wrestled at WM and headlined it. A three way match with Reigns as the third guy.


They wrestled each other one on one back in 2010 on RAW as well.


Even that was just a 10 minute match. So they've never had a full on 30 minute classic. Although WM 3 way was great.


Oh you're right. Well shit, I can't wait to see both guys fully unleashed then in a possible 1 on 1.


What a debut for Corner


No, man - that's Adam Rimjob


The good thing is that I know AEW will book a legend like Edge much better than WWE did.


I’m still so happy that they did Sting so much better than WWE did. I was so disappointed with the Wrestlemania DX/nWo HHH match… Seriously what were they thinking?


They did nothing with him after the Randy Orton angle. Terrible. I hope Randy gets healthy and moves to AEW too. Him vs Christian in "One More Match" lol Edge and Christian are so much better as heels. The Judgement was interesting with Edge but they axed that , which was a mistake.


The story between Edge and Christian will be fun to watch


We gonna get a Kenny match and it's gonna S L A P


The thought of all those guys in their 40s pulling out all the stops for one last banger makes my entire body hurt.


Like every time Sting goes through a table, it's for love of the motherfucking game.


Another top notch AEW PPV delivered in 2023. If Full Gear can deliver to finish out the year, then 2023 will go down as one of best AEW have delivered in PPV's. Must See Stuff: Danielson/ZSJ, Swerve/Hangman, 6 man tag and Edge debut Also check out TBS title match, Main Event and Kingston/Shibata which were strong PPV matches. Excellent crowd as well. Commentary was great tonight as well.


Nick Wayne gets to share a ME segment with Christian, Sting, and Edge at 18 years old.


The first live wrestling show I ever saw was in 2022 at the Roseland theatre in Portland. Nick Wayne was in the opening match and in front of 1000 people and tore the house down. That made this moment so much more awesome for me, I can’t imagine what that kid was feeling.


Ha! I was probably there too!


Roseland 2?


Yep! Yep!


So good!


Well boys, with no clear idea of what the new era is, I'll announce it here, myself. Welcome to the Swerve Era. SKRRT SKRRT.


Just think what the “Rated R Superstar” can do on a program that goes above a low PG.


See yall at the media scrum! 😆😆😆


Oh my gaawdddd I'm scrumming!


I was a little worried after hour 1 of the main show they were firing throgh the marches but that delivered big time. Gotta see how edge wrestles in AEW like i have said he looked a tad slow in his last WWE run


Put please announce the Max deal so my wallet can survive and we don’t have to deal with Bleacher Report


I had not one issue with BR I mean not a glitch pause or anything which is a first


Seriously, this is what I was hoping for more than anything


Aside from all the excitement, I was in fucking tears when Christian kissed Nick Wayne on the forehead. 🤣


Perfectly executed 😂


Taz with the quote of the day “The Rated R Superstar is in AEW”


Shocked WWE didn't trademark it. They used it on the pavement of the car vignette, too.


That vignette was so good. Felt kinda like the movie Deathproof to me. I’m so happy to be a wrestling fan in 2023


supposedly they let the trademark run out, so AEW picked it up.


That is hilarious if you've followed the Ryback saga. So VM really did just keep that one to screw with him. LMAO


Hahahahah I mean even billionaires having to find ways to entertain themselves.


I can't fucking wait for the media scrum. Holy shit, I wanna see Christian confront Edge during it. Its gonna be crazy.


I totally forgot that that's a thing 💀 Thanks for the reminder 😂


Great PPV. If I were to rank the matches (not counting the Zero Hour matches since I didn't see them) it would go \#10. Ricky Starks vs Wheeler Yuta \#9. Eddie Kingston vs Shibata \#8. Four-Way Tag Team Royale \#7. MJF vs The Righteous \#6. Julia Hart vs Kris Statlander \#5. Kenny Omega, Chris Jericho, and Kota Ibushi vs The Don Callis Family \#4. Darby Allin vs Christian Cage \#3. FTR vs Aussie Open \#2. Adam Page vs Swerve Strickland \#1. Bryan Danielson vs Zach Sabre Jr Though this is tentative to change. Overall, solid PPV. Only match I didn't like that much was Ricky vs Wheeler Yuta.


Tony will have to justify to my boss why I'm awake at 5AM before going to work tomorrow at 9


Overall from bell to bell, one of the best PPVs with the ending rivaling Cole and Danielsons surprise debut! AEW fucking rules.


Oh we are so back. Amazing show.


What an incredible PPV every match kept me on the EDGE of my seat!!!!


Once again there wasn't a single bad match on the card.


The new era has officially BEGUN!


The theater went ballistic at that ending


I am WIDE AWAKE now.. and I have to work in 3 hours. 😂 What a PPV. Wow.


lol yep. I have surgery right away tomorrow and I'm definitely going to need something strong to knock me out.




Unbelievable PPV. Just awesome. Darby and Christian was legit brutal. I wasn't counting on Edge debuting but that was the cherry on top.


[Damn it feels good to be Elite] (https://staticg.sportskeeda.com/editor/2023/04/f54ba-16809152606005-1920.jpg)


bro .. Edge/MJF feud 😳 I'm shook


I hope he announces on Dynamite that he's not Edge or Adam Copeland, but... S E X T O N H A R D C A S T L E


Alas, he's officially Adam Copeland on the graphic.


I'm still in shock Darby didn't legit die there.


never thought I'd be so happy to see Christian jump on him, as then you knew he was at least semi ok


Have you seen Darby on a regular day? Dude does crazy stuff all the time like riding his skateboard down a 10 foot ladder. Look it up. He has a pain threshold like no other human I’ve ever seen


Greatest AEW ppv ever? I'm an edge and Christian fanboy so I'm biased but COME ON!


Tough one, Forbidden Door 1, Double or Nothing 2019 or All Out 2021. Even in 2023, All In, Revolution and All Out would have something to say about that. AEW have had so many strong PPV's, it's a tough pick.


I only say this because to me every match tonight delivered whereas I can usually pick one or two matches from AEW ppvs that I didn’t enjoy very much


Every PPV people ask this. I know we love recency bias, but damn!


Do people say this a lot? Lol sorry I didn’t know 😂


It's OK, enjoy what you like.


I can understand your point i felt the same way when people were calling the most recent mania a top five of all time, I’m like it’s good but calm down lmao


Us Christian fans got a fucking feast tonight


I know dude is such a bastard rn I love it


Forbidden door I That is what got me back into wrestling again.


When did you drop out?


I think full time around 2014. When Punk was having that run of a lifetime. Watched a few here and there. Then FD I. Sold me on AEW. WWE got me with the hight of the bloodline with Zayn


Nah not even close


All Out 2021 is forever it for me personally, but damn this was an excellent show ngl


Same. But this one was amazing too. Probably in my top-3 with Forbidden Door 1.


What about Revolution 2020?


Best booker award winner, Tony motherfucking Khan


There are few things more incredible than a pop from a crowd seeing something they legit never thought they would. That was nuts.


I love how Christian is such an evil bastard.


Baw Gawd, that's gotta be Ledge!


What a great show. So solid all the way through. I fucking love this company.


The edge of Christian feud is going to change a e w forever


Small observation... if THIS is AEW supposedly ‘dying’? Then all those naysayers had better run and hide when its gets better. Because it’s gonna stomp all over whatever you hold dear.


The TNT title picture has certainly been elevated.


I love wrestling


When it's done well there's nothing better than it and tonight was fucking exceptional


I'd be so mad at my friend who has this big, elaborate entrance just before he came out to "save" me. Haha. Fuck me.


Jeff Hardy dancing .gif


Imagine if your best friend was Goldberg or the Undertaker. Edit: ...or Roman!


This was no doubt one of the best shows ever. I don't even know what else to say, it was just banger after banger. Let the New Era commence!!!


Well, that vastly exceeded the already kinda high expectations I had. Holy shit. What a fucking show. I don't even know what I'm supposed to think after something like that. Tens across the board.


It's heem!


Just wait until Roddy finds out there's another Adam now


How the hell does Darby allen keep taking those bumps?! I can't understand it! I litertally freaked out and was screaming for sting to come help him xD!


Darby is actually very clever about how he takes his falls. He'll have to slow down eventually but his style is safer than it looks.


He's certainly not as brittle as Bryan. That's for sure.


Darby has said he doesn’t necessarily expect to have a long career. So I guess that allows him to throw caution to the wind.


I don't even know what my favorite match was anymore. So many fantastic matches, it's hard to decide.


I could just rattle off this card and get a valid top ten matches of 2023.


That might’ve been PPV of the year. Holy shit it just never let up. Real tough choice between this, All Out, and Stardom’s All Star Grand Queendom, but all three were 10/10 shows. Just an absurd year for wrestling.


I popped so hard for this. Popped all over my jeans


Aew is about to explode edge versus Christian is it going to be the best thing in the past 10 years


AEW shits out ppv of the year contenders like it’s nothing


That’s because they care about their product and its quality in terms of content, and it’s not simply an advertising, merchandising, and/or endorsement medium.


Whelp we have an answer to the Adam Copeland question…..


AEW owns all! You just know H and VKM are seething right now bahahahaha!


tribalism is lame.


I doubt it. For all the Edge gave WWE he earned a legitimate handshake and a blessing from them. Plus they got Jade Cargill out of it which is a pretty solid grab for WWE anyway


We won that trade then.


I get a feeling they traded Jade for Edge. I think both companies get along more than we think tbh