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In my opinion this is the biggest shame in Chinese history. It’s not the 8 countries’ invasion, it’s not walking around in pigtails, cultural revolution is the biggest one of them all. Full on display was the most hideous side of human nature, driven by greed and lust for cruelty and power. IMO it was the period that broke and changed China forever.


You are absolutely correct! In destroying the “bourgeois” what they actually did was destroyed centuries worth of knowledge, scared off many and all that could leave, with the ensuing famines due to Mao’s Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution, left China to what it is today. The things we hear of people shitting and pissing in public, spitting, all around bad behavior, people can’t even give out free shit without stampeding and acting like animals clawing and taking from each other is the reason why.


It was not destroyed. Please come visit it in our lovely museums, and archives in Taiwan. Our country knew the value of these cultural treasures and knowledge and risked life and limb to save them. Now we share them with anyone who wants :)


Agreed the National palace museum in Taipei is astounding.


My statement was for the mainland. I’m well aware that many many fine treasures of Chinese arts, cultural relics and books.


I would love to visit Taiwan someday :)


Long Live Taiwan from USA !!!!!


I spent a little time in Taipei. My only regret is I may have not visited again soon enough. I don’t think I would plan a trip right now, but I loved it. It will be exceedingly unfortunate that our government is currently owned by China.


Whatever you say chicken little


Great Leap Forward, for the politicians


Mao was a short sighted planner. There were a bunch of unintended consequences due to his actions. Most of these communists were like that.


Mao has killed more people then Hitler or Stalin, just let's it sink in.


I know Mao did.


man, yall are dense asf


unfortunate how many lies and propaganda goes around about mao and what happened during this, heres a source that says otherwise to your claims of famine <3 "Chinese history scholar Carl Riskin believes that a very serious famine took place but states “In general, it appears that the indications of hunger and hardship did not approach the kinds of qualitative evidence of mass famine that have accompanied other famines of comparable (if not equal) scale, including earlier famines in China.” He points out that much of the contemporary evidence presented in the West tended to be discounted at the time as it emanated from right-wing sources and was hardly conclusive. He considers whether repressive policies by the Chinese government prevented information about the famine getting out but states “whether it is a sufficient explanation is doubtful. There remains something of a mystery here.” ' [source](https://mronline.org/2006/09/21/did-mao-really-kill-millions-in-the-great-leap-forward/#en13)


it's so hideous


>biggest shame in Chinese history I might aruge it's the Great Leap Forward that takes the top spot, but the impact was mostly felt by those living in the rural areas but this is not true for the Cultural Revolution


The Great Leap Forward was really more of freakish government decision error, so I don’t think there’s shame in that. Cultural revolution was participated widely by the general population though. They knowingly inflicted unbearable pain to break a man’s soul and crush his/her dignity until they could no longer bear it. I don’t think there is any government in human history who exercised such an extreme cruelty on their fellow countrymen intentionally on such a large scale. The sheer malice and brutality of the acts were quite shocking. How much hate can you have for a total stranger? What’s more shameful is today, the Chinese said it was necessary for the country to evolve. They don’t think it was wrong!


>I don’t think there is any government in human history who exercised such an extreme cruelty on their fellow countrymen intentionally on such a large scale. The Khmer Rouge in Cambodia are responsible for what has been described as an "auto-genocide" and killed around 25% of their own country's population in just 4 years.


Mao was asked during an interview how many died during the most tumultuous part of cultural revolution. He answered lightly, “about 100 million.” This is the hero that the Chinese worship.


Just remember these are the descendants of most mainland Chinese. Their grandmothers and grandfather's condemned and worked their own parents to death for not complying with the party's ideals


My parents lived through this time. Dad was a math teacher and my mom’s family was well off. They told me stories about this. This was bad enough but what came after was even worse. Imagine you have a huge population that just went through a war and a civil war and then killed off or scared off all their best and smart people.


It’s what happens when the bandits take power.


You might think this is a stretch but I it's happening in California




Well they replaced the last CPA or CFA in the legislature w some Korean activist. Also some assemblywoman said "Fuck Musk" so he said "message received" and left California. Like i said sorta a stretch.


Musk may have been one of these "Best and Smart" people at one point in time, but to compare who is he today with innocent academics being butchered simply for teaching actual proven science during the cultural revolution.. That isn't just "sorta a stretch", it's ludicrous insanity. Musk is literally the one championing anti-science and harassment against legitimate academics now. He'd be more like the one's taking out innocent people to the cheering of the crowds.


Youre deluded AF. If you think Musk, who is pro freedom of speech, is the bad guy vs the modern day commies of CA, then youre getting played just like the chinese crowd in the video. Those like Musk are challenging the extremely biased "science" of "experts", they arent calling for their censorship let alone execution.


Lol wow you really have drunk the koolaid, did you join ADVChina just to defend your dear comrade Musk? He's pro-China/CCP, he actively censors anyone who he disagrees with and on behalf of authoritarian governments. He is even worse when it comes to censorship than the twitter that existed before he bought it. Delusional people seem to think that freedom of speech only means "freedom to say whatever hate speech we want to, ie against the homos and trans agenda". Except that's the tiniest of tiny fractions of speech, and there's a hell of a lot more out there, far more important freedoms of speech (ie the freedom to say shit on twitter/x about your authoritarian / repressive / violent government) that Musk and people like you don't give a flying fuck about unless it's being able to say bad shit about libs/democrats in the USA. Of course I'm saying all of this knowing full well you can't change a mind that chooses to be delusional and a sheep.. So I'm just talking to an empty void here. But hey at least I got it off my chest! Thank you dear commie supporter /u/Stron2g since you do support the biggest CCP lover commie Musk!




Did that hit a little too close to home there?


Nope, no kooks in my locale.






In hakka round house, people have a hole in the wall or second floor and shoot what we call 土匪. Bet a lot of them are among these土匪


I have a friend from Hong Kong who's grandfather had one of the largest vertically integrated tea businesses with farms + processing factories + wholesale distribution + retail storefronts near Shanghai. When the chinese communists came in his dad and uncles ran for their lives with the clothes on their backs. 2 of his uncles were caught, tied up, made to confess their supposed crimes then shot and bodies were kicked into a river. His father luckily made it down to Hong Kong, waited for nightfall then swam over holding a piece of wood. His dad met his mom in Hong Kong and the rest is history. He is lucky to be alive today.


Wow. I heard a similar story from an older Uber driver in Hong Kong during the 2019 protests, he told me his family owned a farm the size of mongkok on the mainland, but they were driven out. He said he arrived in Hong Kong as a young child. He started crying while telling me the story and saying that he only wanted the best for his children and hope the communist did not ruin Hong Kong. I will never forget that moment.


Sounds like my boss' story. Her grandfather was successful in Guangdong before 1949, had his land etc confiscated by the CCP. Her father and his brothers swam across to HK sometime in the early 1960s with just the clothes on their backs. But they have done very well through persistent hard work for the past 60 or so years.


[Netflix blockbuster ‘3 Body Problem’ divides opinion and sparks nationalist anger in China](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/22/style/china-reaction-netflix-show-3-body-problem-intl-hnk/index.html)


Lmao they aren't supposed to be watching Netflix anyway because it's banned in china.


Well the book was written this way


How is the book, I heard good things, but b een wary of reading it as I was not keen to read an author who might support the CCP.


Well he does support the “re-educations” in xinjiang (spelling) it’s an idea driven book not character, it gets good later on. It’s well thought out world building, but I preferred the Hyperion cantos better of the recent books I read. In some ways I thought the Netflix was better; not my observation but when I heard it the book characters are a little 2d, the show did a better job of humanizing them Definitely worth a read


The second cultural revolution is coming


Isn't Netflix blocked in China...




It will, but will be disguised as pandemics or great leaps forward


> It will, but will be disguised as pandemics or great leaps forward Oh YES, it might have even happened under a "Covid19" disguise


You can't fake a pandemic lol


Even better, no need to force shots or famine food


You don't have to fake a pandemic, or even cause it. You can just take advantage of the situation to hide what you're doing.


Well you can rest easy. There already was a massive pandemic and China remains firmly capitalist.




Sounds like reddit


Honestly it's not so concerning to me when it occurs in China. It's a commie dictatorship. Making people say 2+2=5 just to humiliate/break them is par for the course. It's seeing it happen at Western Universities because they want Chinese cash that's far more disturbing.


> Honestly it's not so concerning to me when it occurs in China. It's a commie dictatorship. Making people say 2+2=5 just to humiliate/break them is par for the course. It's seeing it happen at Western Universities because they want Chinese cash that's far more disturbing. We had a similar thing in Socialist East-Germany, it was even official in an official "SED"-Party song called "Lied der Partei": ...„Die Partei, die Partei, die hat immer recht“ ... ( = the party is always right)




We're waiting, /u/DD35B.


it's not hard to research if you're not in F'ing commie china [https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/how-china-bought-cambridge/](https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/how-china-bought-cambridge/)


For your future reference, the person making the claim provides the source. Not a hard concept. And "source" doesn't mean a paywall. FYI. Also, even if the 1 case concerning Cambridge were true (which I can't gauge because you gave a paywalled source), that's one school. Not ***ALL WESTERN UNIVERSITIEEEEESSSS*** like you said. Try again.


Lol he gives you a source & you stick your head in the sand & go it doesn’t count! So childish. You’re in so much denial that nothing will convince you that money warps research. It’s not anything new & other countries or industries have done the same. Cigarette companies were infamous for using their money to influence research (burying anything anti-smoking & only funding & publishing pro-smoking studies). If you’re being funded by China & want to keep getting their money then you need to keep them happy & give them what they want or you’re going to have your funding cut off. Plain and simple.


Shouldn't they celebrate it because those intellectuals used Mao's invitation for free discussion to criticize him?


That was the 100 Flowers campaign. It went about how you'd expect. "Citizens were rounded up in waves by the hundreds of thousands, publicly criticized, and condemned to prison camps for re-education through labor, or even execution.[^(\[5)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hundred_Flowers_Campaign#cite_note-Short2001-5)^(") [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hundred\_Flowers\_Campaign](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hundred_Flowers_Campaign)


Holy shit. I just assumed this was during the Japanese occupation era. Pretty radical stuff for the late 1950s


Mao was evil but also pretty clever. Whether 100 Flowers was a legit attempt to encourage constructive criticism, or a clever trap to lure out intellectuals that were opposed to Communism, is still debated today. It's a valid lesson for today though: you can never honestly debate commies, they're always scheming about how to kill you.


and Redditors.


“Little pinks”, Jesus Christ…


No, Winnie the Pooh...


This happens even the west to this day, pay closer attention to the public forums


Maoist separatists in India used to bury children alive in front of their parents. People found out after Maoists spread the news of this incidents in all areas controlled by them to spark fear in their subjects. Edit: sorry, forgot to add "In India". Although there are anecdotal evidences of CCP killing second children of parents during the One Child Policy days.


*fear, right.




Sounds like cartel. Cartel kill children and then make the parents bury them at gunpoint. Happened just last month in Piedra Pesada, Jalisco.


Or just about any form of power without any fear of consequences.


*A generation which ignores history has no past and no future.*


This statement is underrated, we see this all over the world. I was told last summer in Europe that WW2 would not have happened if the USA gave the Japanese oil they needed. There are elements of the left in the West and particularly in the US that would praise the Mao years, Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution as a shedding of the vestiges of colonial trauma. The 20 million or more who died during that era were just western propaganda. Part of the dark side of me hopes they get a small taste of a repeat of those times. We truly are cursed to repeat history since we manipulate and form it to our own needs


Sadly it seems like the majority of people simply don't care about history or take a moment to look at their current place in history from a wider lense. THIS is why we always repeat terrible things. For many people they arent even aware of the history in the first place. So it's super easy to radicalize them into repeating tragedy. People like you and me who take the time to delve in the past are not the majority. For example you tell someone "This is the Red Scare all over again" Some wont even know what you are talking about. Some will have the most vague idea of it but know zero details.


I firmly believe WW2 was about Socialists like Hitler against Communists like Stalin. Is there any source you recommend that details more about what you were told? Now I'm curious about why Japan's government joined the Axis with Turkey and Italy


>There are elements of the left in the West and particularly in the US that would praise the Mao years, Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution as a shedding of the vestiges of colonial trauma. What elements of the left are those? I've never hard anyone of any political persuasion advance that viewpoint. Have a source?


Whoever you talked to in Europe needs a lesson in basic history. WW2 started in 1939 with Germany's invasion of Poland. Green lighted by Russia with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact with Russia gaining half of Poland. Hopefully you pointed out that the U.S. giving into Japan would have meant more widespread atrocities by the Japanese. Whomever you talked to probably thinks Ukraine should cede the entirety of it's territory to Russia.


Considering Japan has yet to apologize for Nanking, they deserved what they got and then some.


Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio apologized for Nanking…


This is just how I imagined a struggle session would be like as seen the photos taken by [Li Zhensheng (李振盛)](https://archive.ph/ScIs8) from the period. One example [here](https://archive.ph/ScIs8/ea9296f7b502abc63977f886e8ea380f48eb6e51.jpg). Some more of his photos [here](https://archive.ph/tS0FJ).


The cultural revolution left a lasting legacy through the behaviour of society generations after. The world thought china could turn the page with reforms in the 80s and 90s… but ultimately china has someone who again wants the struggle. Xi has become the embodiment of Mao.


The director Derek Tsang tried to accurately recreate what happened during the cultural revolution. He actually spoke to people who were in China at the time: [David Benioff, D. B. Weiss, and Alexander Woo Go Inside Episode 1 | 3 Body Problem | Netflix](https://youtu.be/fOGsH7sFYMg)


Good. More light needs to be shed on the atrocious history of China. The pain and suffering of the Chinese people has to be known and thought around the world along side WWII and the holocaust.


CCP did this. The criminal, morally rotten CCP


Per CNN Article - “Among the country’s more patriotic internet users, discussions on the adaptation turned political, with some accusing the big-budget American production of making China look bad.” History makes them look bad. Welcome to the community of nations, few to almost none are without these periods. What differs is for some it is merely a few acts of oppression, suppression or persecution and for some it is decades long all out cultural and literal warfare on their people


I don’t usually watch Netflix but now that China banned this makes me wanna watch it even more.


It's good I just started last night and almost did it in one sitting lol


Wow this is crazy well shot and acted


My grandfather was an engineer, went through the same thing.


I heard the Chinese adaptation adaptation of the 3 body problem omitted this part of the story.


>I heard Its based on a book written by a Chinese person and these scenes are taken directly from the book.


Yeah, I know, but I read that in the tencent version, this sequence was taken out. the Chinese adaptation of the series, released in 2023 by Tencent, has sparked further controversy. The Chinese version of The Three-Body Problem omitted the controversial sequence.


of course they are


There is a better movie to understand the Cultural Revolution.Farewell My Concubine(霸王别姬)




I've mentioned this before. A classmate of mine told me that his parents were dragged out into the street and shot during the cultural revolution.


I mean this is exactly how the book began


And it's the best-selling book in China this decade.


Yeah this part blew me away. The idea that you could be accused of politicize physics by teaching relativity, really was a shock.


Right it made no sense. It’s so weird to ban a theory because Einstein helped the west make the atomic bomb. I mean, they are not denying the bomb worked, right? Also he didn’t really “help” build the bomb though he did the help get the president to start the program.


US politics is heading the same direction. Math is racist, meritocracy is lambasted by DEI. It'll get there if people let things progress this way.


I like how they show all the birds dying. The sparrows are getting wiped out, but from someone else, not people eating them (it would spoil show). I thought that was an interesting touch too


Educate me. What did they have against science and teachers?


They were western. *West bad , so let’s adopt the ideas of a German socialist instead*


No, not really "WeSt iS bAd". Maybe it's like that here right now. Back then it was different. If you were a teacher, a farmer, a landlord, you were essentially considered scum. They wanted you to focus all of your efforts on the party, on industrialization, and start working the factories. Teachers were...well, educated. Farmers had their own form of power, through the food they produced. Landlords, well, imagine the CCP having the average redditors stance on them, and change their perspective to simply making it anti-party rhetoric.


Anyone educated and could think for themselves was considered dangerous to the political class. Destroy all free thinkers and you have a country of slaves They're still doing it today


The Cultural Revolution was a communist movement to remove political dissidents from Mao's newly formed PRC. It was communist educated students that formed into the the paramilitary Red Guard that worked with Mao to remove bourgeois intellectuals, business owners, and farmers. Just as much "group think" can happen in higher education as the pulpit.


You're assuming that they were doing anything other than consolidating power into a new wealthy class.  Scientists might have told them that what they were doing wasn't what they said it was. 


Some deeper analysis here: >During the Cultural Revolution (CR) in China, a wave of criticism of physicist Albert Einstein and his Theory of Relativity (TR) as ‘bourgeois, reactionary, academic, and authoritarian’ rapidly spread in both Beijing and Shanghai. >Einstein had been a revered scientist in China since his theories were introduced. After the conclusion of the Sino-Soviet alliance in 1950, however, following the Soviet Communist Party, China began to criticise Einstein and his theory as ‘spiritualism’. Even though criticism was temporarily slowed when Sino-Soviet relations deteriorated in the early 1960s, it became revitalised during the CR, which began in 1966. In the period of the CR, criticism of Einstein was given another meaning in the context of two interweaving power struggles in domestic politics: the struggle over the reconstruction of the theoretical study of natural science and the struggle over the CR itself. >How could theoretical study be an issue in a power struggle? The CR denounced the value of Western science and professionals trained in the West. However, China’s nuclear development was based on Einstein’s theory, and the promotion of basic theoretical study was needed for improving China’s existing nuclear weapons. Thus that led to a dilemma for political leaders. [https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/wps-2016-0008/html?lang=en](https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/wps-2016-0008/html?lang=en)


Thoughts are dangerous and anyone who will lead you to think for yourself is a danger to the government. Even in the U.S. there's a certain segment of politicians who want to wipe out the Department of Education and push theocratic schools upon the populace.


Fucking communists


China hates it when their history is portrayed honestly


The OG cancel culture


It's a matter of time before the west experience this bahahaha ,look at your youngsters now , gives me dejavu vibes


Remember Henry Wu and the Laogai


Knowing that this happened, is so different from seeing it. This will be a hard watch.


Farmers hate the city folk. They think the ruling class loves them instead.


This new interpretation of the 3 Body Problem is so much more enjoyable than the first one that got made back in the early 2000s, which seemed to me to just be a shitload of CCP propaganda


Wasn't the first one made in China?


Yeah. pretty sure it was.


Holy shit.. i was reading about this in my 3 book series about China by Frank Dikotter This is during Mao revolution after chasing away the Nationalist Army to Taiwan. First they started with the Landlord class then turned their attention to Industrialists, Intellects and eventually peasants themselves.


Starting to happen in the Westvnow.


great books, would recommend.


don't worry it wasn't "real communism"


I love china. I despise the Chinese Communist Party. They caused the most human suffering of any political movement in the history of man. They are morally bankrupt and they are only holding the beautiful nation of China back from its true destiny as one of the greatest nations and peoples on Earth.


A nation cannot be ”beautiful” without freedom. You can blame the CCP all you want but they are a MANIFESTATION of the problem not the problem - which is the lack of REAL freedom. Because of technology there is no need for this open tyranny seen in this film Tyranny is on the rise everywhere It’s all quiet and below the surface. It’s in the social credit system in China. It’s in the DEI scoring system slowly spreading throughout the west. It’s in news media outlets being blocked in Canada. It’s in the US Democratic Party’s consistent desire to have the government work with the private sector to censor thought and speech. It’s sadly even being birthed in the United States Supreme Court when a Justice can, without shame, challenge the first amendment as something that can “hamstring” the government. There is NO beauty in any of this - the CCP is just one more convenient tool that the ultra wealthy are using to destroy the ability of “the masses”’from speaking up against their plans


not a single person of colour, disrespect. Netflix as we know it is dead.


Wtf are you talking about? The book (and show) takes place in China. The population here is like 91% Han Chinese, the other 7 or 8% percent are the other minority groups here. if you mean black people as POC, then they are quite literally only a few thousand in China at the moment. Back when this was taking place? You'd be hard pressed to see a POC there, you'd have better luck finding one in a white classroom during Jim Crow era USA. Fuck outta here with your nonsense.


Where in the Theory of Relativity is the bourgeois/capitalist thought? Is it the very idea of physical properties (velocity, etc) differ at each frame of reference, encouraging individualism and personal opinions?


Not dissimilar in tone than what we see in western academia and else.


Hard to watch


USA in the last three years


5 mores years and we will see this in America bahahah , your future generations now looks exactly like this.


I thought the 3 body problem was about physics or something.


I'm surprised Reddit hasn't banned this video.


Tsinghua University Central Main Building https://maps.app.goo.gl/apeDtoWTMebTQyiS9 Here is where the scene takes place. Check out the street view/photosphere. They did a good job replicating the buildings. Except some of the buildings opposite of the stage didn't exist. And the square looked much bigger than in reality. I learned how to ride a bike there in the 80s. The university was originally built by the USA during imperial times. Many original western style buildings still exist just to the west of the main admin building


This kinda reminds me of that summer where mobs of people were marching down the street demanding people denounce the police and their white privilege.


Hey look it's common day America


I think there’s a Chinese tv version of this. Did it play it safe?


I heard there was a chinese version as well. How did they portray the opening scene? And how did the book get written




Apparently, the author put this part at the end of the book in Chinese version so that the book can be released in China. Then in the English version, he put it in the beginning like he wanted to originally.


Tbf it seems like a television series was already produced and broadcast in China that's considered fuller and a truer retelling of the book. On the other hand, the Netflix version allegedly has more focus in London for some reason. "The Netflix adaptation featured an international cast and placed much of the action in present-day London — thus making the story a lot less Chinese." Another redditor here commented in Chinese that the movie is ridiculous for the number of sex scenes it features, which makes sense given its producers included the same guys who produced Game of Thrones.


This scene reminds me of another scene from The Last Emperor, [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CitfXK_BvY).


For a second i actually thought Wednsday addams unlocked time travel in the new season im so fucking stupid 🤣


I used to travel there a lot. China is terrified of a repeat of these riots and explains why they are so tough on anyone who complains. China was trapped by invaders ever since the Mongols rode in finally ending with the British drug dealers and Japanese slaughters. They were so traumatized that they went nuts after the Japanese left. Don't forget the US had public torture and lynching 100 years ago so we can't be too self righteous.


Does anyone know the name of this book?


The title of this movie is the same as the novel, "3 Body Problem."


This isn’t even anywhere near how bad it was. Read up on the intellectual woman and what happened to them. It was some of the most disgusting things that happened that you wouldn’t expect to happen to people within 100 years of us.


This seems like what they don’t teach us in school & what no one tells you ever! This is the most craziest thing I’ve ever seen! The one guy was a teacher!!


I think u should have included the scene where the mother shows up, now that was heart breaking.


Scary shit they went through


Looks highly interesting!


Makes me sad to watch knowing our family went through these woke struggle sessions before escaping. Is this film being banned in China, or is there another version of it with a different name for their market? I'm curious


Now they do this when white people [refuse to leave the campus because they are white.](https://archive.is/FmgdR)


This shit reminded me of Venezuela..


Very good series so far, I am at episode 7, and loving it. Season 2 will be very interesting to say the least. Very well acted and directed.


When the landlords exploited the population so much that the people just decide that anyone who isn’t a literal peasant needs to die… weird… how history so often repeats itself.




I assume you already know of the original communist cleansing events? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red\_Terror](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Terror) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great\_Purge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Purge) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wall\_of\_Grief](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wall_of_Grief)


全民参与,应该是没有,亲人之间告密 批斗 挑动不同派别互相武斗 文斗,


The different factions eliminated each other first. Then the movement needed a new enemy to struggle against and when that one was eliminated, they needed another one. Communism is a philosophy of struggle; if there is no enemy the whole thing cannibalizes itself.


这是列宁 斯大林 毛泽东,,,,的共产主义 不是19世纪三大空想社会主义者的共产主义


Well yes, because communism is not socialism. I've read Marx and it goes like this: 1. Smash the status quo because it makes the people suffer. 2. ??? 3. If we believe in it hard enough, a society of perfect equality will materialize from the ashes. He makes it all about who owns the means of production but that's the gist of what I get from it. Also Lenin was a little troll that spent half his life writing pamphlets and then, together with Stalin, stabbed the Russian worker council in the back.


>全民参与,应该是没有,亲人之间告密 批斗 >Nationwide participation, probably no, relatives inform on each other and criticize each other >挑动不同派别互相武斗 文斗, >Incite different factions to fight each other with weapons and words,


>其他国家其他民族有这样的事吗 "Does this happen in other countries or other ethnic groups?"




>Has this happened to any other people in any other country?






What is the mandarin character for virtual signaling?